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Quote from: Trevalyan on Today at 12:02:25 PMIt's entirely reasonable to have personally met mindbenders (my last character met at least three), but most characters aren't likely to know what they are, much less the full scope of their capabilities.

If your character starts feeling "unusual" emotions or thoughts, don't be so quick to immediately dismiss them as the work of a mindbender who's in your room. Aside from personal convictions or social pressure, there are major powers in the world whose influence might be guiding you away from- or towards- dangerous thoughts. When your character starts having ideas that didn't come from your own keyboard, run with it. You might discover some very special opportunities that way.

In addition, consider believability. In real life, you will have random thoughts throughout the day and you'll never wonder if a mindbender is sending them to you.  You might be reading this post, and suddenly the color red will flash in your mind. Or you'll get an itch on your leg, but there's nothing touching it. Or a brief moment of tinnitus will hiss through your ears. Or you might just suddenly notice that your house has sound (the fridge, the electricals, the A/C, the clock faintly humming on the nightstand, a twig falling on the roof, a lizard crawling on the window screen), and you wonder why you're suddenly noticing this, even though it's been happening around you all day.

No mindbenders needed. It IS all in your head. So just roll with it.
General Discussion / Re: Are you ready?
Last post by Bast - Today at 12:19:19 PM
Quote from: FamousAmos on Today at 12:11:28 PMWhat time is it starting?

Week of June 15th its in the new newsletter!,60419.msg1103559/topicseen.html#msg1103559

June 1st - applications for rolecalls and specapps are open in the request tool
June 7th - Applications close,
June 7th - 10th - Staff make decisions
June 10th to June 13th - Set up of leadership roles
June 13th & 14th - Session Zero for sponsored roles
June 15th - Game launches
General Discussion / Re: Are you ready?
Last post by FamousAmos - Today at 12:11:28 PM
What time is it starting?
It's entirely reasonable to have personally met mindbenders (my last character met at least three), but most characters aren't likely to know what they are, much less the full scope of their capabilities.

If your character starts feeling "unusual" emotions or thoughts, don't be so quick to immediately dismiss them as the work of a mindbender who's in your room. Aside from personal convictions or social pressure, there are major powers in the world whose influence might be guiding you away from- or towards- dangerous thoughts. When your character starts having ideas that didn't come from your own keyboard, run with it. You might discover some very special opportunities that way.
General Discussion / Re: Are you ready?
Last post by Bast - Today at 11:59:04 AM
Quote from: Halaster on May 31, 2024, 08:37:04 AMIn a brainless moment, I made plans to go out of town on June 15.  It wasn't until a few days later that I realized my silly mistake, and rescheduled those plans.  So I'm ready.

Ill be a memorial for my Dad the 15th-22nd. Hopefully I will be forgiven to be a little late to the party.
General Discussion / Re: Are you ready?
Last post by Bast - Today at 11:58:12 AM
Three roles submitted (kinda)   :-X . I hope everyone that has ever played a rock star in any of this round of role calls puts in a solid app! Good luck to everyone lets make this a really great relaunch!
Staff Announcements / Re: Release Notes
Last post by Halaster - Today at 10:51:07 AM
June 2, 2024 (Sunday)

- Bug fixes for code supporting a mundane plotline
- Add a new city code

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- under-the-hood updates to banking
- updates to some staffing commands
- improvements to setting up shopkeepers for staff
- request tool changes from,60422.0.html
I'm gonna One-Up Eurynomos here and post the contents of that helpfile as they are still the current documentation and expectation:

Here is some guidance on how players are expected to handle (potential) interaction with Psionicists. This is an incredibly challenging aspect of role-playing as it requires conscious effort to not meta-play by using Out-of-Character knowledge and to potentially have your character do things that you, the player, may know are not in their best interest.

    If your character experiences something 'odd' that you may think you know (or simply suspect) is the result of a Psionicist - do not, even as a player, assume that is. It could very well be (and often is) actually the result of Staff interaction. The best bet in these scenarios is to assume it IS Staff and respond according to that.
    If your character experiences something odd that you did not input and you think you know (or simply suspect) it is the result of a Psionicist - your character should not and would not necessarily know. This applies to ALL characters at ALL levels of society (one particular sect excluded, they know who they are) unless they have had some serious In-Character training on the subject. Your character is unlikely to know the difference in most cases and there is an expectation for you to go along with it realistically. This does not necessarily mean total compliance, it could also mean inner turmoil, confusion, questioning sanity or any number of other responses that are not 'mindbender attack'.
    If your character experiences things such as odd sensations or weird symptoms (again, OOC'ly this could be Staff or a number of other things), your character would not and should not immediately think 'mindbender'. Psionicists are rare abominations, they are the boogeymen under the bed, they are not something your average commoner is thinking about. Most characters should assume literally anything else before they assume a 'Psionicist' (I'm sick, I ate something funny, I'm stressed, it sure is hot today, etc).
    You should not be responding to the above by doing that thing you think protects you from Psionicists. You should be roleplaying according to the information you receive from the game.
    If your character seems subject to frequent attacks that would damage their mental health and/or well-being, then those who are educated might start to become suspicious and seek counsel/help, those who aren't might become concerned about their own well-being and seek help, advice and education. Again, it's unlikely they would jump straight to 'Psionicist' over 'I'm unwell'.
    If another character tells yours about any 'weird scenarios', please think very carefully about what your character would and should know, based on the above, before reacting. Try to avoid inadvertantly using out-of-character knowledge.
    If a Psionicist has outed themselves to your character, you should try to roleplay according to cultural documentation (extreme fear, stress, anxiety, paranoia, disgust etc). These abominations are the absolute worst of the worst with unknown breadth to their power. Imagine if you found out in real life that your spouse/lover/person you met in the street was in actuality a serial killer - would you remain loyal to them? How would you feel? Would you turn them in?
    If you think your character is being bothered by a Psionicist, then you are in for a proper roleplaying challenge (and probably a fun ride!). At that point it would be a good idea to start submitting character reports so Staff can help and you can ask questions if you're unsure about how something should be handled.
    Likewise, if you are ever unsure about how your character should handle a complicated scenario and you are in the midst of it and totally stuck - do wish up for further assistance.
General Discussion / Re: New Tagline Entries
Last post by roughneck - Today at 09:43:39 AM
Obsidian, blood and oppression.
General Discussion / Re: New Tagline Entries
Last post by Evilone - Today at 08:54:19 AM
Quote from: Eurynomos on Today at 07:26:49 AMArmageddonMUD: Death is only the Beginning
Please let the season bring on a zombie horde or skeletons or liches!