Pet peeves

Started by crymerci, December 09, 2004, 09:58:58 PM

Here are (some of) my RP pet peeves:

--People who are surprised when their elf/half-elf/rinther/mutant is treated poorly.
--People who treat IC promiscuity like it's ICly a bad thing.
--People who notice everything going on in a tavern, when they're sitting at the bar.  Sitting at a bar means, unless you indicate otherwise, your back is to the rest of the room.

What are your pet peeves?  Maybe we can learn from each other.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Pet peeve:

People that consistently emote slight smiles or narrowing their eyes... when they're wearing their hood up, or a facewrap, or a greathelm whose description clearly states that it obscures their face.

The Ranger Red
There is a tool for every task, and a task for every tool.
-Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of the West

-References to feminity ("bitch"), homosexuality, or prostitution, use as insults
-Improper grammatical structure in look-emotes

Pet Peeve:

People who start new threads when old ones will work fine
People who don't do a search for 'Hated Trends' when starting pet peeve threads

oh srry I'm just kidding...we wouldn't want to bring that thing up again, I remember that day: I was being flamed so much that my house almost caught on fire.

My real pet peeve is when people play unrealisticly aka twinkish, spam kill, don't think about the surrounds, weather and other things of the like... hopefully everyone's realized that by now that I was mad at when I created that thread and now we only have noobs doing it.

mleh, you can't fight twinks
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

-Twinks who abuse the system.

-People who break character when it's not necessary.

-Atrocious spelling and grammar, lack of punctuation and capitalization (If you are an ESL, it's easy to let slide).

-People who do nothing but huge spammy emotes, contributing very little to the game.

-People who have obviously not read the docs before they play.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

People who power emote to force a pc into a situation that they should not because their pc doesn't have the IC power to make such happen.

Most recently I saw someone power emote soldiers scrutinizing another pc, it was absolutely terrible considering the power emoter was neither militia nor templarate.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

People who look at someone and notice/remember absolutely every detail about them when they are:

A)  Wearing a hood/facewrap, and very generic clothing.

B)  Hidden

C)  Invisible.

D)  In a very crowded room and all it was is a casual glance.

E)  All of the above at the same time.

People who ignore new players who are getting things horribly wrong, so theey continue to get things horribly wrong, and then one day bump into me off-peak. As a human. In the middle of the desert. Naked.

- People that go away from their home area (like a 'Nakki in Tuluk for example) and don't seem to understand why they are treated badly.  (This is simply expanding on an earlier one, but I do feel more broadly about this issue.)

- People who think that having a hood/veil/facewrap makes them completely unrecognizable.  (Seriously, people, there are other things about someone that we should be able to tell like tone/timbre of voice that the mud doesn't inform us of, and if you ain't emoting something about these kinds of things, the rest of us have to fill in some information that we do have.  Really, think about your character's voice when speaking.  Does it waver?  Is it deep- or high-pitched?  Think of how your character smells.  Like two-day old booze...or what else?  Emote these things and then others don't have to violate the sanctity of your all-concealing facewrap-of-you-can't-see-me.  Oh, and by the way, a facewrap leaves your eyes visible, as does a hood.  How else are you going to see?)

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"-References to feminity ("bitch")

Hasn't it been said by staff that a female gortok could be called a bitch and that is where the reference makes sense?  It makes sense to me because sirihish is not english, so when you say 'bitch' you are saying the sirihish word for a female gortok or whatever other canines may exist.

Anyways, I'll sum up all of my Pet Peeves in a single one:

- People who play with different views on rules interpretations and acceptable character actions than I do.

I once had a pet peeve, but it got out of its cage and ran away.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I do a lot of these pet Peeves
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "crymerci"--People who are surprised when their elf/half-elf/rinther/mutant is treated poorly.

I'm not certain this is surprise so much as dislike.  Just because it's customary for a certain group of people to be discriminated against doesn't mean they have to like/accept it.  Though I'm sure there are some people acting surprised (as though discrimination didn't exist), as you suggest.

One of my biggest pet peeves that comes to mind is...Cue drumroll.
People who are buddybuddy with everyone alike.  Magickers, ugly people, rinthers, elves, southerners (if you're a northerner), vice versa.

Although it's nice to be able to enjoy yourself and make friends in-game, it's a lot more fun to create and be a part of strife, tension and dissent.  I find that opinion is shared amongst the minority, unfortunately.  

I often see people saying something like, "I really don't like this <insert group> but I'm making an exception for this person (who is a part of that group) because <insert lame-ass excuse>".  Although I realize some interactions are legit, there have been players who will try to validate their non-discriminating actions repeatedly throughout their entire career on Arm.  Sheesh.

Yeah, this is a bit of a big pet peeve for me. ;)

Second, but no less important.  Cue drumroll again!
People who underestimate magickers, sorcerers, or defilers.  Not too long ago, I saw someone telling a friend about a nilazi, "Oh, he's just misunderstood.  He's alright, really."  (Paraphrased)

Just because you think you can whip a sorcerer's ass codedly, doesn't mean that guy is any less scary.   How would you feel if RL, some guy just stood there, grinned at you, and every living plant within a mile around crumbled to ash before your eyes?  Would you just nod, think "Oh, he's nice so I'll ignore that", or would you run for your life, praying that you can get out of range before he decides to do something utterly nasty, twisted and painful to you?  If it's the former, you're a twit.  :)

I have tons of these, but those two are my top ones.

Mine is people who ignore the virtual world.  But then again, if all you did was play with the unreal, then the world wouldn't be as interesting as it is.  It's more of a balance that needs to be aquired, instead of leaning one way and another.

And people who wear the same wicked ass outfit, day in and day out.  You've built up your collection of cool items, and now you'll wear it forever, because you're 'complete'.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one


The word "Bitch" in it's modern context is no longer a reference to feminity on earth anymore then it is on Zalanthas

Bitch as I've used and seen others used in game referes to: "one who is weaker and/or subserviant to me". It's a slight, but not based on gender.

A woman on zalanthas could easily make a man her "bitch" (as could a woman here).

Telling a male or female  rinthi while shaking them down, "Give me my fucking coins, bitch."  would be acceptable whereas describing a female noble who is being mean to you as a "bitch" soley based on her being forceful as a female would not.

Sexuality does not infer weakness, but make no mistake, that regardless of location, people will take advantage of, slur, and describe weakness with nouns at every available opportunity. And while we should try to avoid using labels that convey sexuality....lets not get crazy here. I'd be stunned to hear someone call someone else a "fag" on Zalanthas, but "bitch", nah.

That said, My pet peeve are the language/RP police that scrutinize this game to point of nauseum....For fucks sake, have some fun, handle in the context of the world around you and let it be.

There's always going to be powermoters/twinks/fuckups/code abusers/spammers and stupid n00bs who don't read the docs. They have always been here and always will. And for the most part it's caused by inexperience, and the ever delicate balance between what should be coded and what should be RPed.

React to it accordingly in game...and get over it.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

I seem to have developed two lately that never used to bother me.

- People who ALWAYS have their hood up, or face covered, even while sitting at a bar or other public place. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

- People who spend hours upon hours sitting at a bar and NEVER BUY ANYTHING. How do these places even stay open if everyone comes in, sits on the bar, talks, and spends no money? If I owned the bar, I'd at LEAST have a very ugly and smelly bouncer toss those people out. Save the seats for paying customers! Bah. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

Quote from: "Jacques"
- People who spend hours upon hours sitting at a bar and NEVER BUY ANYTHING. How do these places even stay open if everyone comes in, sits on the bar, talks, and spends no money? If I owned the bar, I'd at LEAST have a very ugly and smelly bouncer toss those people out. Save the seats for paying customers! Bah. I want to kill them all.  :twisted:

This has been brought up and discussed and decided it is fine in the world of zalanthas.

Also for the facewrapped people: Some very few of them cower only on certain places.  It can be a specific city, it can be a specific tavern.  But again, this is just exception.  Otherwise, if the guy is born hood up and is living hood up and is going to die hood up, well.. That guy might deserve a rant or two.

EDIT: Someone stop me replying these.  I have a thing or two to say nearly on all of these 'peeve's.  It is just after seeing this threat I feel like I have to write some reply..  STOP ME DAMN IT!
some of my posts are serious stuff

-Oh yeah, people who wear a buckler on each wrist.  Don't they realize how effing silly that looks?   :lol:

-Players whose every character is exactly the same, except for appearance.  It's one thing to play a character who is dumb, for example.  It's another thing when every character of that person's is dumb in almost exactly the same ways.  Same goes for people whose every character is an f-me, or gigantic asshole, or painfully shy...  Basically every character has the same personality.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Cuusardo"-Players whose every character is exactly the same, except for appearance.

I'd be careful with that.  I know I have played PCs who have similar accents and could be stereotyped as being the same but 'under the hood' and in private they were completely different PCs.

Quote from: "Xamminy"Oh, and by the way, a facewrap leaves your eyes visible, as does a hood.  How else are you going to see?

"If you can see me, I can see your eyes" is a decent rule of thumb, but falls apart easily.  Consider the veils for a moment.  It is much easier to see through a piece of fabric if you are close to it (wearing it).  From a distance, it is going to be pretty dang obscuring, unless it is a VERY sheer, VERY translucent fabric, and even then, it is going to obscure a lot of detail.  An extreme example is those big mascot costumes or amusement park characters.  They have a black mesh fabric that the person inside can see through, because they are close, and because there is no light inside the costume; it is all coming from outside (see below).  The people outside absolutely cannot see the person inside, because of the properties of the fabric.

Second, consider lighting.  In an ideal case, a deep, concealing hood, and oriented like this:

Unhooded guy-> -------- <-Hooded Guy -------- <-Light Source

The Hooded guy is backlit, and the unhooded guy has the light in his face.  In this situation, that hood is going to be pretty darn close to an impenetrable wall of shadow, even though it will not hinder hooded guy's ability to see in the slightest.  Add a veil and you just ain't going to make out anything of consequence in that guy's face.  At all.  Ever stand inside a building, looking out, to see backlit people walking in from a sunny outdoors?  Even dressed normally, face completely uncovered, it can be difficult or impossible to identify them, because your eyes are adjusted to a different light level.  All you see is a shadowy form.

This is true unless Zalanthan eyes work like the Ancient Greeks thought eyes worked, by extending some sort of invisble feelers out into the world to gather information and bring it back to the eyes.

Quote from: "Xamminy"Seriously, people, there are other things about someone that we should be able to tell like tone/timbre of voice that the mud doesn't inform us of, and if you ain't emoting something about these kinds of things, the rest of us have to fill in some information that we do have.

I do, however, completely agree with this.  If that hooded guy speaks, and you can recognize that voice, you know who he is.  Even if he is emoting disguising his voice, it's still likely that you can identify him because disguising your voice isn't as easy as it sounds.

That's fine, but it's not reasonable for the hooded person to always assume they're in ideal lighting conditions to have their facial features obscured.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

QuoteThat's fine, but it's not reasonable for the hooded person to always assume they're in ideal lighting conditions to have their facial features obscured.

Kind of like the lookers assuming that the lighting is perfect to allow them to see everything or that the hooded one is facing them allowing them to look into the hood at all eh?
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm going to say that one of my pet peeves is when people confuse personal role-play preferences with actual good or poor role-play of others.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

QuoteOh yeah, people who wear a buckler on each wrist. Don't they realize how effing silly that looks?

This made me laugh. It's so true. It's one of those code allows it, but damn if it's not goofy type things.

Let's see, what else...

People that enter a room, look at each PC in turn with no RP, and then leave. At least look at each NPC too, gawker!

If you're wearing a facewrap, try not to emote what your mouth and nose are doing unless you move it aside. I can accept that like if someone eats with one on, they're moving it aside to eat, but actual emotes are nice there.

This isn't a pet peeve really, but hey, once you got ~ and % down, try adding ! and ^ to your rep, and then even... #. Sometimes when people don't use those it takes me a minute to figure out who they were emoting to.

Oh, and spammy emoters that seem to be in a some contest to win the Zalanthan record for the longest emote, using the maximum number of fancy words that may or may not be used correctly. :lol: I'm always so tempted to emote back, :is slammed against the wall by the spam of %your emote. (I've actually met one PC that uses long emotes with fancy language and does it brilliantly, but they are the exception.)

All in all though, the number of players my PC interracts that are great far exceed the annoying ones.
Amor Fati

-People who use numerical characters rather than typing out the words.  Numbers bypass language code, people!
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "flurry"That's fine, but it's not reasonable for the hooded person to always assume they're in ideal lighting conditions to have their facial features obscured.

Oh, I agree completely.  The code doesn't (and shouldn't) take into account all such sorts of absurd details such as where is the light source, etc.  My point is only that the actual situation is dependent on a lot of factors.  I notice that a lot of people tend to hold to one of two extremes: hoods and facewraps don't conceal a dang thing, or they conceal everything.  The fact is, depending on the situation, both extremes are possible, along with everything in between.  A good compromise would be to assume if someone is covered with all sorts of obscuring fabrics, then they are obscured, to some degree.  Also, having a hood up is going to severely limit, or eliminate altogether, your peripheral vision, which is something else hoodeds should take into account (pointing the finger at myself now, because my current char runs around hooded a lot, and I haven't specifically considered how this limitation would affect him until now).

People who post on the GDB: "Yeah, I want my character to be a real no-shit taking badass. Why is it unreasonable for me to ask for a backstabbing-krathi-warrior-thug-half-giant? Oh yeah, I want a tribal accent too.

-People who act as though there is only one tavern in a city that has FIVE.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Buckler = bracer? So it's weird to wear two of them?

I only get peeved when I made typos Ig though.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

Buckler = a small shield, not a bracer
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

People who respond to a question with "Ask IC".  Especially if asking IC makes no sense.  "Gee, Lord Templar, if I'm a Ranger what skills should I practice to learn parry?"  

People who log on the game, sit in the tavern by themselves for 2 min, then log off.  What were you expecting to happen?

Using psionics or whispers for OOC communication.  The way is excusable if you're not in the same room, but not otherwise.

Any emote which includes the word smirk.  I hate smirks, I don't know why.

Shops closing at night.  Grr!  Wastes my RL time.

People who make their characters do things which they as a player don't enjoy.  Like joining a clan they hate, or doing things because it is IC for them, even though they are bored to tears.

Retirement messages.  Both staff and player.  They're at best depressing, and at worst snarky.  Triumphant return messages are ok.

Quote from: "da mitey warrior"People who respond to a question with "Ask IC".  Especially if asking IC makes no sense.  "Gee, Lord Templar, if I'm a Ranger what skills should I practice to learn parry?"

Your scenario makes no sense because asking a templar makes no sense.

Replace Templar with 'Famed Swordsman' or 'Sergeant' and it makes sense.

Most of my pet peeves are word-related, and apply only to people who speak English as their first language. Things like not knowing the difference between your and you're, sense and since, and not recognizing that "a lot" is two words, not one.

The next pet peeve is people who walk into a room, with no emoting at all, and proceed to "look" at every PC in the room, with no emotes at all, and then immediately walk out of the room, with no emotes at all. Even something as simple as "emote looks over several faces among the crowd, and shakes his head as he walks back toward the entry" can cover most of that, and give everyone else the general idea that the guy isn't just gathering some list of descriptions on notepad.

Continual, sluggish, unrelated 4-line emotes. Four-liners have their place, certainly. And they can be gorgeous and inspiring and draw you into the scene. But people who take a good 15 minutes to get from the entrance of a room to a table in that room, I don't wanna see it.

People who sincerely believe that unintelligible "accents" are fun RP for everyone else. Unless you are -purposely- trying to be impossible to understand, and it's clear because you're emoting speaking through swollen lips, or chewing on your cud as you speak, it's another one of those things I don't wanna see. It also makes me feel sorry for players who don't speak English as a first language. I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for them to encounter something that looks like this:

The red-haired Bynner says, in sirihish, "S'I 'een 'er 'n th' Ga' th'otha day pl'y'n f'ts's wit' th'S'rg'nt."

That's probably my biggest RP pet peeve. I mean - okay, everyone knows your character is supposed to be some kind of low-class commoner. But that's just going way overboard to try and prove a point that you don't need to prove.

Quote from: "Bestatte"
People who sincerely believe that unintelligible "accents" are fun RP for everyone else. Unless you are -purposely- trying to be impossible to understand, and it's clear because you're emoting speaking through swollen lips, or chewing on your cud as you speak, it's another one of those things I don't wanna see. It also makes me feel sorry for players who don't speak English as a first language. I can't imagine how incredibly difficult it must be for them to encounter something that looks like this:

The red-haired Bynner says, in sirihish, "S'I 'een 'er 'n th' Ga' th'otha day pl'y'n f'ts's wit' th'S'rg'nt."

That's probably my biggest RP pet peeve. I mean - okay, everyone knows your character is supposed to be some kind of low-class commoner. But that's just going way overboard to try and prove a point that you don't need to prove.

I agree, this drives me nuts as well..

-People who use the same adverb for EVERY action.

The manly man enters the room and looks around slowly.

The manly man reaches down slowly and opens his belt.

The manly man walks slowly to a table.

The manly man slowly takes a drink from his mug.

I'd like to point out that has a thesaurus.  Millions of words at your fingertips, including more adverbs to describe what you're doing so you aren't stuck moving in slow motion!
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

People who get way too uptight over stupid little things, even going so far as to let it ruin their enjoyment of the game because they're too busy obsessing with the negative.

Key word for today: "Chill"

I think is a cool way to vent your peeves. Everything I've put on here doesn't really bother me. However, I have to admit I like being a whining bastard sometimes....

People who are sarcastic about dying of starvation. eg.

"Oh, well if no-ones going to give me a job in a clan right now... I'll just have to sit here and die. What a shame blah blah blah BLAH!"

*insert twitching eyeball*

Quote from: "SewerRat_inTheOpen"Buckler = bracer? So it's weird to wear two of them?

Acually a buckler is a very small sheild (think large dinner-plate) that staps to your arm. And a bacer is like a metal sleeve that covers only your fore-arm.

*tips his hat*

Glad to be of service, now I must take my leave.

Quote from: "Fighter"Don't you understand? Gravity is slain, now we can fly!

*Crouches, raising one fist to the air, jumps and flys away*

Non-roleplay pet peeve and my biggest overall:

When the system serves the rules instead of the rules serving the system.

Roleplay pet peeve:

F-me PCs looking like porn stars who somehow manage to stuff their enormeous curves into their leather armor and not be hindered in the wildest combat scenes, and magically avoid all scars for their entire life as badass warriors.

Quote from: "Akaramu"F-me PCs looking like porn stars who somehow manage to stuff their enormeous curves into their leather armor and not be hindered in the wildest combat scenes, and magically avoid all scars for their entire life as badass warriors.

Amen.  You ever seen army chicks?  Damn.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

My both roleplay and Non-roleplay pet peeve:

   I sometimes feel a few players forget ARM is just a game. I do believe even rarely there should be some OOC behaviours IG just for sake of curtesy. There are many examples,

i) Pushing hard towards a newbie elf, harrasing to death. (That's something understandable ICly, but also irritating for the new player OOCly)

ii) PKing, stealing from linkdead. Yes, a D-Elf with a motivation of protecting her territory by blades against roundears surely would attack.. But OOCly if you know that player has no chance to react.. Ignoring a single human won't pollute the territory.

iii) PKing some fella because just you can... If you are not RPing a serial killer all the time or dying because lack of coins, than is it hard to let one to live?

iv) Using the position of your PC to PKing any you do not like... etc.. etc..

Please do not misinterpret my words. I belive no player can ever be sure what is really going on with one's character, and no player has right to critize other's roleplay. Even in the examples above, the scenerios can be much different than how it is seen.

I do not suggest stop PKing, stop harrasing, etc.  since they are what makes ARM what it is. I say I sometimes feel a few players forgot every character has a real person standing in front of monitor.  

IMHO curtesy is a very big plus that makes the game more enjoyable for all.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

I definitely agree with those first three, Gaare.  They do got a bit beyond "pet peeve" though.  Pet peeves are usually small things of little consequence that some people find annoying.

Quoteiv) Using the position of your PC to PKing any you do not like... etc.. etc..

What's wrong with that, though?  Most PCs who rise to power usually don't do it by being nice all the time.  If I have a lot of influence and connections and you piss me off, you'd better watch your back.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"I definitely agree with those first three, Gaare.  They do got a bit beyond "pet peeve" though.  Pet peeves are usually small things of little consequence that some people find annoying.

Quoteiv) Using the position of your PC to PKing any you do not like... etc.. etc..

What's wrong with that, though?  Most PCs who rise to power usually don't do it by being nice all the time.  If I have a lot of influence and connections and you piss me off, you'd better watch your back.

I think he meant it as an ooc disliking. If that I agree...but ICly..hell yeah..power is corruption. ;)
Veteran Newbie

I think peeves are something that should be taken lightly. It's not like anything we've posted here is going to change, but it's fun/good to let it all out.

My pet peeve goes a little something like this:

<Large Tavern (NESW)
<The brown-haired man looks at you
<The brown-eyed man looks at you
<The brown-skinned man looks at you
<The brown-locked woman looks at you
             ...etc, etc...

This really ticks me off. If I was wearing say, all the colors of the rainbow in my clothes or was bloodied and yelling murder, then maybe this would be acceptable, but it happens all the time, everywhere :x

QuoteIf I was wearing say, all the colors of the rainbow in my clothes or was bloodied and yelling murder, then maybe this would be acceptable

How would anyone know that without looking at you?

Quote from: "Fnord"
This isn't a pet peeve really, but hey, once you got ~ and % down, try adding ! and ^ to your rep, and then even... #. Sometimes when people don't use those it takes me a minute to figure out who they were emoting to.

Good point, Fnord, I think people should have to learn what ~, #, % and ^ are for in emotes before they can play Arm. You wouldn't believe how many people never use them and how many newbs who do this:

Through the eyes of the player:

The (insert noob sdesc) walks over to him as he tries to keep his face hidden so that he can't see it.


~ = sdesc,  = sdesc's ! = him/her, ^ = his/her and # = he/she

(Thought I'd put that down for the noobs who don't know what help files are)  :wink:

- People who post 87 answers to one thread instead of thinking their answers out carefully before posting.
- The bringing in of real world morals to a very different world.
- Catty female characters who hate every good looking PC who is not them.
- Catty female players who hate every other female player who takes the attention in game away from them and find IC excuses to hate the characters of the people who play them. (Why don't men have these two problems? Strong females UNITE! Insecure females... get a life!)
- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)
- Uppity commoners - that includes uppity wealthy commoners who think that because they can afford silks and diamonds they are as good as their betters.
- The idolizing of a character because he/she is played by a certain person.
- The idolizing of a character because it is long lived.
- The unrealistic, status-related roleplay that follows a noble around - do they realize they are PIDDLY people?
- Templars who think killing everything in sight is scary.
- People who can't separate the person from the magicks that taint and torture them, who, by default, are cheating themselves of great roleplay because their characters are so afraid of magicks that they never let anyone in.
- Fucked up accents.
- Bland personalities.
- Characters who NEVER get double crossed because they NEVER let anyone in. That's so twinky.
- Characters who don't believe IC lies because they know what happened behind the scenes and magickally their characters know it's a lie.
- Characters who assume that because you have a surname you must be rich and blackmailable.
- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)
- Escaping slaves.
- Lack of people in the really cool clans. Down with independents!
- The use of the words marriage - wife - husband  by anyone other than nobility or merchant houses who actually do contractual marriages.

And last but not least...

- People who ask me what my pet peeves are when I am PMSing! (nothin' but love for you cry *muah*)

-who is not ashamed to be known for the elitest bitch that she is...
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: "Gaare"ii) PKing, stealing from linkdead. Yes, a D-Elf with a motivation of protecting her territory by blades against roundears surely would attack.. But OOCly if you know that player has no chance to react.. Ignoring a single human won't pollute the territory.
Ignoring an intruder of any sort because the player went LD isn't such a good thing, Gaare.  You are dropping out of character by doing such.  I'd suggest finding another alternative.  (KO or subdue the person and drag the worthless intruder outside of your territory, for example)

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Xamminy"
Quote from: "Gaare"ii) PKing, stealing from linkdead. Yes, a D-Elf with a motivation of protecting her territory by blades against roundears surely would attack.. But OOCly if you know that player has no chance to react.. Ignoring a single human won't pollute the territory.
Ignoring an intruder of any sort because the player went LD isn't such a good thing, Gaare.  You are dropping out of character by doing such.  I'd suggest finding another alternative.  (KO or subdue the person and drag the worthless intruder outside of your territory, for example)

Ok, I'm a bit confused.  Isn't going link dead dropping out of character?  I always thought it wasn't polite to use IC means to take advantage of  OOC problems?
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

The person ICly went where they shouldn't and then OOCly went LD.  Are you suggesting that the IC consequences for going there be nullified?  Are you suggesting simply waiting around for the person to come back from LD?  I'm suggesting give the person the consequences the act deserves, but the consequences don't have to be death.

For example: Pretend you are an officer in a noble guard.  Some sneaky bastard snuck into the Estate and then goes LD, and you spot this criminal afterwards.  Should s/he be left to stay inside the Estate simply because s/he's LD?  No, because when this person comes back from LD they'll have free reign of the Estate, but the person has been spotted there in the Estate and should not be allowed to remain.  Knock the person out and drag the unconscious sneak-thief outside or something similar, at the very least.  Their going LD is NO reason for consequences of their actions not to happen.

Draw parallels for other situations.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Why I am a walking talking Peeve

I have:

:arrow: Emoted a smile with my hood up & with a Veil on.
:arrow: Idolized a old PC
:arrow: Faded to black
:arrow: Used numerical
:arrow: Stayed mostly in one tavern
:arrow: Sat in bars without buying anything
:arrow: Misspelled words
:arrow: Used improper grammar
:arrow: Been nice to a Magicker
:arrow: Wore the same thing again and again, Day in day out.
:arrow: Played similar PC's
:arrow: Left a retirement Message
:arrow: Smirked
:arrow: Used psionics and Whisper for OOC usage
:arrow: Had a stupid accent
:arrow: Been a pretty PC

If I can think of more I have done I will let you all know.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "sarahjc"Why I am a walking talking Peeve

I have:

:arrow: Emoted a smile with my hood up & with a Veil on.
:arrow: Idolized a old PC
:arrow: Faded to black
:arrow: Used numerical
:arrow: Stayed mostly in one tavern
:arrow: Sat in bars without buying anything
:arrow: Misspelled words
:arrow: Used improper grammar
:arrow: Been nice to a Magicker
:arrow: Wore the same thing again and again, Day in day out.
:arrow: Played similar PC's
:arrow: Left a retirement Message
:arrow: Smirked
:arrow: Used psionics and Whisper for OOC usage
:arrow: Had a stupid accent
:arrow: Been a pretty PC

If I can think of more I have done I will let you all know.


You look like beef and Cheese
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Firstoff.. I have to say.. ShaLeah is my IDOL!

The alpha bitch syndrome... *nods solemnly* I was a huge partaker of the hatred towards fluffier  prettier pc's than my f'me... Thank goodness I got better.  

If you can rp out a two hour lunch, you can rp out the bare minimums of sex. It's not like a person is sitting on the other side of the screen filling mayonaise jars, are they?  

And holy cow... if it takes me 3 minutes to decipher your outlandish accent... I am so out of here, I'd rather be powergaming. </sarcasm>

I keep forgetting to put surnames in with my pcs... Must work on that.

And my biggest pet peeve of all!

*shudders* okay, that has nothing to do with armageddon.
frightening. some templar or scary ass noble should make him.
It'd be even scarier than Garrick the Red or Boopsie, or Lawrence.

If you don't know who I'm talking about... muahahahah!
For those who knew him, my husband Jay, known as Becklee from time to time on Arm, died August 17th, 2008, from complications of muscular dystrophy.

Quote from: "proxie"If you can rp out a two hour lunch, you can rp out the bare minimums of sex. It's not like a person is sitting on the other side of the screen filling mayonaise jars, are they?  

You never know.  *shudder*
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Though, I don't emote out two hour lunches, either.

Pet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

Quote from: "Delirium"What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Though, I don't emote out two hour lunches, either.

Pet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

What the Boss said.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Because it bears repeating,

QuotePet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

I think we should difference between having pet peeves and judgment of role-play.

BTW, has anyone who "hates" when people emote facial features with hoods up ever consider maybe that emote wasn't intended only for their enjoyment?  I most often think of it as nothing more as for the Imms watching, much like the think command.  Are you people implying that because no one can see faces the faces are cold-brick without any movment or emotion?

I'll go on to add that a pet peeve of mine (most likely caused by the same people who bitch about emotes and hoods) is when people notice (or go to means to find out) every single thing going on.  This goes along the same line as those nobles who take one step in a room and notice who is and who is not bowing.

Another pet peeve would include trying to restrict this game to only one or a handful of character and plot types. The truth is that a game filled with homosexual, political-minded, sour-mood, double-crossing, inner-turmoil-filled, spying, concubine whores is just as shallow and boring as any other RPG with one-level/ cookie-cutter characters.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

WHen it comes to mudsex, I say.. Beat your own drum or Blow your own horn or.. well, you get the reference.

To each there own. And yeah, that Mayoniase referance was gross, lets not think about it anymore.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "sarahjc"WHen it comes to mudsex, I say.. Beat your own drum or Blow your own horn..

I have a new Quote
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

QuoteFool enough to almost be it
And cool enough to not quite see it
And old enough to always feel this
Always old, I'll always feel this

Mayonaise reference?
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "sarahjc":arrow: Been nice to a Magicker

Yep, she has. Bad, bad Sarah. But I dont think the magicker did mind it  :wink:

I'm guilty of a lot of points mentioned, for some I can just say... its better to enjoy the game than to desperately try and avoid triggering anyone's pet peeve.

Except for porn star warriors, they really must die =P

I just discovered that many typing tutor softwares these days can teach you to type with only one hand.

This either bodes very well for the netsexers out there, and very badly for the rest of us, or vice versa.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

My pet peeves are:

Smart asses

Poor PCs (dirty Bynners  and other scummy types) that hang out in fancy bars ( the Sun King Sanctuary or Trader's )

Slow typers that like to make very long emotes, talk in long sentances and generally taking a long time to get simple things done.
-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

Quote from: "Myrdryn"Slow typers that like to make very long emotes, talk in long sentances and generally taking a long time to get simple things done.

I've avoided PCs for this very reason.  One PC in particular.  It becomes painful to wait 2 minutes in between replies because this very, very slow typer is bound and determined to write a novel with each talk, say or emote.  2 minutes in between isn't an exagerration, it literally took an entire day to buy an item.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- People who post 87 answers to one thread instead of thinking their answers out carefully before posting.

That would annoy me too, but I'm pretty sure it's never happened.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)

Yeah, but I wish I wasn't.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- The unrealistic, status-related roleplay that follows a noble around - do they realize they are PIDDLY people?

Care to clarify on that?

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Templars who think killing everything in sight is scary.

That IS pretty scary.  Not likely to be a good idea, but scary.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- People who can't separate the person from the magicks that taint and torture them, who, by default, are cheating themselves of great roleplay because their characters are so afraid of magicks that they never let anyone in.


Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Characters who NEVER get double crossed because they NEVER let anyone in. That's so twinky.

It is?  Could you clarify?

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)

Sadly I am.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Escaping slaves.

Sounds fun to me.

But anyway, you're dead on for everything else.
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "Delirium"What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)

Yeah, but I wish I wasn't.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)

Sadly I am.

Newsflash: Sarcasm, joking and smart-assy-ness do not translate well into text without Armageddon MUD's phenomenal emoting system so I will rephrase...

say (waggling her eyebrows up and down, playful sarcasm in her words) Fade to blackers SUCK!

That, my dear readers, was a JOKE! Hence the "payin' attention?" and the "are you STILL reading?"s. There is nothing wrong with FTBing. Relax people. Heh.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

People who wear the heaviest possible armour without ever changing, or emoting they're wearing it, or emoting the effects of wearing that much stuff.


And slow typists as well.  Bastards.
Mansa to Me: "You are a cancer to ArmageddonMUD."

Quote from: "Myrdryn"Poor PCs (dirty Bynners  and other scummy types) that hang out in fancy bars ( the Sun King Sanctuary or Trader's )

Problem with Sanctuary is that it's right on the road that heads out the
gates. People who have just came in from a hunting trip don't want to
shack up their mount somewhere and walk all the way over to the bar
in the northwestern part. It ain't natural.

As long as people don't seem to care that dirty people are in Sanctuary,
which they don't, then there's no incentive to go to a scummier bar just
because its scummier. The Sanctuary is convenient, near the gates, and
right next to the stables.

Anyhow, I agree with Trader's though :P

- Ktavialt

Yes, they do, Ktavialt.  People that should be in there DO care when they bloody & dusty hunter comes in and plops down near them.  There are three other bars in town, not just one, that are more appropriate places for low-lifes to go.  You wanna go there, you'd best be trying your best to look like you fit in, or expect unwanted attention.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I FTB because I fear my wife, only thing stopping be from being a mud-s3xx1ng p0rn st@r!

quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "Ktavialt"Problem with Sanctuary is that it's right on the road that heads out the gates. People who have just came in from a hunting trip don't want to shack up their mount somewhere and walk all the way over to the bar in the northwestern part. It ain't natural.

As long as people don't seem to care that dirty people are in Sanctuary,
which they don't, then there's no incentive to go to a scummier bar just
because its scummier. The Sanctuary is convenient, near the gates, and
right next to the stables.

If you were a hobo, would you walk into a five-star restaraunt just because it was near your favorite hobo-haunts?  Would you even enter it ONCE before you realized you were out of place there?  No, no you wouldn't.  You'd never even find out if people cared about your presence or not, because you'd never enter in the first place.
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "Ktavialt"Problem with Sanctuary is that it's right on the road that heads out the gates. People who have just came in from a hunting trip don't want to shack up their mount somewhere and walk all the way over to the bar in the northwestern part. It ain't natural.

As long as people don't seem to care that dirty people are in Sanctuary,
which they don't, then there's no incentive to go to a scummier bar just
because its scummier. The Sanctuary is convenient, near the gates, and
right next to the stables.

If you were a hobo, would you walk into a five-star restaraunt just because it was near your favorite hobo-haunts?  Would you even enter it ONCE before you realized you were out of place there?  No, no you wouldn't.  You'd never even find out if people cared about your presence or not, because you'd never enter in the first place.

Given that  Tuluk was rebuilt, I'm not too sure about this.
But I thought, with the gates so close, it was likely that the more grubby taverns would be there. After all, the rich don't venture out of the city much, which means they will prefer some place that is not so close to the wilds. A much more -exclusive- like place.
Have to take into account they are House owned though, not to mention the nobles are -closer- to the commoners up north.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

If we're going to be petty:

-confusing Wearily/weary with Warily/wary.

This is much worse than your/yore/you're their/there or to/two/too mixups, because with those other one the mistake is obvious and so the intended meaning.  Confusing weary and wary completely changes the meaning of the sentenance in a way that is not an obvious mistake.

>The manly many glances around the tavern warily before slumping into a seat.
When you ment to say:
>The manly man glances around the tavern wearily before slumping into a seat.
Isn't something people are necessarily going to pick up on right away.

Wary = cautious
Weary = tired

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins