Memorable One-Liners

Started by FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit, August 19, 2003, 01:11:11 AM

I sincerely hope this thread doesn't get shut down for being IC, but come on... How much IC information can be received from a sentence or two?

I was wondering if any memorable lines, recent in your Arm career or not, stick with you. You don't need to give any information other than the one line, and the wording doesn't need to be exact. We can speculate as to the scene and backstory and such. These can be funny, scary, or just cool. I'll get the ball rolling with this...

The picked-on elf says, in sirihish:
"Come on, it's not possible. How could I have -censored- while -censored- in time to -censored-?"

Snorting, the racist meanie says, in sirihish:
"You're a damn skinny, that's how."
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

A few of my favorites:

As a human:
You say in allundean:
   "<doesn't really matter>"

The elf in the tent says in allundean:
   "You speak Allundean, that's pretty rare, for a human"

The other human in the tent says in allundean:
   "Not as rare as you'd think..."

The elf in the tent leaves the tent.


A friend of mine who gained an accent because he typoed the word "boots" once
The legless man shouts in sirihish:
   "Want Bots?"


And I can never forget my favorite time in jail.
A bit of background (this was a while ago with a character of no importance).  He was a pickpocket, however, he honestly believed that he was the worlds best pickpocket.  So when he wound up in jail, it -couldn't- have been for stealing, it must have been something else (at least in his head).  Well the templar was about to kill him for lying, when he finally makes one final declaration:

You shout, in sirihish:

The room fell silent for a bit, then the templar and the militiaman both burst into laughter.
When we found her Marnlee mornin',
Hoofprints walking up her back
There were empties by her war braids
And sixty-five dead carru in a stack.

~ Unknown - Heru Got Runover by a Carru

A few Bynners on Abid:

Wondering aloud, <Bynner 1> asks, in sirihish:
    "How could I get the smell out of my pants?"

<Several other Bynners in the room snicker>

<Bynner 2> says, in sirihish:
    "need soap, but it costs a lot I think"

<Bynner 2> says, in sirihish:
    "course, it might help if you'd wipe better"

<Bynners burst out laughing>

One of my favorites..

You send a message to the <censored>:
"Kill the elf"

Elf gets killed

You send a message to the <censored>:
"No the other one."

A foreign presence contacts your mind

The <censored> sends to you:
"You gotta be fucking kidding me"

-Moe the Schmoe
:evil:  :twisted:
I wish it hurt to be dumb.

Tugging at his crotch, the amiable, well-hung dwarf says, in sirihish:
"Let's go find us some whores. And quick."

That was probably the pinnacle of my Arm life, up to that point.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

The <young woman> says  "....and then he showed me what sex is."

So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

A certain mercenary says, "... and if this is your first time as a <fill in the name of unit with the same name of a dinosaur> you have to fight."

You know who you are.  You rule beyond words, but you deserve a groan for ripping off that line.  I was laughing so hard I was almost in tears.

Heh, a certain immortal switching into an npc, killing someone causing trouble, and saying this before I left:

Grinning at you, the dangerous-looking elf says, in allundean:
  "Heh, I fixed -his- wagon."

That rocked.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

You think:
    "This is crazy, this is absolutely nuts. Insanity!"

You think:
    ".. but really, did I expect anything less?"

Not the best, but all the great ones are too IC to post. Bah.

Ha, just remembered one.

I was on a patrol with a group of military like folks.  We had just gotten our asses kicked in an ambush and lost a very skillful member of our unit.  We fought of the attack and finally got a chance to rest.

A certain soldier says, "Well, at least it can't get any worse."

Another soldier says, "Don't say that or it will!"

A certain soldier says, "Stop being so damned superstitious, it isn't going to get any worse." (or something like that)

Less then 10 seconds later a volley of projectiles rains down, killing the first guy who spoke and poisoning another guy.  I was laughing to the point of crying while trying to stay alive.

This was a -long- time ago. Maybe it was only funny in context.

Glancing over at you, the lean, pale-eyed Allanaki soldier says to <mercenary guy> in sirihish:
    "I don't think I ever caught Captain Insulting's name over there."
Quote from: BhagharvaWhat you don't know can kill you. What you do know, can kill others.

To the north
A lanky, brown-skinned gith is here, humping the rusty brown kank.
The rusty brown kank to the north bleats miserably.

Nodding slowly, the super buffed up dwarf asks you, in southern-accented sirihish:
    "Aye, wehts it to yeh?"

A growl slipping into her voice, you say to the super buffed up dwarf, in sirihish:
    "You're a fekking sellsword, that's what. Sell your own mother for 'sid I bet, if she's even still alive."

The super buffed up dwarf narrows his lone gaze, sliding down off of a yellow kank.

The super buffed up dwarf swings his legs to the side and dismounts.

The innocent bystander raises an eyebrow at you.

Unlatching another blade, the super buffed up dwarf asks you, in southern-accented sirihish:
    "Yeh wanna seh tha again?"

First character, such fond memories of getting in trouble WAY over her head.

The buff sergeant man shouts, in sirihish:
    "mul on board"

'nuff said.

You exclaim, in sirihish, 'You shall never hump the Chosen Lord's leg again, you filthy mongrel!'
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

The following is something that actually did happen in the game, I kid you not.

An key holding NPC I had never seen before was following some type of scripting program.  It had gone outside the walls of Allanak, and was trying to climb them.

Unusual militia guy goes out to see what it was doing, and I follow a few minutes later to find the corpse of an unusual militia guy.  So I go to the gate guards, wish up, and basically say the key holding NPC has killed one of your guys.

NPC gate guard gets animated, and we go out to the key holding NPC, and the three or four militia guys and I attack.  The key holding NPC nearly kills a half-giant gate guard by the time we killed him, with all of us hacking on him (yeah four of us, and my character at the time was a very skilled warrior).

So we kill him, corpse tumbles to the ground, death cry and all that, and then....

The key holding NPC stands up slowly.

The key holding NPC says in sirihish:
"There can be only one!"

Aggro was still there, and the key holding NPC always got up at almost dead, we killed that NPC like 5 times in 25 seconds until the imm purged him...every time he got up and said I was frantically spamming "behead corpse".

True story.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Not so long ago... here's the set up, my char is militia and gets this...

The old-ass, at least fifty day warrior sends you a telepathic message:
   "Help!  Ah need a kank outside the west gates!  Skinnies!  Defilers!"

Bonzai! To the rescue!

You ask the old-ass, at least fifty day warrior, in sirihish:
    "What the fuck is going on??"

Hurriedly, you ask the dude you called to help out, in sirihish:
    "Can you run and get a couple more mounts?"

Emitting a soft giggle as he reaches for a grey kank's reins, the old-ass, at least fifty day warrior exclaims to you, in sirihish:
    "Tribal elves and defilers!  Gypsy whores!"

He then proceeded to try and kill me, after I gave him a kank too!

Clueless me, I didn't get the giggling until later, when I'm wondering wtf was going on.

Whoever you are, that rocked.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Here's a recent one:

The glistening face of his <something weapon> slamming into the remains of the <something> man again and again, you exclaim, in sirihish:
      "I'm not a murderer!"


I'll have to paraphrase here:

An inexperienced hunter says to me, "I really enjoy hunting, it gets the blood flowing."

We both ponder that statement a few moments then he laughs and says that he hopes it's not his.
harlie Bucket: Mr. Wonka, they won't really be burned in the furnace, will they?
Willy Wonka: Well, I think that furnace is only lit every other day, so they have a good sporting chance, haven't they?

To protect the innocents, I'm posting as a guest.  

This one made me laugh and laugh.

At your table, the something, something man says in sirihish, his eyes examining the something, something girl:
    "No, that won't be necessary, Name... what happened to your parents?"

At your table, the something, something girl says in sirihish, in a guarded, raspy voice:
    "Who says they got happened with?"

Kudos to the player!

Name the movie I got this line for my character.

I was a half-elf ranger, going along the North Road...ran into an elf...

the elf says to you, in sirihish:
skfjg lkdfjgkjdflk lkdjfgkljdfgkjdg (he wasn't very good at sirihish.)

you say to the elf, in allundean:
What...? Do you speak allundean?

the elf says to you, in sirihish:
kljdfkj lkjdgkldfgh jhdfgjkhdfg

you say to the elf, in allundean:
Allundean, motherfucker, do you SPEAK it?!

good stuff.

Pulp Fiction. Best. Movie. Ever.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Here's one of my favourites:
The short, blocky-moustached man says in sirihish:
"I need to find mein kank, Panzer. He is mein Panzerkank!"

Wow, that was something.

Quote from: "Kronibas"The buff sergeant man shouts, in sirihish:
    "mul on board"

Bwahahaha.  That was priceless.

Not quite a one liner, since it wasn't out loud... but, after a particularly stunning statement made to my character:

You think:
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

*Pelvic thrust*

I think it's been long enough. Any new additions?

Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.