I'd like to discourage...

Started by cyberpatrol_735, August 08, 2009, 03:14:40 AM

Quote from: X-D on October 07, 2009, 02:09:57 PM
And its "Newplar". I got tired of typing new templar. And its cute, deal with it.

I'd like to discourage this thread and move over to the encourage thread.

I liked n00blar better.

Newplar makes them sound like a Kewpie doll.

Maybe we can compromise at Newblar?
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

I've never run into enough characters that I would classify as "newplars" to believe there is a problem or change my own rp because of it. In fact, I've never had a pc killed or tortured by any templar in my entire time playing the game. Been questioned a few times, but have never experienced anything with them that I would say is newbishly overstepping their role. In fact, I think most templars could've been far more aggressive and cruel than any of them have actually been.
Personally, I think some people resent the power that a templar has over their character, they put themselves into shitty situations with them and then blame the player of the templar when shit happens to their character. I'm not saying everyone, but at least some of the people who insist that there is some sort of a problem there. Then again, it may just be another case where my experiences with this game have differed from most. *shrugs*
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: Delstro on October 07, 2009, 01:37:42 PM
Bottom Line
If you want to criticize, make it constructive, or shut the fuck up.
Thank you.

Sadly, this is the internet.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

bewblar when it involves boobs
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: Ghost on October 08, 2009, 10:41:19 AM
bewblar when it involves boobs

You owe me boobs. We have a deal.


Quote from: Ghost on December 16, 2009, 06:15:17 PMbrandon....

you did the biggest mistake of your life

Quote from: jhunter on October 07, 2009, 08:49:51 PM
I've never run into enough characters that I would classify as "newplars" to believe there is a problem or change my own rp because of it. In fact, I've never had a pc killed or tortured by any templar in my entire time playing the game. Been questioned a few times, but have never experienced anything with them that I would say is newbishly overstepping their role. In fact, I think most templars could've been far more aggressive and cruel than any of them have actually been.
Personally, I think some people resent the power that a templar has over their character, they put themselves into shitty situations with them and then blame the player of the templar when shit happens to their character. I'm not saying everyone, but at least some of the people who insist that there is some sort of a problem there. Then again, it may just be another case where my experiences with this game have differed from most. *shrugs*

I only actively avoid templars (and nobles) who have pulled the "Aha, random commoner in a crowd of hundreds who did not bow to me! How dare you!" Which may or may not be related to them being new, but certainly gives me IC justification for avoiding them. Then again, my experience in doing plots with templars is limited.

Yeah, I usually only bow/nod to templars when in a small "room" or if I know them ICly or if I -want- their attention.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

OOCLY, I always want their attention.  ICLY, I often avoid it.

Never been killed by a templar.  Never had a bad experience interacting with a templar.  In fact, every interaction I've ever had has been at least mildly interesting.

I'm sure one will zap me immediately on my next log in ...
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

I was killed by one, but I more than asked for it.

I was a Red Stormer, ranger probably, being tortured by one on the Rack in Meleth's Circle (I was spiced up and equating the high to LSD).
I said something to the effect of telling the Templar the next time he was blowing Tek to shove a jagged piece of scrab shell up his rear.

Mantis head.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Quote from: FantasyWriter on October 08, 2009, 04:07:30 PM
I said something to the effect of telling the Templar the next time he was blowing Tek to shove a jagged piece of scrab shell up his rear.

Mantis head.

...I think I was there for that. <3
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Quote from: musashi on October 08, 2009, 01:35:47 AM
Quote from: Delstro on October 07, 2009, 01:37:42 PM
Bottom Line
If you want to criticize, make it constructive, or shut the fuck up.
Thank you.

Sadly, this is the internet.

This is true.  It's also the GDB, which sadly is becoming the source for information about the game. 

It makes me cringe a little whenever I see veteran, experienced, and capable players using their GDB-authority to espouse harmful ideas because I worry that the next generation of players will think those ideas are okay.  The GDB can be a useful tool for learning how to be a better player, but only if you know enough to filter out all the noise.

Help new players out.  Troll responsibly. 

If you are going to make lying rumors on the in-game board, can you at least refrain from making presumptuous remarks on how people react to it? It becomes less a rumor and more a poorly-veiled attack on the person that is more petty than anything else. I'd like to discourage that.
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Quote from: Jdr on October 09, 2009, 06:12:30 PM
If you are going to make lying rumors on the in-game board, can you at least refrain from making presumptuous remarks on how people react to it? It becomes less a rumor and more a poorly-veiled attack on the person that is more petty than anything else. I'd like to discourage that.

I've actually been told by staff that its alright to put falsehoods in rumor posts. Its in fact encouraged, since its the nature of gossip. Of course, implying that the entire vNPC population feels a certain way is going too far.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Quote from: jcljules on October 09, 2009, 06:25:20 PM
Quote from: Jdr on October 09, 2009, 06:12:30 PM
If you are going to make lying rumors on the in-game board, can you at least refrain from making presumptuous remarks on how people react to it? It becomes less a rumor and more a poorly-veiled attack on the person that is more petty than anything else. I'd like to discourage that.

I've actually been told by staff that its alright to put falsehoods in rumor posts. Its in fact encouraged, since its the nature of gossip. Of course, implying that the entire vNPC population feels a certain way is going too far.

IMO, based on conversations with staff in the past, rumors should only be posted after there has been substantial work done ICly to spread the rumor, such as hiring people to spread it, spreading it yourself, paying off bartenders, etc.

Again IMO, if that's all done and the bases are covered, then any rumor is fair game--whether it's a lie or not. Though stating what the VNPCs think about the rumor, unequivocally, is still not OK. If anything, a rumor should say "some may think X, while others think Y, and yet others think WTF."
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on October 09, 2009, 06:33:23 PM
IMO, based on conversations with staff in the past, rumors should only be posted after there has been substantial work done ICly to spread the rumor, such as hiring people to spread it, spreading it yourself, paying off bartenders, etc.

Yup. Forgot to add that.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on October 09, 2009, 06:33:23 PM
Quote from: jcljules on October 09, 2009, 06:25:20 PM
Quote from: Jdr on October 09, 2009, 06:12:30 PM
If you are going to make lying rumors on the in-game board, can you at least refrain from making presumptuous remarks on how people react to it? It becomes less a rumor and more a poorly-veiled attack on the person that is more petty than anything else. I'd like to discourage that.

I've actually been told by staff that its alright to put falsehoods in rumor posts. Its in fact encouraged, since its the nature of gossip. Of course, implying that the entire vNPC population feels a certain way is going too far.

IMO, based on conversations with staff in the past, rumors should only be posted after there has been substantial work done ICly to spread the rumor, such as hiring people to spread it, spreading it yourself, paying off bartenders, etc.

Again IMO, if that's all done and the bases are covered, then any rumor is fair game--whether it's a lie or not. Though stating what the VNPCs think about the rumor, unequivocally, is still not OK. If anything, a rumor should say "some may think X, while others think Y, and yet others think WTF."

It depends. If there was a huge battle outside the Gaj and seven templars died, you don't need to work at spreading the rumor. The event will be known in my opinion without any extra work by you. But you can fuck up the details and blame it on poor sap A starting it or what not.

We're not talking about that kind of rumor, we're talking about political manipulation rumors.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Where does it say that. it said lying rumors. You can lie about a big event.

I'd avoid lying about a huge event like that. The fact is that there would be so many vNPC witnesses that a true version of the story would likely be available.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Quote from: jcljules on October 09, 2009, 06:49:42 PM
I'd avoid lying about a huge event like that. The fact is that there would be so many vNPC witnesses that a true version of the story would likely be available.

Truth is in the eye of the gossiper.

If you're going to lie about anything, by way of board rumor, then the prep work for that must be done beforehand. Can't just slap a lie up like "a bunch of templars died at the Gaj when the dragon statue came alive and ATE THEM" (when it really appeared to be a sorceror attack) without doing the footwork. Expect to be smacked by the imms if you attempt to use the rumor board as a sole means of creating a new rumor--it should only be used to report a rumor that is truly in circulation.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on October 09, 2009, 06:53:30 PM
If you're going to lie about anything, by way of board rumor, then the prep work for that must be done beforehand. Can't just slap a lie up like "a bunch of templars died at the Gaj when the dragon statue came alive and ATE THEM" (when it really appeared to be a sorceror attack) without doing the footwork. Expect to be smacked by the imms if you attempt to use the rumor board as a sole means of creating a new rumor--it should only be used to report a rumor that is truly in circulation.

So you seem to think that rumors are going to be 100% accurate.  Bob sees a battle and then tells Bill, mentioning some magick was involved, Bill tells Jim who blows it way out of proportion and then sure one of the rumors may involve the dragon statue. These people are common and superstitious. Even today with all of our more "advanced" resources and proof, people believe Obama was born in Kenya and that the government bombed the towers.. As long as the rumor involved dead templars, how they got dead is up in the air.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on October 09, 2009, 06:33:23 PM
Again IMO, if that's all done and the bases are covered, then any rumor is fair game--whether it's a lie or not. Though stating what the VNPCs think about the rumor, unequivocally, is still not OK. If anything, a rumor should say "some may think X, while others think Y, and yet others think WTF."

Quote from: KankWhisperer on October 09, 2009, 07:00:29 PM
So you seem to think that rumors are going to be 100% accurate.  Bob sees a battle and then tells Bill, mentioning some magick was involved, Bill tells Jim who blows it way out of proportion and then sure one of the rumors may involve the dragon statue. These people are common and superstitious. Even today with all of our more "advanced" resources and proof, people believe Obama was born in Kenya and that the government bombed the towers.. As long as the rumor involved dead templars, how they got dead is up in the air.

Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Think the point here is whom is doing what. The original starter of the rumor can essentially do whatever he wants with the details. I believe he absolutely can fuck up the details concerning the dragon statue eating the Templars. The tricky part being if the rumor would even catch or not, and I definitely agree that no pc should be saying how NPCs react to the rumor, other than the typical "Some feel X, some feel Y." Although, I have to say that for the most part it does seem that to be the case at times that the author uses this to their advantage a bit to an extreme.

Noble X Had the Templar punish Commoner Y for stealing Z.

Some feel Noble X has gone too far.
Others Feel that Noble X should go fucking himself.
Some would say that Noble X should retire from public affairs.

Commoner Y says, "I didn't start the rumor - plenty of people could've done that, so it isn't my responsibility." After being <CREATING> for ten minutes.