
Started by Manhattan, November 22, 2004, 03:43:43 AM

Don't call me a whiner because I already know I am.
Why is my PC sidless? Why does my PC starve and thirst?
That's because nobody employs him. Why is it that IC everytime I approach some employer they turn me down. I think that's detrimental to newbies like me. YOU MAKE ME WANNA QUIT!! df gf fdgdffdvasd hd
damn nobles damn these rich people. im always in the shits.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Welcome to Armageddon.

To increase your chances at getting hired by a noble house:
* Play a full blooded human
* Be from the city your looking to get hired in (Allanak or Tuluk, NOT Labyrinth)
* Remember the nobles are better then you.

You can always try the T'zai Byn which is a lot more lenient, just make sure you have 300 'sid to give to them.

Oh, and don't take IC things personally. That's always important with this game.

Its quite possible the attitude of your character/background/etc. It could be the noble has enough pc personel and they dont need more or you could have caught a noble at a bad time.

Dont just stroll up to a noble or rich person and expect them to talk to you. Remember, these nobles are better than you, they know it, your pc knows it.

Said nobles have guards whom would, it not npcs, step forward to block you from bothering said noble. Instead of approaching the noble directly try addressing their guards from a distance from the table and ask permission. Usually said nobles will then animate their guards to address your request or will address you personally.

As another suggested, the Byn is an excellent place for newbies to start out though finding a sergeant can be an experience in itself. I would suggest, if your pc wants it enough, to park your character right outside the Byn gates.

Instead of approaching a noble at all, approach other characters in that House. Get to know them and let them know you are interested. Be prepared to answer their questions as if THEY are going to suggest you to their noble they are going to want to make sure your pc isnt an embarassment to them.

Just remember, just because your pc wants in a certain House doesnt mean they will get in there. You might rub someone the wrong way and that gets passed to nobles quickly.
 staff member sends:
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i know the feeling

when i first started i was always dieing to stupid things like hunger and thirst.

then templars would abuse there power and kill me for shadowing them or walking on there road.... Damn i hate templars they should all die in the south the north ones tho are acctually nice somewhat.

I find that if you pretend like you don't want to be hired by them, they want you even more.  Just food for thought.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Above requirements are all true.

i)  Human blood.
ii) Smooth accent.
iii) Behaving properly in the cultural aspects of the city you are playing.
They all increases your chance for most of the city clans.

a) Find a way in game to earn some coins, and look like you worthy for something. Why would one spend her coins for a sunk investment.
b) Go and speak with merchant houses, they mostly eager to employ.
b) Speak with aides and military leaders of Houses not with Nobles.
c) Join Tza'i Byn. More crowded mercenary group is better mercenary group.
d) Go Kurac, They almost employ everyone.
f) Patience is the key above all, if you are playing a hard employable PC like sculptor, thief, assasin, inventor, miner....

Good luck.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Quotethen templars would abuse there power and kill me for shadowing them...

You're on spice, eh? You're moving behind a templar sneakily, it's even possible you have a poisoned dagger under that cloak, then you're dreaming of staying alive after being caught?!
If a templar is not instantly slaying someone shadowing him, he's too generous I believe. Please think about what you are truly doing when you're shadowing someone.

Back to the topic.... To tell the truth, all above was right. Nothing much to add. If you're not an elf you're hired. Just type 'l board' in a tavern and you'll see tens of job opportunities. If nearly noone else is playing when you're playing, sorry but noone will stay awake to entertain you.. It's hopeless but if it's not, I believe there's nothing wrong with the social mechanics of the game.
Saying "YOU MAKE ME WANNA QUIT!!" won't help. Excuse me but even total newbies I recruited come to me to ask if joining House X is more fun than joining House Y, trying to make a decision between the two jobs. That must be your fault if you're not hired in a few IC weeks. Read the documentation and try again.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

You think I don't try? I try my hardest to get employed. I am a human and I speak smooth sirihish. I am a law-abiding nakki.

....But even a Kurac wouldn't hire me the other day.
He said, like the Oash that told me before him, to put a year in the Byn.

Great, now to go look for a Byn Sergeant.

I tried all taverns in Nak for all hours for many game days.
I even parked my behind in front of their headquarters (which is full of NPCs). But I still cannot find one. I emailed Gilvar the other day, and I'm hoping he responds soon.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

I hear your pain.  I truly do.  But also realise that a lot of players here, those who have stuck around for years, probably went through 3 or 4 characters before they even ever got hired by someone.  I know I did.  My first couple of characters were spent exploring Allanak and getting a feel for the syntax, the emoting structure, the way people speak dirty/clean sirihish, learning what articles constitute clothing or armor and where to buy them and for how much, mapping the city, etc.

Once I had figured out the layout of Allanak, and discovered which houses wear which colors and how to adress everyone, then I started looking for a job.  But you better believe I spent a good deal of my coin getting rid of all my newbie gear, and buying things that sort of look good together (I'm not going to wear blue velvet slippers with a bone broadsword and a cotton skirt...).

The reality of it, I think, is that people don't really want to hire newbies, so you have to make yourself not seem like one.  A good way to do this (beyond what I mentioned above) is to really step up your RP using some props.  Get a hat, get a trinket, get something that's unique and useable to your RP and then USE it in your emotes.  Take off your hat and slap it against your thigh to rid it of dust while you keenly observe the patrons in a given tavern, of course offering a polite bow to Lord Whatshisface Oash in the process.  If you can do this, and make it look like your character is at the very least self-sustainable, then you might well get an interview with said noble.  I'm just sort of rambling on, but don't forget quirks like how you cross your legs, what you do with your hands, etc.  And when all else fails, have the bartender send a glass of wine over to the person you're looking to work for.  That tactic has rarely failed in my experience.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

The best way to become employed is to log in regularly.

During the period that you are online - check to see who is around.  If there is one clan that is constantly on when you are - that is the one you (as a player) would want to join.  Basically, you want to join a clan that is online when you are otherwise the restrictions of being in a clan will drive you to boredom.

Once you know which group is online when you are - just make friends with them.  When it comes around in a conversation as to what your char does simply say you are thinking (or hoping) to join their House.  They should then put you in touch with a recruiter.

Some clans have extra requirements for joining and when you fufill those they will let you in.

thats not what i ment i wasn't doing any of that just walk into the room.... btw i am normally an elf and they like killin them becuase we are smarter bigger then cooler then them

I think that post speaks for itself, really.

Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Looks to me like you might need to get a little more polished.  I get hired from about 95% of game job interviews, and about 80% of real life interviews.  Drop me a PM if you want me to help you some.

'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail if you think you've crashed the game."


Please, sjanimal, let a helper help these people.  I know you are well-intentioned, but someone with a little more experience in the game may be a better person to handle these sorts of things.

A list of helpers can be found at the following link:

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

Quote from: "Cuusardo"*facepalm*


Manhattan, just go for the byn. They will -not- turn you down. Find out who the PC sergeant is by asking around, save 300, don't starve to death in the meantime, and find their mind.

If you die before it happens, well, try again.

If it makes you feel any better, my first character never got a job, and was eaten by a tembo. And my second character went on to a long career of glory in the Byn. You'll get the hang of it if you stick with it. I promise. Just read the docs, open your mind, and talk to those helpers like Xamminy said.

Off the minor derail, and back to the original poster.

It can be frustrating to be a newbie.  May people forget how little of the games structure and social dynamics they don't know.  I haven't been in the game as long , only about nine months, so it's all relatively fresh in my head.  I will say that my first character lived five days, died stupidly in a HRPT. Some of my survival strategies...

- Be patient, listen and watch what is going on.  Once you get to recognizing the same people, it also means they are more likely to see you as a familiar face.  Watch how people apply for a job, see what works and doesn't work.

- Find other sources to survive on while you do that.  In 'Nak there is a relatively consistent way to earn sid that is very commonly known.  It does require a bit manual labor, and an alert eye, it's a bit dull, but can be quite profitable.  Find another newbie, take turns.  My first guy never did actually join a house, he was always on the brink, but he survived, and I learned a lot.

- If one person in a house turns you down, maybe thats not the right person to talk to.  I've seen -polite- persistence pay off.

- If you really want to join the byn (waiting for the boos and hisses) look around for other bynners.  Look in the evenings and on the weekend in the taverns.  If you can't see any you may not want to join.. yet.. unless you like to work alone, or are good at encouraging other people to join with you.  A house full of bynners can be a lot of fun, and empty house can be torture.  To the naysayers on this point, encouraging a newbie to join an empty byn, this can be a surefire way to alienate a player.  If you do want to join and can not find a sergeant, perhaps try standing in front of the gates and wishing up for a recruiter,  I would recommend once again being -polite- and patient.  It may not work, but it's worth a try.

- Contact helpers.  To be honest I only did that once, and it was over a trivial matter, but they are a good source of advice, or so I have heard. :)

On a final note, the point of playing is to enjoy the ride, not the destination. Play out what you have, if you are not in a house, and starving, try to go with that. Relax a bit and be patient, and you'll find lots of possibilities, I've had some of my most interesting times, when things were at their worst.  Welcome to the game. :)
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "Delirium"I think that post speaks for itself, really.

What the boss said.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Quote from: "Manhattan"You think I don't try? I try my hardest to get employed. I am a human and I speak smooth sirihish. I am a law-abiding nakki.

....But even a Kurac wouldn't hire me the other day.
He said, like the Oash that told me before him, to put a year in the Byn.

Great, now to go look for a Byn Sergeant.

Heh heh heh.

Lie next time you talk to a recruiter. Say you've had lots of experience.

This is Armageddon, don't bother with scruples.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

So you can get ahead? Think about it. A lot of people in Zalanthas will have no problems spewing BS out their front teeth to get ahead.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Omg, you nobles and 'rich people' have it all wrong. If I was a noble, (not saying that I'm not) I'd be hiring every single noobie I could. In fact, I'd hunt them down and force them to join. Why you're probably asking me? Cause Rhyden's a psycho, wrong. Cause noobies don't know how to play the game. They don't know what to do. So, as a good-hearted noble and player, you take them under your wing. Show them how to play the game ooc and ic. Then, when they've pretty much gotten the point, they're hardcore, never-wanting-to-leave you workers. Why? Cause they don't know what else to do. I'm not saying this is taking advantage of our noobies, but it's how I started playing, and hell, I'm still here, aren't I?

-You get my point.

Heh heh, my PC's lied plenty of times. I said I was "the strongest warrior in all the land!" Boy, was I convincing or what?

BTW, thanks everyone for all your help (after all, it is I who started this complaint thread). I never realized salt-foraging could be so profitable! I'll do this between my long waits for employment.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.