Hidden emotes revisited

Started by anon, June 04, 2004, 11:38:39 PM

QuoteBut will you be the first one to bitch about dying without any emotes? -chuckle-

Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Ok you say that if they dont respect you and your wishes you wont respect thiers, and go ahead and take advantage of that ooc knowledge that they give you. Well, the only problem with that is, IF YOU USE THAT OOC KNOWLEDGE YOU ARE GOING AGAINST THE STATED RULES OF THE GAME YOU CHEATER!!! Hidden emoting has not been given a yes or a no from the staff, but using ooc knowledge has been given a definate NO....so its simple,,,take the emotes as they come, or break the rules and get reported to the immortals for bad role play,,,and now they will know you just did it because you wanted to...hope you get banned my friend,,,hope you get banned for life.... :twisted:

Once upon a time, I argued the same viewpoint as ShaLeah something or other, and as it turns out no, the players do not want to see hidden emotes. So, now I only emote while I am alone, that way no one's surprise is ruined and I can satisfy my sick urge.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

I don't emote when hidden, because it's built in to us to know the unknown.  We, as human beings, cannot stand to -not- know the ending of a good movie.   There are some things in us that reflect on our characters in game.  Like when a salesperson walks up to you and asks you, "Would you like help with anything?", our -gut- reaction is to say, "No..." when we -really- do want help.

I will not emote while hidden, because people cannot control their instincts.  I will emote while hidden when they implement an observation skill, along with a 'hidden' emote command.

Observation skill would rock.  To -not- notice that some people walk in and out of taverns.  You will actually be surprised when your buddy taps you on the shoulder...
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

:kills himself for having read through another hidden emoting thread.

But 1 vote for Mansa.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Quoteand go ahead and take advantage of that ooc knowledge that they give you. Well, the only problem with that is, IF YOU USE THAT OOC KNOWLEDGE YOU ARE GOING AGAINST THE STATED RULES OF THE GAME YOU CHEATER!!!

Um, Whiteranger, Giving that knowledge is also against the rules. But that is beside the point, We do not want the knowledge to begin with, but if a person is disrespectful enough to not care about that possibility then, myself, I'm gonna be just as disrespectful in turn and scan, thereby giving him some ooc knowledge that he is not supposed to act on.

Oh, and Mansa's observation idea has merit in my book.
Specialy when combined with hemote.

You know, to me, almost every hidden emote feels like a power emote.

The only ones I don't mind and that I do use is when becoming un-hidden in front of pc's.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I dont see how my character seeing you scan is me getting ooc knowledge, unless you are hidden, then that means that everyone in the room notices your character get up, and look around the room, scrutinizing thier surrounds more than normal, thus giving off the scan echo. And emoting while hidden dose give off ooc info, but it has not been determined by the staff that giving off ooc info in this method is wrong, yes you think its wrong, and I will even admit that part of me does as well, but until I hear Sanvean the goddess her self say its wrong, that part of me that is wicked and twisted, will still hide and emote, and that part of you that is sick twisted cheating role play abuser, will still use it and cheat...its just the way things are.
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

What kind of sick arguement is this?  You call me cheater because I dont agree with you?  Yes, using ooc knowledge is against the rules, but giving out ooc knowledge is against the rules too.  And yes, an overlord did not say hidden emote is against the rules, but also no overlord yet said scanning in return is against the rules either.
I dont want to see you giving me ooc knowledge of your beging hidden, and you are doing it while you are hidden emoting.  Now are you telling me, I am being a cheater because I protest your emoting with spam-scan?

X-D has made a point and I totally agree.  I dont want to -know- someone is hidden and if someone is disrespectful enough not to care, then I can be that much disrespectful in return.

Enough of this thread.  These are my final words on the subject, until an overlord says me not to.
some of my posts are serious stuff

to sum up:
everyone quit bitching, do what you want, and deal with the repercussions like a grown person.


Personally..and for what little my opinion is worth, I rather feel that the Scan echo should be removed from the game entirely.

Its not like hunting where you're crouching down and scouring over tracks. Its not as though you're suddenly standing up and turning over tables and knocking aside barrels and shit to 'seek out' someone hidden behind them.

Its a -perception- skill reflective of the gradual honing of an instinctual ability to notice something that a 'less trained' eye would fail to observe.
I've never really been able to figure out how and why Scan was so -obvious- and easy to detect.

Many years ago, Listen used to give a room echo, as well. They removed it (thank christ), but kept the scan echo in for reasons I still don't quite fathom.  I'm also not entirely sure why one must stand up to scan, as though it were completely impossible to observe a room from a seated position. Again, Listen used to require standing, as well..but they augmented that.
I assume there's a good reason somewhere for making Scan so clunky...I just can't sort out what it is.

Sorry if this doesn't relate -directly- to the thread, but I felt it a pertinent point to bring up nonetheless.
Don't forgive and never forget; Do unto others before they do unto you; and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves.   -J.R. Ewing

I could be wrong, but it seems that in past discussions on the subject, the point was made that scan is a bit more active than observation, i.e. actually moving around the room, poking under the couch, etc.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

How do you explain the affect remaining intact, then, when you move on?
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

*tries to contain the urge*


just play the feckin' game!!!

Sorry. I really need to avoid these boards.

I love you Agent_137... Play the game man... I'm getting weary with all these "OMG! CHEATER NOOB!" responses.

>emote slowly moves to the door looking around.
>get pick belt
>es pick
>emote looks around for one last time, then rushes leaning to the keyhole.
>pick door
>open door
>e (after one last glance around)
In a Large Antechamber [E]
>close door
>put pick belt
>draw steel
>draw steel
>e (walking close to the nothern wall)
In a Small, Well Decorated Room [WU]
The fat man is sitting at a stone table here.
A stone table is here placed in the middle of the empty room.
>change ldesc is standing in the shade by south wall.
>emote chuckles staring at ~man
The fat man frowns as he pushes his chair back.
The fat man pushes a stone stool and stands up.
The fat man looks around carefully, wandering in the room slowly.
*The fat man scans, scans and scans..*
Shivering, the fat man gnashes his teeth as he sits back.
The fat man sits at a stone table.
>emote grins at %man pitiful attempts to find him.
>emote moves closer to ~man, eyes narrowed, ~steel raised;backstab man
>say (as he stabs mercilessly) MUHAHAHA!

You see? Looked a little nice eh? Still powerplay. Still unrealistic... Even a half-blind man would find someone in a small empty room after a scan if the hidden one's not suited with wall-camouflage. Probably I would just type "sta" to remove my hidden status. Code can never fully back you up. You need the good RP of both the victim and the criminal. It's a silly sissy grey line. Give up arguing.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote>emote chuckles staring at ~man
The fat man frowns as he pushes his chair back.
The fat man pushes a stone stool and stands up.
The fat man looks around carefully, wandering in the room slowly.
*The fat man scans, scans and scans..*
Shivering, the fat man gnashes his teeth as he sits back.
The fat man sits at a stone table.
>emote grins at %man pitiful attempts to find him.
>emote moves closer to ~man, eyes narrowed, ~steel raised;backstab man
>say (as he stabs mercilessly) MUHAHAHA!

I'd have wished up on the spot for the hidden person to be revealed since the chuckle is a noise, easy enough to pick out direction in a room.

Also, I remember when listen used to have an echo and all, and it has been brought up more then once on this thread, somebody else stated that maybe you have to stand and there is echo for scan because you poke around, I think that makes no sense, if it was the case then it would not stay with you from room to room and the hidden person would not remain hidden, at the very least they would not still show as *strange shadow, if I poked around looking in and under stuff I would see the hidden person quite clearly if I found them. Scan should be the same as listen, except more visual, you are simply paying more attention to your surroundings. I personaly would like to see scan echo go away, mostly because of the ooc info it gives away, partly because it is not realistic, somebody who -IS- good at noticing things is probly good at letting that not be known. Besides, even though anybody can type scan, normaly only people with the skill will do so, this gives away a chars class, OOC info I don't think the code should give out so easily.

Get rid of scan echo and need to stand and give us hemote...everybody is happy.

Or at least I would be...probly almost as much as I was when watch command was imped...hell, since I'm still tickled about that it would add to it.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Agreed X-D.

No scan echo or having to stand to do it and hemote would fix one of the biggest problems codewise about the whole hiding and spotting hidden scenarios.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Well, I still think you people are just flat bad role players who cant contain thier urges when presented with information they shouldnt use. BUT! I do agree with you that if the scan echo was taken away, and you didnt have to stand to do it, then I would be happy....deep down I would still know that you are doing it, but atleast I could keep my dreams and hopes alive, if somewhat nievely, that there are some good clean players still out there.
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

QuoteWell, I still think you people are just flat bad role players who cant contain thier urges when presented with information they shouldnt use

And I think you people are just flat bad roleplayers who can't contain the urge to present me with information I should not have.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I don't think it's so bad.  It's making an attempt to interact with the environment around you.  They can't see you, that doesn't mean a thing.

It's better than just standing there and being invisible.  You may learn a thing or two about their character, but does that mean they shouldn't do it?  No.  Does it mean you're going to abuse the information given?  No.  But if you do, it would be bad.

Rocket science.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "X-D"
QuoteWell, I still think you people are just flat bad role players who cant contain thier urges when presented with information they shouldnt use

And I think you people are just flat bad roleplayers who can't contain the urge to present me with information I should not have.

I would disagree with that, seeing as how I have emoted while hidden, and I think you have as well X-D =)

Though, I do support hemote and the removal of "scan's" echo, as well as "look's".

QuoteI would disagree with that, seeing as how I have emoted while hidden, and I think you have as well X-D =)

Oh, I have in the past, I don't anymore except when becoming unhidden, and even then only if I think people definitly would notice anyway.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Who's the hypocrite now....you just admitted that you do it too!!! I dont care if the circumstances are different, this isnt,,,,OH WELL IF XD DOES IT THIS WAY ITS OK...NOPE! You do it too, and just because you happen to be coming out of hide dosent make it ok...because technically it would still say SOMEONE and not THE BAD ROLE PLAYING HYPOCRITE...steps out of the shadows...wouldnt the people see you step out of the shadows instead of someone? So please, if you are going to bitch about other people doing it, dont do it,,,and if you decide to do it, atleast do it the right way.
*Shakes his head with a long ragged sigh, falling over at the length of useless debate and unsubstantiated claims given by the other side*

Whiteranger, stop calling people bad rp'ers.

Or I will shoot you.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "WhiteRanger (loggedout)"Who's the hypocrite now....you just admitted that you do it too!!! I dont care if the circumstances are different, this isnt,,,,OH WELL IF XD DOES IT THIS WAY ITS OK...NOPE! You do it too, and just because you happen to be coming out of hide dosent make it ok...because technically it would still say SOMEONE and not THE BAD ROLE PLAYING HYPOCRITE...steps out of the shadows...wouldnt the people see you step out of the shadows instead of someone? So please, if you are going to bitch about other people doing it, dont do it,,,and if you decide to do it, atleast do it the right way.
*Shakes his head with a long ragged sigh, falling over at the length of useless debate and unsubstantiated claims given by the other side*

can you spell game? G. A. M. E.

It's a game. Relax.

This also goes out to all you other freaks who can't seem to just lean back in your chair and chill.

Almost every reply I could think of for whiteranger would come off as at least a flame, except this one.

First:Dude, think about how you come off before posting.

Now, anybody else chime in if they want, but what is worse RP, to be in a room with a couple other pc's and just suddenly appear, specialy when your pc WANTS them to know that he can look like a bush or fit behind that trunk, OR to emote leaving his hiding spot?

I only do the emote before becoming unhidden because I think it is a bit more realistic to get the someone echo, because odds are you would not know right away who just crawled out from under that bed. And it tends to get the right, or better reaction.

I'd love to return fire on whiteranger's name calling flames, but I will restrain myself, since I'm emotionaly over the age of five.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job