Your downtime assignment, should you choose to accept it

Started by Vanth, February 25, 2006, 11:16:47 AM

1) More piercing locations
2) Layered and under clothing

Ill post more when I think of it.

:arrow: force soldiers to chase a sneaking criminal at the regular way of movement, rather than instamove/subdue... this allows enough time for a lucky hide.
:arrow: diversify tribal goods so that not always the same goods are available all times of the game-year
:arrow: more items to buy in the nomadic camps. much more items!
:arrow: less penalties for newbie barrier attempts
:arrow: blinding sandstorms last maximum of 1 real life day and various subclasses (including nomad) can guide through storms, or at least navigate solo.
:arrow: linguist subclass gets accents more easily

a tribe of weak little rat people, that are easily exterminated called spa'mabot

that was a joke :D

Please, please, please give us the ability to stop combat without one person having to flee or being killed/knocked unconscious.

As it stands it's literally impossible to halt combat in a room with blocked exits. This is beyond unrealistic.

[edited by Vanth to remove comment on another idea]

[edited by Vanth to remove comment on another idea]

In any case, my list, hmmm.

:arrow: Weaponcrafting.  I want to make custom hilts.  Piece of bone + snakeskin.  Piece of bone + raptor hide.  Then you make blades out the different materials available and craft the two together.

:arrow: The ability to hide a kank.  I know that sounds crazy, but in the rocky areas or areas with trees or such (basically, specially flagged rooms), allow kanks to be hidden.  Would require a high hide skill.  I can see it now, a char walks into the area, then sees this echo "Someone shakes its head and bleats noisily."

Ah, yes, I almost forgot. My personal little pet peeve that I'm sure you're all tired of hearing. But you can't respond to it here! Hahaha!

- Boost to newb contact. It makes it overly frustrating for new players who are trying to find jobs and are frequently told to just "Find X's mind.", then receive psi after psi, simply to pass out on the floor of the Barrel, get robbed, and die of starvation because they couldn't contact their potential employer. Oh yeah, then they also never log back in. That's the important one.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

- More powerful previlidges to trusted players. (i.e. Creating basic items)

- Harsher, monarch IMM control over GDB posts, whinnings and on people publicly proved/presented themselves as fools. (like editing this post if you think not suitable)

- More advanced payment/bribe system. There should not be a huge difference for poor templar when there is only one active noble, or five out there.

- More OOC(if not IC) chat chance between leader players and clan imms. (i.e. Some OOC discussions about what is going good or what is not type)

- Some kind of rule that gives responsibility to IMMs to send mails to their clan player leaders at least once in a month. (As like players sending weekly updates.)

- Kicking some clan leaders and forcing them(ICly) if neccesary to make more interaction between cities. (Trade routes, travelling services, etc.)

- Limiting total number of supernatural powerful PCs. (magickers, psi.)

- Reducing number of taverns in Tuluk.

- Longer and larger distance between cities with more rooms, but without increasing number of beasts.

- More strict laws in each city, at least some kind of written law (can be important, or not) that can be known by templars and nobles.

- -Really- different type of nobles, templars, merchants.. (i.e. Working deeper on some different subjects.)

- More crime free land on Tuluk!

- Better informed templar, noble and family merchant players with more complex and detailed documents.


I think it would be better, either we would have more players or more IMMs. With more players, plots would be kept and ran by players without much IMM support,  -Or- players would have chance to interract with more IMM ran plots. I do not think current (or at least a few months ago) active player/active IMM ratio is as healthy as it was before.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Lift up the Poet's Circle, and Lift up the Tribal Market, and drop it all in the Red Sun Commons.  It's a stupid idea to have all the bards in one little corner of Tuluk.  They should be the -centre- of Tuluk, and should be impossible to avoid them.

Those are three empty areas.  Combine them all to make them more fun and enjoyable.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Take POETS' CICRLE (useful) and the TRIBAL MARKET (also useful) and superimpose them over THE RED SUN COMMONS (fucking useless).
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

BiMonthly emails from about the latest updates and changes to politics, clans and the game code.  Comon and spam!
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

--Open more clans. Those who wish to group together will always find a way or place. More options = more happy time! More happy time = better chance of word-of-mouth advertising! Go happy!

--Open the gith or mantis =)

--I would love to see more (not a lot, but more) Reds, middle/senior nobles, etc

--More presence from figures such as Utep, Tek, The Sand Lord, or their direct underlings. Even if it is just to watch them go past in a wagon or...yeah.

--Religion! I always thought that was the only thing Arm was lacking. Some sort of religious structure with the occasional 'miracle' or some sort of limited interaction for any factions high-priest/pope/whatever.

--Without getting into too much detail, more spells that could effect people from far away. Give them more reasons to fear and hate magickers ;)
"People survive by climbing over anyone who gets in their way, by cheating, stealing, killing, swindling, or otherwise taking advantage of others."

"Don't do this. I can't believe I have to write this post."

-> More intuitive and fleshed out ranged weapon system, including archery, crossbows, slings, and thrown weapons.  The ability to throw or shoot from the same room without entering combat.

-> Sneak to work on NPCs.

-> Reasonable movement and combat delay on NPCs.

-> More rooftops in the cities and climbable cliffs in the wastes.

-> Consolidate Tuluk further; Poet's circle where the Red Sun Commons are, Tribal Market left where it is, shorten Poet's Road to end right after the entrance to the tribal Markets, the area past Chatiya's Gate left as is, make Red Sun Commons a small area in the -center- of Poet's Circle surrounded by Ana's Gardens, with a road running smack through the center of it all that leads down to the Commoner's Warrens.

-A merchant in Allanak that buys containers.

-A merchant in Allanak that buys unworked wood (logs, branches, etc)

-A stable in Red Storm East that sells ratlons.

-An account flag that allows trusted players to quit like rangers.

-Merge pick-pocket and burglar into one guild called rogue

-Make city-elves have greater strength

-Allow listening when ethereal

-Change brew to standard craft skill

-Allow poison to effect NPC's and creatures

-Change spearmaking to allow making of poles for spears

"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

NPC trade routes and scripts. I'd like to see more then just Gith and Raptors in the desert. I'd like to see the occasional NPC Wagon train or Nomad caravan out on roads and available to raider PCS. Even if it were over short distances, like the farms outside Allanak to Allanak etc.

Change sneak so that it works against aggressive NPCs and auto-flee NPCs.


Strike - Allow one round of combat on a target

Rope, chain code - Allow people to be bound and gagged

More Climbable Places in Cities, Rooftops etc

Linguist subclass get accents more easily

Ability to stop offensive combat without flee (IE go into pure defend mode)

Remove canned emotes from brawl

Provide more incentive to intra-city traders. IE Miners who bring obsidian to tuluk, loggers who bring wood to Allanak etc.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

[edited by Vanth to remove comment on another idea]

Use a command to withdraw from combat. If the opponent has mercy on, the fight stops. Otherwise the opponents presses the fight and it continues.

My idea and plea:


:arrow: Remove the huge font and color options from the gdb.

:arrow: Stars, I want stars in the night sky.  Give a loner in the sands on a dark night something to think about.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

:arrow: Forearm wearloc positioned above the 'hands' and 'wrist' locations (and below the 'arms' location)

:arrow: Waist wearloc positioned above the 'belt' location.

:arrow: 'left shoulder' and 'right shoulder' tattoos covered by objects worn 'about body'.


Tip the power balance of the OOC player base. TOo many play pompous roles, we need more girt!

Joint bank accounts.  No, really, hear me out.

Suppose Tom, Dick, and Harry, general craftspersons, want to start up a business, competing with, say, Kadius.  Chance that at least one of them will be killed by a hired assassin: 100%.  Amount of working capital they will lose at that point if they're being maximally careful: 33%.  Difficulty of running a business with three or more people when you have to coordinate playtimes in order to move any money: high.  They could rent an apartment together and dump their earnings on the floor, but we all know it'd wind up in the 'rinth in short order.

I see this as a feature that enhances IC collaboration, even though it reduces the amount of face-to-face contact required, because it makes PC commerce much more viable.  When folks can share capital/risk, it makes it way more attractive to band together.

- "deposit 1000 PCname1 PCname2 ... PCnameN" adds money to a bank account shared by the N people named, creating the account if necessary.  (Are PC names unique?)
- "withdraw 1000 PCname1 PCname2 ... PCnameN" withdraws money from the joint account; the withdraw-ee must be one of those named.

Code-wise, I imagine that bank balance is part of the character record, so adding joint accounts would mean creating a new data structure.

- Poet's circle and all things art-related should be located in middle of city.  Right now it's next to the gate.  In an attack, it's the first thing to go?  Tribal market can stay where it is.

- Ability for certain classes to disguise their sdesc (bards subguild, burglar / pickpocket / assassin main guilds).

- More rooftops in tuluk.  More things to climb on, climb through.

- Tuluk warrens should be a sprawl with a windy, non-convenient road / path system.  Not square and logical like now.

- Tuluk warrens should have gangs.  A large gang on east side, rival on west side, normal peons in the middle.  If rival gang memers wander into the same room as each other, fight ensues.  If pc wanders in wearing garb or colors of rival, they're fair game.  Think gangs of new york.

- Restrict all non-iso clans from lifetime commitments.  More widespread acceptance and support for independents.

- Encourage (require) interclan participation for clans with little outside interaction.  ie. Gypsies should take on a rep from each party who interests them and keep them on their land somewhere.  Schedule times to meet and interact together, games they can play, etc.

- Wider usage of wagons to independents.

- Loosen requirements of creating your own clan

- Add more abandoned villages and encampments

- Do away with automation for clans as much as possible (ie. water, food, resources).  Encourage clan members to gather supplies for mundane needs and not make it a special occurence.  Encourage clans to keep an active list of things that are needed and things they have.  Allow some special items be made when quotas are met and exceeded.

- Reliable, affordable warehouse space in Luir's for independents and other merchant houses to use.

- More of a separation in goods in what you'll find at each outpost / city.

- More usage of flying mounts, opens up air-to-air combat possibilities.

- More direct benefits to those who can keep a character consistently playing and alive for a long time.

- Allow secondary characters from players with a certain amount of karma.  Entertainers, gladiators, etc.  Or allow players with certain amount of karma to be able to animate certain NPCs.

- Roll pickpocket and burglar together into one guild.

- Add more subguilds.

- HK
- HK

:arrow: Update the GDB to get rid of all the spambots.

:arrow: talk defaults to "say" when not at a table.

:arrow: clasp/unclasp command to make it so a cloak does/does not hide what you're wearing beneath it.

:arrow: less iso clans. nuke all desert elves.

:arrow: Bring back the updates to the Allanaki senate page!

:arrow: Much, much more liberal use of the "Twit" feature on the GDB. Maybe accept nominations.

Way to start your char in one of the starting locations without being a coded citizen.

Brew changed to crafting code and alcahol added in (probly easier anyway)

Sneak working on NPC's

Poison working on non-soldier NPC's (never understood why it was all npc's anyway, was not just add it to a flag, say, all PC's with guardian flag cannot be poisoned?)

Poison cures expiring and either crumbling to dust or simply not working anymore, Hey, lets face it, even todays meds tend to lose effectiveness after a few months.

Uncooked meats should rot.

Sanvean to add more stage skinning to larger animals, I like the ones done so far.


creep (sneak that attempts hide in each room)

change position once hidden

Longer apartment rent options.

At least one building of super high class apartments in each citystate. But available to commoners.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job