Did I just twink out?

Started by nob, August 14, 2004, 11:32:25 PM

I was at just over half hp resting in some ally.  This guy came in and tried to mug me.  My char is a hardened city dweller and not a pansy.  Hes grown up on the streets all his life.

The MUGGER has arrived from the north, brandishing a knife menacingly.

The MUGGER looks down at you.

The MUGGER says to you, in sirihish:
    "You.  Don't fuckin' move."

The MUGGER advances slowly, waving his DAGGER slowly from side to side.

The MUGGER says to you, in sirihish:
    "Yer pack or your life, you tore up piece o' shet."

The MUGGER growls softly, kicking debris at you.

I look up at him, and stand up.

The MUGGER exclaims to you, in sirihish:
    "I ain't fuckin' around you halfwit!"

You say, in sirihish:
    "Shaddup, fekker"

The MUGGER stabs at you, but you dodge out of the way.

You deftly parry The MUGGER's attack.
You stab The MUGGER's body.
The MUGGER swiftly dodges your stab.

emote pushes you out of the way and makes a break for it!

Now, I don't stand and  run  n n n e e e e e n n n n n w w w w  n n n n n n n n n n w w w w w n n n n e open door e e e e e up up up up  e e e e e n n n n  n n w w w w w w w e e.  I stood.  Made a response, and waited for his.

I think, that if they do this, you should respond, and then you have to wait for their response.  If you make a break for it, my system is 'emote makes a break for it!' and then wait for him to make whatever attack or what not he wants on you.

Did I twink out? it felt kind of lame

Looks pretty valid to me. A knife fight is something quite wild, pushing and running away is very possible. Especially since you scored a stab on him, when he failed to do so. So you were effectively better at the fight itself, managing to escape is very valid, IMO.

You've done good, so far.

You've stood, and said something.  You're also at half hitpoints, so you're hurt, and you'll do crazy things.

I think it's good.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I think what I felt lame about is the fact that... theres no way he could have offed me.  There is UBER lag on kill, and next to nil on flee.  I could have been half way across CITY before he could move again.

I also couldn't rationalize just standing there and dying.
I dunno, I just feel really twinky.

Eh, if he had stabbed you good, I'd call twink. But the fecker couldn't even hit you. You're a better fighter anyway.

Now the question is, would your character be the type to be afraid and drop his 'sid, or stand and fight?

If you have a char that'd just throw down his sid, then yea, you twinked.

But if your char thinks he's the Highlords gift to mercenary companies, then fuck it, stand and fight.

Okay .. lets talk real life here.  

I have been in this situation before.  Some idiot pulled a knife on me when I was walking home one night many years ago.  (bad neghborhood)  Did I stop and have a conversation with him? no.  I had a couple of choices.

1. Stop and do whatever the hell it was he wanted.
2. Fight.. ya right.
3. Run

Guess what I did.  I ran. I started trying to flag down cars.  The guy disappeard.
Did I twink?

IMHO it is perfectly reasonable to emote quickly and run.  Now if the thief had come behind me and held the knife to my throat.. well that would have been different. In the described senario I think he acted appropriatly.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

It looks alright and good dude, you even threw in an emote and a say.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Well the only thing I see that you did incorrect is you put your name as nob, rather that noob, or even better n00b...

What is required is that you roleplay realistically, which you did. You aren't required to emote every 5 seconds or anything like that. Extra emotes (which you did throw in) are awesome, but nobody should harass you for going into survival mode now and then.

People talk a lot on the boards about how raiders / muggers / raidees / mugees should be "required" to emote x number of times during the process. Remember there are no such rules about this kind of thing.  Its encouraged, and we love people who emote nicely and flesh out the world, but again, there are no "You must emote once for every 2 commands you type in or you are a sucky player" rules, or anything like that.

Roleplaying is required.  Emoting is just a tool to help you roleplay, and is only part of the process. If you were to never emote / show any semblance of character at all ever, that would be one thing, but thats a different story.

Dude, you did fine.  When thieves accuse people of twiking, we're accusing the people who won't even emote once, or who cheeze to catch us, or who do other stupid nonsense.  It sounds to me like you handled it great.
'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail mud@ginka.armageddon.org if you think you've crashed the game."


As the mugger, this scene played out as I expected it to and I wasn't let down at all -- quite the opposite, even.  It would have been more fun for me if you had gone to hide out someplace where I could chase you down again instead of healing in the tavern nearby, but I probably would have done the same.

Of course, I do wish I had remembered to raise my hood.  :oops:

I'd agree with everyone, you did fine.

But 1 thing to remember for the future, is how were you roleplaying your HP (and possibly stamina) before the mugger came along? Were you roleplaying you were lying there, bleeding all over the place and couldn't move? Or were you playing you were pretty sore and just needed to sit down? If you were playing you were pretty beat up, I'd say you still did the right thing, as adrenaline would have kicked in. But next time in a similar situation you might want to roleplay fleeing a few rooms away before collapsing (you can collapse even though codedly you haven't lost all your stamina ;)).

But don't worry, what you posted looked fine.

I liked what you did SO much, that if I was a staff memeber, I would more than likely award you a point or two of karma.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Dammit.  Does it count as twinking out if I was involved in a (n NPC) battle, fairly evenly matched, and then had to flee-flee-quit because my phone started ringing?  :roll:

I hate having to appear twinkish like that.  It's not a habit.

Quote from: "Anonymous Person"Dammit.  Does it count as twinking out if I was involved in a (n NPC) battle, fairly evenly matched, and then had to flee-flee-quit because my phone started ringing?  :roll:

I hate having to appear twinkish like that.  It's not a habit.

No, Things happen OOC. If it happens on a consistant basis then I would say yes, but otherwise,
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Yeah, I managed to rationalise it to myself - but I still shudder when I think how bad it must have appeared to anybody watching.  :shock:

Still, no, it's not a habit.  And I doubt I was being observed at the time anyway, fortunately.  :)