Short Skirts in Allanak: Elegant or Inappropriate?

Started by Ghardoan, November 21, 2002, 03:05:08 PM

Greetings, everyone. Today, I wanted to broach the subject of clothing styles in Allanak. More specifically, what is considered appropriate and what is not by the majority of the populace. Consider the following excerpt, taken from the clothing documentation from the website:

"Hemlines are generally shorter in the northlands, where an above the knee skirt is considered acceptable, but would mark a woman as being of decidedly ill repute in the south."

So what does this mean for us? Is this simply an out-of-date piece of information that no-one really cares about, or is it time to once again to contemplate setting aside our western ways of thinking and begin to change the way our characters, both man and woman, respond to certain manners of attire? Should Allanak be more conservative than it currently is?

Personally, I think we could use a little shift in paradigm, but that's just me. In the end, it is up to each individual player to form their own opinions and decide on whether or not to use the information I present to you now. All I ask is that you give it some thought.

On a side note, I would love to get an official, joint staff opinion on split skirts, tight dresses, and low-cut blouses as well. I'm currently assuming that they would be regarded with the same disdain as short hemlines on skirts and dresses, but I'd like to know the definitive verdict on that.

Oh, and zombies rule!


To deter those of you who might say that fashion changed over the years, I want to point out that although fashion does change, it does not change the style of dresswear overnight.  It takes time; people need time to change how they think about the clothes and their images.  

To use the Medieval europe as an example:  Their style of dresswear remained same for almost two hundred years, with very minor changes.  Women wore long dresses, exposed as little skin as possible, and men had the same mindset too.  Imagine what it would be like if someone suddenly showed up, during those times, wearing a tank top and a miniskirt!

And on the concept that the southern culture's clothes are based on Far-Eastern cultures.  It should be noted that their style didn't change for almost a thousand year - not til very recently, and even today, people are still resisting the change.  People would add things; they add laces, buttons, embroidery or change the fabric, but they didn't change from wearing loose, billowy clothes to skin-tight during that period.

We need to refrain from letting our western culture bleed into Arm.  Tight, revealing clothes - especially in the south - would be almost unheard of, especially in the upper-level commoners and nobles.  Who would want to be thought as a prostitute??

Nobles and upper-class commoners have been brainwashed and taught to think of their own status, their own images.  The mentality is so ingrained that they would never think of damaging it...Some lower-class people might have similar mentality; these women wouldn't want to be thought of as prostitutes.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of."
Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790).  Poor Richard's Almanack.

I'd like to see more difference in clothing styles being played out.  Blackwing are supposed to have the sexiest cloathing, and there is some sexy stuff available at the desert elf outpost, but most elves end up in unsexy armor just like the rest of us.  Of course none of the desert elf PCs are Blackwing, so maybe their tribes think Blackwing dress like a bunch of sluts and all goodhearted people cover themselves head to toe in leather and sandcloth.  :)

I think if clothing styles are supposed to be longer in Allanak, then the Kadian shops would reflect this since they are high fashion.  I have vague recolections of shortish skirts in those shops, but they may have been trade-ins that someone got off a dead 'rinth whore.  

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I'm going to agree here on two points:

1) Fashion wouldn't change much at all, because changes in fashion really didn't occur quickly until the advent of mass communication. Before, if someone decided to alter a style, how would anyone else find out? There were no designers' meetings.

2) Fashion follows function. Think about what it must be like for someone in a short skirt to get caught in a sandstorm. It's hell on the pantyhose, I'm sure.  :wink:

"I think if clothing styles are supposed to be longer in Allanak, then the Kadian shops would reflect this since they are high fashion. I have vague recolections of shortish skirts in those shops, but they may have been trade-ins that someone got off a dead 'rinth whore."

This is a good point, and is partially why I mentioned the possibility of the excerpt I posted from the clothing documentation as being out-of-date. Yet again, I would love to see some input from the staff in this regard.


Maybe they don't like showing leg but chest or other things are just fine huh? Maybe they DO wear long length dresses but a semi-transparent silk is all the rave...

I don't know nothing, but it'd be funny seeing a dwarf running around in one of the transparent gowns... HAHAHA. I'm talking about a guy dwarf.

Creeper wonders who was asking about them maybe having hair in other places but noone looking...
21sters Unite!

Quote from: "Angela Christine"I think if clothing styles are supposed to be longer in Allanak, then the Kadian shops would reflect this since they are high fashion.  I have vague recolections of shortish skirts in those shops, but they may have been trade-ins that someone got off a dead 'rinth whore.  

Angela Christine

Well, there's nothing that says you can't be a woman of ill-repute and dress well.  :wink:
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Just a quick comment on the reference to split skirts:

A split skirt is NOT a SLIT skirt. It is similar to enormously wide-legged pants, often worn in medieval times by women who preferred to ride horses astride rather than side-saddle.

Split skirts cover everything from waist down to ankle, unless otherwise noted.

A split skirt is NOT a SLIT skirt. It is similar to enormously wide-legged pants, often worn in medieval times by women who preferred to ride horses astride rather than side-saddle.

Thank you for the amendment, Bestatte. You're absolutely right. How am I supposed to know anything about skirts?

Ghardoan whistles innocently.

I agree with AC on Kadius, I've been in Kadius once or twice (Or... three times) and I know that the Imms kept up on the "fashion" Or at least the Kadius Imm did.

Fashion can be an odd thing.  Cultures that would consider showing an ankle scandalous have sometimes embraced cleavage that would make us blush today.  Ankle to chin fashions have also at times been almost transparent, or any other combination of oddly demure/shocking lengths and fabrics.

There is also the issue of what people would wear..where.  While a Lady might insist on demure clothing in the confines of her own Estate she might feel perfectly at home in side-slitted, form-fitting silks that would make a Muarki blush.  Also, the loyalties of the lady in question would matter.  A Tor lady, for instance, might feel more comfortable in militaristic clothing, while a Oashi or Borsail might enjoy following more shocking trends.

And a Fale might run around buck naked just to entertain the people on a whole...

A noble, naked in a sandstorm..


21sters Unite!

Fashion can be an odd thing. Cultures that would consider showing an ankle scandalous have sometimes embraced cleavage that would make us blush today. Ankle to chin fashions have also at times been almost transparent, or any other combination of oddly demure/shocking lengths and fabrics.

Very true. And I want to know exactly what would be considered acceptable in Allanaki culture. This may seem odd, but I actually enjoy placing myself in a world of strict boundaries, where everything is defined in meticulous detail, and little is left to the imagination. For me, the true enjoyment of playing the game is derived from living in a false reality as a false individual, and convincing my mind that this artificially fabricated world is indeed real. The more I have to go on, the easier that is.

So while something as petty as this topic may not even be deserving of more than a moment of thought to most, uncertainty will haunt me every time one of my characters sees a woman wearing a short skirt until I know what "the truth" is. Or if there isn't one, at least a common opinion.

I started this topic because I wanted to encourage people to think about it, but also to gain some clarity for myself. I know this post really isn't constructive in the least, but I am fostering the hope that someone will be able to appease my craving for useless knowledge. Or maybe I just need help. You know, the professional kind.

That said, I would like to take a moment to add that skeletons are cool too, provided they're animated or something, and not just sitting there being boring. So please, sponsor an undead friend in need. Call 1-800-4-UNDEAD today! We're counting on you.


Disclaimer: If 1-800-4-UNDEAD actually turns up to be some real sex hot line for necrophiliacs or something, I claim no responsibility for the stupidity of those who fail to realize that the above was a joke and actually call the mentioned number, nor do I claim any responsiblity for the severe psychological damage one may suffer as a result. I will not reimburse you for any outrageous fees that may be incurred by 1-800-4-UNDEAD for such a call.

The documents stated somewhere that fashion in Allanak was usually dictated by the nobles, and the nobles made fashion as nonsensical as possible. It was usually supposed to be something to show wealth. Sleeves too long for the noble were supposed to be fashionable, because it said the noble had servants do things.

Following this train of logic, then, a long skirt would be fashionable for the noble. It would show that the noble needed to be carried. As expected, commoners would probably follow this and wear long skirts, although not as long as a noble's. I think that was an example, too.

So to sum it all up, long skirts are in fashion, and short skirts aren't.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Where are you seeing short skirts being sold?

To answer Sanvean:  I believe the Kadius sells a knee-length skirt.
That's all I remember.  

However, our point was, although most of the kadian skirts cover most of the legs - meeting the norms, many items are becoming very form-fitting and tight, leaving very little to imagination.
Following the rule of being conservative, I know of at least one clothmaking item that, I think, wouldn't fit with the acceptable standards in South, as well as a number of items being sold by Kadian.

I suppose what Ghardoan and I was asking is:  What -is- acceptable?  Is it acceptable for the high-fashion folks to be exposing as much skin as possible, as long as their legs were covered?  

Low necks, sleeveless, form-fitting...If you extrapolate from the statement in the doc that says anything shorter than midcalves is unacceptable, it's easy to come to the conclusion that the southerners should be more conservative in style of wear.

If the staff decides that anything goes, as long as the fashion adhere to the rule that the hems of the skirts aren't shorter than mid-calf, I would encourage you (the staff) to update the documents.  
However, if you take the view that southerners should be conservative, then again, I would encourage you to expand on the document as well,  perhaps devote a few extra lines detailing what is and isn't acceptable.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of."
Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790).  Poor Richard's Almanack.

I know that there are a few very scandalous Muark outfits, including a skirt with very short cloth and the rest as fringe.  That said, they are hard to get in the city.  Also, most such clothing in Allanak would either be worn by an actual Muarki performer or a female in the privacy of her own home.

I think knee-length skirts should be considered acceptable in Allanak.  It would seem noticably short to people, but I don't think that it violates any social conventions.  In real life (in America), knee-length skirts aren't even considered short, but more of a mid-length (right?).  If it goes down to your knees, that means most of your legs are being covered--only your calves and ankles show.  Miniskirts are much shorter than that, and would only be worn by prostitutes in Allanak, I think.  So, a knee-length skirt in Allanak would be the equivalent of a miniskirt in real life--short, but still mostly acceptable.

That being said, I think it would be nice to see people becoming more intolerant about clothing (esp. womens) and just in general.  I have a hard time with this myself, I think everyone wants to be the one exception.  We need to continue to develop cultures for the various areas in Armageddon (Allanak, Tuluk, etc.), and continue to enforce the culture that we do have in place already.  It's difficult to do, because these cultures are most certainly -not- our own, but Armageddon will be that much deeper and richer for it.

I personally don't understand any kind of short skirt in Nak. There's almost always a sand storm. And any female wanting to wear a short skirt wouldn't want her legs all sand scarred and worn. Sure, there's knee high boots, but they just arn't the same.

-Tortall, who currently has red hair.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

Quote from: "tortall"I personally don't understand any kind of short skirt in Nak. There's almost always a sand storm. And any female wanting to wear a short skirt wouldn't want her legs all sand scarred and worn.

Aw, come on.  Short skirts keep you from having to shave your legs, the hair gets sandblasted off for that oh-so-attractive dwarf chick look.

8) Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I'm suprised that rich people don't wear short loose skirts and loose shirts that reveal a lot. IMO that makes sense, because they're rich so they don't have to go outside often and in the hot weather of Zalanthas you wouldn't want to cover yourself in layers and layers of clothing. So I think just on the weather factor alone it'd make sense for commoners to wear clothes that cover their body and richer people to only keep a heavy cloak for when they go outside.

All just IMO. I'm now going to watch out for people who wear revealing clothes and react ICly of course.

Something I noticed about clothing... I can't really discern color easily. Now... if it's bone or obsidian, I get what color it is. Things like duskhorn, leather and wood are a little tougher, then with cloths, it's impossible. So for some of those, indiscernable things... I would like to see the color added. Like... a grey v-neck vest instead of a cotton v-neck vest. I don't know how common it is to not have a color listed on items like that, but if there isn't one, it should be!

Quote from: "Angela Christine"I'd like to see more difference in clothing styles being played out.  Blackwing are supposed to have the sexiest cloathing, and there is some sexy stuff available at the desert elf outpost, but most elves end up in unsexy armor just like the rest of us.  Of course none of the desert elf PCs are Blackwing, so maybe their tribes think Blackwing dress like a bunch of sluts and all goodhearted people cover themselves head to toe in leather and sandcloth.  :)

I think if clothing styles are supposed to be longer in Allanak, then the Kadian shops would reflect this since they are high fashion.  I have vague recolections of shortish skirts in those shops, but they may have been trade-ins that someone got off a dead 'rinth whore.

Angela Christine
Im just wondering... Are elves supposed to be sexy or attractive? All the elves Ive seen have always been ugly or shady...

That depends on your definition of sexy.  Do you find tall, lean chicks with strong cheakbones and aquiline features sexy?  If these women lived in our world they would all be runway models and RuPaul types.  But they don't live in our world, they live in deserts and alleys, so they don't have access to our advanced skin care products.  And in a world where food and water are scarce, being thin probably isn't considered as attractive as it is in the parts of our world where you can buy donughts and ice cream treats on every corner.  Then again, something keeps the boys going back to those elven whores, right?  Half-elves are common enough that some humans and elves are finding eachother attractive, at least for the skank factor.

8) Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins