Stop slumming, Allanaki Templars and Nobility

Started by mansa, September 27, 2006, 10:06:27 PM

The Bard's Barrel is for elves and tuluki people, and lower than junior nobles.

I mean, stand up for yourself!  You're nobility!  You can afford to wear clothes that aren't ragged!  Nobody else in the city can.  So show it off!

I seriously consider it out-of-context for an allanaki noble to be slumming it.  Wouldn't your house smack you upside the head for making the house look bad?

That's my two cents!~
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
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Quote from: "mansa"The Bard's Barrel is for elves and tuluki people, and lower than junior nobles.

I mean, stand up for yourself!  You're nobility!  You can afford to wear clothes that aren't ragged!  Nobody else in the city can.  So show it off!

I seriously consider it out-of-context for an allanaki noble to be slumming it.  Wouldn't your house smack you upside the head for making the house look bad?

Another good IC reason for me to run in and stab them in the face or torment them with steal attempts.  Thanks Mansa!

seriously, the bard's barrel is shit. Just read the description. Elves, peeling paint. right in the middle of the commoner's area. Might as well expect to see a Tor in the Gaj.

What really needs to happen is that the merchants and noble house aides need to start hanging out in Trader's more.  Then the nobles won't be so lonely that their players feel they need to go to the Barrel.

Heh, if you don't like Templars in a certain part of the city... tell them so.

Likely, they'll show you out... of the gates.

There could very well be a reason for your local templar or noble to be invading your little hole in the common quarter. Sorry, mansa.  :twisted:
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Quote from: "corona"There could very well be a reason for your local templar or noble to be invading your little hole in the common quarter. Sorry, mansa.  :twisted:

While I can think of a good ic reason, it does happen a lot and mansa brings up a good point. That said, I say hang out if you want... but make the Barrel owner's see they have higher class people in there and drastically raise the prices. Then people will start hanging out in the Gaj... until the nobles hang out there also  :twisted:
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

I can understand the nobility, but a templar shouldn't ever be
looked down on for being there.  Being there to "hang out", yes, but
not being there.

Keep in mind that it has been stormy lately, so a templar who finds
his ass in the Barrel once it becomes night may stay there for that

- Ktavialt

Quote from: "Agent_137"Mansa didn't say anything about templars, Eternal was the first one to say it.

Right, there's nothing to see here; please move along.

- Ktavialt

Quote from: "Agent_137"Mansa didn't say anything about templars, Eternal was the first one to say it.

I think it was all in the title of the post.  :twisted:
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Quote from: "Agent_137"nobody reads titles of posts.

Plus Templars are nobility so,
Quote from: "mansinater"I mean, stand up for yourself! You're nobility!
sort of addresses them.
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

Quote from: "corona"
Quote from: "Agent_137"Mansa didn't say anything about templars, Eternal was the first one to say it.

I think it was all in the title of the post.  :twisted:

Oh yeah, I knew that.  See, I was right.

- Ktavialt

Well, one of the reasons why I think this might be happening is for the sake of some intereaction with the other players. There is what, 3 or 4 taverns in Nak? There is just as many in Tuluk, but you NEVER, ever see hardly anyone else in the others ones except for the Sanctuary, it just so happens that the Sanctuary is an up-scale tavern. Should we now start saying that everyone not templars are nobles stop living it up and hang out somewhere else? Its all about interaction.
staff member sends:
     "No problem. We'll just eat your brainz later

Can't agree with mansa more. Not all the nobility are guilty of this, though.

I've always felt that if your character wears silks on a regular basis, they're too good to be hanging out in the Barrel. It would be REALLY nice if low-class bars would actually stain your clothing from hanging out in them... maybe then the characters with fancy clothes would hang out elsewhere.

Quote from: "Mudder"Well, one of the reasons why I think this might be happening is for the sake of some intereaction with the other players. There is what, 3 or 4 taverns in Nak? There is just as many in Tuluk, but you NEVER, ever see hardly anyone else in the others ones except for the Sanctuary, it just so happens that the Sanctuary is an up-scale tavern. Should we now start saying that everyone not templars are nobles stop living it up and hang out somewhere else? Its all about interaction.

You can often find a decent amount of people at the Tembo's Tooth in Tuluk, actually. I think Tuluk is getting better about eliminating the "Cheers" environment with everyone at the Sanctuary these days.

Nobles and templars should have the resources to bring people they want to see to them, instead of having to go somewhere just because people are there.
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Quote from: "Red Sunrise"Can't agree with mansa more. Not all the nobility are guilty of this, though.

I've always felt that if your character wears silks on a regular basis, they're too good to be hanging out in the Barrel. It would be REALLY nice if low-class bars would actually stain your clothing from hanging out in them... maybe then the characters with fancy clothes would hang out elsewhere.

Heh, sweet idea.  Miss noble prissy-pants probably shouldn't be able to clean a chair well enough to sit down and not get a big-ole greasy stain on her arse... or rest an elbow on the bar without ale or old food soiling her laced sleeve and cockroaches crawling up into her ample bustier.

Especially during busy times of the day/evening... fights should be breaking out and stuff being tossed around so that nobody comes out clean. ;)

I say you should give these people the benefit of the doubt and assume they have some IC reason to be there you don't know/understand.  Whatever reason they are there, it's an IC reason, and noble/templar players should be good enough to deal with the IC consequences of their actions.

I really hope none of them change what their PC is doing in-character because of this purely OOC request for them to stop.
"Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow."

-Aaron Burr

QuoteThe Bard?s Barrel, though it does feature entertainment and gambling, is owned by foreigners with northern accents, and frequented by elves, criminals and all sorts of other undesirable patrons. While nobles do sometimes attend the Bard?s Barrel, it is usually done as a daring lark, and most are careful to guard themselves and expect congress with the least appetizing of characters. The Barrel stinks, the seats are uncomfortable, and it is filled with commoners - this is not a place a noble of any rank would go to regularly unless they seek to 'slum.' Bear in mind, nobles that frequent the Barrel will likely be mocked by their peers.

That's from the docs, and I think it's worth quoting.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I also think it's strange and uncomfortable to see nobles and templars slumming it on a regular basis. I think it should be a rare thing, something people would comment on after they've left. On the Tuluk side you have just the opposite. You have desert elves and wandering nomads hanging out in the "high class" bar. The same bar is across the street from the wagonyard and the stables, so this "high class" bar probably reeks of animal shit. It's also the only bar anywhere near the main gate to the city. So it is very inconvenient for a lot of people to go somewhere else.

It's also really far from the noble and templar quarter, and there's even a bar that's closer but that one isn't high class (though it's bigger and has more interesting NPCs and things to buy). The most interesting bar people could hang out in, IMO, isn't anywhere near anything, except for the nobles and templars quarters, and that's only compared to the other bars in the city.

I can count on one finger how many times I've seen PCs (besides myself) hanging out in the tribal bar in my many visits there. I have -never- seen anyone hang out at the poet's circle hang-out, though I admit I haven't gone there often. And it is so far removed from the rest of the city, that it makes sense that no one would hang out there much. I don't mean for events..I mean just hanging out, relaxing.

So, the high class establishment is where all the low-lifes hang out in Tuluk, and one of the two low-class establishments is where all the high-borns hang out in Allanak. It seems more of a geographical layout issue than anything else. If you put the Barrel next to the stables, you'd see fewer visits from nobles and templars, but still have plenty of low-lifes hanging out there. Put Trader's where the Barrel is now, and the high-borns would find a good central location within the commoner's quarters when they're out on their weekly stroll, that would still attract the odd commoner to interact with. Put the Gaj or something similar closer to the Byn headquarters and you'll get more of the slummier types hanging out, along with merchant house hunters who may or may not be even slummier than slummy Nakki commoners :)

In Tuluk, move the Sanctuary closer to the gate, scuzz it up a bit. Move the Tooth closer to one gate or another, and add a hunter's stables to attract non-Kuraci riders. Set the Firestorm on fire <g>, make the tribal bar the newbie spawn place for the city, and add a high-class place near the museum so nobles and templars don't have to get cramps in their dainty feet in order to see and be seen by the public.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: "Mudder"Well, one of the reasons why I think this might be happening is for the sake of some intereaction with the other players. There is what, 3 or 4 taverns in Nak? There is just as many in Tuluk, but you NEVER, ever see hardly anyone else in the others ones except for the Sanctuary, it just so happens that the Sanctuary is an up-scale tavern. Should we now start saying that everyone not templars are nobles stop living it up and hang out somewhere else? Its all about interaction.

The class divide between nobles and commoners takes a very different appearance in Tuluk. It's not a fair comparison.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

I just want to reiterate what I said: don't blame the noble players so much.

Blame is too strong a word, so I'll say that the people who have the power and the responsibility to change this trend are the AIDES AND MERCHANTS.  Also Atrium students.  They're really too high-class for the Barrel as well.  

And don't give me any excuses about drinks being too expensive in Traders.  You don't buy then in the Barrel either. (though some cheaper drinks in Traders to accomodate the aides might be nice)

Once when I was in such a position I tried to get the house aide and merchant playerbase to shift over to Traders by having my character hang out there himself, even if alone for a while.  Gradually some other people caught on and the Inn seemed to be on the verge of having a regular common patronage (and then he died there).  It is possible, you just need to suck it up and solo-RP a little while until people realize that there are commoners there.  Drag your aide friends there too if you can.  Resist the urge to go back to the Barrel when you get bored.  Don't even walk by and see if anyone you know is there.

Once there is an established, regular population of PCs in Traders, the noble's won't feel pressured to go to the Barrel just to get some interaction (or to eavesdrop).

As for Tuluk, well, I haven't played Tuluk much but when I did it seemed odd that the Sanctuary would allow so many elves and dirty, blood-splattered hunters in there all the time.  *shrug*

The following is my personal opinion and not official policy:

The social standards and norms that each noble house observes may differ from house to house.  Some put a great emphasis on public appearances and behavior of their nobility, while others may appear to care less.  If nobles belong to a house that does notice such things, they could find themselves the objects of jokes among their NPC and VNPC family for frequenting such a place, or worse, passed over for promotions.  However, if their house does not care, it may have no affect at all upon their status (though certainly, other nobles from other houses might find it amusing).

For those who are the employees of noble houses (or who want to be), I would highly reccomend hanging out at the Trader's Inn and encouraging your friends to meet you there.  Even those who hold high level servant or military positions would probably consider any other bar to be slumming.  That Barrel place is filled with northern scum and elves!  You could be assassinated in a place like that and no one would even blink!  A magicker could brush up against you and you'd grow a massive wart in a place where the sun just don't shine!

This really isn't something that needs to be enforced and it isn't something that anyone needs to chastise anyone else OOCly for.  Follow the social documentation and act as your character would act - no matter their rank or station.  You have no ability to know why another character is in any place at any given time - even if they tell you, they could be lying.  If you think something is ICly odd, feel free to deal with it ICly. A noble in a crappy place might well make the locals nervous and edgy and wondering what huge hammer is about to drop on their heads.  However - those same locals certainly would do their best to make the noble feel comfortable and at home - for fear of that very hammer.

(As a side note - it was only a couple of years ago we used to see posts that no one ever used the Bard's Barrel and complaining that too many people were in the Trader's Inn.  These things cycle.)
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Agree with original post.
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