Thank you for the worst RP I've ever seen

Started by Nokturn, September 20, 2006, 02:22:05 PM

Without telling IC details, I would like to tell you the worst and saddest (OOCly) moment I've had in Armageddon. Just need to let some steam out.

I shouted for help, I told them to spare my life, I told them I would give them my money, my clothes, just let me live, I would even work and give them all my money I would earn. No. My character was killed by two guys, without a SINGLE emote, without a SINGLE non-coded command, without any imagination, without any word, any say, any hello, any good bye, any evil grin.

It was, up to date, the best character I've had (wonderful background, made good friends IC) and died a death, that really made me sad, angry and frustrated as a player.

That makes me want to run whenever someone enters a room outside of town, but I know that would make things only worse.

Hey Nokturn,

I feel for you, buddy.  I've been there.  Done that.  Took a long break, and came back, only to have it done to me again.

My advice, if you want to hear it?

Create a character whose purpose is to die within the next 3 playing days.  A minor character, like an old man or a poorly skilled thief.  And watch him squirm and bleed as you kill him off.  Usually that helps.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

All I can say is it happens. If you're starting out in Armageddon, I'd recommend making a few 'throwaway' characters to introduce yourself with the code and environment.

Are you sure these two guys weren't NPCs? Even if they weren't, your time may have been better invested attempting to flee from these two meanies than begging for your life, it seems.

And, like said before, emoting does not equal RP. If it made sense for these two guys to do nothing but attack you, then they will. That's life in Zalanthas for you.

Other than that...

Quote from: "Armageddon Helpfiles"
Two, life is hard. There are no free lunches on Zalanthas. There aren't even free drinks of water. It is likely that you will die, and if you are unlucky or unintelligent you will die very fast. Only the fittest live long enough to retire in comfort at the end of their careers.

Three, sometimes people are nasty. There are no rules against being mean to others that you meet, be it cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise making a fool out of them as long as the meanness is in-character (IC).

Four, complaints of unfairness on the part of other players will not be given an audience. If you think another character was mean to you, you're most likely right.

Been there in similar situations way too many times.
It really does suck.  You make some really good IC friends after a lonely week, have some conversations, laughs, etc, and generally have a good time, then you walk 2 rooms away from the city, bam, all hell breaks loose onto you and your day is screwed majorly to the 234981293th power.

-|:::::R . I . P:::::::|
-|::Survived from::|
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Creepy Alley
The swarthy, black haired man stands here, hand on his blade.
The mud caked, tangle hiared woman is here, leaning against the wall.

A male voice says, in sirihish:
   "I want you two to pay a friend of mine a visit.  His name is Beebo.  He is a midget.  And he's crossed me...FOR THE LAST TIME!"

A male voice says, in sirihish:
   "I emote wind picking up around him when he spam hunts to no avail.  I hurl him through the air to scare him, and he hits F5 and spam runs to his apartment, which is poor decorated I might add."

His voice tinged with anger, a male voice says, in sirihish:
   "I want you to find him, and kill him.  I want him to suffer as -I- have suffered.  I want HIM to feel what it's like to be hunted, hunted like a piece of mindless meat!"

Head bobbing quickly in response, the swarthy, black haired man says, in sirihish:
   "Aye, m'lord.  We'll make it long an' painful!"

The swarthy, black haired man nods to his partner, turning to leave the alley.

Calling out sharply in the still air, a male voice says, in sirihish:

The swarthy, black haired man lifts a crooked brow, gazing back over his shoulder.

Words laced with malice, his tone sinister, a male voice says, in sirihish:
   "Make it...boring."

The mud caked, tangle haired woman gasps, glancing slack jawed toward the swarthy, black haired man in disbelief.

The swarthy, black haired man's features slowly draw downward, disappointment and shame taking permanent residence within his gaze.


I feel for you, man.  Sometimes it's hard to learn where to draw the lines of what you will entrust to the other player.  I've played both the victim and the killer, and both of them have left me wanting more than once.  I've felt frustrated as a victim on the receiving end of a RP-less PK from the highest karma option guild in the game, and I've felt guilty performing a realistic, if lackluster and quick paced, murder.

The best I think most of us can do is strive to be the better person in the hopes that it inspires the people around us, and even ourselves.  It's harder to do than it sounds, but it's a worthy effort.  Good luck on your next character.


I wouldn't really worry about it.

Kids that do this sort of thing are destined to forever inhabit the "kindergarten roles" (thanks jarrod).

If you care enough about RP to complain about a poorly-RP'ed death, then you're probably destined to have a decent amount of karma.

Imagine the same thing happening to you a year or so down the line, except this time you have a mindbender.

Quote from: "Some ugly-ass Klingon"Revenge is a dish best served cold

Also remember if you have a complaint about a player (or staff), you can use the request tool to complain to the staff, and get it handled. In a situation such as this, attaching logs might be a good idea, so we can try and understand the situation better.

I feel your pain, man.  I lost my last character in just such a fashion.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

Shit happens, dude.

a) Maybe there was lead-up roleplaying that you didn't see. ("You two: kill this guy. Make it quick and quiet. Don't say shit to him. Just kill him, and the money's yours.") Assume good faith.

b) Complaints about player conduct should go through the request tool. They are for the immortals to handle, not for the playerbase to argue about.

c) Welcome to Armageddon.

I disagree that this is the wrong forum to give vent to frustration. Really complaining is about the best satisfaction left to him. Maybe having read this will discourage someone from handling this situation in the same manner. He's not giving away ic info. Why not just let him vent?
It takes two hands to open this safe. The manager has only one.

I usually rp my little bottom off, and I think in 5-6 years of playing arm, I've only killed a few pc's.

A few of them were acciddental, where my char was just.. too strong for his own good. And one was because I wanted him to die. I dragged that one out, torture, rp lots of fun.

Just a little while ago I was in a situation where I was just subdued and killed without any rp. Just enter room, subdue, kill. By two pc's.

The lesson in the end, is that there are bad people out there who will kill you in RL and in Arm. It sucked that I died, but yeah I was pretty much shattered by the lack of any fun into it.

I strongly hope arm gets away from this trend. A few other insances have led me to see things like a magicker coming into a certain area. Instead of ANYONE staying to rp and make a scene out of it, every single pc insta fled.

This isn't the type of play I want to see in arm. I want the tense situations, the escapes, the captures. But I was dissapointed again. The uber defiler instead of emoting and making the scene real simply cast one spell after another without emoting until I was dead.

That was the worst one for me. Uber pc had complete control, all the time in the world. I thought at least I'd get some kinda excitement out of it.

The lesson in this all. My latest chars have for the first time avoided ANY desert rp. I just don't do it anymore. It's not worth the risk. I've become an insta flee advocate. Stop enjoying arm for it's rp, if you ever see another pc, just insta flee, it's the only way to enjoy the game outside with the current crop of twinks.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Personaly, I feel for the OP, He had time to do all that and the other players could not throw even a single bone, Bah.

Dakkan, Really man, you might consider not playing anymore. If I felt that way I would.

I think LoD has the right of it myself. I normaly try and give as much fun as I can to my victems. But there are also times when a murder is supposed to be lightning fast, and when its planning and execution go perfectly. When that happens One seccond your eating a travel cake, the next you looking at the mantis head and have to scroll back to find out what happened. I am dissapointed that when that happens, almost 100% of the time the victem starts yelling TWINK to a Good IC event.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

It's not really feeling one way or another.

The bottom line truth is, if you try to rp, and they try to kill, you loose.

The staff -will- side with whoever walked in and killed you, because ICly that's exactly what happened.

Trying to rp has wasted more hours of my life then anything. I think it's the best advice you can possibly give someone who is new to this game. Don't stick around to rp, because if they decide to just kill you, then what have you gained? Nothing.

I still fully plan to make fun and exciting scenes, that involve me killing people. But you honstly can't trust any other pc out there to rp. Doing that has cost me several chars, one over 60 days.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

I think you are thinking a little...simply, Dakkon.  You are equating speaking and emoting to RP, which are not.  They are each an element of RP, but just because someone didn't do something that you could see does not mean that are not rolelpaying.

This also goes back to the issue that if you expect people to auto-attack and thus auto-flee, you will encourage more people to auto-attack to get the combat started because they'll expect people to auto-flee...which will only encourage more auto-fleeing...which will encourage...which will...which...

It's a circular issue, and if no one person decides to stick around, noone will.  Please don't tell people that the best advice is to auto-flee.  My suggestion would be to make a complaint so that the person doing the bad can be talked to about it.  Perhaps they did nothing wrong, you just couldn't tell.  Sure, you may lose a character and that sucks, but it is just a game.  You can make a new character.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I just feel like people need to back off a little on killing PC's.  If there is a real good reason for assassination or whatever, fine... but for the most part I think it would serve the game a whole lot better if you just left them bleeding and unconscious or just knocked out or whatever.  Crap, just pretend like you think they are dead or something and leave them alone.  They still have to survive waking up (if they even wake up) and healing without something else getting them before they make it to safety... and probably several hundred coins poorer and/or missing equipment etc.

I'm sure you would want people to give you the same chance, so why don't you use a little RP etiquette and do the same for them.

QuoteI think you are thinking a little...simply, Dakkon. You are equating speaking and emoting to RP, which are not. They are each an element of RP, but just because someone didn't do something that you could see does not mean that are not rolelpaying.

Dood. Don't think I'm on some random spur here. I've TRIED to stick around. Many times. MANY times. EVERY time I lost. EVERY time I died and the end result was them winning. EVERY time I've sat there in the vulnerable position, hoping to get some kind of scene, all I got was the Mantis.

Tell me, what's the mistake in running away from pc's? That's good advice. You can't tell what they are going to do. You can't tell if they are going to emote, or slit your throat.

I don't equate people emoting and speaking to RP, you are correct in that GOOD rp might simply be walking in and slitting your throat. But you can keep that good rp for yourself. I'll take other kinds.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

To Dakkon: I thought the same after the loss, first. But now I have my new character and after thinking about it a bit, I came to the conclusion that if you roleplay and they don't, you are the winner, despite of what the code says. At least this makes it easier for me.

I will log from now on and discuss with the Imms if I have a reason to complain. Anyway, this is a great game and I play it mainly for the roleplaying experience. And that you can have fun roleplaying a fresh character (without the need to train skills or something of the sort first), soothes my player's soul a bit.

I just hope they had reasons to KILL, cause that character of mine didn't even have a weapon equipped (in fact, he had not ever owned one, focusing on the non-violent aspect of the game).

I want to mention to all those quick to kill:

Everytime you typed "kill <seeker's PC>" before taking the time to really engage in RP, you have missed out.  

I am not the fastest typer in the world, so it is easy to codedly dominate the scene against me if most players wished, but everytime I have been splashed by PKillers.... every time, they would have profited much, much more by giving me a chance to beg, grovel, barter and spill the beans.

I am insta-splashed LONG before I can offer up the really cool sekrits that would be worth saving my character's life just to hear.  Getting the forty 'sid, the moderate gear, and the feeling of being bad-assed is fine.  But you could have got much, much, much more with just a little patience and creativity.

Most PC's can give up things much more interesting and valuable then their lives and gear if given the chance.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Seeker"I want to mention to all those quick to kill:

Everytime you typed "kill <seeker's PC>" before taking the time to really engage in RP, you have missed out.  

Having played with Seeker, I'll confirm this.
nless explicitly stated, the opinions of this poster do not necessarily represent all staff.

Halaster the Shroud of Death sings, in unnaturally gutteral sirihish:

Seeker's answer to it is exactly the worst part. It's so much more fun to go the other way and draw out your death sentence, and yet I've never ONCE in 5 years of this game been treated to a cool PK.

It's utterly fine to say that they are the ones who are missing out, but I'm the one who just lost how ever many hours went into that char. Not them. I don't know what the solution is, because I hate the idea of insta fleeing everything and everyone.

I hope that more people take up the cause of creating a cool death scene, because it sure is much cooler then what I've gotten.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

After coming from hack and slash muds (one of which I IMMed on and TRIED to bring roleplay to) and watched players with hardons for nothing but PKing each other, the PKing in Armageddon doesn't seem nearly as bad.

However, I have to agree with what Seeker said previously.  Give a dude (or a gal) a chance to bargain for his or her life!!  It's much more fun than just splattering someone.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Sokotra"I just feel like people need to back off a little on killing PC's.  If there is a real good reason for assassination or whatever, fine...


I'm sure you would want people to give you the same chance...

I understand that people get attached to their characters, but every single one will die. People need to get used to the fact that it probably won't happen when it's convenient for you.

Also, here you're making the assumption that people are killing for no reason, which I doubt quite strongly. Someone somewhere has a reason to kill you, I promise. You say you had a lot of friends? I might want to kill you just to get back at THEM. You're just a quiet woodcrafter who minds his own business. Maybe you're threatening my woodcrafting business. I know it feels good to vent, and it's fine if that's all your doing. But to actually expect people to leave your PC alone, or to resort to insta-fleeing because your character is too important to even -risk- missing out on a chance to rp is just selfish.