What CAN'T You Play?

Started by Miradus, January 14, 2017, 12:02:38 PM

I've yet to survive on an outdoorsy type character beyond a few days.  and I mean RL days, not game days.
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

Ive yet to do an explorer guy, I just cant work up the courage to go fuck it and ride off into the sunset.

I suck at half-giants.  I'll probably have to give it another go, sometime, though.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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Antagonist roles, definitely. I'm a sensitive person irl, so having everyone hate my PC would probably have me store sooner or later. I've yet to actually try, though.

Non-combat roles. I tried, for a while. Ended up sneaking some combat in, later on, anyway. With little to no combat usually comes a lot of social RP, which can make me pretty antsy.

I've yet to try a ton of things IG, so I'll probably stumble upon other concepts that'd be difficult for me to play out.

Quote from: Miradus on January 18, 2017, 09:44:28 AM

I feel better. Some of you come across as uber-competent here on the forum and to hear that you can't play a class I do really well at or that you don't know how to get from point to point when I've got it all mapped ... heh ... thanks for sharing your incompetence. :)

Also, this. So true. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles, awful as that might be.

I suppose I can't play someone who finds brunettes unattractive either.

Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 14, 2017, 09:22:14 PM
I don't think I could ever play a leadership position again.  Too much responsability and drama.  Painfully reminded me of work.

Same here. I feel like I'm the sort of player who needs to put a lot of effort in otherwise I feel like I'm letting people down. Some people thrive on that and I love them for it. Thank you, Leaders.

Non combat roles. I get very bored.  Very very. I really wish I was good at them and I try., but I have yet to succeed. :(
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

January 21, 2017, 03:22:16 PM #57 Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 03:41:06 PM by Harmless
I can't play any role that is totally reactive. This means a role that really needs a partner/companion to make things interesting and flow. I am overjoyed when my characters have someone to interact with, but because of my playtimes and the types of concepts I enjoy, it gets tough to both have interaction and be sustainable/survivable.

Examples: A role that is hard to train into a good combatant if their goal is to become one. There are lots of situations that lead to a combative character being unable to advance in combat; examples include being gemmed (lack of access to training once gemmed), not having an IC reason to hunt critters, or having social responsibilities such as examples of concepts I tried before with fighters in merchant house positions.

I love non-combatants that have non-combative abilities; this basically means Merchants. The stealth guilds without a combative focus (pickpocket/burglar) are really hard to enjoy because using those skills stirs up so much shit in game. I don't want to twink-train their skills to hell because that kind of gameplay is just a chore. There aren't too many other role types out there, though. In general crafting is my fall-back for non-combatants; if I have enough crafting to distract myself with the sluggish times are more tolerable, and I can wait and see if the character has hope to make interesting storylines with other players who might intersect with me.

The best combatants have a favorable set of conditions to grow into good fighters; rangers, warriors, and MAYBE assassins (but that requires specific situations/subguilds or allies). The worst combat roles are not adequately positioned geographically/socially to grow and develop. Combative characters who have sub-par stat rolls are also a chore to work with. I enjoy these failed combatants most when they have cool/interesting deaths, but waiting around for death isn't as fun as it sounds, at all. The game is most enjoyable when you want to work hard for something and the uncertainty of whether you will succeed or fail at reaching your character's goals is addicting. Therefore rather than continue to play a non-workable role to completion I often store; of my last 10 characters, I think I stored around 8. The ones I look back fondly on all had a death that meant something to someone or to the setting even in a small way, or lived long enough to see someone else they cared about die before I stored them, satisfied that their life had told a good story.

Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

I cannot for the life of me play nice people for great intervals. I'm super chill IRL because every bit of my dirtbag soul gets wrung out into Armageddon. Some of my PCs start out nice, but they're inevitably mere IC years away from turning into little antagonistic assholes.
And I am catching up, and I am seeing red
How about I prove I'm right and raise it overhead?

Quote from: Comfortably Dumb on January 21, 2017, 11:38:59 PM
I cannot for the life of me play nice people for great intervals. I'm super chill IRL because every bit of my dirtbag soul gets wrung out into Armageddon. Some of my PCs start out nice, but they're inevitably mere IC years away from turning into little antagonistic assholes.

I guess I'm the opposite - I can't play antagonists for extended amounts of time. In 13 RL years on this MUD I've PKilled once, and that was at a templar's behest.

Quote from: Akaramu on January 22, 2017, 05:48:42 PM
Quote from: Comfortably Dumb on January 21, 2017, 11:38:59 PM
I cannot for the life of me play nice people for great intervals. I'm super chill IRL because every bit of my dirtbag soul gets wrung out into Armageddon. Some of my PCs start out nice, but they're inevitably mere IC years away from turning into little antagonistic assholes.

I guess I'm the opposite - I can't play antagonists for extended amounts of time. In 13 RL years on this MUD I've PKilled once, and that was at a templar's behest.

Hahahaha you played with my nicest character ever and she still cut a dude's eyeballs out with a knife made from your character's body parts.

It takes all kinds, though!
And I am catching up, and I am seeing red
How about I prove I'm right and raise it overhead?

Quote from: Comfortably Dumb on January 22, 2017, 08:23:24 PM
Hahahaha you played with my nicest character ever and she still cut a dude's eyeballs out with a knife made from your character's body parts.

I'm sure she had good reasons!

Love4ever.  :-*

January 24, 2017, 03:46:26 PM #62 Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 03:48:42 PM by lairos
City Elves and Breeds..... I think I have only ever made two at most in my entire crackageddon career?

Merchants drive me crazy too because I am way too OCD for those crafting rooms!!! One thing goes out of place and I go crazy and have to resort the entire damn room all over again!
A staff member sends:
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Knowing that Lord Fancy Pants and Lady Fluffy Skirt don't like each other because, a King's Age ago, their Houses had a disagreement about the proper colour of an aide's underwear and how it impacts the deliverables of the interactions between House Slapmesilly and House Whyhaveyounotchoppedmeupwithaboneswordyet. 

Tried to be an aide several times and was so, so, so horribly painfully overwhelmingly mind alteringly bored that I started watching Roswell.

Can't wear red because Lord Spankybottom thinks it's garish.  Can't wear black because Lady Chokesalot will think I'm a prowler.  Can't get the carru hide boots because Aide Sugertits thinks anyone wearing them is a northie sympathizer!

UGH!!!!  Give everyone a bone sword, put the last skin of water on top of a tall pole and stand back?  I'm front and centre.

Quote from: Culinary Critic on January 28, 2017, 04:52:41 PM
UGH!!!!  Give everyone a bone sword, put the last skin of water on top of a tall pole and stand back?  I'm front and centre.

Uhhhh, I smell a new arena game: thirsty elves.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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I enjoy merchants and hate them at the same time.

On one hand I enjoy money.

On the other hand I dislike having to branch the ability to craft (insert whatever item here)

Heh. I like merchants for just that reason. It's like a mini-game.

What I dislike about them is that there doesn't seem to be any way to build one to make them less fragile.

Quote from: Miradus on January 28, 2017, 05:40:09 PM

What I dislike about them is that there doesn't seem to be any way to build one to make them less fragile.

Fragility is all that stands between my PCs and death. Give me a skill I can kill them with, ranger, burglar, thief, and I will. 

Quote from: Miradus on January 28, 2017, 05:40:09 PM

What I dislike about them is that there doesn't seem to be any way to build one to make them less fragile.

Half giant merchants.

Quote from: Miradus on January 28, 2017, 05:40:09 PM
Heh. I like merchants for just that reason. It's like a mini-game.

What I dislike about them is that there doesn't seem to be any way to build one to make them less fragile.
Some of the subguilds (extended and other) do a pretty good job of addressing this.  A merchant/protector (aggressor/lancer/thug/etc) who gets the silt beat out of him in a combat role for a period of time can become more durable that you probably expect.

Especially mul, half-giant or dwarvish merchants. 

Really, all you want with a Merchant in combat is to survive long enough to be rescued by your fantastically dangerous and well-paid escort. 
Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Merchant/protector would probably be the boss cheese.

The skill I miss most when I switch to a merchant is flee.

Quote from: Hauwke on January 28, 2017, 06:19:01 PM
I mean you can... You shouldnt but you can.

You shouldn't...?  Make a merchant that is not fragile?

With enough twinking a merchant can be a force to be reckoned with is what I mean. But a merchant is a merchant not a warrior is the shouldnt part.

Quote from: Hauwke on January 29, 2017, 02:23:07 AM
With enough twinking a merchant can be a force to be reckoned with is what I mean. But a merchant is a merchant not a warrior is the shouldnt part.

I'm all for trying new things.

I'd like a merchant who can simply survive the normal things traveling between cities. Raptors, tok, etc. I don't expect one to be taking down gith or kryl.