Split from setting the example - derailment

Started by Tamarin, November 17, 2005, 06:19:24 PM

And thank you for adding completely nothing to the conversation at hand.

And Ritley please stop replying to yourself. Seriously annoying.

While working, I thought to add something.
Why is there such a great line-up of leaders from the Byn through out it's history?
There is a lot of leaders to choose from.

Whereas in the other places.
Borsail- I saw homocidal maniacal Lieutenants, 2 of them. No other really good leader. Sure they were special apped, but then they had a personality that wasn't molded by what was going on in the game. They came into the game one way and were to self important to change. So they disrespected everyone technically beneath them. Even though, I wouldn't have fucked with them if I went through the ranks.

Tor- Excellant sparring atmosphere, but what goes wrong? Pcs are stereotypical, even more so than the byn. Once they get to a certain rank the "asshole" button gets flipped on and they just aren't fun to RP around.

Salarr- Not a very good leadership atmosphere. Everyone dies when they solo hunt at one time or another. And everyone does that in salarr.

Kurac- Pretty O.K. leader atmosphere. They have a lot of choice with who to hire and what not since they take half breeds and elves and any other scum they can dig up. And those leaders are knee deep in Pcs so they become more Realistic. They are mentally fucked like a couple of the leaders from Tor and Borsail have been. They powertrip less. Their followers always go out alone, so they powertrip from time to time. Died to it.

Byn- No steady pay, no people parenting each other. Everything tells the runners they don't have a very good choice. Follow or clean the latrines. Spar or clean. Stew or bread. Work or you get tossed into the shithouse. Leader went through it all, knows how things really work. Documentation, or not.

Kadius has an alright atmosphere, better then salarr, but worse then others. Why? Their hunters don't get orders to go out and "bring back any hide, stone, horn, hair, feather, stick, twig, kank" and come back. They can't use most of what zalanthas offers, so they want things that are specific and because of that they get specific orders from superiors. "We need stone." "We need duskhorn hide/horn." Etc..
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime


This is just another player's opinion, but I really wouldn't generalize all the clans to be "good leadership atmosphere" or "bad leadership atmosphere" based on your experiences alone. Clan dynamics change as people enter and leave, and it's not so much as what clans have good leadership as where the good leaders are playing at any given time.

For example, I'm sure Borsail has had non-special-apped leaders before. I know that Salarr has had leader pcs who've lasted a long time and not died to solo hunting. Without going into IC details and comparing PCs to PCs, I don't think it's really possible to say "Kurac has better leadership than Kadius has better leadership than Salarr..." and so on.

Clans go through phases. Let's not promote some and slam others on the GDB, because most are perpetually starved for recruits as it is unless they have fanboy clubs. The PCs who generate a bad (or good) leadership experience for somebody aren't immortal, so it's unfair to base an entire clan's reputation off one good leader or not.

The Byn probably has a higher-than-usual number of memorable leaders because so many people are fed into the Byn as newbies. I think a lot of times the first time you do things is always the most nostalgic, which is why so many people point to it. But it isn't the only clan that's ever had good leaders.

The clans that look active are probably the ones with the good leaders, whether they're Kurac, Winrothol, Salarr, Borsail, or the Atrium. I think the best way the action is is by looking to see which leaders are engaging people around them and have stuff going on. Don't just judge by clan.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I think much of this popularity thread is skewed on what a  "leader" is.   It is not only combat types that become leaders.  Take for instance someone like Danu of Kurac.  Face it, a 11 year old girl could have cleaned the floor with him, but no one can deny the leadership qualities.  

The byn pumps out more military type leaders, because the byn pumps out more people. Period.   Others like Kurac have leaders that live a very, very long time, and tend to be much more low ley due to a narrowed mission.

I agree with Yang somewhat on his overall point, although not his approach.  Much of what this thread is, and others like it, is a popularity contest, and a very narrowly defined definition of "leader".
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "Jherlen"MThis is just another player's opinion, but I really wouldn't generalize all the clans to be "good leadership atmosphere" or "bad leadership atmosphere" based on your experiences alone. Clan dynamics change as people enter and leave, and it's not so much as what clans have good leadership as where the good leaders are playing at any given time.

And yet, there must be some reason why some clans are perpetually starved for players and never manage to create plots or provide entertainment for the playerbase at large.

I'd say let Maybe42or54 generalize.
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"And yet, there must be some reason why some clans are perpetually starved for players and never manage to create plots or provide entertainment for the playerbase at large.

That's what I took issue with. Every clan I've seen has had high points of action and points of inactivity. They all have potential and have created plots at some time or another. It just depends on who's playing where.

EDIT: And yes, I realize I said myself earlier that clans are perpetually starved for recruits. I meant that in the context that even in the active clans, you still feel like you don't have quite enough people. Lots of players also tend to want to avoid clans as a whole for whatever reason, and so as a recruiter you feel like you have to convince people to join instead of the other way around. I didn't mean that some clans are recruit-starved because they suck while the "good" clans get all the people, because the people will go wherever the leaders and action is, be that in the Byn, Salarr, Kurac, or whatever.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I totally agree with Jherlen. The original post was from Tza'i Byn, so better to give an example from it.

I had a period in Tza'i Byn with three RPT or PPTs for each week, it was full of people, that clothing of Byn had some worth, etc.. I had another period, in which I hardly remeber of some fun gatherings, RPTs, good leadership scenes, etc..

Also IMO, all organizations have some place in the dynamics of Zalanthas. Templarates have some place of creating plots, Noble Houses are there with their coins, militia stands within the interaction of the clans in the cities, Byn joins jobs needs muscle, Kurac stands somewhat in the middle standing and watching what's going on around.. Shortly, I do not think there can be some easy comparation of clans.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

I never said there were not ups and downs.

And the leadership atmosphere contributes to the severity and longevity of those ups and downs, regardless of God willing it (holds up his left hand) or not.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

There are lots of non-muscle leaders worth their salt.  Be a good role-player, and the world plays with you.  Unless you're role-playing a hermit.

Why does the Byn have a preponderance of leaders listed here?  First, I agree, because players -love- their first clan.

Second, because the simplicity of the clan (kill shit, get paid) leaves lots of room for personal motivation.  (Again, sort of mentioned, already.)

Third, because the sheer numbers of people who come through the clan, when it is active, allows for a lot of interaction, with lots of people.  Other clans sometimes, and this happens to the Byn as well, fall into the problem of too few people trying to get things moving.  The Byn is very non-performance oriented.  And they'll hire just about anyone, because of their newbie-clan status.

The Byn Wants you!
Join!  Train!  Kill!  Drink!

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

The Byn is awesome because it is one of the few clans that at times gets large enough to have true internal conflict.  My last Byn character was under then Sergeant Sujaal.  It was easily one of the best times I have had with a character.  The reason why it was so awesome was because there were so many personalities in the clan.  There was serious internal strife within the clan.  There were people that my character was best friends with, and there were people that my character took every possible second to torment.  

There were complex interpersonal relationships the likes of which are absent anywhere else on the MUD for the most part.  I recall one fellow whom my character hated with a real passion.  I spent my time (in my character's ham-fisted way) getting everyone else to hate that character and in general torture the poor bastard.  At one point this character made friends with a trooper who was a friend of one of my friends.  The relationships were deep and complex.

If you want deep interpersonal conflict that doesn't involve nobility and rich folks, the Byn is it in Armageddon.  Other clans that get big enough to house such conflict (like Kurac) are too united to have very strong internal conflict within the low ranking commoners.  People like the Byn because it is one of the few places where you can play a poor very "Zalanthas" character who is neck deep in interpersonal relationships.  Until there exists some other outlet for commoners to get together with other commoners, I imagine the Byn is going to be one of the top clans.  If you don't want to be isolated, rich, or a criminal, the Byn is your only option.  

We have a dozen rich factions to join, a few isolated factions to join, and a small smattering of criminal organizations that tend to wink out quickly that you can join, but the Byn is the only faction for your average Joe commoner.

Quote from: "Rindan"Other clans that get big enough to house such conflict (like Kurac) are too united to have very strong internal conflict within the low ranking commoners.

I disagree on the comment with Kurac.  I was in it in a leadership role when it seems half the mud was playing there.  There was an -unbelievable- amount of interpersonal conflict.  It was a very interesting time.  I remember one night the who count was 16, at the time there were 7 kuraci all crammed into one watchtower.   I also remember a good number of remarkable RPers who helped to fuel the conflicts.    

The point people seem to be making over and over again, is that a large number of players breeds conflict.  The byn will always have an edge on that, not because they are inherently better than everyone else, but because of thier mission and status of taking in most anyone with 300 sid.  coupled with the "join the byn" mantra, they will (at least in Allanak) tend to have more people.  

I also remember a time with the delfs, there were only a handful of delfs about at any given time, but the conflict between them and with the outside groups was also very intense.  There were plenty of good leaders, just not as memorable to the world at large, as they were only known to a small circle of players.  Conflict is what you make of it. Sure, larger numbers gives an edge, but contrary to popular belief the byn is not the only place to make this happen.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I also disagree with Rindan's comment about internal conflict at the low-ranking commoner level in Kurac.  In my experience, it was abundant.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon