Is it ok to use this ic?

Started by GithMaster, June 20, 2012, 02:12:16 PM

 If your PC is The gith-faced homeless man and you walk into tavern, inside Lord Noble Snob-Face tries to " l homeless" only to "k homeless" by mistake, you just have to be quick enough on the draw to " pemote mouth open wide, tongue kisses ~snob-face, his drool running down his chin. in response to %snob-face affection " before the other guy can be like "OOC that didn't happen just now" Then if they still do the OOC, you can be like " shout (tearing his shirt as he falls to his knees) Why do you deny our love!!!" Then if you get killed it was worth it.

Quote from: timb on July 05, 2012, 01:49:05 AM
If your PC is The gith-faced homeless man and you walk into tavern, inside Lord Noble Snob-Face tries to " l homeless" only to "k homeless" by mistake, you just have to be quick enough on the draw to " pemote mouth open wide, tongue kisses ~snob-face, his drool running down his chin. in response to %snob-face affection " before the other guy can be like "OOC that didn't happen just now" Then if they still do the OOC, you can be like " shout (tearing his shirt as he falls to his knees) Why do you deny our love!!!" Then if you get killed it was worth it.

You drunk, son.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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Well it was the 4TH and all ;D

Besides how can one ic be drunk, if they're not ooc drunk?

I always leave it IC. If i freudian slip something meant for the way. bg deal. That's part of the fun. Especially if I am playing a political pc at the time.
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

Why is the person that chooses not to ignore a mistake an asshole?

I can't really remember if this sort of thing has ever happened to me, aside from silly little things like people typing "k" instead of "l", but..... if someone accidentally says instead of thinks that they're going to follow my character home and kill him, and then asks me to ignore that... they're kind of an asshole.

I can understand maxid's point about storytelling and such, but come on. I'm not convinced that stories exist where people have this sort of infallibility that prevents them from occasionally fucking up. Cowboy up and take it if you fuck up. Roll with it.. create a more interesting story than some sterile magically perfect thing.

Noone is saying you shouldn't roll with it sometimes, what we're saying is it's assholish if you're asked to ignore an obviously ooc mistake and you choose to disrespect your fellow player and force a potentially out of character mistake on them. Only that person knows if it would be possibly in character for that character to make the mistake or not. There's no difference in my mind between a mistargetted emote and messing up a think, say, psi, etc.

Should we hold you to:

You mistarget an emote and apparently your character grabs a templar's breast and gropes it. (Something your character would never do in a million years according to their background and how you play them.)
You OOC: Whoops, my bad. Wrong target, ignore please.
They know it was obviously an OOC mistake as your lover and the templar have a similar keyword and the templar entered just before your emote came out.
Should that templar just ignore your request and have your character executed?

Someone mistypes, intending to psi to their partner Yeah I'm packing that brick of spice on me. Good thing noone here in 'Nak knows and instead, because of a typo it comes out guy says: "psi Yeah I'm packing that brick of spice on me. Good thing noone here in 'Nak knows."
You know it was an OOC mistake.
They OOC: Whoops, typo'd ignore that please.
Should everyone around there just ignore that player's request even though: What the hell does "psi" mean icly. And it was an obvious OOC mistake?

Sure, if the mistake isn't obviously OOC and can be a fitting mistake for your character to make, then roll with it. If it's obviously OOC and the player asks you to ignore it, you should.  I agree with what someone else said earlier about trying to hold onto such mistakes against your fellow players as IC against their wishes, it's attempting to "win" using OOC information.

I'm in the some mistakes are too big to ignore boat.  You accidentally cast a spell with your hidden magicker in front of me?  That will not be fixed with an 'ooc plz ignore.'  Will I comply with your request?  Maybe, but I wouldn't feel compelled to.  Sometimes you accidentally walk off a cliff, the code doesn't give you a re-do.

I don't think that anyone is actually arguing that they wouldn't ignore the smaller stuff.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Half the fun of this game is that, MUSH-unlike, we surprise the player as well as the character.  Making mistakes that steal another player's plot-innocence is not cool.  That's the crucial difference between "let's redo the part where I attacked you with an axe" and "let's redo the part where I successfully defiled the land."
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

I think it is abuse of ooc to ask for something that happened ic to be ignored even if it was an ooc mistake.  No coming back from a mantis head.  If you idle in the desert, and go to the bathroom and a huge beetle eats your pc...does staff resurrect?   If you accidentally attack the templar because of a mis-target and you die do you get a redo?   
If someone asked me if I would pretend it never happened...I would, but it shouldn't be asked of.  Its not winning or not winning...its like powergaming.   Asking for redo on all your follies.  Mulligan....Your character can make that mistake.  They just did. Don't talk to four people at the same time.  K templar...Say (looking down) Uhh nice shoes Lord templar.  Redos are like power emotes.  Your character is too good to make a mistake, bullshit.
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!

July 10, 2012, 06:51:07 AM #84 Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 06:59:08 AM by X-D
I once had a mage wearing seeable affects...the game crashed while he was doing something magicky, because of that after the crash the game did not know what to do with him, so, it returned him to his starting location when I logged in...starting meaning after you point in the hall of kings.

So, I enter the game with him, not knowing this of course, and whammo, enter into a crowd of people in a certain tavern.

Totally OOC reason to be someplace with affects on, and when I OOC'd on the matter, nobody complained. If anybody would have tried to get me to "play it out" I would have made Malifaxis look like a care bear.

If somebody makes an OOC mistake and asks you to ignore it, then you ignore it, if you think they are taking advantage in some way then you file a complaint...but you still ignore it till staff says otherwise.

Now of course there are certain times when you have to play it out, but this is never decided by the players or even staff for that matter, it is decided by code. If you target the wrong person and they die, or your PC does, well, there will be no res so code has decided you have to play it out. But other then that type of thing you should respect a persons wishes on the matter...again, if all else fails, there is the request tool.

QuoteYou accidentally cast a spell with your hidden magicker in front of me?  That will not be fixed with an 'ooc plz ignore.

It should be...not like you could accidently cast a spell...Oh hey, I accidently made these gestures and spoke these words with the intent to channel this power to do this
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job