
Started by Jakahri, June 25, 2006, 04:33:00 PM

>Someone looks at you.
>Someone stands.
>Someone sheaths something.
>Someone mounts something.
>Someone rides north.
>l n
>Very far to the north:
Someone is here riding something.

I see this time and again. Give me a break.  :roll:
Quote from: LauraMarsThis is an unrealistic game.

(which is part of its appeal)

No doubt. *flex*

i would use the request tool for this:
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one


think teh n00b is a 3lf!!!omfgKthnxbye.

sheathe sword;mount kank;nnn

That's what I'm seeing.

Am I right?

I agree, if this is the case, it doesn't matter if they're surrounded by creatures from outerspace.. at least fire off a decent emote.

> emote turns about wildly, grabbing ~kank.
sheathe sword;mount kank;run

> emote takes off atop ~kank, flailing his arms wildly.

My two 'sids.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

I actually think that, in some cases, this is caused by "raiders" who do the same: eee, draw sword draw dagger, kill man

But two wrongs don't make a right :)
b]YB <3[/b]

Quote from: "Jakahri">Someone looks at you.
>Someone stands.
>Someone sheaths something.
>Someone mounts something.
>Someone rides north.
>l n
>Very far to the north:
Someone is here riding something.

I see this time and again. Give me a break.  :roll:

I take it for what it is, they saw you and ran away, firing off an emote or two is nice but it doesn't take the facts they were scared of you which is an IC realistic reaction. Assuming you want more friendly RP out in the wilderness try shouting some sort of greeting before you charge in the room.

If you want to gank them like a raider...the best raiders i've seen only give warning from far away:

You hear a shout from the south 'DIE'
Raider runs in from the south
Raider attacks you
etc etc
raider attempts to flee
you have killed raider.

The best raiders tend to have a friend...

... or three.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

Fastest way to piss me off?

Automount when I enter a room.

Once, I walked in on a guy sleeping.  Before I could type out l-o-o-k, he woke, stood, and mounted.  In the half-second that I was stunned at the speed of this, he left.

I have never had someone enter a room, snatch a kank from me, and ride away into the sunset.  Even the NPCs don't even do that.  Granted, if they did, I would be quite pissed both IC and OOC, since that seems somewhat dishonest as far as the PLAYER goes (at the least, you ought to throw out a wait and emote fiddling with ties and making sure nobody is staring at you as you make off with someone's livelihood).

I have met, maybe, 2 people in the wilderness who stayed put long enough for me to even look at them, let alone fire off an emote.  Seriously.  Stop doing that.  It's lame-ass... reminds me of a PK Arena.

I think there is a lot of hyperbola here.  I played a -lot- of outdoorsy characters and I've had -very -little problem approaching people in the sands. So some people bolt right away, shit happens, I'll interact with the next guy.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

It's tough when it's so easy to end an opposing character in one move in Armageddon.

This isn't the company picnic, people don't introduce themselves to eachother in the desert unless they have a motive or an advantage.

Hot Dancer
Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

Having played a recent (successful) Raider, I feel your pain.

On the note of people saying its because of raiders doing the same thing.
My recent one ran into other raiders and all save one were very well played, plenty of atmosphere added with emotes and says, shouts etc.

VERY few of the victems were well played, very dissapointing, specialy when some were karma/special app.

Of the victems that were well played, every one of them lived, some are even still alive.

The ones that mounted and walked off etc, when My PC found them again, I treated them in the same manner as they treated me, no emote, walk in and slay.

Well...not exactly, I still take great pains to try and give a good death, they all got at least a good ending emote.

Also, to any newer players.

If your PC is out cold or at neg HP, you can still emote and use change ldesc.

SO many of them once dropped, just stopped right there, did not go LD thank god, but still, nothing, and often I would be there emoting for 5-10 minutes on what my PC was doing, and all the time I'm thinking, come on, just one little bit of interaction here and something may catch the attention of my char and he might move off, but no, a full 90% were zero interaction...sigh.

Many of us that play raiders try very hard on the entertainment part of the game, the realism and such, its heartbreaking when a victem does not work just as hard.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "X-D"Of the victems that were well played, every one of them lived, some are even still alive.

The ones that mounted and walked off etc, when My PC found them again, I treated them in the same manner as they treated me, no emote, walk in and slay.

What gives you the right to decide which players deserve to be killed without the benefit of RP?

As a raider, as someone whose entire concept revolves around causing discomfort to other players, the burden is on you to be a cut above, not them.

The idea that "if they run away without emoting, I'll kill them without emoting" honestly disturbs me. It strikes me as vengeful griefing than actual RP.

The only thing you lose when someone runs away without emoting is a potential RP scene. Apparantly that gives you the right to judge their RP and execute them without emoting yourself? Nuh uh.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

I'm with X-D.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "X-D"Many of us that play raiders try very hard on the entertainment part of the game, the realism and such, its heartbreaking when a victem does not work just as hard.

Many people, especially new ones have a tendency to lock up when presented with a character ending situation.  You can't see how they are reacting on the other end of the keyboard.   And as was stated above, the onus is on the person wielding the power, not the other way around.  

Personally I fail to see much entertainment in a few fancy emotes.  The heartbreaking thing is losing a long lived character, the reward being how fancy your killer emotes his sword movement.   It's the way things are, that I understand and accept, but I have never found dying particularly entertaining.  It's the living and escaping the death scene that is rewarding.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

They give me that right, even if you ignore that turn about is fair play.

They have already shown how they wish to play it. So, I will play it the way THEY want it played. This has nothing to do with being vengeful, far from it, as I said, I still work to give a good ending emote at least. Mercy is almost always on as well, allowing the time to do so.

They have already been given the chance, or do you only skim posts cale?


QuoteThe only thing you lose when someone runs away without emoting is a potential RP scene. Apparantly that gives you the right to judge their RP and execute them without emoting yourself? Nuh uh.

Um, excuse me, but last time I checked this was a ROLEPLAY mud.

And, who said I was not Roleplaying, you REALLY need to check the RP docs and older staff posts on the subject.

Emoting is NOT Roleplay.

I simply emote the SAME way they are, THEY are the ones forcing the issue.

On an RP side, yes, they got away, ICly my PC is pissed and will give no quarter. This again, even without a single emote is RP.

I never once said that these people were not roleplaying, they could have had a few thinks etc in that time and made the CHOICE to not emote.

Emotes are atmosphere, NOTHING else, but that is what, for many people helps make the game more fun and realistic. Maybe others don't feel that way, fine, I will play along the way they like it.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I'm definitely with Cale.

Your character is either planning to kill somebody or not planning to kill them -- either way, how much they're emoting shouldn't directly effect your PCs choices. And you should be emoting either way.

Now if you want to kill someone, maybe they'll emote, beg, etc and convince you not to. Not attempting that gives them no chance to change your mind.

On the other hand, deciding "this guy is well played, I will spare him"; "I deem this guy a twink, he will die!!!" really comes off as saying to me "I will use the power of my skills to judge your roleplay, and kill you if I don't like it."

Even if you might lose a mark because you stop to emote and they spam-fled, so what? The game is not about winning every single battle your character enters. You might get karma or positive account notes for a well-played and emoted pursuit/chase scene, even if you don't catch the victim. I'm fairly certain you would not get karma or good notes just from charging in without any emotes because it gives you the better chance to gank somebody.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Quote from: "Jherlen"Even if you might lose a mark because you stop to emote and they spam-fled, so what?
So your character's exact description will be passed to everyone everywhere using the Way and you will die.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Larrath"
Quote from: "Jherlen"Even if you might lose a mark because you stop to emote and they spam-fled, so what?
So your character's exact description will be passed to everyone everywhere using the Way and you will die.

Okay, so the only viable way to play a raider is to kill everybody you attack as fast as possible to prevent yourself from being found out?  :roll:
subdue thread
release thread pit

I don't justify twink-killing and I don't justify twink-fleeing.
However, the sad truth is that it seems the same people who'll spam walk away from a raider are the same people that will then repeat his mdesc verbatim to half of the world.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

See it how you want, it matters not at all to me.

The IC consideration for the raider is that he is going to kill that guy and take his shit.

Now, -I- might decide that something else happens, but that totally depends on you.

As to ones talking about fancy emotes, anybody who has seen my play knows fancy emotes are not my thing. But emotes to interact are.

Players freezing up, Come on, for 10 minutes? Maybe, but if so, oh well.

QuoteNow if you want to kill someone, maybe they'll emote, beg, etc and convince you not to. Not attempting that gives them no chance to change your mind.


QuoteOn the other hand, deciding "this guy is well played, I will spare him"; "I deem this guy a twink, he will die!!!" really comes off as saying to me "I will use the power of my skills to judge your roleplay, and kill you if I don't like it."

No, as you see, these posts are after the fact, any opinion I have to the play of said char is also after the fact and has no bearing at all on what happened at the time.

And there is no "I should be emoting" There are no rules on such, only rule is to stay IN char.

The only real OOC consideration is that the person NOT emoting is actually getting a coded advantage on the one who is emoting. Therefore, if you show that you will play it without the emotes, then I shall as well to keep it on an even footing.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "X-D"As to ones talking about fancy emotes, anybody who has seen my play knows fancy emotes are not my thing. But emotes to interact are.

I don't think anyone is requiring emotes be fancy, just that they be present. Roleplaying with somebody who doesn't emote is like reading an instruction manual or a dry history book - you can tell WHAT is happening, but not WHY, and not how anyone feels about it.

It's much better to give emotes to interact with than no emotes. I truly feel that goes for all circumstances.

QuoteThe only real OOC consideration is that the person NOT emoting is actually getting a coded advantage on the one who is emoting. Therefore, if you show that you will play it without the emotes, then I shall as well to keep it on an even footing.

Sure, they might be getting a coded advantage I suppose. You'll be getting a roleplaying advantage - the advantage of writing a better scene and one more entertaining for people to watch and for your own logs. I know which one I'd pick.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I agree with everything X-D and Larrath have stated about it. The times I have played a raider, usually my pc's intention (initially) is to rob and let live.

When someone uses the code to escape without painting the scene at all...then the next time I see them...ICly: They didn't play by my rules and I didn't get what I wanted, it looks like I will have to take them out to get what I want. OOCly: If they chose in the first encounter not to flush out the scene as a courtesy to me then I will not extend the same courtesy if a second opportunity comes around.

It is -both- an IC and an OOC reaction to such that coincide with each other.

Most raiders, would rather have a scene played out for the entertainment of those involved and ICly lose, than get nothing from the other player from an OOC standpoint.

If you rp with me, I might decide OOCly that my pc makes an IC mistake and you get away anyway. If you don't, then "fuck you, the player" and I'm not going to give you such a courtesy.

Now, I have noticed in my last attempt at a raider...that things appear to have gotten better. In previous attempts, more often than not I got nothing from the other player and they "played to win" only seldom coming across someone who wanted to join in the fun and create an enjoyable scene for those involved. The last time, I only had -one- person refuse to play along and the rest (who did play out the scene) lived beyond the encounter and may very well still be alive.

Edit: Oh yeah, and to those of you who -did- play along: THANK YOU.  It is hard enough from an IC standpoint as a raider without having to deal with OOC bullshit on top of it.  8)
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm going to toss my hat in the ring with Larrath and X-D.

If someone twinks out on me, in future interactions with that person, I will move as close to the grey edge of twinkery as I can in future interactions with them.  If someone behaves reasonably, I too will behave reasonably.

Of course, I'm of the opinion that, when playing a raider, you should be a merciless bastard, anyway.  All this "leave them alive so you can raid them again later" rationalization makes no sense to me.  Catch-and-release just lets the fish get bigger, and these are sharks, not bass:  eventually they start coming after you.

This is Zalanthas, not Sherwood Forest.  If you can't defend yourself reasonably well, and you venture out into the wastes, you're going to get wasted, plain and simple.  That's just the way it is.  If you get caught so badly that you can't escape, you're either unlucky, unprepared, or both, and you deserve to die.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

To begin:  I agree partially with X-D.  Emoting is not roleplay, personally I feel the first priority of a raider is to secure the situation to make sure his target doesn't flee.  The raider, however, also has much more oppurtunity to emote because he knows what's happening, the victim doesn't and is usually put in a bit of IC shock.

I'm all for interacting with raiders and the like but it really is a case by case basis.  Someone shouts out "Die!" in the middle of the desert while I'm mounted on my kank I'm going to turn the other way and bolt if my character is the least bit knowledgable.  That's the response I think any remotely skilled desert traveller would have.  If they aren't then clearly it might be appropriate to freeze up on the reins.

The fact of the matter is that it is impossible to judge any of this except by a case by case basis.  Where did the raid take place?  Did the person know you were coming?  What was your reaction, did you immediately give off the "OMG raider!" vibe or did you first gain some trust then turn into a raider the moment their guard was down?  To be honest I really don't feel that solo raiders are an extremely realistic concept to be successful and don't put much weight when I hear of someone running from one.  The weight is on the raider(s) to realistically and through code find a way to make sure the person doesn't flee, giving raiders a few new tools for this might not be a bad idea though hide/sneak/subdue/poison/shoot/etc. have all worked wonders in the past.

The best scenes like this I've played in usually involve a quick securing of the situation by the raider or the victim then a prolonged RP session.

Things I feel might happen that definitely shouldn't:

-People spam walking to escape a raider, if you are going to flee try to remember to hit run.
-People fleeing a few rooms then quitting out.
-People who spread a PCs mdesc verbatum and don't take into account if they were hooded and/or facewrapped.

Since when has this ever changed? Will it ever change? Nah. You have certain groups of players, right? And that's one of them.

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."