Your downtime assignment, should you choose to accept it

Started by Vanth, February 25, 2006, 11:16:47 AM

Here's a way to spend your downtime constructively.  Brainstorm ideas for ways to make Armageddon even better.  They can be brilliant, they can be silly, they can be downright wacky.  They can be things you're sure the staff would never implement...because you never know, we're a crazy bunch of mo-fos.

You cannot reply to anyone else's idea, whether to agree, disagree,  make minor changes, etc.  No commenting on on others ideas.  You can propose your own different idea, without referring to the other idea.

I'll start us off.

--Flying kanks
--rats roaming the cities that you can kill without getting crimmed (and eat, of course)
--reopen Fale
--coded mudsex skill
--ability to repair clothing (and damage it more, of course)
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

List #1

-A way to end combat that doesn't depend upon physically leaving the room.
-A way to do a single strike against a target, with a suitable after delay, no crimeflag immunity for the action, and that does not trigger the NPC tidal wave of Doom.
-A way to immoblize a target.  Bind with ropes or stake out in the desert.
-"Specialist" NPC's that work a bit like shopkeepers, but with coins and barter you can buy knowledge from their pre-defined lists.  Like cure recipes, crafting recipes, herb lore, etc.
-Chair objects that PC's can sit in, and others lift and carry.  Used for hauling important drunk people around without getting killed for trying to helpfully use the "subdue" command.
-Someway to attach "drop tags" to items too large for a single PC to individually lift.
-Hidden emotes
-A universal, less kludgy way to access the "talk" script on NPCs so you don't have to try "talk topics", "talk rumors", "talk name", "talk hi" to everyone one you meet to activate any script.
-A coded way to immobilize wagons, perhaps something like is already in place to affect kanks.
-More ways for assassins to use the "trap" skill.  They should be able to set up needle spikes on doorknobs, spring knives under beds, etc.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Laura's First List

:arrow: Tuluki guards should be sneakier and make you "dissapear" when they arrest you.  I don't know how this would be accomplished.
:arrow: A forcefeed command.
:arrow: Being able to set a drop description to an object without lifting it.
:arrow: Removal of the look echo.
:arrow: A new fire code.  Let's burninate shit.  Wagons, buildings, set arrows on fire and shoot them into stuff to set IT on fire.
:arrow: Being able to bake spice into food such as travel cakes, for smuggling and other purposes.
:arrow: More tattoo locations.
:arrow: Being able to target which shoulder or wrist or ankle you want to wear something on.
:arrow: When something gets tattooed over, some kind of indication that shows there's something underneath.
:arrow: Sneaky types being able to make certain things into hidden containers, such as loaves of bread.
:arrow: Actually being able to skin a humanoid and make stuff out of their skin, or whatever you get from them.  "A pair of elf-skin boots."
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

First couple from me...

-What I call the 'Rukkian Time bug' should be fixed.
-A way to see what time it is in another room so that you can 'step to the mouth of the cave' so to speak and see what time it is outside in the real world.
-More merchants should buy containers.  (If there's a suspected issue that it would clog the economy up, make the merchants buy them for chump change only, like %25 value or something.)
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I'd like to see social aspects happen and change in the world.

Like a weekly update on the ongoings of each and every noble house, and merchant house.

I'd like to see economic changes to the world.

I'd like to see the place where items come from.  Show me the Silk Worms and show me the Belshun farms!

I'd like to be able to build items and places.  Me.  Because I'm awesome.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Laura's Second List

:arrow: Two people on a kank at once. Romantic!
:arrow: A "pick up" command.  Also used in romantic situations, and dire ones.
:arrow: Have very light people get picked up by the wind sometimes and hurled backwards when there is a really bad sandstorm.
:arrow: You should be affected by sugar if you eat too much candy.  It will raise your agility and stamina to the next level, and then you crash to a lower level quite soon after.  You have to eat a LOT of candy though.
:arrow: Stealing something but also having the mark notice that you stole it.  So you get crim flagged or in trouble or whatever, but you get to have the 10 coins you grabbed anyway.
:arrow: Being able to throw food at people and make their clothes messy. FOOD FIGHTS, ANYONE?
:arrow: Being able to "sing loudly" so that you are heard as singing from other rooms.  And "sing with" for duets.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

:arrow: Would be nice if once you barter a deal with an NPC, that price remained for the same items you buy[/sell] for the rest of that day/session with the merchant.
:arrow: Some mechanism for sobering up quickly: could be as simple as sleeping.
:arrow: brew redone as a crafting-type skill.
:arrow: Ability to count within worn containers.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

-No room echo when an invisible / hidden character wants to 'stand at' something. A hidden character should be able to crouch directly behind a couch with 2 seated talkers, or under a table / bed. Right now every wannabe spy is absolutely forced to pick a guild / subguild with listen.
-50 more active players across all timezones
-A slightly higher starting skill for the way, would help newbies get more interaction and plot openings right from start
-More off-peak staff who sponsor off peak roles in their clans
-Realistic possibilities for archers to train their skill at least a little bit without needing to go shoot random things or finding a clan with super secret locked away archery practice rooms
-A 'received, thank you' as a generic response to submitted NPCs and items, so the player knows their several hours of effort didnt go lost somewhere.
-Some sort of newbie tutorial for people completely new to MUDs. This could be very short, and take place in a seperate OOC room before starting the game.

:arrow: Drunk/spiced effects work through logoff.  When you log back in four IC days later, how do you explain tripping when you got drunk four days ago?  How do you explain not coming down for four whole days?

Laura's Third List

:arrow: A room with different crappy starting clothes off the hall of kings to mix and match from so that new characters aren't immediately marked as such.
:arrow: Tuluki caste tattoos automatically applied when you choose that city as a starting point.
:arrow: Make the site more newbie friendly, and reorganization/consolidation/simplification of the documentation.  There's so much great information but so much of it is difficult to find.
:arrow: Being able to choose a stat to weigh higher than others at character roll-up.
:arrow: Leaving footprints of blood when you are really badly hurt and bleeding and walking places.
:arrow: Similarily, leaving footprints of mud if your boots are muddy.
:arrow: Sunglasses!
:arrow: Being able to sheathe your sword in some shields and wearing them both on your back.
:arrow: Guards walking around in some apartment buildings - make it harder for burglars.
:arrow: I want it to rain.
:arrow: MORE GUILDS. And a magicker subguild.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

I want to be able to pour non-liquids from one container to another. Like a bunch of steaks from a sack into a shelf.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

:) A "get all.sword"/put all.sword" type command, that would collect all items with that keyword, much like get all, but searching only for that string.  <put all.meat bag>
:D More types of missile weapons.  (atlatl, throwing clubs, etc.)
:shock: MUCH Higher levels of armor and weapon breakage (though annoying for anyone in training) combined with lower armor costs.  Also, make some armor more damage resistant.  (find out IC) (based on material?)
:oops: Cloaks that open/close in the front, revealing what is underneath.  Realistic, and good for flashers, too.
8) A "glance" command.  See post in Code discussion.

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

:arrow: More lockable items, like chests, windows and stuff.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

:!: Bogre reminded me: All those apartments that have windows you should be able to open and look out of!!
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

:arrow: being able to use the Hide command to hide items in the room and then change the scan command to a search command to include looking for such items.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

:arrow: Fix sneak so that it works against aggressive NPCs and auto-flee NPCs.  Right now ranger sneak is close to worthless and city sneak is utterly worthless once you are crime flagged.

:arrow: Throw in an 'alert' command that last about a RL minute.  Toggle this before you suspect someone is going to slam a dagger in your back or steal from you and you get a massive bonuses to preventing it.  Make it so that the person who is 'alert' echos how they are franatically looking around themself and require that they be standing to get the bonuses.  Whacking someone in the back or stealing from someone who expects it should be HARD.

:arrow: I would love to see an improved spice addiction code.  I would like to see the benifits for getting spiced be much more dramatic when you are up, and if it had more sever penalities when you are coming down.  Throw on top of this the ability to stay spiced up to keep your benifits, and RPed addiction could become interesting.

-> Quartermaster "shopkeep" NPCs who can hold (and by holding them, sort) raw goods in clan halls

:arrow: the ability to buy a batch of arrows from any given arrow store (provided they have an unlimited supply) -- buy #15 (10) or something
:arrow: the ability to "stand with <target>", in order to use the talk command
:arrow: the ability to "sing with <target>" - you must be standing with that person to do so (see above)
:arrow: make the play command into a skill for bards, and make it useful somehow
:arrow: a shopkeeper who will take your untanned hides, give you a ticket, and tan them for you after 'x' amount of game hours
:arrow: a system built into the mud menu for submitting items, npcs, rooms, tattoos, etc etc.  Should be step by step just like character creation.
:arrow: be able to insert biography entries from the mud menu, and also from character generation
:arrow: be able to add keywords to your PC from the mud menu
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Rooftops in Allanak
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

In no particular order.
:arrow: Interesting weather effects.  It is too easy to ignore/not be aware of the weather conditions.  Things like short lived, destructive dust devils and minor electrical storms.  In high winds having the winds occasionaly slam something into you or a nearby item.  I don't think any of these should be deadly, but should have a minimal amount of damage, enough to wake up the player as to the worlds dangers.

:arrow: I still want to see a more literary style possible for spoken emotes.  For example: emote Oh for Krath sake! (@repeating with a heavy tone of exasperation) I should have known you would feck it up as usual.  This would yield "Oh for Krath sake!", the short, dull human exclaims, repeating with a heavy tone of exasperation, "I should have known you would feck it up as usual."

:arrow:  Forensics as a physician skill.  Being able to tell how the person/critter died.

:arrow: Clothing and weapons degrading with time/battles.

:arrow: The glance command, with the ablity add a "glance" description at character creation.

:arrow:  A definitive list as to what breaks hide.

:arrow:  Character creation possible under a web page as an option.

:arrow: A strong policy of IMMs actively giving unsolicited feedback to the newest of players.  Not simply negative or outstanding roleplay, but rather a policy of noting new players strong points and weaknesses and showing an active involvement by the staff to encorage them along.  Along with this, have a "leave me alone, except for exceptional good/bad roleplay" flag, so those who don't like involement by staff could have the choice.

:arrow:  (jk)A "typing" indicator for slow typists so we can tell as if to wait for a response. :) (jk honestly)
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I posted this in the Code Discussion forum before this thread was started.

More Tattoo Locations:
Left Forearm
Right Forearm
Left Thigh
Right Thigh

Also, allow two tattoos on someone's back and chest perhaps?

Glance, allowing you to see someone's desc but not their attire.
Allow those that can steal, the ability to open someone's pack.
Peek hood, let's you attempt to see someone's sdesc while hooded.

When you barter with a merchant, don't let them offer you a price that they can't afford to pay.  I hate bartering a merchant up, then finding out he/she doesn't have the 'sid anyway.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

An incentive program for bringing more players to Arm.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

More diseases in general.

- More crafts to make the items we already have in our huge database.
- More documentation on the way of life in Luirs, the Red Storms and Cenyr.
- A true weatherfront code, including minor damage for unprotected flesh during the worst sandstorms.
- Smaller creatures in the salt flats and the southlands.
- Code for true wagons and silt skimmers.
- Spells with a target having range capabilities.
- Nipple piercings.  Yes, you read that correctly.
- Warpaint code that works like tattoos and scars.
- Elaborate scarification code that works like tattoos and scars.
- Elaborate sky details, such as the color of the sky and the constellations on clear nights.  Perhaps an argument to the weather command.
- Coded diseases and cures.
- A bit more detail to the look of architecture and roads in the game.
- More of a variance in new pc clothing so everyone is dressed in random items.
- Lots more Rinthi clothes.  Particularly women's clothes.
- Code for militia, thugs and strongmen to break down doors and gates.

That's it for now.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

- ( ) style tag-on emotes for psi sends. People already do it to express feeling via the way. It would be nice to see it be coded in.
- Multiple keyword targetting. I.e. 'sit red.table'.
- An addition to the subdue skill, making it possible to grab someone and pull them one room away. For example, stepping out of an alley on Caravan Road, grabbing that silky aide, and jerking her back into the alley. Crim-code safe if successful and the destination is safe.
- Tag-on emotes to replace the canned emotes on brawl.
- Crim-code tweaks! More time between commiting a crime and having the entire Allanaki Militia cramming their swords down your throat. Or some other sort of tweaks to make combat skills actually mean something in the city.
- More Imm comments. Not necessarily negative or postive notes, just comments and suggestions. Things like "Good, consistant emotes. Fun to watch." or "Don't forget the stigmas between East and Westside 'rinthis." etc. Nothing that denotes being a great or terrible player, karma loss or gain... Just something to let the person know what the Imms think and would like to see out of them.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."