It's time for a seperate command to allow/dissalow subude

Started by Anonymous, August 15, 2004, 09:47:13 PM

It's time for a seperate command to allow/dissalow subude
This is bullshit.  This guards killing you right off is fucking bs.  Looked east, nothing, looked west, nothing.  its just a long alley.  nosave was on.  sap... missed, 1 round of combat guard arrives im dead.
You don't want us to power game spam skills, but you have NPCs bullshit killing us.  10 day no-spam skilling char who was learning his skills with time, gone instantly.  whats the point of playing fair and rping good skill usage when you'll just get fucked in the ass like that?

this is bullshit

i would have fled and threw down my weapons and screamed I GIVE UP like nosave does but it was fucking snap im dead its all done its all gone fucking bs for no reason
yeah this game is fun, every char should be a fking merchant because crime is wrong and allanak has nuclear powered guards

Dude.  You're pissed off.  You're full of emotion.

You just lost a loved character of yours.  You need to express yourself.

Turn off the stupid computer.  Go punch a pillow.  Go watch an episode of the simpsons.

Take an hour timeout.

Then come back, and save the death log on your computer, and -then- state your claim.

Trust me.  Take an hour and shut off the stupid computer.  It's not going to help us listen to you when you're pissed off.  I want to help you.  But I can't when you're in this state of mind.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Yea, what mansa said . . .

but . . .

it's not like it's a new problem.

I personally, won't be playing illegals who do anything but steal. None of this auto-initiate combat, then the guards arrive bull for me.

my last char died because i stole, the person attacked me, and the calvary arrived and i died like a little bitch

how the hell are 3 of the 6 starting classes based around being unlawful in the cities yet you get nuked by the guards even with nosave on?  I dont care how mean the guards are its bs and makes the game no fun.  you expect us to concentrate on rp? well i do, i wait weeks and weeks and let my skills go up naturally then i get BULLSHITTED on by a bs crim code for stealing sid from a npc young boy servant.


Dude.  Shut off the computer.  Watch simpsons.  Then come back.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I know it really sucks to lose a loved character that you've put a lot of work into. Honestly, listen to mansa, go take a walk, listen to some testosterone-powered music, have a cigarette/drink/primal scream, and come back when you're calmer.  And then (only then) read the rest of this.

Becoming a successful pickpocket/burglar/assassin is not just about improving your skill or how many days you've been working on them.  There are other factors to take into consideration.  I honestly believe that, if you are being realistic and taking your environment into account, that you will have time in between becoming wanted and soldiers finding you, for you to toggle your nosave.  If you didn't make sure that there weren't any militia nearby before committing a crime, well...

Quote from: "AnonymousKank"crime is wrong you said, and yes, soldiers are powerful.[/size]
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

I'm calm.
This topic has been brought up for years.
Nothing has been done about it.
Its bs they expect us to put so much time into our chars to develop them and have this bs end them just like that.
3 of the 6 starting classes are geared around being unlawful in cities.
It's bs and I'm done with that

Sorry if I find this humorous but I recently after a couple years of play played my first sneaky type pc.
I had absolutely no problem with it and didn't get killed by soldiers, even after cutting down and robbing someone (more than once) in an alleyway. Try scouting out an escape route before you do it, if there is none...find a different mark. It's really not as hard as it seems.

so wait, we're free to attack some one that stole from us?

Does it auto-initiate?

Just a code question, here.