Recent posts

Staff Announcements / Re: Staff Teams List
Last post by Halaster - September 23, 2024, 07:35:36 AM
First two posts updated with Urbais and Hulrouk leaving staff, while adding Markku and Lachesis.
General Discussion / Re: Spec-app idea---midlife cr...
Last post by Hym - September 23, 2024, 02:48:14 AM
I think Touched should eventually be able to change to one of the actual subclasses of magick down the line if they train extraordinarily hard and have a good teacher.
General Discussion / Re: Spec-app idea---midlife cr...
Last post by Athapaxis - September 22, 2024, 11:00:37 PM
So what I'm hearing you say is we need more murder...

Staff Announcements / Re: Staff Calls (mostly) Alway...
Last post by Halaster - September 22, 2024, 08:15:17 PM
Reminder that this is open.  We need staff.  Due to normal RL stuff we've lost more staff than gained since Seasons opened.  We have a certain set of things we'd like to accomplish, and a certain amount of clans we'd like to keep open.  But we're currently below enough staff to make those continue to happen.  If I'm totally open, we're back in the same situation we were in pre-Seasons when we didn't have enough staff to run the game.  So if you've ever been curious and wanted to staff, now is a really great time to apply!
Code Discussion / Re: Could we make race based s...
Last post by Cheddar - September 22, 2024, 12:17:30 PM
Did this happen?
Staff Announcements / Re: Release Notes
Last post by Halaster - September 22, 2024, 09:56:27 AM
September 22, 2024 (Sunday)

- forge fixes
- bugfix to staff command

Zorkbob the Installer
- bugfix on staff command
- update to other staff commands

World and Roleplaying Discussion / Re: Green skin
Last post by LindseyBalboa - September 21, 2024, 02:03:31 PM
Quote from: creeper386 on September 18, 2024, 04:26:14 PMI think some of this is the idea of some naturally occuring effects of wearing copper, pushing in game trends. Similar to Kadius and who else in the past getting important people to wear this or that to try and direct trends in fashion.

I think it would be a great idea to have had introduced and any trends occurred naturally from in game activities, but with it being discussed on the boards already, would feel contrived to me. Having the tattoo artists do fake skin staining is great, but without initial staining from actual copper being represented would not make sense to me.

Though I would love to see some mastercrafted fake copper-painted bone bangles and shit start showing up in the game after things get going.

I can tdesc or emote about having calloused hands from practicing the sword whether or not the sword object creates a tattoo object on my hand location for callousing. I don't see much of a difference here - copper is gonna copper regardless imo.

Looking forward to seeing whatever trends tattoo artists end up pushing out and how they interact or are influenced by popular figures or the culture around them.
General Discussion / Re: Spec-app idea---midlife cr...
Last post by Dresan - September 20, 2024, 01:49:54 PM
Quote from: Robespierre on August 29, 2024, 10:40:56 PMI think I saw a post about having more use for large amounts of coin in the later game. That might be a better way to breathe life into old characters

The issue with coins is an old problem that has been masked over the years by the fact the game was rather gank-happy in the past, so fewer people got to see a mid to late game. Its been known for a long time at some point most people will have nothing better to do with their coins other than to junk them. When this happens a lot of the content the game offers becomes meaningless to do, with most people just waiting for 'big' and 'interesting' thing to happen.

As an example, there would be a lot of benefits in allowing players to buy a single skill gain for a large amount of coins (20k+) without impacting benefits of finding opportunity or working with other players. Stories happens as people are out just doing mundane stuff, so making sure they always have good reason to do something is important.

Allowing players to evolve their character through a transparent policy would add another layer of content on top of all that, something players can look forward with some level of fairness even if all skills are maxed as long as they continue playing actively. 

Again due to people being murdered left and right in the past, these sort of ideas were less necessary before. And while I could go into more detail on the benefits of keeping existing content meaningful and rewarding time-played, it is perhaps a conversation for the future when the season gets closer to ending.
Staff Announcements / Re: A Little Gangster, A Littl...
Last post by Valkyrja - September 19, 2024, 12:07:36 AM
This is cloooosed! THANKS. Will get back to you all soon.
World and Roleplaying Discussion / Re: Green skin
Last post by creeper386 - September 18, 2024, 04:26:14 PM
I think some of this is the idea of some naturally occuring effects of wearing copper, pushing in game trends. Similar to Kadius and who else in the past getting important people to wear this or that to try and direct trends in fashion.

I think it would be a great idea to have had introduced and any trends occurred naturally from in game activities, but with it being discussed on the boards already, would feel contrived to me. Having the tattoo artists do fake skin staining is great, but without initial staining from actual copper being represented would not make sense to me.

Though I would love to see some mastercrafted fake copper-painted bone bangles and shit start showing up in the game after things get going.