Recent posts

Seasons Information / Season 1, Update 17: Conflict,...
Last post by Valkyrja - October 16, 2024, 12:55:56 AM
The taverns are buzzing with fresh rumors, blood's been spilled in the streets and happenings at the King's Age Festival has the city on edge. Opportunities are out there for those brave, the bold or the foolish enough to take them. But keep your ears sharp (not that sharp) and your back covered. It only takes one wrong move.

Turmoil and Transformation
The Magefall movement has entered a new phase of turmoil following the massacre of Syrah's followers outside the T'zai Byn Compound, forcing the once-public group underground. Rolana's whereabouts are unknown, with rumors suggesting she's in exile for cowardice. Clandestine meetings now take place in hidden dens, as whispers of a new leader, known only as Commoner, spread. His influence grows among those opposing the Gemmed's elevated status. Prominent figures from the T'zai Byn and possibly even the Arm of the Dragon and Nobility are rumored to be involved, advocating for the return of Allanak's traditional social order, with the Gemmed tightly controlled by the Templarate.

Show Your Allegiance

For those wishing to display their stance on this divisive issue, two new tattoo artists have set up shop in the city:

Lyvix: Located near Stonecarver's Road, Lyvix offers designs for supporters of the Magefall movement. Lyra: Found close to the Shady Oasis Tavern, Lyra specializes in tattoos for those who stand with the Gemmed.

As tensions simmer and alliances shift, the future of Allanak hangs in the balance. Which side will you choose?

A Gladiator Freed
Nikki the Highlady of Hate and Menosax the Farmer met each other on the sands in the thrilling conclusion of the tournament where one slave would be elevated to commoner status and granted a boon by the Great Lady Sath. Ten gladiators had been hand picked for the tournament, with eight were now dead, and the bloodsport fans divided into two factions. Nikki represented Allanaki irreverence, taunting opponents and crowd members alike. Menosax was a man where you got what you saw - a simple man with a straightforward respect for his betters.

When they clashed, Menosax bore the armor of Borsail in stark comparison to Nikki who continued to defy decency and death by wearing as little as possible. It became evident that the Highlady held a speed advantage and pressured Menosax into positional mistakes as she ducked under the powerful swings from the farmhand. The Highlord must have blessed Nikki - for she cut down Menosax in quick form with only minor injury - and claimed her victory.

The Gaj Who Got Away

Much to the frustration of His Templarate: the words of Great Lady Adaren Sath have been disproven, as rumors of the gaj she claimed to have smote in the Arena continue to circulate. The hushed whispers of speculation in taverns have caused a panic as it has become increasingly clear something unnatural is amiss - and no one is safe. Long-time respected merchants, soldiers, mercenaries, and everyone in between are vanishing by the dozens, only to reappear weeks later as shadows of their former selves. Grieving families overcome with joy to rediscover their loved ones are crushed that they no longer seem to be whole. Crazed and often detached victims of psionic attack are routinely being tackled and dragged away by the militia, never to be seen again. Nightly festivities at taverns are being disturbed by those shouting about 'She Who Consumes', that the Templarate is nothing but defiler tyrants, and the proclaiming a new hierarchy in Allanak.

Many fear they will be next, with no end to the chaos in sight. She escaped the wrath of a Great Lady - who can possibly stop the gaj?

Tavern Under New Management

The Shady Oasis is once again under new management, this time by Dzeda, a highly charismatic tribal trader and storyteller. Rumors suggest a Magefaller curse could be to blame for the constant turnover. In a bold move, Dzeda has halved food and beverage prices, sparking a rush of patrons. It's unclear if this is a temporary promotion or a long-term strategy. Additionally, the tavern is now buying raw ingredients, making it an attractive destination for hunters and grebbers looking to sell their raw foods to Oblitha.


Noble House Oash is Hiring!
Oash seeks aides and a skilled vintner to tend his vineyards. Aspiring candidates should seek Kestrel to arrange an interview.

Perjun Trading Company Looking for Grebbers
Perjun Trading is hiring hunters and grebbers, offering pay, sponsorship for a year in the Byn, and armor. Speak with Nyxie for details.

Master Wainwright Seeks Apprentices
Saidi of Adeeb seeks apprentices for his wainwright business, offering resources, training, and a chance to become partners.

Lord Templar Rahvik Oash is Hiring
Lord Templar Rahvik Oash seeks a commoner for a personal assistant role. This position offers great rewards but will be highly demanding.

House Kurac Needs Crafters
Feran-da Kurac seeks a crafter for tools and armor. He's also looking for a hunter or assistant. The position offers shared profits, a locker, and workshop access.

Lord Fale is Seeking Talent
Lord Elyphas Fale is hiring individuals for employment. Artists seeking sponsorship should reach out directly to Lord Fale.

Rumors and Gossip

Whispers of Tuluki Spies in the City
Two figures at a tavern exchange warnings about Tuluki spies posing as Sythason-sympathizers. These spies are suspected of trying to turn Allanak's people against one another.

Seeking Sponsors for Artistic Libations
Orv, a quiet artist, is searching for sponsors to explore new forms of flavorful libations. His work could be featured at upcoming festivals.

A weathered man has been asking around the Gaj about two missing individuals—a tall, black-haired woman and a balding, dark-skinned man.

Shackled Gems and Propaganda
Strange scrolls depicting shackled gems have appeared around the city. Conversations overheard suggest growing unrest and a divide between those who support the Gemmed and those who oppose them.

The Streets Ran Red: Carnage at the T'zai Byn Compound
Lord Templar Rahvik Oash and Sergeant Talon faced off against over a hundred Magefallers attempting to burn the T'zai Byn compound. Despite a warning to retreat, the Magefallers attacked, leading to a massacre as Templar forces, Byn mercenaries, and soldiers wiped them out.

Magefallers Attack the Byn Compound
Rumors of Magefaller attacks on the Byn compound suggest attempts to frame gemmed citizens. Though damage was limited, tensions remain high.

Bodies Along Wall Road
A series of brutal killings has left commoner corpses lining Wall Road. Witnesses describe cloaked figures with powerful, unnatural strikes, heightening fear that this may be connected to the Sons of Sythas.

Allanak remains a city of opportunities, dangers and shifting power. Whether you're seeking new employment, fame and social standing or navigating the latest intrigue, there's always something happening in the city.

Stay alert, stay engaged and may the sands guide your path.

His Shadow,
The Armageddon Team
New Player Questions / Re: Armageddon Page Client is ...
Last post by Lachesis - October 15, 2024, 01:36:22 PM
If you used Grapevine to play, you can still connect via the Grapevine client from
New Player Questions / Armageddon Page Client is miss...
Last post by AshenRose - October 15, 2024, 01:09:21 PM
My route to actual play has been cut off! I used that Grape Telenet thing but it's not on the new page. What now? Please reinstall on the new page or help me get set up and it needs to be Easy, as I can type but not very tech savvy. I don't understand a lot of the stuff Halaster posted about, sorry
Staff Announcements / New Server
Last post by Halaster - October 15, 2024, 11:24:18 AM
ArmageddonMUD has moved to a new server.  If you use the IP to connect, the new one is, port 4050.
Using 4050 will direct you to the new IP, however if it's still trying the old one, you may need to update your local DNS cache.  Or wait about 20 to 30 minutes and it will update on its own

On Windows:
  • Type cmd in the Start menu's search bar
  • Select Command Prompt from the results
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt
  • Press Enter
  • A message will appear confirming that the DNS cache has been flushed
  • Type exit or select the red X to close the Command Prompt

On mac:
  • Open Terminal
  • Type sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
  • Press Enter
  • Enter your administrator password when prompted
  • You will receive confirmation that the DNS cache has been flushed
Code Discussion / Re: Eliminate Store Hours
Last post by dumbstruck - October 14, 2024, 07:06:29 PM
Quote from: Big Red on October 14, 2024, 06:47:30 PMAgree that this ought to be done away with. It's more immersion-breaking than immersion-making in my experience (shops closing on you while you're RPing extended shopping scenes etc.)

Right. And it's not like they leave to go home while it's 'closed' or even keep you from getting in. And that leaves aside the npcs that are improperly displaying as tending their closed stores when the stores are not closed. Like it's hurting immersion more than it's helping. Angus refusing to sell you meat while refusing to leave behind the counter of the butcher shop doesn't make the butcher shop feel more real, it makes it feel nonsensical. I would contend that it's less unrealistic for them to be open all the time than it is for them to say they're closed and refuse business while staying inside the still accessible business /the entire time/.
Code Discussion / Re: Eliminate Store Hours
Last post by Big Red - October 14, 2024, 06:47:30 PM
Agree that this ought to be done away with. It's more immersion-breaking than immersion-making in my experience (shops closing on you while you're RPing extended shopping scenes etc.)
Staff Announcements / Re: Staff Teams List
Last post by Halaster - October 14, 2024, 04:41:48 PM
Welcome new staff Serakin!
Code Discussion / Re: Eliminate Store Hours
Last post by Voular - October 14, 2024, 12:17:59 PM

This is one of many QoL we could do to improve time-wasting in Arm.

While it thematically makes sense, if you only have say 30 minutes to play and you log in during dusk, you're out of luck! It will also bring people out during the night to be possibly robbed/stabbed, so that is also an upside. ;)
Original Submissions Discussion / Re: Post Your Character Portra...
Last post by Dune Bunny - October 11, 2024, 08:39:43 PM

It took her fifteen years to get there, but Senior Advisor Nell was rather proud of herself!

(I'm impressed that I talked the model into giving her age lines - couldn't get the slight crook in her nose though. And ignore the blue sky, it's a trick!)
World and Roleplaying Discussion / Re: Are rumor board posts attr...
Last post by talos - October 11, 2024, 03:22:01 PM
We do have a policy for In-Character Board Posts:

Quote from: Etiquette                                                          (Communication)

Rumor boards are meant to serve as OOC constructs to facilitate the spread of information and rumors amongst the player base. We have compiled some helpful tips to keep in mind for posting a rumor on one of these boards.
  • Use proper spelling and grammar. While staff members are not going to police every single typo, your post may be removed if it is below a certain standard.
  • Rumor posts should be appropriately vague and objective. Recruiting posts for clans are generally fine as are announcements for events, but rumors about other things should generally be more vague and written from an objective point of view. This is difficult to define within the confines of a helpfile. If your rumor is removed for this reason you will be notified accordingly.
  • Along those same lines, be careful how vNPCs are used in the depiction of rumors so as not to step over the line. Some examples NOT to follow would include "All of the nearby hunters in the tavern agree..." or "Everyone in the militia suspects that the elf with the tressy-tressed hair..." or "The most prominent citizens have banded together to denounce..."
  • Rumors should not be epic-length verbatim descriptions of events, stories, songs, or poems.
  • When in doubt, put in a request.

The first line defines the use of the In-Character Board Posts:
They are an Out-of-Character construct to facilitate the spread of rumors and information.

The player character author of any In-Character Board is never to be assumed as the originator of the information, unless the posts specifically states that the rumors were spread by them.

Hence, why the help file states: "Be appropriately objective and vague.   Do not assume everybody is in agreement."
It also goes on to state: "Recruiting posts for clans and upcoming events are fine."