Arm via cell phone

Started by Mook, September 12, 2004, 06:43:03 PM

I've heard rumors of hardcore armageddicts(tm) logging in via cell phone - any idea how this is done/what kind of phone is needed?  I'm getting one anyway, sooo..   teehee   :P
Murder your darlings.

I think someone was using a Treo or..Perhaps it was a Blackberry.  Morgenes did it, I'm sure.  You'll have to ask him.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Blackberry most likely.. it has a very good web browser.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."


You can connect to the internet on a cell phone?...Wouldn't it take you forever to do things? Let alone RP while playing ARM?...

44-33-555-555-666 5-2-222-55 44-666-9 444-7777 8-44-33 3-666-4
on't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


"I have more hit points that you can possible imagine." - Tek, Muk and my current PC.

I don't use a cell phone, but I do use a cellular modem to connect on my laptop when no other connection is available.  All the major cell phone carriers offer them but they are pretty pricy if all you are doing is using it to play Armageddon.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

I was using my Palm (the integrated Kyocera 6035 Palm/Cellphone) and a ssh client to log into a unix shell, then I used it to telnet into Armageddon.  It was very archaic, and impossible to do anything in really, but I did it, once.

Armageddon Staff

I have a java telnet client for my cellphone.

Mudding via t9 text is unpleasant at best.

It's a bluetooth phone so I can hook it up to my PocketPC, that's a little better via ssh telnet, especially when I hook in the bluetooth keyboard.

I have logged in on Arm a few times from my pager.  It's the "Sidekick" - a pretty nifty gizmo, if I may say so.  Telnet was free to download, but it was very slow and difficult to stay connected to the mud so I only did it a couple times for S&G.  The new Sidekick II that should be released soon may be better, I don't know, I haven't tested it yet.

The blackberry blocks telnet unless you have some expensive ass server software.


Supposedly you can do it via graphing calculator if you are clever and have the right stuff.  But umm.. with wireless technology being so accessible and dial up lines being fairly easy to come across and laptops not being that pricy.. Why bother?

I totally logged in from my microwave.
hang is actually...

I logged in to SoI on my friend's blackberry during a movie and proceeded to participate in antithematic playerkilling.

I also typed


Just an fyi too, for anyone thinking of logging from a phone, some of them charge per kilobite internet transfer when you're logging into the internet, and it can take 5-10 kb's just to get connected, so it may not always be the best idea.. Unless you've got money to burn, in which case I suggest sending it to me instead, as I promise I'll put it to better use.  :wink:
Quote from: jhunterI'm gonna show up at your home and violate you with a weedeater.  :twisted:

dont you pay like 4 cents for every 148kb?

Depends on the provider, and type of connection offered. On a pay-per-use for an ordinary cell (dunno about the blackberry programs etc), with one of the big companies, it is 1 cent per kb. Which, doesn't sound like much so long as you're just checking the local weather. But if you're texting on something other than the phone text program, and using an internet based text program, ie Yahoo, AIM, etc, that takes KB instead of charging as a per-message basis it's per kb. I've seen bills (NOT my own, I don't even have a cell phone I just worked for this company for 4 months) with $50, $100, and more  :shock:  JUST charged for internet usage, from downloading ringtones. Not the charge for the price of the ringtone itself, but the cost of accessing the net, finding the ringtone, and downloading it. Yuckyness.  :roll:
Quote from: jhunterI'm gonna show up at your home and violate you with a weedeater.  :twisted:

I did it last week with my SDA (new pre-pilot phone, believe it runs Windows Mobile rather than Symbian) .. built-in WiFi/Bluetooth so you don't rack up connection charges and can hook in a keyboard to save your t9 thumb.

For novelty's sake, pretty fun but not something recommended.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

I logged into Arm via my cellphone, from India.
It was quite straightforward and the speed was decent too.

Here're the details:

Cellphone: Sony Ericsson P910i
Service: Orange with GPRS (naturally)
Softwares: Mocha Telnet and SeeThruKeyboard for UIQ
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

Quote from: "Mook"I've heard rumors of hardcore armageddicts(tm) logging in via cell phone - any idea how this is done/what kind of phone is needed?  I'm getting one anyway, sooo..   teehee   :P

 I have often played via the terminal program on my sidekick II... (As I am typing this on that very device)

  Its laggy.. I'd not do any serious combat if I can help it..  And you have to turn everything off you can...(room discrips etc)

 But is very doable.. A blackberry would be as good or better... Anything with a keyboard.  Nothing like being in  a serious fight.. Having roadrunner die on you and you RUN for your phone to relog and hope you didn't die while link dead.
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Sanyo 7500

Logged into the GDB with it but due to the browser configuration I couldn't read shit, really.  Sprint offers a very good high-speed connection via phone or air card.  I've been using both for about 2 months now and it's about DSL speed except for a higher ping and the same sort of signal issues as you'd encounter with your normal cell phone.  Good investment if you do a lot of travel, have connectivity issues like I do (on a ship), or are a major geek (also like me).  So if you've got the money to spend on the right data plans you can pretty much stay mobile 24/7; even watch TV on your phone.


You're all nuts.
your mother is an elf.

Quote from: "chang"I totally logged in from my microwave.

You can so do this from a refrigerator.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "amoeba"
Quote from: "chang"I totally logged in from my microwave.

You can so do this from a refrigerator.

  Net ready fridges are not net...  Course keeping pepsi and coke from hacking in and ((shudder)) well you get the idea
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

that fridge is actually pretty awesome.

Just imagine if you have a large house (one would who would pay for a computer in a fridge door). You'd have much easier access to weather, AND it pipes in TV. Why put a small TV in the kitchen when you can have it in your fridge door? Check your email one last time on the way out.

It would be sweet if it had voice activated software.

You say in crisp english, to the refrigerator:' Apple.'

After a short period of mechanical noises, the refrigerator deposits an apple into the collection bin.
your mother is an elf.