How to react to those petite f-me's?

Started by Anonymous, December 27, 2005, 07:40:15 PM

Small and other adjs could reflect a lack of nourishment, something perfectly acceptable as IC.  

Personally, I'm one who believes sexuality (and trends that define it) have always revolved around the ability to reproduce.  I tend view idealism in game as I do say... Medieval times where flesh indicated food and nourishment.  Thus, if I see someone trying to pull off "delicate" as an F-me that just tells me they probably arn't the best at their occupation.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

QuoteHow to react to those petite f-me's?

Mudsex them?
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

I have to agree with Bestatte--a lot of the pcs being accused of being
F-me are likely plain pcs with detailed descs that were hit on often by
horny mudders.

And like Sanvean said the last time this topic came up, it's hypocritical for
for players to flip out and try to take the moral high ground about oddly
described pcs in a world where mutation is commonplace anc causes even
more unusual traits.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

After thinking about this for a while...I recall someone (but don't feel like going back to find out who) saying something about a description written to be seductive.  Personally, I wonder what this means.  Attractive writing, artistically done?
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

First up, this thread seems started more on a gripe than on a real question. The Anon-kank here already has preconceived notions on how to deal with "F-me's". It just seems like you are looking for affirmation of that opinion.

Now I can understand the twitch people get when they see an F-me PC. Beautiful, flaxen blonde hair brushing against firm buttocks. A lithe frame with full, rounded breasts, doe eyes and lush, pouted pink lips.  You think, How can she be bad ass with all that hair in the way? And don't her breasts get in the way when she is trying to notch a bow?

But "F-me's" are as much a part of the game as "He-men". They aren't going away. It's not that big a deal and most are new players. I treat people pretty much how they look. If you look like a 90 pound weakling with perfect hair, pale skin and supple curves, I'm gonna assume you don't fair that well with a sword and don't spend much time outside. Why? Because that is what you look like.

I won't however avoid a person or react to them with OOC stigma. Because as much as you feel those f-me people are ruining the game, you reacting to them in an OOC fashion are doing far more damage.

I have played a few pretty PC's (my first one, second one and a few more in between). I have played a few ugly ones, a few damn ugly ones, a few raunchy ones and some that are just your average person. For the most part I find that if you RP well, and make the environment that you play in interesting and fun, it won't really matter what your PC looks like. People will want to play around you.

So what should you do if you see an "f-me"? The same thing you would do if you saw anyone else.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

There is a difference between writing a beautiful character and a character that is clearly made for sex.

Beauty does not equal fuck-me and I wish people would get this through their heads.  

I've written characters who were, in fact, ugly as hell but because of the style of writing and what was focused on (their best attributes) people thought the characters were beautiful.  

This is what I would consider to be a true fuck-me - in fact, I wrote this character up for another MUD for the fun of it and had it approved.  In Armageddon this character wouldn't be approved.

Quote from: "fuckme description"
Luscious lips curve into a pouting smile, their enticing form continually
ready for action.  She has some eyes, a nose, hair, and a face but those
don't matter.  Her shapely body curves with the most insidious of callings
with the lustful appearance of her breasts bulging forth in a brazen
sensuality. These pert breasts peek outwards from her narrow torso
highlighting the latent sensuality of her curvaceous form.  Her skin is
nubile and seems to glow with its enticing beauty and wanton yearning.

Quote from: "spawnloser"After thinking about this for a while...I recall someone (but don't feel like going back to find out who) saying something about a description written to be seductive.  Personally, I wonder what this means.  Attractive writing, artistically done?

That was me. :)

By "seductive" writing, I did not mean attractive or artistic writing, but I thought I made that clear by going on to say that if I wanted seductive writing, I'd read a cheesy romance novel.

Seductive writing, in my opinion, is the conscious attempt to draw attention to perfect or sexual features in a method, combination, or sequence to entice the reader sexually.  Marko's "fuckme" description above is a decent representation of this.

There is a difference between using the English language skillfully and doing it to write thinly-veiled text-porn.

If you are writing porn, you deserve the term "f-me," no matter how offensive you feel it is.  -I- am offended at having to read it. :P  Now, in defense of all those wrongfully judged, though, I have actually seen very few of these true "f-me"s in the game -- they come, but they curiously go just as quickly as any newb who made the mistake to walk out into the desert unarmed and without water.

Quote from: "marko"I've written characters who were, in fact, ugly as hell but because of the style of writing and what was focused on (their best attributes) people thought the characters were beautiful.  

Doesn't that contracdict a little to the whole point of writing a description?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

QuoteDoesn't that contracdict a little to the whole point of writing a description?

It does, but I can attest to his having happened to me too.  This isn't the
writer's fault--the reader simply misread the information.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Nao"
Doesn't that contracdict a little to the whole point of writing a description?


You describe the most prominent features.  If the reader decides to take the major features and extrapolate a sense of beauty while ignoring the other sentences that indicate otherwise that is up to them.  The information is still there and it is subjective in how it is read.

I've actually found inspiration for my own character concepts from apparently f-me pcs.

A few years ago, after seeing a couple of characters in Allanak whose descriptions were obviously inspired by surgery-enhanced porn stars, I decided to emulate them on a whim.  My sdesc, and my main description, were centered primarily on the incredibly large breasts that seemed to unnaturally defy gravity with their perkiness.  I even made her an elf, to further be able to illustrate in my description that these things were completely incredulous.  Oh, and a whiran.  After all, they actually were unnaturally defying gravity.

As many people seemed to notice the boobies, no one seemed to notice all the hints in the main description that something incredibly odd was going on here.  Unfortunately, they were not quite big enough to function as safety airbags (I knew I should have made them even bigger in the description!), or she might have lived longer.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Three of the finest roleplayers I ever had the privilege of roleplaying with had f-me descriptions - remember Ysania, Pearl and Nashi, anyone?

I do play 'attractive' female PCs, because I am a girl, but I also include the flaws of a common crafter - callouses, suntan, that kind of thing. But I love well-written descriptions, even if they're f-me types.

Focus on the way a description is written, people - don't get hung up on the details.

Like several others already said in this thread - a character isn't an f-me simply because they have a well-written description.  Even if it constantly mentions their inviting breasts, five-inch thick lips and shapely rears, it doesn't really make them an f-me.
A real f-me is a character, most often with a description like above, who would walk up to the most disgusting mutant PC ever with the most terrible scars and severe drooling problems and missing fingers and crooked teeth and, because the player of that hideous wretch has a good emoting style, chat it up with them and pretty much ignore (or giggle) at anything gross the mutant might do.

That is a real f-me.

Pretty characters who are also slutty?  Well, again I try to translate their description to what makes sense to me - I simply can't imagine Zalanthas with anyone truly beautiful who isn't very wealthy, powerful or closely tied to someone wealthy or powerful.  Sometimes they're really good players, and then you can play with them and it's all nice and well.  Other times they're not quite as good and, well... I find it difficult to find interest, ICly, in any character that seriously bores me on an OOC level, and as a result I don't tend to have many lengthy interactions with them.  I doubt I've ran into more than a dozen characters since I've started playing that really bored me OOCly, though.
And newbies are exempt - new players should always be encouraged to play and learn the game, no matter what they do.

Either way, I hope I clarified my position enough.  I'm really not an elitist asshole, I swear.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

A petite, buxom halfling enters from the west.

'assess halfling'

He looks to be in excellent condition.
He is not tired.

What I usually do...when I run into them, is that I take them back to my pc's housing (if they don't have any I take them to an alley) get my groove on with them. Then, I kick them to the curb.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Y'know, my first character got the most play and she was probably the least interested in sex. A fairly consistent boyfriend, a female fuckbuddy, and both of them at once a few times. Died because she got caught pickpocketing. I faded a lot with this character because she was so young; 16 years old and a house servant. I felt like a child molester, despite being rather young myself when I played this character.

My second character was probably my token f-me. She didn't get any play at all. She got kicked out of Tuluk a couple of weeks into play for saying the wrong thing to a Templar's pet and wound up in Luir's. She got drunk a lot and was quite friendly when drunk, but eventually she died because, being drunk, she thought she could flirt by hitting an NPC and the autobattle started. This was probably more the character stupidity, but it could be said that she died for being an f-me. (I didn't really mean her as an f-me, at first. I basically took my best friend and made her into a character; best friend found it hilarious that she was an f-me.)

My third character was accused of being too pretty for his own good, and had a boyfriend who promptly died on a trip to Allanak, because he needed his hand reattached. He then got another boy (played by the same as his previous boyfriend. yeah, we're twinks. But I first met him IC without realizing he was the same player), and died after boyfriend died because he went on this rather suicidal mission to find his sister, managed not to die, and so picked a fight when he got back to Tuluk. I didn't fade him because I'm addicted to yaoi. Sue me.

Fourth character lived in Allanak. She was young, underfed, crippled, and antisocial, almost to the point of sociopath-ness (would that be sociopathosis?). She got hit on three times. She thought it was creepy and didn't hesitate to tell people so. She died because she tried to walk to Tuluk without water. And because imms felt like messing with me. She died by tiny kank-fly, after many, wishes of "look, help me or kill me. i'm bored and want to hurry this up so i can apply a new character."

In this day and age my opinion is notably unpopular.

I dig sexism.

I just think my side of the situation should have some representation.

Unfortunately, that "side" gets more than enough representation as it is.

But anyway - the bottom line issue is adherence to the docs.   Don't be the kank-riding elf.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Haters.  I didn't ask to be this sexxy.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Seeker"Haters.  I didn't ask to be this sexxy.


Absolutely PERFECT example of how sometimes an f-me pc can be NOT beautiful.  Seeker's first character was about as far away from an f-me pc as one can get.  He was actually ugly if I recall correctly but boy did he turn out to be one of the most lascivious, hated yet beloved characters of his time.  He was charming and sensual and scrawny and clutsy but boy, his many facets charmed the leggings right off several women.

Any time I see, or make, a good looking character (what I think of as beautiful) I intend them to be used as such, as arm-candy.  Beauty on Zalanthas is entirely in the arm of the observer, I know you guys have seen "good looking/gorgeous/f-me pcs" who couldn't bed anything but the grubbiest rinther and that's all because if the personality does not match the looks eventually that f-me pc that was carefully constructed to evoke feelings of lust or longing will end up forgotten as quickly as a fart in the wind.

I think commoners would be especially proud if their offspring was good looking, I think they would starve themselves in order to provide better for their meal ticket because let's face it, if you're starving and homeless and you do whatever you can to push that gorgeous baby of yours up the social ladder, eventually that baby will grow up grateful... or guilty, depending on your parenting methods.

The world needs beauty as much as harshness, that's what makes Armageddon so bloody precious isn't it?  The realism. The jealousy of other people who want what you have, the envy, the hate.

- who has had f-me pcs that were gorgeous, mutant and horribly scarred...
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Just a thought..but to me petite..simply means small of stature, slightly shorter than the norm.

I always thought of "petite" as frail, slender bodied.. not really an F-me, but overall "cuteness" factor, not really a hottie.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

Petite, very literally, means small.  This would mean someone that is simply on the short and light end of the scale.  You know how most guys in this world average 5'11", or 71 inches?  Well, women only average 5'5"...or 65 inches.  Someone that is shorter than those averages while being of a normal body-type, could easily be described as 'petite.'
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I always figured on Zalanthas, chubbiness (not obesity) would be attractive.

I know that it's like that today in some of the poverty-stricken countries, like in Africa, for example.  If you're chubby, it means you have enough 'sid (or enough rich friends) to keep yourself not only fed, but well-fed.

And yet, I know characters in game who have made fun of characters' weight.  Seems a little strange to me, but it is a matter of (IC) personal preference.