Pet peeves

Started by crymerci, December 09, 2004, 09:58:58 PM

- People who post 87 answers to one thread instead of thinking their answers out carefully before posting.
- The bringing in of real world morals to a very different world.
- Catty female characters who hate every good looking PC who is not them.
- Catty female players who hate every other female player who takes the attention in game away from them and find IC excuses to hate the characters of the people who play them. (Why don't men have these two problems? Strong females UNITE! Insecure females... get a life!)
- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)
- Uppity commoners - that includes uppity wealthy commoners who think that because they can afford silks and diamonds they are as good as their betters.
- The idolizing of a character because he/she is played by a certain person.
- The idolizing of a character because it is long lived.
- The unrealistic, status-related roleplay that follows a noble around - do they realize they are PIDDLY people?
- Templars who think killing everything in sight is scary.
- People who can't separate the person from the magicks that taint and torture them, who, by default, are cheating themselves of great roleplay because their characters are so afraid of magicks that they never let anyone in.
- Fucked up accents.
- Bland personalities.
- Characters who NEVER get double crossed because they NEVER let anyone in. That's so twinky.
- Characters who don't believe IC lies because they know what happened behind the scenes and magickally their characters know it's a lie.
- Characters who assume that because you have a surname you must be rich and blackmailable.
- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)
- Escaping slaves.
- Lack of people in the really cool clans. Down with independents!
- The use of the words marriage - wife - husband  by anyone other than nobility or merchant houses who actually do contractual marriages.

And last but not least...

- People who ask me what my pet peeves are when I am PMSing! (nothin' but love for you cry *muah*)

-who is not ashamed to be known for the elitest bitch that she is...
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: "Gaare"ii) PKing, stealing from linkdead. Yes, a D-Elf with a motivation of protecting her territory by blades against roundears surely would attack.. But OOCly if you know that player has no chance to react.. Ignoring a single human won't pollute the territory.
Ignoring an intruder of any sort because the player went LD isn't such a good thing, Gaare.  You are dropping out of character by doing such.  I'd suggest finding another alternative.  (KO or subdue the person and drag the worthless intruder outside of your territory, for example)

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Xamminy"
Quote from: "Gaare"ii) PKing, stealing from linkdead. Yes, a D-Elf with a motivation of protecting her territory by blades against roundears surely would attack.. But OOCly if you know that player has no chance to react.. Ignoring a single human won't pollute the territory.
Ignoring an intruder of any sort because the player went LD isn't such a good thing, Gaare.  You are dropping out of character by doing such.  I'd suggest finding another alternative.  (KO or subdue the person and drag the worthless intruder outside of your territory, for example)

Ok, I'm a bit confused.  Isn't going link dead dropping out of character?  I always thought it wasn't polite to use IC means to take advantage of  OOC problems?
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

The person ICly went where they shouldn't and then OOCly went LD.  Are you suggesting that the IC consequences for going there be nullified?  Are you suggesting simply waiting around for the person to come back from LD?  I'm suggesting give the person the consequences the act deserves, but the consequences don't have to be death.

For example: Pretend you are an officer in a noble guard.  Some sneaky bastard snuck into the Estate and then goes LD, and you spot this criminal afterwards.  Should s/he be left to stay inside the Estate simply because s/he's LD?  No, because when this person comes back from LD they'll have free reign of the Estate, but the person has been spotted there in the Estate and should not be allowed to remain.  Knock the person out and drag the unconscious sneak-thief outside or something similar, at the very least.  Their going LD is NO reason for consequences of their actions not to happen.

Draw parallels for other situations.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Why I am a walking talking Peeve

I have:

:arrow: Emoted a smile with my hood up & with a Veil on.
:arrow: Idolized a old PC
:arrow: Faded to black
:arrow: Used numerical
:arrow: Stayed mostly in one tavern
:arrow: Sat in bars without buying anything
:arrow: Misspelled words
:arrow: Used improper grammar
:arrow: Been nice to a Magicker
:arrow: Wore the same thing again and again, Day in day out.
:arrow: Played similar PC's
:arrow: Left a retirement Message
:arrow: Smirked
:arrow: Used psionics and Whisper for OOC usage
:arrow: Had a stupid accent
:arrow: Been a pretty PC

If I can think of more I have done I will let you all know.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "sarahjc"Why I am a walking talking Peeve

I have:

:arrow: Emoted a smile with my hood up & with a Veil on.
:arrow: Idolized a old PC
:arrow: Faded to black
:arrow: Used numerical
:arrow: Stayed mostly in one tavern
:arrow: Sat in bars without buying anything
:arrow: Misspelled words
:arrow: Used improper grammar
:arrow: Been nice to a Magicker
:arrow: Wore the same thing again and again, Day in day out.
:arrow: Played similar PC's
:arrow: Left a retirement Message
:arrow: Smirked
:arrow: Used psionics and Whisper for OOC usage
:arrow: Had a stupid accent
:arrow: Been a pretty PC

If I can think of more I have done I will let you all know.


You look like beef and Cheese
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Firstoff.. I have to say.. ShaLeah is my IDOL!

The alpha bitch syndrome... *nods solemnly* I was a huge partaker of the hatred towards fluffier  prettier pc's than my f'me... Thank goodness I got better.  

If you can rp out a two hour lunch, you can rp out the bare minimums of sex. It's not like a person is sitting on the other side of the screen filling mayonaise jars, are they?  

And holy cow... if it takes me 3 minutes to decipher your outlandish accent... I am so out of here, I'd rather be powergaming. </sarcasm>

I keep forgetting to put surnames in with my pcs... Must work on that.

And my biggest pet peeve of all!

*shudders* okay, that has nothing to do with armageddon.
frightening. some templar or scary ass noble should make him.
It'd be even scarier than Garrick the Red or Boopsie, or Lawrence.

If you don't know who I'm talking about... muahahahah!
For those who knew him, my husband Jay, known as Becklee from time to time on Arm, died August 17th, 2008, from complications of muscular dystrophy.

Quote from: "proxie"If you can rp out a two hour lunch, you can rp out the bare minimums of sex. It's not like a person is sitting on the other side of the screen filling mayonaise jars, are they?  

You never know.  *shudder*
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Though, I don't emote out two hour lunches, either.

Pet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

Quote from: "Delirium"What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Though, I don't emote out two hour lunches, either.

Pet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

What the Boss said.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Because it bears repeating,

QuotePet peeve: People that get way too anal about other's playstyles.

I think we should difference between having pet peeves and judgment of role-play.

BTW, has anyone who "hates" when people emote facial features with hoods up ever consider maybe that emote wasn't intended only for their enjoyment?  I most often think of it as nothing more as for the Imms watching, much like the think command.  Are you people implying that because no one can see faces the faces are cold-brick without any movment or emotion?

I'll go on to add that a pet peeve of mine (most likely caused by the same people who bitch about emotes and hoods) is when people notice (or go to means to find out) every single thing going on.  This goes along the same line as those nobles who take one step in a room and notice who is and who is not bowing.

Another pet peeve would include trying to restrict this game to only one or a handful of character and plot types. The truth is that a game filled with homosexual, political-minded, sour-mood, double-crossing, inner-turmoil-filled, spying, concubine whores is just as shallow and boring as any other RPG with one-level/ cookie-cutter characters.
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

WHen it comes to mudsex, I say.. Beat your own drum or Blow your own horn or.. well, you get the reference.

To each there own. And yeah, that Mayoniase referance was gross, lets not think about it anymore.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "sarahjc"WHen it comes to mudsex, I say.. Beat your own drum or Blow your own horn..

I have a new Quote
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

QuoteFool enough to almost be it
And cool enough to not quite see it
And old enough to always feel this
Always old, I'll always feel this

Mayonaise reference?
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "sarahjc":arrow: Been nice to a Magicker

Yep, she has. Bad, bad Sarah. But I dont think the magicker did mind it  :wink:

I'm guilty of a lot of points mentioned, for some I can just say... its better to enjoy the game than to desperately try and avoid triggering anyone's pet peeve.

Except for porn star warriors, they really must die =P

I just discovered that many typing tutor softwares these days can teach you to type with only one hand.

This either bodes very well for the netsexers out there, and very badly for the rest of us, or vice versa.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

My pet peeves are:

Smart asses

Poor PCs (dirty Bynners  and other scummy types) that hang out in fancy bars ( the Sun King Sanctuary or Trader's )

Slow typers that like to make very long emotes, talk in long sentances and generally taking a long time to get simple things done.
-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

Quote from: "Myrdryn"Slow typers that like to make very long emotes, talk in long sentances and generally taking a long time to get simple things done.

I've avoided PCs for this very reason.  One PC in particular.  It becomes painful to wait 2 minutes in between replies because this very, very slow typer is bound and determined to write a novel with each talk, say or emote.  2 minutes in between isn't an exagerration, it literally took an entire day to buy an item.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- People who post 87 answers to one thread instead of thinking their answers out carefully before posting.

That would annoy me too, but I'm pretty sure it's never happened.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)

Yeah, but I wish I wasn't.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- The unrealistic, status-related roleplay that follows a noble around - do they realize they are PIDDLY people?

Care to clarify on that?

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Templars who think killing everything in sight is scary.

That IS pretty scary.  Not likely to be a good idea, but scary.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- People who can't separate the person from the magicks that taint and torture them, who, by default, are cheating themselves of great roleplay because their characters are so afraid of magicks that they never let anyone in.


Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Characters who NEVER get double crossed because they NEVER let anyone in. That's so twinky.

It is?  Could you clarify?

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)

Sadly I am.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Escaping slaves.

Sounds fun to me.

But anyway, you're dead on for everything else.
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "Delirium"What the hell is wrong with fading to black? I mean, honestly.

Sure, a little sexual roleplay is amusing here and there, but I'm not here to get virtual rocks off, I'm here to play a game. I don't mind emoting out the occasional scene via lead-up and glossovers, but full-blown mudsex is, quite frankly, boring as hell. There is SO much more to do than sit around in a locked room emoting about silky thighs.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (payin' attention?)

Yeah, but I wish I wasn't.

Quote from: "ShaLeah"- Fade to Blackers (are you STILL reading?)

Sadly I am.

Newsflash: Sarcasm, joking and smart-assy-ness do not translate well into text without Armageddon MUD's phenomenal emoting system so I will rephrase...

say (waggling her eyebrows up and down, playful sarcasm in her words) Fade to blackers SUCK!

That, my dear readers, was a JOKE! Hence the "payin' attention?" and the "are you STILL reading?"s. There is nothing wrong with FTBing. Relax people. Heh.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

People who wear the heaviest possible armour without ever changing, or emoting they're wearing it, or emoting the effects of wearing that much stuff.


And slow typists as well.  Bastards.
Mansa to Me: "You are a cancer to ArmageddonMUD."

Quote from: "Myrdryn"Poor PCs (dirty Bynners  and other scummy types) that hang out in fancy bars ( the Sun King Sanctuary or Trader's )

Problem with Sanctuary is that it's right on the road that heads out the
gates. People who have just came in from a hunting trip don't want to
shack up their mount somewhere and walk all the way over to the bar
in the northwestern part. It ain't natural.

As long as people don't seem to care that dirty people are in Sanctuary,
which they don't, then there's no incentive to go to a scummier bar just
because its scummier. The Sanctuary is convenient, near the gates, and
right next to the stables.

Anyhow, I agree with Trader's though :P

- Ktavialt

Yes, they do, Ktavialt.  People that should be in there DO care when they bloody & dusty hunter comes in and plops down near them.  There are three other bars in town, not just one, that are more appropriate places for low-lifes to go.  You wanna go there, you'd best be trying your best to look like you fit in, or expect unwanted attention.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I FTB because I fear my wife, only thing stopping be from being a mud-s3xx1ng p0rn st@r!

quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "Ktavialt"Problem with Sanctuary is that it's right on the road that heads out the gates. People who have just came in from a hunting trip don't want to shack up their mount somewhere and walk all the way over to the bar in the northwestern part. It ain't natural.

As long as people don't seem to care that dirty people are in Sanctuary,
which they don't, then there's no incentive to go to a scummier bar just
because its scummier. The Sanctuary is convenient, near the gates, and
right next to the stables.

If you were a hobo, would you walk into a five-star restaraunt just because it was near your favorite hobo-haunts?  Would you even enter it ONCE before you realized you were out of place there?  No, no you wouldn't.  You'd never even find out if people cared about your presence or not, because you'd never enter in the first place.
Back from a long retirement