Gemmed Temples Idea

Started by Asmoth, May 18, 2015, 08:54:09 PM

Quote from: Tetra on May 20, 2015, 10:15:21 PM
Quote from: HavokBlue on May 20, 2015, 07:28:01 AM
Yeah, the drovian help file mentions it.

But then, the elementalist help files also mention things like people hiring rukkians as travel companions and vivs as part of clans/houses.

I'd also note:  opposites can attract.  Of course, that won't guarantee they get along well for very long, if at all.

There's nothing stopping a Viv and Krathi from finding each other frustratingly exciting, because their approaches are so contrary to each other.


Then again, it has been pointed out that Gemmed are characters and not just a set of spells and skills.  They are people, first.  The degree to which a magicker is affected, personality wise, by their element is entirely up to the player.

Maybe that Drovian likes hanging out with Krathi.  All that fire-magick messes with their shadows?  Who says they like the dark or their magick?  Maybe they have a fascination with fire.  Moths to flames and all that.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

I always liked the idea of a kind of vibrant, light drovian who's wrapped up in the "you need light to cast a shadow" thing  and then I realized I was thinking of Mellisandra.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I've always preferred magickers who aren't influenced by their elemental connection outside of its existence. I think Armageddon's strongest magickal themes revolve around magickers just being people who's lives have been interrupted. I'll leave high magic to the dusty, long-forgotten corners of the game as something to be witnessed and marveled at, not forcibly/artificially injected into a concept.

Quote from: Rathustra on May 21, 2015, 06:14:48 AM
I've always preferred magickers who aren't influenced by their elemental connection outside of its existence. I think Armageddon's strongest magickal themes revolve around magickers just being people who's lives have been interrupted. I'll leave high magic to the dusty, long-forgotten corners of the game as something to be witnessed and marveled at, not forcibly/artificially injected into a concept.

I agree. Though, how about the convenience and laziness that wielding magick brings? And the protean attitudes that come with realizing or understanding the depth of magick(though that's markedly uncommon, considering the world culture)?

I see this as more of a natural byproduct as you become more adept with your magick/element.
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. Can you feel it?  Can you?
- Rumi

May 21, 2015, 10:51:46 AM #54 Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 10:53:37 AM by Agent_137
Quote from: Beethoven on May 20, 2015, 07:23:40 AM
Are fire and water supposed to be opposed according to the docs? I mean, it sounds right, but I thought I remembered that the helpfiles said fire and shadow were the ones that don't get along.

Well I haven't read that before. Reference:

Derp i responded to a post on page one

It says something about them being opposed in the Drovian helpfile, I think, although as has been stated before, you should probably not take that at face value since those docs have a lot of outdated information.

I've spent a lot of time OOC and IC musing about the elements and their relationships.

Armageddon's magick system is either not symmetrical/logical, or it's missing at least 7 elements.

In most magical/spiritual/whatever systems, fire and water are indeed opposites.  However, consider that Zalanthas may have a culturally warped view of the elements due to the world being horribly out of balance.  After all, who would waste precious water to put out a fire?

emote pees deeply into the fire
Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"

Fires are probably put out by sand.  ... I'm going to make me a Ruk-hating Krathi.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: valeria on May 21, 2015, 12:28:30 PM
Fires are probably put out by sand.  ... I'm going to make me a Ruk-hating Krathi.

Everyone knows that in Allanak, fires are put out by burying the fire under a heap of dead rioters.
Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 12:57:00 PM
Quote from: valeria on May 21, 2015, 12:28:30 PM
Fires are probably put out by sand.  ... I'm going to make me a Ruk-hating Krathi.

Everyone knows that in Allanak, fires are put out by burying the fire under a heap of dead rioters elves.

as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: nauta on May 21, 2015, 12:57:55 PM
Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 12:57:00 PM
Quote from: valeria on May 21, 2015, 12:28:30 PM
Fires are probably put out by sand.  ... I'm going to make me a Ruk-hating Krathi.

Everyone knows that in Allanak, fires are put out by burying the fire under a heap of dead rioters elves.


There'd need to be enough elves to make a heap...  ;D

Woot Elf Derail!  Go!
Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

Obviously I'm biased here, but I loved the Council of Mages. I seriously had a blast flying around with five to twelve other mages just exploring the mud and playing with our spells on each other. I could entertain myself and others for hours on end and that's partly because of a certain secret thing but we seriously had some epic adventures without the need of any animation from staff. 

Oash can be hard if your playing with a Noble that hates magick or doesn't know what to do with Magickers. It can turn into a lot of explaining stuff to them that almost feels like cheating and having them just sent you for silly components and encouraging you to spam cast to branch for them...or worse completely ignoring you so your basically sitting around the Oashi magickers barrack with your thumbs up your butt.  I've also seen situations where you have an Oash that actually seems to out right hate mages. While being abused is part of the hardship you deal with as a mage it gets very old very fast when its 24-7 in the ONLY Clan you can join. I would just like to see AoD take mages again..I think its even still in the docs that they take krathi (maybe wrong here I haven't checked in a few years) ..I don't think further isolating them from the rest of the player base adds to the game and the Council of Mages did in way do that.
The sound of a thunderous explosion tears through the air and blasts waves of pressure ripple through the ground.

Looking northward, the rugged, stubble-bearded templar asks you, in sirihish:
     "Well... I think it worked...?"

Quote from: Bast on May 21, 2015, 01:51:09 PM
Obviously I'm biased here, but I loved the Council of Mages. I seriously had a blast flying around with five to twelve other mages just exploring the mud and playing with our spells on each other. I could entertain myself and others for hours on end and that's partly because of a certain secret thing but we seriously had some epic adventures without the need of any animation from staff. 

Oash can be hard if your playing with a Noble that hates magick or doesn't know what to do with Magickers. It can turn into a lot of explaining stuff to them that almost feels like cheating and having them just sent you for silly components and encouraging you to spam cast to branch for them...or worse completely ignoring you so your basically sitting around the Oashi magickers barrack with your thumbs up your butt.  I've also seen situations where you have an Oash that actually seems to out right hate mages. While being abused is part of the hardship you deal with as a mage it gets very old very fast when its 24-7 in the ONLY Clan you can join. I would just like to see AoD take mages again..I think its even still in the docs that they take krathi (maybe wrong here I haven't checked in a few years) ..I don't think further isolating them from the rest of the player base adds to the game and the Council of Mages did in way do that.

Aod taking mages would be awesome.
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

Pretty sure AoD has gemmed whenever they want them.
Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 03:05:28 PM
Pretty sure AoD has gemmed whenever they want them.
pretty sure they mean actually coded arm. IE untouchable by crimcode
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

Meh. AoD soldiers are already kind of superfluous and little better than cannon-fodder when it comes to getting shit done. Having mages around in an official capacity just kind of gets in the way of the mundane soldiers meaningfully contributing. RPTs also seem to get more deadly (in terms of resistance and obstacles) the more non-mundanes you have, which usually just translates to higher casualty rates among the mundanes.

Gemmed are certainly useful and my soldier would have died a lot of times over without their support. So maybe I'm just resentful of their utility and their effect of dragging the game away from low fantasy.

Quote from: Asmoth on May 21, 2015, 03:07:34 PM
Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 03:05:28 PM
Pretty sure AoD has gemmed whenever they want them.
pretty sure they mean actually coded arm. IE untouchable by crimcode

Which would be pretty disastrous, given the amount of shenanigans Gemmed can get up to even without being Crimcoded.

Quote from: Asmoth on May 21, 2015, 03:07:34 PM
pretty sure they mean actually coded arm. IE untouchable by crimcode

Yeah... those are called Templars.  You make a gemmed untouchable by crimcode... and oof.  I mean.  I get your point.  But it would also mean anyone attacking an out of control gick would be destroyed by the crimcode.  One gemmed players goes wrong with this and so many bad things happen.  Just not worth it.

Gemmed can be clanned AoD when needed by the powers that be.
Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

I don't think anyone worth their salt would abuse the AOD clanning.  Otherwise what are they doing playing a mage in the first place?
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

Wanting to use (intentionally and thematically appropriate) overpowered skills to wipe out sponsored roles/long lived characters/people who won't mudsex you/etc. Karma players are still players and prone to the same lapses of judgement. You don't even need very high karma (or any at all) to play a magicker.

Quote from: Asmoth on May 21, 2015, 03:29:33 PM
I don't think anyone worth their salt would abuse the AOD clanning.  Otherwise what are they doing playing a mage in the first place?
Certainly, yes, we can trust karma players not to abuse certain things.

The problem is, especially in this hypothetical scenario, is that people may have differing ideas about what "abuse" is.

Gemmed mages are never going to be officially part of the AoD. Next topic!
Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"

Could we have magick-mount fighting pits added? plzkthx

Quote from: Talia on May 21, 2015, 03:58:15 PM
Gemmed mages are never going to be officially part of the AoD. Next topic!

Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

Quote from: BadSkeelz on May 21, 2015, 04:00:37 PM
Could we have magick-mount fighting pits added? plzkthx

anticipated your request and have already implemented this, ur welcome

Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 04:03:44 PM

Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"