Split from setting the example - derailment

Started by Tamarin, November 17, 2005, 06:19:24 PM

I had played briefly with both those characters in their infancy in the Byn.  Then I heard that one of them (once they became sergeants) forgot to take water on a trip into the Red Desert or the Salt Flats.  So they killed a runner and drank his blood.

That's good leadership.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

that would have been bela. she later made lieutenant. And her story is that the elven runner used up all their water, and then ran off. Another runner went crazy, and they drank -his- blood. They later killed the elf lounging in some shade.

bela 2, runners 0. gg.

We are getting way off topic and probably pissing off Sarah, but I will agree, being in the BYn at that time with those two was fun, and I was also one of the characters with -Mona- not Bela, when the desert incident took place. :)

Quote from: "waroth"We are getting way off topic and probably pissing off Sarah, but I will agree, being in the BYn at that time with those two was fun, and I was also one of the characters with -Mona- not Bela, when the desert incident took place. :)

they may have been together. Because i specifically remember Bela as a lieutenant telling my sergeant that story as a warning to hiring city elves.

Quote from: "A bunch of people"
Quote from: "waroth"We are getting way off topic and probably pissing off Sarah, but I will agree, being in the BYn at that time with those two was fun, and I was also one of the characters with -Mona- not Bela, when the desert incident took place. :)

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah Mona Bela T'zai Byn blood blood ha ha IC antics.

Can you people please stop derailing this thread?

I could absolutely not care less about that adventure Bela the Byn Lieutenant (one of the characters I liked best) had in some little trip.  I also don't care whether it was Bela or Mona (another character I knew and appreciated) who drank that elf's blood.
I care about this thread, and I would really like to see some actual content.
If Bela set an example to you as players, by all means, please tell us how, why or when.  If you just want to reminisce about old times, please open a new thread for that.  Hell, it could be an excellent thread.  Just please keep it out of here, these derailments are becoming very, very agitating to me and I could do without them.

Please, derailers, just stop.  Take it to PMs, that's what they're for.
The next person posting here better make it an on-topic post or they get an official Larrath Frownie.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

you realize that when you point out other people aren't on topic, you yourself are not on topic.

I've split this from the original thread as it was veering the original topic of course.

Reminder to anyone else posting on here - please don't get too specific with the IC events and happenings.
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.

Woops...sorry for derailing guys.  Didn't mean too...heh.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Yea, it was getting rather IC but it's been more than a year IRL, so i figured it was safe.

but yea. I hope bela or mona writes out the full story there and sends it to the MUD for posting. Or at least for their wiki.

Bela, Mona, and all the Tzai Byn newbies who grew up to learn arm through the eyes of some half-assed sell-sword ....character version 300.7 from stock template....

.... you all suck. Period.

End of story. Hah. Go worship your tall, muscular man statue.

QuoteBela, Mona, and all the Tzai Byn newbies who grew up to learn arm through the eyes of some half-assed sell-sword ....character version 300.7 from stock template....

.... you all suck. Period.

End of story. Hah. Go worship your tall, muscular man statue.

I concur; finally, an insane voice in the darkness.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Quote from: "Yang"Bela, Mona, and all the Tzai Byn newbies who grew up to learn arm through the eyes of some half-assed sell-sword ....character version 300.7 from stock template....

.... you all suck. Period.

End of story. Hah. Go worship your tall, muscular man statue.

Templates are formed to reflect what many consider to be a perfect, appropriate or well formed idea.  If a player was able to follow one of these "templates" closely enough to capture its essence and inspire more than a couple of players to try harder at playing out a role true to their station and environment, I would choose praise over degradation.

Now, I played neither with Bela nor Mona enough to make a personal comment on the level of their role play, but you shouldn't discredit their efforts and apparent success because you didn't have the same reaction as several new players that found them inspiring.

You, sir, are better than your hurtful and narrow post.


Since when is a scarred, brutish, combat-skilled, and accomplished woman a typical template in this game?

Maybe we really are playing different games, Yang.

A template may be a standard, but it doesn't follow that it necessarily must reflect a positive standard.

QuoteSince when is a scarred, brutish, combat-skilled, and accomplished woman a typical template in this game?

Generally, most female PCs within the Byn adhere to that criteria. Outside the Byn, such entities appear rarely.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Naturally I'd withdraw them out of respect, if they hadn't been quoted two times already. My concern is that there is an abundance of praise for the Byn because there's a deficit of people playing anything else, during certain long periods of activity of that clan. I'm fascinated to read this thread, but saying 'Bela, Mona, Bela Mona twenty times is really annoying, especially when I know that there is plenty of acurate negative opinion about them as well.

They're not going to win the nobel prize. If someone loves these two, chanting their name throughout the thread seems mindless and leaves a lot to be said for the structure of popularity. Can't you think of other, perhaps more subtle characters who played official leadership roles, or perhaps some that led through suggestion, manipulation or extortion. Who controlled through fear rather than positive re-inforcement. Who set an example much more sinister in its Zalanthan roots.

Honestly, people. LoD, thank you for the commentary, it was a pointless jab without explanation.

Quote from: "Yang"

Go worship your tall, muscular man statue.

This is a shitty post. Even if it was true...Why do you have to hate on people who obviously had so much fun?

THAT SAID - Taken out of context, the visual of a bunch of n00bs worshiping "a tall, muscular man" statue, is fucking HYSTERICAL. I'm giggling my ass off. Which is the only reason I've bothered to reply.

THAT BEING SAID AGAIN - I think Yang probably played the runner who got his blood drunk up.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


The original post is meant to be biting, satirical and yes, hilarious. The second one explains briefly my specific angle. LoD already schooled me, jmordesky is a little late on the draw. But keep on trying.


Let people give their praise, who cares if they keep shouting the same names over and over again, atleast you know that it actually means something. These people obviously were pretty good if they inspired people to immediately recall their names and leadership a RL year later after the event.

The Byn is a great place, so what if it's vile, disguisting, and violent? So is 80% of this game, and it's environment. Does that make it any less worthy of attention or praise for their RP? I just hate people oocly looking down on the Byn because you figure your stereotypical Unit is already dead at the bottom of the shield wall. Not every leader should be this perfect, brilliant, super-subtle genuis who kicked that pebble at you that one time not by mistake... but to sekritly motivate your will to train harder. I like dumbasses. They are everywhere in real life, why not in Arm, too?

It all depends on the person. I've seen good Byn, and good Bards, and everything between. Just because you play one and not the other doesn't mean you should just rip into a post, degrading one for your preferences.

No Byn or Bard are going to win nobel prized, but I'll tell you which one I'd rather use for my future Noble's meat-shield....

Casting a brief glimpse across the pile of flute-carrying corpses, the trim, spotless noble screams, "And the winner of the Ghatti Teahouse Bard Competition is .... me, fuckers!"  :twisted:

Quote from: "Yang"

They're not going to win the nobel prize. If someone loves these two, chanting their name throughout the thread seems mindless and leaves a lot to be said for the structure of popularity. Can't you think of other, perhaps more subtle characters who played official leadership roles, or perhaps some that led through suggestion, manipulation or extortion. Who controlled through fear rather than positive re-inforcement. Who set an example much more sinister in its Zalanthan roots.

Positive re-inforcement? Bela threatened to flay me alive if I fucked it up.

They didn't play official leadership roles? A sargeant and a Lieutenant of a supposed noob clan that is loved by everyone from oldbies, imms, and noobs? One that wasn't apped for but can only be attained by starting at rung 1 and moving up and up, is not official? Only "Imm-sponsored" roles are official?

As I have seen it, the ones that lead through fear, "suggestions, manipulation or extortion." Usually don't last as long or aren't as public as the ones that lead through respect and positive re-inforcement. Why? It is hard to do those things to people that nod, agree, and swear to tell no one and then go blabber it to everyone and their mom. And that is the bulk of people. I'm not saying that is bad Rp, but.. it reminds me of the bynners that defy a templar, are in prison, and scream out Viva Le France, or somesuch bullshit. Noone's pc can be intimidated perfectly because their player isn't. If their player is. Then they are. That is hard to accomplish though.

Good examples of those leaders that used those traits.
Delanora Tor- Intimidation and manipulation expert.
Rain (I forget the real name, she was a nenyuki)- Suggestion and extortion.
Kishime Fale- Fear and suggestion
Masiki- Goaded me on by manipulation.
Digger- Led me by manipulation and promise of riches and fear.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Hold on! I remember Bela from my first ever character. Before you start flaming me and saying I'm a noob and couldn't have done.... I have been playing this game for longer than you all think. Just because my Gnb account was made in june doesn't mean my Arm account was.

Quote from: "Ritley."Hold on! I remember Bela from my first ever character. Before you start flaming me and saying I'm a noob and couldn't have done.... I have been playing this game for longer than you all think. Just because my Gnb account was made in june doesn't mean my Arm account was.

YES I do! she was a corporal at the time. She hired me and although my character lasted only seven hours she inspired me. I don't remember how he died now...

Corporal is not a rank in the Byn, Ritley.

Byn ranks:

Runner (tons of them)
Trooper (tons of them)
Sergeant (lots of them)
Lieutenant (a few)
Captain (four)
Commander (one)
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Tamarin"Corporal is not a rank in the Byn, Ritley.

Byn ranks:

Runner (tons of them)
Trooper (tons of them)
Sergeant (lots of them)
Lieutenant (a few)
Captain (four)
Commander (one)
Oh maybe she was a Sergent then. I could have swore she was a Corporal. Maybe she was a Lieutenant. But I know I did see her. I'm absolutely certain of this.