Gemmed Temples Idea

Started by Asmoth, May 18, 2015, 08:54:09 PM

Quote from: Talia on May 21, 2015, 04:04:56 PM
Quote from: BadSkeelz on May 21, 2015, 04:00:37 PM
Could we have magick-mount fighting pits added? plzkthx
anticipated your request and have already implemented this, ur welcome

I like the idea of Vivaduans being able to join the AoD as Recruits. Never higher than that, never given crim-code immunity, but still able to support the soldiers and train with them. Vivaduans obviously wouldn't dominate scenes the way other mages can, which addresses BadSkeelz concern of being overshadowed by them.

I wouldn't want to train with a 'gicker as a commoner. And they already have to help the militia whenever militia needs them. Seems sort of pointless.

If I could change anything about the Gemmed, I would probably just let other noble houses and GMHs put one or two mages on retainer with stipulations about how influential they can be. Let them be codedly clanned but don't let them stay in the barracks with normal employees. The mages who can't score one of those lucrative spots can fight and plot and scheme to kill the guys who have them and take their jobs.

I don't think it would make everyone happy, but then there's nothing you can do with magick in armageddon that will make everyone happy. You are always going to have people who want less magick, and you're always gonna have people who want more.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

Quote from: whitt on May 21, 2015, 04:03:44 PM
Quote from: Talia on May 21, 2015, 03:58:15 PM
Gemmed mages are never going to be officially part of the AoD. Next topic!


Yes, they're called gemmed who become a templar's bitch loyal minion.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: HavokBlue on May 21, 2015, 06:14:30 PM
If I could change anything about the Gemmed, I would probably just let other noble houses and GMHs put one or two mages on retainer with stipulations about how influential they can be. Let them be codedly clanned but don't let them stay in the barracks with normal employees. The mages who can't score one of those lucrative spots can fight and plot and scheme to kill the guys who have them and take their jobs.

Why is there so much ado about mages being hired in official  capacities? Armageddon has murder, corruption, and betrayal, not murder, nine-till-fiive desk jobs, and worker's rights. I never would hire a mage, gemmed or not, on any non-Oashi sponsored role, but behind-closed-doors deals is kinda thematical to the game.
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Quote from: Patuk on May 22, 2015, 06:11:41 AM
Why is there so much ado about mages being hired in official  capacities? Armageddon has murder, corruption, and betrayal, not murder, nine-till-fiive desk jobs, and worker's rights. I never would hire a mage, gemmed or not, on any non-Oashi sponsored role, but behind-closed-doors deals is kinda thematical to the game.

I think this goes back to the post about being helicoptered in for the RPT and then helicoptered back out as soon as you've cast the spell they need you to cast
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I'm guessing that it's Kurac that sells helicopters? I must have one!

I'm sure the Vivadu temple has one. So they can life flight the Bynners who fall off the Shield Wall...
Someone says, out of character:
     "no, the mace did not explode, that was his testicle"

actual coded helicopters died with the gypsies
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I remember being utilized as a Whiran to essentially helicopter around the people who'd missed the departure for an important RPT.

Guy who puked, I remember and salute you.

Was that for the pre HRPT? I'm pretty sure that was me.  ;D

Gemmed mages work for the City-State of Allanak. This basically means - they are allowed to exist and practice within their temples, and obey the commands of Templars. The usual scenario is - PC and NPC templars will seek out a gemmed for certain tasks, as and when needed - but this doesnt mean that the gemmed will have continuous employement and direction from the Templars. In fact, with the closure of Tuluk OOCLY, this will be even more evident, I suspect.

They further have an option to join House Oash, and this basically means that the chief employer then becomes the Oashi noble, although, the gemmed still has to heed orders from Templars (much like anyone else in Allanak). The usual norm suggests that employment within Oash actually doles out more day-to-day activity for a gemmed vis-a-vis being an independent gemmed.

Coming to the temples - they are gathering places for gemmed of each different element, to study, and also used as places to rest, sleep and store certain sundry possessions. Sure, gemmed of different elements could gather in a particular temple, to talk or even to jointly practice spells - that's not forbidden (as long as you're following the rules of casting within Allanak).

As far as IC classes - where one PC (or NPC) teaches another - there are various views on that. Some subscribe to the view that each mage has to figure out things on their own, or, to ask someone else who might know more than them. Others are freer with knowledge and impart it without being asked. There are times when a certain mage might know a few spells that others in his temple don't - which keeps him rich and fat and popular.

Remember - it is a community - yes - but it doesnt mean that everyone loves each other and automatically wants to help each other out. In fact, knowledge in this particular community is at a premium - so like it or not, it's not gonna come cheap or easy.

The bulletin board for the gemmed - sounds like a reasonable idea. I'd definitely agree with that. It'd help gemmed interact with each other, and for others to discreetly seek out the gemmed too, without having to "spread the word in public taverns" so to speak.
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

Unless they're just artifacts of an older Armageddon, we would have to assume based on the NPCs and room descriptions that the Gemmed quarter has it's own ecosystem with Gemmed herbalists and Gemmed clothiers and a large number of street performers evidently. Because all of these people need to make a living somehow and the Templarate isn't gonna pay for their wants and needs.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

One thing that you COULD do - and which is always fun as well as productive - is to form groups of gemmed mages, of different elements, and go outdoors together. This is particularly useful for mages who have less combat firepower, or, those who prefer not to engage in combat for other reasons. Safety in numbers and the more the merrier concept. If you've got your own clique - you really wont need anyone else to "order" you. And, what's more is - you get to practice spells which you cannot cast inside the Elementalist Quarter.
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

On my phone so am not quoting, but on the subject of teaching, there are a few oddball spells that took me forever to learn to cast because they use other than your regular power to cast.  Thankfully someone just straight told me icly what the code was.

I am of the mind though that if someone asked me how to cast a spell I know I would just say it's 'mon un nilazi your mom' (insert proper symbols).

Not all of the spells actually make sense and I personally think that help magick sphere and help magick mood should be updated a bit to be a little more intuitive. But that's just my opinion.

But I've never had the whole mentality of keeping knowledge a secret like described above.  The way the magick system works if you can't figure out a crucial spell in the branch, you're stifled so I wouldn't want to be the guy fucking over a character from developing.

But I understand the self serving aspect of doing the reverse.
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

I don't play magicked anymore, so it hasn't really mattered, but I generally hated the trial-and-error of picking the right words. There was some obvious combinations that made sense and that was fine, but there were other that just involved me trying every word combination until I got it right. That's not really fun game play to me, it was tedious.

Quote from: Incognito on May 22, 2015, 06:06:52 PM
Coming to the temples - they are gathering places for gemmed of each different element, to study, and also used as places to rest, sleep and store certain sundry possessions. Sure, gemmed of different elements could gather in a particular temple, to talk or even to jointly practice spells - that's not forbidden (as long as you're following the rules of casting within Allanak).

You can no longer follow someone of element cheese into the cheese temple if you happen to be bacon or broccoli. It sucks and I don't get why that was implemented. I'm thinking someone must have actively complained about something.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

Quote from: Cind on May 22, 2015, 08:30:20 PM
Quote from: Incognito on May 22, 2015, 06:06:52 PM
Coming to the temples - they are gathering places for gemmed of each different element, to study, and also used as places to rest, sleep and store certain sundry possessions. Sure, gemmed of different elements could gather in a particular temple, to talk or even to jointly practice spells - that's not forbidden (as long as you're following the rules of casting within Allanak).

You can no longer follow someone of element cheese into the cheese temple if you happen to be bacon or broccoli. It sucks and I don't get why that was implemented. I'm thinking someone must have actively complained about something.
Probably because SHADOW would allow an assassin to follow them into a private room and kill them.
<19:14:06> "Bushranger": Why is it always about sex with animals with you Jihelu?
<19:14:13> "Jihelu": IT's not always /with/ animals

You can still follow them into the "entry rooms." The inner rooms are reserved for people gemmed with that element. Makes IC sense to me, if I were a Krathi I'd be pissed off if some Vivaduan decided to hang out in the "inner sanctum" of the Krathi temple. The outer area has benches, if a Viv thinks it makes any kind of sense to hang out in a temple dedicated to fire, he can sit on one of the benches.

There is no IC reason or even an OOC playability reason why anyone should be able to get inside someone else's temple. There's the Den, and it suffices as a place for the gemmed to congregate together. There's the outer rooms of each temple, which suffices as a secondary place for the gemmed to congregate together. There is also an apartment building that's just for the gemmed, in the quarter, where gemmed can get affordable rents and invite all their gemmed pals in to hang out together.

I remember there used to be a place in the elemental quarter, right near the Den, where the CAM used to congregate. They even had their own NPC. But then the CAM was disbanded and the tent or pavilion or whatever it was, was removed or destroyed or some such (it's been a long time but I remember being in it). Now that Allanak is more consolidated than it was previously maybe the staff will entertain the idea of some new incarnation of the CAM. If they do, then maybe they'll consider giving them their own clubhouse. At the moment though, the only club for gemmed mages is Oash. Til there's another club, there's no need or reason for another clubhouse.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

All of my Gemmed hang out in Samos' house. You need the sekret password to get in.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

Quote from: Eyeball on May 21, 2015, 05:57:57 PM
Vivaduans obviously wouldn't dominate scenes the way other mages can.

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. Can you feel it?  Can you?
- Rumi

Quote from: HavokBlue on May 22, 2015, 06:23:24 AM
Quote from: Patuk on May 22, 2015, 06:11:41 AM
Why is there so much ado about mages being hired in official  capacities? Armageddon has murder, corruption, and betrayal, not murder, nine-till-fiive desk jobs, and worker's rights. I never would hire a mage, gemmed or not, on any non-Oashi sponsored role, but behind-closed-doors deals is kinda thematical to the game.

I think this goes back to the post about being helicoptered in for the RPT and then helicoptered back out as soon as you've cast the spell they need you to cast

Isn't that kind of ICly sensible? Would employment even solve that?
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Quote from: Eyeball on May 21, 2015, 05:57:57 PM
Vivaduans obviously wouldn't dominate scenes the way other mages can.

This wants me to make another defileresque Viv.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Without getting too specific.  Any mage can dominate an RP scene, not by having aggressive or flashy magic, but by having presence and nuance in how they use it.  And yes, Vivs included.
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. Can you feel it?  Can you?
- Rumi