Pet peeves

Started by crymerci, December 09, 2004, 09:58:58 PM

Here are (some of) my RP pet peeves:

--People who are surprised when their elf/half-elf/rinther/mutant is treated poorly.
--People who treat IC promiscuity like it's ICly a bad thing.
--People who notice everything going on in a tavern, when they're sitting at the bar.  Sitting at a bar means, unless you indicate otherwise, your back is to the rest of the room.

What are your pet peeves?  Maybe we can learn from each other.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Pet peeve:

People that consistently emote slight smiles or narrowing their eyes... when they're wearing their hood up, or a facewrap, or a greathelm whose description clearly states that it obscures their face.

The Ranger Red
There is a tool for every task, and a task for every tool.
-Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of the West

-References to feminity ("bitch"), homosexuality, or prostitution, use as insults
-Improper grammatical structure in look-emotes

Pet Peeve:

People who start new threads when old ones will work fine
People who don't do a search for 'Hated Trends' when starting pet peeve threads

oh srry I'm just kidding...we wouldn't want to bring that thing up again, I remember that day: I was being flamed so much that my house almost caught on fire.

My real pet peeve is when people play unrealisticly aka twinkish, spam kill, don't think about the surrounds, weather and other things of the like... hopefully everyone's realized that by now that I was mad at when I created that thread and now we only have noobs doing it.

mleh, you can't fight twinks
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

-Twinks who abuse the system.

-People who break character when it's not necessary.

-Atrocious spelling and grammar, lack of punctuation and capitalization (If you are an ESL, it's easy to let slide).

-People who do nothing but huge spammy emotes, contributing very little to the game.

-People who have obviously not read the docs before they play.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

People who power emote to force a pc into a situation that they should not because their pc doesn't have the IC power to make such happen.

Most recently I saw someone power emote soldiers scrutinizing another pc, it was absolutely terrible considering the power emoter was neither militia nor templarate.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

People who look at someone and notice/remember absolutely every detail about them when they are:

A)  Wearing a hood/facewrap, and very generic clothing.

B)  Hidden

C)  Invisible.

D)  In a very crowded room and all it was is a casual glance.

E)  All of the above at the same time.

People who ignore new players who are getting things horribly wrong, so theey continue to get things horribly wrong, and then one day bump into me off-peak. As a human. In the middle of the desert. Naked.

- People that go away from their home area (like a 'Nakki in Tuluk for example) and don't seem to understand why they are treated badly.  (This is simply expanding on an earlier one, but I do feel more broadly about this issue.)

- People who think that having a hood/veil/facewrap makes them completely unrecognizable.  (Seriously, people, there are other things about someone that we should be able to tell like tone/timbre of voice that the mud doesn't inform us of, and if you ain't emoting something about these kinds of things, the rest of us have to fill in some information that we do have.  Really, think about your character's voice when speaking.  Does it waver?  Is it deep- or high-pitched?  Think of how your character smells.  Like two-day old booze...or what else?  Emote these things and then others don't have to violate the sanctity of your all-concealing facewrap-of-you-can't-see-me.  Oh, and by the way, a facewrap leaves your eyes visible, as does a hood.  How else are you going to see?)

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"-References to feminity ("bitch")

Hasn't it been said by staff that a female gortok could be called a bitch and that is where the reference makes sense?  It makes sense to me because sirihish is not english, so when you say 'bitch' you are saying the sirihish word for a female gortok or whatever other canines may exist.

Anyways, I'll sum up all of my Pet Peeves in a single one:

- People who play with different views on rules interpretations and acceptable character actions than I do.

I once had a pet peeve, but it got out of its cage and ran away.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I do a lot of these pet Peeves
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "crymerci"--People who are surprised when their elf/half-elf/rinther/mutant is treated poorly.

I'm not certain this is surprise so much as dislike.  Just because it's customary for a certain group of people to be discriminated against doesn't mean they have to like/accept it.  Though I'm sure there are some people acting surprised (as though discrimination didn't exist), as you suggest.

One of my biggest pet peeves that comes to mind is...Cue drumroll.
People who are buddybuddy with everyone alike.  Magickers, ugly people, rinthers, elves, southerners (if you're a northerner), vice versa.

Although it's nice to be able to enjoy yourself and make friends in-game, it's a lot more fun to create and be a part of strife, tension and dissent.  I find that opinion is shared amongst the minority, unfortunately.  

I often see people saying something like, "I really don't like this <insert group> but I'm making an exception for this person (who is a part of that group) because <insert lame-ass excuse>".  Although I realize some interactions are legit, there have been players who will try to validate their non-discriminating actions repeatedly throughout their entire career on Arm.  Sheesh.

Yeah, this is a bit of a big pet peeve for me. ;)

Second, but no less important.  Cue drumroll again!
People who underestimate magickers, sorcerers, or defilers.  Not too long ago, I saw someone telling a friend about a nilazi, "Oh, he's just misunderstood.  He's alright, really."  (Paraphrased)

Just because you think you can whip a sorcerer's ass codedly, doesn't mean that guy is any less scary.   How would you feel if RL, some guy just stood there, grinned at you, and every living plant within a mile around crumbled to ash before your eyes?  Would you just nod, think "Oh, he's nice so I'll ignore that", or would you run for your life, praying that you can get out of range before he decides to do something utterly nasty, twisted and painful to you?  If it's the former, you're a twit.  :)

I have tons of these, but those two are my top ones.

Mine is people who ignore the virtual world.  But then again, if all you did was play with the unreal, then the world wouldn't be as interesting as it is.  It's more of a balance that needs to be aquired, instead of leaning one way and another.

And people who wear the same wicked ass outfit, day in and day out.  You've built up your collection of cool items, and now you'll wear it forever, because you're 'complete'.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one


The word "Bitch" in it's modern context is no longer a reference to feminity on earth anymore then it is on Zalanthas

Bitch as I've used and seen others used in game referes to: "one who is weaker and/or subserviant to me". It's a slight, but not based on gender.

A woman on zalanthas could easily make a man her "bitch" (as could a woman here).

Telling a male or female  rinthi while shaking them down, "Give me my fucking coins, bitch."  would be acceptable whereas describing a female noble who is being mean to you as a "bitch" soley based on her being forceful as a female would not.

Sexuality does not infer weakness, but make no mistake, that regardless of location, people will take advantage of, slur, and describe weakness with nouns at every available opportunity. And while we should try to avoid using labels that convey sexuality....lets not get crazy here. I'd be stunned to hear someone call someone else a "fag" on Zalanthas, but "bitch", nah.

That said, My pet peeve are the language/RP police that scrutinize this game to point of nauseum....For fucks sake, have some fun, handle in the context of the world around you and let it be.

There's always going to be powermoters/twinks/fuckups/code abusers/spammers and stupid n00bs who don't read the docs. They have always been here and always will. And for the most part it's caused by inexperience, and the ever delicate balance between what should be coded and what should be RPed.

React to it accordingly in game...and get over it.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

I seem to have developed two lately that never used to bother me.

- People who ALWAYS have their hood up, or face covered, even while sitting at a bar or other public place. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

- People who spend hours upon hours sitting at a bar and NEVER BUY ANYTHING. How do these places even stay open if everyone comes in, sits on the bar, talks, and spends no money? If I owned the bar, I'd at LEAST have a very ugly and smelly bouncer toss those people out. Save the seats for paying customers! Bah. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

Quote from: "Jacques"
- People who spend hours upon hours sitting at a bar and NEVER BUY ANYTHING. How do these places even stay open if everyone comes in, sits on the bar, talks, and spends no money? If I owned the bar, I'd at LEAST have a very ugly and smelly bouncer toss those people out. Save the seats for paying customers! Bah. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

This has been brought up and discussed and decided it is fine in the world of zalanthas.

Also for the facewrapped people: Some very few of them cower only on certain places.  It can be a specific city, it can be a specific tavern.  But again, this is just exception.  Otherwise, if the guy is born hood up and is living hood up and is going to die hood up, well.. That guy might deserve a rant or two.

EDIT: Someone stop me replying these.  I have a thing or two to say nearly on all of these 'peeve's.  It is just after seeing this threat I feel like I have to write some reply..  STOP ME DAMN IT!
some of my posts are serious stuff

-Oh yeah, people who wear a buckler on each wrist.  Don't they realize how effing silly that looks?   :lol:

-Players whose every character is exactly the same, except for appearance.  It's one thing to play a character who is dumb, for example.  It's another thing when every character of that person's is dumb in almost exactly the same ways.  Same goes for people whose every character is an f-me, or gigantic asshole, or painfully shy...  Basically every character has the same personality.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Cuusardo"-Players whose every character is exactly the same, except for appearance.

I'd be careful with that.  I know I have played PCs who have similar accents and could be stereotyped as being the same but 'under the hood' and in private they were completely different PCs.

Quote from: "Xamminy"Oh, and by the way, a facewrap leaves your eyes visible, as does a hood.  How else are you going to see?

"If you can see me, I can see your eyes" is a decent rule of thumb, but falls apart easily.  Consider the veils for a moment.  It is much easier to see through a piece of fabric if you are close to it (wearing it).  From a distance, it is going to be pretty dang obscuring, unless it is a VERY sheer, VERY translucent fabric, and even then, it is going to obscure a lot of detail.  An extreme example is those big mascot costumes or amusement park characters.  They have a black mesh fabric that the person inside can see through, because they are close, and because there is no light inside the costume; it is all coming from outside (see below).  The people outside absolutely cannot see the person inside, because of the properties of the fabric.

Second, consider lighting.  In an ideal case, a deep, concealing hood, and oriented like this:

Unhooded guy-> -------- <-Hooded Guy -------- <-Light Source

The Hooded guy is backlit, and the unhooded guy has the light in his face.  In this situation, that hood is going to be pretty darn close to an impenetrable wall of shadow, even though it will not hinder hooded guy's ability to see in the slightest.  Add a veil and you just ain't going to make out anything of consequence in that guy's face.  At all.  Ever stand inside a building, looking out, to see backlit people walking in from a sunny outdoors?  Even dressed normally, face completely uncovered, it can be difficult or impossible to identify them, because your eyes are adjusted to a different light level.  All you see is a shadowy form.

This is true unless Zalanthan eyes work like the Ancient Greeks thought eyes worked, by extending some sort of invisble feelers out into the world to gather information and bring it back to the eyes.

Quote from: "Xamminy"Seriously, people, there are other things about someone that we should be able to tell like tone/timbre of voice that the mud doesn't inform us of, and if you ain't emoting something about these kinds of things, the rest of us have to fill in some information that we do have.

I do, however, completely agree with this.  If that hooded guy speaks, and you can recognize that voice, you know who he is.  Even if he is emoting disguising his voice, it's still likely that you can identify him because disguising your voice isn't as easy as it sounds.

That's fine, but it's not reasonable for the hooded person to always assume they're in ideal lighting conditions to have their facial features obscured.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

QuoteThat's fine, but it's not reasonable for the hooded person to always assume they're in ideal lighting conditions to have their facial features obscured.

Kind of like the lookers assuming that the lighting is perfect to allow them to see everything or that the hooded one is facing them allowing them to look into the hood at all eh?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm going to say that one of my pet peeves is when people confuse personal role-play preferences with actual good or poor role-play of others.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>