RL to Sirihish slang

Started by SMuz, March 09, 2009, 03:04:40 AM

Was going to ask a helper for translation, but might as well start a new thread just for everyone to know :P

Copper (color, e.g. copper hair, copper-toned) = ?
"My skills are getting rusty" = ?
deja vu = ? (Allundean term?)
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: SMuz on March 09, 2009, 03:04:40 AM
Copper (color, e.g. copper hair, copper-toned) = ?

I've used copper before and seen others use it before. Same goes with bronze, iron, steel, etc. in descriptions. It would be a rarer word to describe something when spoken. You could use brown as replacement for copper. Maybe brownish-red? Tan?

Quote"My skills are getting rusty" = ?

Tough one. Maybe use 'dusty' instead?

Quotedeja vu = ? (Allundean term?)

Tricky. I don't know many other words that describe deja vu. You could say 'something I'd already seen', but deja vu has a better connotative feel to it, irl. I'm not sure how many other french-english words are used in Armageddon. Can't think of any off the top of my head, but I bet there's one or two.

Quote from: SMuz on March 09, 2009, 03:04:40 AM
"My skills are getting rusty" = ?

My skills are getting dull.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

As he works his light bone sparring sword through a series of stiff maneuvers, the grizzled, scruffy-bearded man says, in sirihish:
                                                                     "Feels like a necker shit on m'sword arm while ah've been away."
she said slow down this train
slow down the iron that runs in my veins

Quote from: Rhyden on March 09, 2009, 03:15:26 AM
Quote from: SMuz on March 09, 2009, 03:04:40 AM
Copper (color, e.g. copper hair, copper-toned) = ?

I've used copper before and seen others use it before. Same goes with bronze, iron, steel, etc. in descriptions. It would be a rarer word to describe something when spoken. You could use brown as replacement for copper. Maybe brownish-red? Tan?

I mostly agree with everyone in the thread so far, but I think using "copper" in speech is alright. If your character is from either of the two major cities you've likely seen (or heard) some things made of copper constructed around the city. Others would probably at least hear what copper looks like, though they've never seen it themselves. Most would know a war was fought over it.

Allanak has a huge steel dragon outside it's gates. Most nobles and templars wear silver. Certain characters have toted around various forms of metal items in the past and probably present. (both PC and NPCs). There was a huge war faught over metal, I suspect many soldiers/aides/assassins would at least know how to identify it easily. It's a stuff of legend, and I am sure every child wants to go stare at the steel dragon or ring certain copper bells over and over again.

But of course, no one would be dumb enough to let anything "rust" in this world by purpose.. But there are "rust coloured" things everywhere, to describe the colour rust - I don't think the word is to jarring.. But in the sense that you're getting rusty might be pushing it a bit for immersion. But hey. Whatever floats your skimmer.
Modern concepts of fair trials and justice are simply nonexistent in Zalanthas. If you are accused, you are guilty until someone important decides you might be useful. It doesn't really matter if you did it or not.

I think most city commoners know the common words for metal.

Just remember that if using them as part of a colloquialism, keep in mind that all types of metal carry a connotation of inherent value and rarity much greater than even the usage of "gold" does in our language.  Describing someone as having copper hair would be very flattering.

However, "cold as steel" would not make sense as most people will never touch metal and even if they did it would be unlikely to feel cold.  Also, references to metallic weapons would also be unusual, like "draw steel" or "cross steel".  I don't think too many commoners would be aware of the physical properties of metal constructs either.  "Hard as iron" wouldn't make sense to most people.

Given Zalanthas's lack of moisture I think that rust is going to be extremely rare, and probably not part of most people's vocabulary.

As for deja vu, well, there's no reason every language will inevitably have a specific word to describe that phenomenon.  Heck, English doesn't even have such a word as evidenced by the fact we had to steal a French one.

IMO, with making descriptions, those are there for the PLAYER to understand what the CHARACTER is seeing. Yes, there are some words that I find jarring, but for the most part, use what word you think would best describe your character. It's for the PLAYER, not the CHARACTER.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

The problem with rust is that it is virtually non existent in Zalanthas.

Rust requires hydration.  Without hydration, it does not occur.  Much like fire requires heat, fuel, and oxygen and if you remove one of the three fire will not function without additional chemical stimuli (as with magnesium, which will burn underwater by separating the hydrogen and oxygen atoms.)

As you may have noticed, water is a bit scarce on Zalanthas.  Even if you got a team of vivaduans (kudos to anyone who tries this IG (kidding!)) to dump water on the Dragon Statue for a King's Age straight, most likely there would be very little rusting that occurs, simply because the atmosphere surrounding the metal would suck away the water almost as quickly as it could be formed (and we'll not even enter the fact that that statue is likely hot enough to turn water to steam instantly during mid day).

What all this means is that saying you're 'rusty' is just the equivalent of saying you're kind of brownish red... which makes absolutely no sense.  The references to rust colored whatevers is simply a mention of color.  It has no significance what-so-ever with being less skillful, off your game, or any of the associated meanings that rusty has in our RL lives.

IMHO (and this is not staff opinion), using the word 'dim' is a lot more suiting.  "My sword skills are a bit dim today."  Light levels are something that every Zalanthan understands, but using the word 'shade' (or any derivative) would just not be fitting, since shade is commonly regarded as a good thing.  A dim glow crystal, however, has the exact opposite meaning... especially if you are A Place You Should Not Be (tm) which is also dark.
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

Quote from: tortall on March 09, 2009, 09:49:30 AM
IMO, with making descriptions, those are there for the PLAYER to understand what the CHARACTER is seeing. Yes, there are some words that I find jarring, but for the most part, use what word you think would best describe your character. It's for the PLAYER, not the CHARACTER.
Who's talking about descriptions?  ???

Quote from: Marauder Moe on March 09, 2009, 10:12:07 AM
Quote from: tortall on March 09, 2009, 09:49:30 AM
IMO, with making descriptions, those are there for the PLAYER to understand what the CHARACTER is seeing. Yes, there are some words that I find jarring, but for the most part, use what word you think would best describe your character. It's for the PLAYER, not the CHARACTER.
Who's talking about descriptions?  ???

For my understanding, no one.  To rerail, this thread is about slang.
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

Quote from: SMuz on March 09, 2009, 03:04:40 AM
Was going to ask a helper for translation, but might as well start a new thread just for everyone to know :P

Copper (color, e.g. copper hair, copper-toned) = ?
"My skills are getting rusty" = ?
deja vu = ? (Allundean term?)

Simple word replacements:
rusty = dim
rusty = shitty
rusty = sandy:  Sand overtakes everything, builds up over time and is a fucking pain in the ass to the eyes and movements.  Sandy makes a great replacement.

deja vu = Whira's flash:  Since Whira is luck, randomness, and a fickle wind, I could easily see somebody comparing a happenstance or "seen again" to a brief flash of Whira.
deja vu = corden dak:  Just make shit up and when somebody asks, "wtf mate?", say you heard it off a tribal and explain it as you see fit.
deja vu = Whoa.  (Hey, worked for Neo)

Longer replacements:
rusty = Been so long, I'm now swinging like a Kadian in heat.
rusty = You'd think my fuckin' sword arm was swapped with a drunk Bynner's!
rusty = Gah, lost the touch, arm's full of sand and shit these days.

Deja vu isn't slang.
Quote from: scienceAn early study by Plaut and Kohn-Speyer (1947)[11] found that horse smegma had a carcinogenic effect on mice. Heins et al.(1958)

Quote from: Ampere on March 09, 2009, 11:19:49 AM
Deja vu isn't slang.

That's true, it's not slang.  However, no matter how much we all think it is, Tuluk is not France.
I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

I like rishenko's idea to use "Whira's flash" instead of deja vu.  Whereas I'm okay with using most foreign loanwords in-game (I made a thread about this some many months ago), deja vu does seem a little over-the-line.  "Whira's flash," on the other hand, or something else related to Whira, fits right in with elemental superstitions and sounds both Zalanthan and catchy.  I dig it.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

I use dusty instead of rusty.
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Quote from: NoteworthyFellow on March 09, 2009, 01:59:49 PM
I like rishenko's idea to use "Whira's flash" instead of deja vu.  Whereas I'm okay with using most foreign loanwords in-game (I made a thread about this some many months ago), deja vu does seem a little over-the-line.  "Whira's flash," on the other hand, or something else related to Whira, fits right in with elemental superstitions and sounds both Zalanthan and catchy.  I dig it.

I'd like to see someone in Tuluk professing they were experiencing a 'flash of Whira.'   ;)
Quote from: manonfire on November 04, 2013, 08:11:36 AM
The secret to great RP is having the balls to be weird and the brains to make it eloquent.

In a world of magick and psionics, I'd expect deja vu to be more associated with psionic activity than with the wind element.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Deja vu- Running Skinny/Short Dwarf

I just had a running skinny!

I feel like I've already seen this skinny.
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 30, 2008, 10:15:55 PM
> forage artifacts

You find a rusty, armed landmine and pick it up.

Quote from: Shalooonsh on March 09, 2009, 11:42:03 AM
Quote from: Ampere on March 09, 2009, 11:19:49 AM
Deja vu isn't slang.

That's true, it's not slang.  However, no matter how much we all think it is, Tuluk is not France.

Nor is it Britain. I'm sure that sirihish has a translation for "Deja Vu" just like it does for every other English words we use in game.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."


I think rust should be in the game. A powerful Nilazi should totally be able to make metal turn into rust.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Quote from: Jingo on March 09, 2009, 03:59:36 PM

I think rust should be in the game. A powerful Nilazi should totally be able to make metal turn into rust.

What exactly does void have to do with rust?
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Entropy I guess?
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Quote from: Ourla on March 09, 2009, 03:19:54 PM
Quote from: NoteworthyFellow on March 09, 2009, 01:59:49 PM
I like rishenko's idea to use "Whira's flash" instead of deja vu.  Whereas I'm okay with using most foreign loanwords in-game (I made a thread about this some many months ago), deja vu does seem a little over-the-line.  "Whira's flash," on the other hand, or something else related to Whira, fits right in with elemental superstitions and sounds both Zalanthan and catchy.  I dig it.

I'd like to see someone in Tuluk professing they were experiencing a 'flash of Whira.'   ;)

You mean like somebody having Krath's Touch? ;)