Stop slumming, Allanaki Templars and Nobility

Started by mansa, September 27, 2006, 10:06:27 PM

I can't, actually. I looked but don't see it. I could be wrong or the reference may be in noble-only docs that I don't have access to.

There are references to noble xx commoner, but the caste system has been recently retconned and there are also now shunned, artisan, merchant and legion castes. I doubt it's appropriate for a Chosen to start mixing blood with them, so we'll probably need the docs to be clarified a bit.

Shunned/artisans/merchant/legion all equate to subdivisions of the "commoner" caste, at least as I understand it.

But commoner is itself a distinct caste which is not any of those things.

If you're a general nobody who doesn't have any special skills in artisaning, merchanting, legioning or shunning ;) you're just a normal commoner.

If you do have the special skills, you're still a commoner, just a cooler type of one.

It's like the difference between plain potato chips and barbeque potato chips with french onion dip.

Mmmm, Tuluki commoners...
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The slave caste is seperate and distinct from the commoner caste, where as the other "castes" you have mentioned are actually sub-castes.   Relations are forbidden between the noble and common castes (and all the subcastes defined as common).  This is not a change, it was merely an expansion involving greater detail of the existing documentation.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

So what's the rule on noble relations with exalted or slave caste members? Are those kosher?

There were some very good posts by Ale Six and Bardbard#4 in regards to Allanaki nobles and commoners.

Standard disclaimer applies to what follows:  These are my personal opinions and may not be one hundred percent accurate.

In terms of Tuluk Castes and sexuality between:  

Only very specific slaves (those sold as sex toys) are allowed to engaged in sexual activities with the noble caste.  These slaves are sterile.  These slaves aren't really considered humans but rather toys.  Therefore the stigma of inter-caste tomfoolery is bypassed.

A noble who engaged in sexual activity with a _non_ sex slave would probably be dissapeared.  That would be a terrible breach of acceptability.

That leads to what about the noble caste and the templar caste?

This tends to be an interesting question and, should anything ever happen between those castes, is best left without dedicating too much attention.  If something could happen then it'd be done with so much incredible discretion and secrecy that no one would know anyway.  

In other words, this information wouldn't be widely available either way - but the assumption should be that it doesn't happen.

Quote from: "mansa"The Bard's Barrel is for elves and tuluki people, and lower than junior nobles.

I'd say that any noble below "junior" is actually a child and, therefore, probably wouldn't even leave the noble quarter at all, let alone enter the Bard's Barrel.

Quote from: "Pantoufle"
Quote from: "mansa"The Bard's Barrel is for elves and tuluki people, and lower than junior nobles.

I'd say that any noble below "junior" is actually a child and, therefore, probably wouldn't even leave the noble quarter at all, let alone enter the Bard's Barrel.

Bastard nobles, I think, is what mansa would have been talking about.
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
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As far as Templars I don't think they are "hanging out."

Part of the jobs of the blue robes are to monitor their surroundings and the citizens, as well as make themselves available for the more minimal duties like handing out gems and tokens or possibly hiring.

As far as nobles I would think they would be much more inclined to hang out in the Trader's but might like the company of the barrel from time to time.

As far as more up class places like The Trader's Inn, I think the place should be screened by the Templars in Nak viciously such as no unaffiliated rag tag commoners and any common citizen that isn't there for trade and in proper garb just going there to idle should be ready to be questioned as to their purpose in the more proper establishments.