Hidden emotes revisited

Started by anon, June 04, 2004, 11:38:39 PM

Quote from: "Armaddict"Whiteranger, stop calling people bad rp'ers.

Or I will shoot you.

I bring the ammo.

I will bring the ale and spice!
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

I mean........aim low....*covers his eyes* :?
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

And in regards to the Agent up there......ITS NOT A GAME, IT IS MY GOD THING YOU BLASPHEMOUS.......*Squints* BE GLAD I HAVE STOPPED CALLING PEOPLE NAMES! :evil:
oodness, courage, and love is a song. In my travels I have learned one thing, evil creatures can not sing.  -Drizzt Do'Urden-

WhiteRanger, really...calm thyself.  It was cute on the 'What is Armageddon' thread.  It is getting old real fast though.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Really.. Didn't this thread still die? Eh I don't want to waste place for a little code question. I'd be glad if someone could tell me how to leave being hidden. It's hard to guess. Is just typing "sta" enough?
And... c'mon folks.. We all do good RP eh? We're ARMers.. If you want to call someone bad RPer, I may type a million H&S MUD adresses here. Just log in with username "uallsuck" and pass "yomomma"... You'll be accepted instantly, then you'll be able to spam "chat YOU SUCK!!" till an imm appears and bans you.
We may be _learning_ to RP well, for sure I do, still I'd like to play a real-action RP session with each of you.
Probably a coder imm's already working on 'hemote'. So this discussion is useless. Could a board advisor lock it please?
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Why does a thread need to be locked if people are still posting to it?

Although we don't have an official policy on derailing a thread, it's nonetheless considered polite to avoid doing so.  However, this thread is rapidly degenerating into a thread full of inappropriate content - Just because you don't outright flame people, doesn't mean these posts are any less rude or civil.  

Consider this a warning - any further posts that can be construed as inflammatory will be deleted, as well as previous ones.  Please keep it civil, and if you can't, find another forum to vent your feelings.

People are yelling at each other, argue for no good reason and no new ideas on the topic. People started flaming each other and as you see, there's a warning from a storyteller :)
Nah, I'm also wasting place.. Sorry, just special apping, so I'm bored.

To sum up all... Again I'll give examples, you know, it's easier than telling it directly for me.

We shouldn't emote while hidden because;

>craft meat into delicate lamb steak
>emote with ~fork, me carefully places ~meat onto ~grill.
>think Hmm.. After cooking, let me go to the wine shop to grab some fine wine for the dinner.
>emote reverses the meat with the help of ~fork
You cook the meat.
>think Good.. Now let's go buy the vine.
Someone licks his dried lips as he moves closer to you.
(OOC Thought: Let me go on.. I didn't see  it. I was concentrated on cooking, and now my char's dreaming the fine dinner.)

.... and the hidden one doesn't know if you left the room just because of the OOC information given. OOC info forces people to interact or slow down to let the hidden one's RP finish.

But we should emote because...

>emote leans against the wall panting, blood dripping from ^me chest.
>rest crumpling to the ground.
>Think Wow.. That bitch was about to catch me. I wish I was a little bit more dexterious.. Next time the dagger may find my heart.
>emote smirks slowly shaking his head, a hand rummaging his pockets.
>emote gets a dirty rag from a pocket, presses it on his wound.
>think It's not a very deep wound... I gue (And as you type...)
Someone slashes your neck, inflicting a grevious wound.
*Mantis Head* (Huh? OMG!)

.... You may guess whom you can kill with one clean slash. You may want to offer one last chance to the other character to RP, to die as he wants. I would emote after seeing all those emotes a wounded character did. I would like to play _with_ him, before sending him to the realms of Drov. At least, I would stack the commands, like "emote lets out a sigh, before charging into ~elf from the flank, ~steel raised overhead;hit elf".. So, I guess, we may use common sense to give out OOC info from time to time.

Also there's a branching situation. As far as I know, hidden status disappears in time. Of course, NPC's check the room status frequently, but I don't. So I wouldn't be able to stay hidden for long, but would still be hidden if the other character isn't a paranoiac typing "l" once in thirty seconds.
If there was a "hemote" command with a check against "scan"; then I would be able to emote all my plantings, stealings, hidden movements.. That would be realistic.. If you move a lot where you're hiding, more possible you're detected. The other character would not worry about twinking too, he would think "Damnit.. My char's not that keen on senses.". Everyone would be happy.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote>think It's not a very deep wound... I gue (And as you type...)
Someone slashes your neck, inflicting a grevious wound.
*Mantis Head* (Huh? OMG!)

I see nothing wrong with this, as far as I'm concerned anyone who's on the recieving end of it is just whining because they weren't given OOC info before they died. It's realistic and I would much rather see that than:

Someone creeps up behind you in the shadows.

OOC: Oh look, there's someone sneaking up on me...now I have to pretend I don't know they're there because my pc doesn't know...that sucks, I'd rather have been surprised too. *sigh*

emote twiddles his thumbs and continues doing whatever he was doing.

It's like knowing what your getting as a gift before you get it, it's much more enjoyable when it's a complete surprise.

I know I was going to stop but couldn't resist, the above Kank was me. :oops:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Cenghiz, stand will unhide you, or sta.

Same as it gets rid of a change ldesc.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I usually just look at my equipment to leave hiding.

If you're doing an emote that shows you're -leaving- hiding, though, I assume the emote would be followed by a command that would take you out of hiding anyway, though.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger