Hostile NPCs attacking unrealistic opponents

Started by Eanroc, August 17, 2004, 10:05:38 PM

My brand new character was recently attacked, beaten, and killed by an NPC in the 'rinth. Now, I realize that the 'rinth is a dangerous place, a place where you could have your throat slit because someone likes your shoes, however, my death seemed like it shouldn't have happened.

I made this character because I wanted to roleplay him. He was not designed to be a combat machine, or even someone who was likely to engage in combat. He was a behemoth, a 6'6" 9 ten stone human, but only to discourage others from attacking him, thus keeping him out of combat. Anyway, I was thinking that hostile NPC types should use the 'consider' command before attacking. If the potential victim looked larger and stronger, the NPC wouldn't attack.

It just seems incredibly out of character for anyone to attack a man that big, much less a small, wiry NPC. Now my 1 day old character is dead, yet again, and I have nothing to show for it.[/i]

As far as I have seen, NPCs in the 'rinth only attack for decent IC reason, not randomly. As in, you were the wrong race in the wrong part, you were wearing something spiffy, or you just wandered down some gang's part of the alleys.

That said, if I'm a wiry little strung out crack-head I'm going to stick my shank in ANYTHING that is meat in order to harvest enough 'sid for my next fix.

It definitely sucks that your PC died so fast, but really, I don't think there was any undue unfairness from game code. After all, if it was really a foolish thing to attack you, (s)he'd be dead and not you.

Welcome to the world of Zalanthas.  It's a harsh desert world, and it's even harsher inside those so called places of civilization.

You've stepped into the labrynth of Allanak, which is full of starving creatures just looking for fresh blood.  They will attack you if they like your shoes.  You have to prepare yourself in that way.  So remove your gold shoes.  Wear a cheap pair of sandals.

Now, You've got things under the right mind.  You're going to like it here.  There is a lot of fun things to see and accomplish.

Let me bring this up to you.   When you are a starving creature, you're going to do anything you can to get some food.  If the right ticket comes along, even if it's a Half-Giant sized meal, you're going to be cheap, and do anything you can to eat it.

This suicidal NPC which attacked you might be a master of combat.  This suicidal NPC might be on it's last legs, with adrenaline pumping through it's veins.

Yes, it's sad that your character got murdered.  I've had 49 characters of mine murdered.  Yet I continue to make new ones and make new friends and new enemies.

If you do decide to enter the labrynth next time with another character, you might want to wear the disguise of a suicidal, starving, piece of crazed animal that there is in that part of town.  Good luck!
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Perhaps. I did get lost on the East side on accident, but that really doesn't change anything. Since new characters in Arm are the most worthless thing since pennies, there was no way I could have taken him, or anyone else. My point is that in real life terms, he had no way of knowing whether or not I could take him. I see your point, but measure out six and a half feet sometime.

Quote from: "Eanroc"Perhaps. I did get lost on the East side on accident, but that really doesn't change anything. Since new characters in Arm are the most worthless thing since pennies, there was no way I could have taken him, or anyone else. My point is that in real life terms, he had no way of knowing whether or not I could take him. I see your point, but measure out six and a half feet sometime.

Why don't you run a search of the forums with the search option.
Search for rinth and maybe surviving

There's -PLENTY- of hints on these boards about how to survive in the rinth. So much, it's almost too IC.

I know. I've read them.

And next time, don't expect -anyone- to shy away from height. PC or NPC.

If my char knows that he's pretty damn good fighter, he's also gonna know that size don't necessarily mean shit.


Quote from: "Eanroc"Perhaps. I did get lost on the East side on accident, but that really doesn't change anything. Since new characters in Arm are the most worthless thing since pennies, there was no way I could have taken him, or anyone else. My point is that in real life terms, he had no way of knowing whether or not I could take him. I see your point, but measure out six and a half feet sometime.

To my experience, the 'rinth isn't THAT harsh.  If you stay and fight, instead of run, yes.  You might be in trouble.  If your walking around with valuable items, you definitely have something to worry about.  But if you appear to be dirt poor, have at least a weapon ready to defend yourself, and don't go into places that spell certain doom for you, i'd say you can survive.  

With that said, if you chose to be a 'rinther you need to expect a degree of danger, regardless of who you are.

I don't think size matters at all in real life. Scratch that, size does not matter, but that's really a different discussion entirely.

If you have a small character who knows he is a good fighter, he's going to know that anyone else could be a good fighter too. The fact that anyone could be a master swordsman tends to make people shy away from fights.

However, people are reluctant to hit people bigger than them, it's just a fact of life. I think everyone would benefit from a little use of the consider command.

See, men don't understand.  Women have been saying this all along: "Size is not everything."

But seriously...I think that what happened to your character was totally realistic.  Even if the killer thought he maybe couldn't take you on, he'd be screwed if he let you past unharmed.  His homies don't play that.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Quote from: "Anonymous"I don't think size matters at all in real life. Scratch that, size does not matter


However, people are reluctant to hit people bigger than them, it's just a fact of life. I think everyone would benefit from a little use of the consider command.

Then yes, size does matter.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "Carnage"
Quote from: "Anonymous"I don't think size matters at all in real life. Scratch that, size does not matter


However, people are reluctant to hit people bigger than them, it's just a fact of life. I think everyone would benefit from a little use of the consider command.
Then yes, size does matter.
...and I would suggest use of the 'assess -v (target)' system for seeing if someone is bigger than you.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Since he was able to kill you, I'd think it was entirely realistic.  Obviously he thought he could take you, and guess what, he could take you.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Edited out, because I typoed and hit the quote button instead of edit.  Guh.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"It's the Labyrinth...  Maybe you shouldn't have gone in there in the first place if you didn't want to get mugged.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

QuoteIt's the Labyrinth... Maybe you shouldn't have gone in there in the first place if you didn't want to get mugged.

Thank you for your wisdom. Obviously, the fact that I was beaten, killed, and possibly raped during the first few hours of my character's existence was my fault for choosing the 'rinth as a starting location. DOH!

QuoteSince he was able to kill you, I'd think it was entirely realistic. Obviously he thought he could take you, and guess what, he could take you.

Now, I already figured out that could take me. You know, since he took me and all.  :roll: All that I'm saying is that people don't behave like that in real life. Zalanthas is not real life, and the 'rinth is especially distanced from real life, but I can guarantee you that you will never see something like the situation that I described. The mugger could have easily found a weaker-looking mark.

What is it with the "suck it up" attitude on the GDB? I see it a lot.[/quote]

I like you.  Be my friend.  Everybody else sucks.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "Eanroc"
What is it with the "suck it up" attitude on the GDB? I see it a lot.

because we see a lot of the same questions by anon posters.

And most of these questions can be answered by using the search engine at the top of the page. And most of the other answers can be found in the docs.

Also, a lot of these posters come off acting as if they were robbed, or slighted, or something unfair happened. And to us, it isn't unfair at all. It makes perfect sense.

You go into the rinth wearing nice shit, and you don't run from muggers, you will die. No big deal, that's the way it is. Nothing to argue about here.

Also, though, a lot of us are bored, have nothing better to do, and will jump at ANY reason to lash out at some one.
Idle hands . . .

Quote from: "Eanroc"What is it with the "suck it up" attitude on the GDB? I see it a lot.

Because most of us have been there, done that, and sucked it up ourselves.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Quote from: "crymerci"
Quote from: "Eanroc"What is it with the "suck it up" attitude on the GDB? I see it a lot.

Because most of us have been there, done that, and sucked it up ourselves.

Aptly put.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

1. I've been playing for 6 months. Not posting on the GDB does not make me a noob. More noob than many here, but not new new.

2. Do not make the assumption that I was wearing nice shit.

3. All that I said in the original post is that a normal person would not try to attack a massive, towering, muscular figure in the 'rinth, rather than go for a child, a stooped beggar, or something. I'm sorry that you can't deal with that.[/i]

Quote from: "Eanroc"1. I've been playing for 6 months. Not posting on the GDB does not make me a noob. More noob than many here, but not new new.

2. Do not make the assumption that I was wearing nice shit.

3. All that I said in the original post is that a normal person would not try to attack a massive, towering, muscular figure in the 'rinth, rather than go for a child, a stooped beggar, or something. I'm sorry that you can't deal with that.[/i]

If its an elf gang member, I think a big muscular human would be the FIRST thing they'd want to kill.  They're probably thinking thats thug for a rival human gang and killing him now while he's alone is a great opportunity.  

The way I see the 'rinth, is the best chance of survival is simply not being noticed at all.  Dont' stick out.

Wizturbo brings up a very valid point. That makes sense.

Quote from: "Earnoc"3. All that I said in the original post is that a normal person would not try to attack a massive, towering, muscular figure in the 'rinth, rather than go for a child, a stooped beggar, or something. I'm sorry that you can't deal with that.

There are countless reasons why someone might attack a larger individual than them. Consider the following examples:

- Size doesn't always matter, and they may indeed be a better fighter than you. In fact, judging by the fact that you got killed, I would say this was the case.

- While not fancily clad in silks and expensive jewelry, you may still look like an outsider and thus invoke the rage of a native to the streets of Allanak's slums. You can be big all you want, if a "white boy" goes waltzing on through the slums of Detroit he can expect an ass whooping, regardless of the size of his opponent.

- Mr. Skinny Ass 'Rinther may have a gang hidden round the corner, or lurking inside that gutted out building nearby, ready to pounce you. With this kind of backup, he knows he really has nothing to fear.

- Not all murders in the Labyrinth are for the purpose of theft. If psychopaths can be found anywhere in Zalanthas, the Labyrinth is certainly one such place.

- You may have stepped into someone else's turf. Never mind if you have nothing of value, you've gone into the wrong side of town, my friend.

I mean I hear ya man. There's nothing more uncool than a speedy death to some automaton, robotic NPC. But nevertheless, the 'Rinth NPCs, I think, are coded aggressively on purpose. Some are programmed to consider the individual passing them, others will slaughter anyone they see without discrimination. To add to this, my understanding is the code will change periodically so that players don't get accustomed to any specific setup. The bottom line is, don't have any expectations and certainly not in the lawless chaos of Allanak's Labyrinth. Walk softly and carry a big stick.

The people of the 'rinth are starving.  A massive, towering man is going to look completely out of place because he obviously had to eat a lot of food to get the way he did.  Obviously he is not one of them.  Obviously he is far richer than they are.  He's a perfect target.
Back from a long retirement

Although the crackhead might not be dettered, I've seen other things that should have. Say, a gith, rushing in on a four man party. That is where the limit needs to be applied.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Another thing I'd consider are the IC reasons for your characters low skill levels.  Even though you may have been born in the 'rinth, there has to be some reason why you are inexperienced in stealth, combat, etc.  Those inadequacies would certainly reflect in the way you carried yourself.  Regardless of your size, your movement, confidence and general impression would probably make you an easy mark for a would-be assailant.