Please Roleplay in PK.

Started by Gaare, February 20, 2004, 08:47:39 PM

This is not a new topic after all.  I am sure this is mentioned many times, but I'm sick of seeing PK without emotes.

After all this is a -game-, which means there are people.. Real ones.. in front of computers, spending time roleplaying a character for hours, even days.

And this a RP game... it's mandatory to RP.... You are reading this because you love RP.  And If you are killing a player,  let it be a good death since death is not uncommon in Arm and your character will be death soon or later.  I don't know why people repeating commands many times, espicially using disarm.

> disarm;get sword
you deftly disarmed ...
you got the sword.

What the hell is this? both unrealistic, and does not make sense.  


bash;bash;bash ....

I hate it... :x
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Just to clarify, roleplaying doesn't equal emoting.

But emoting, at least by the Karma helpfile is nescessary in gaining our trust and also adds to the 'feeling' of the game. They liven things up, etc.

So while Im not saying that ever PKill has to have a flurry of emotes attached to it (as sometimes people become twinky and spam west when the opponent is emoting their dashingly wonderful charge at them) they are nice to see for everyone usually.

Did you emote while dying?
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote> disarm;get sword
you deftly disarmed ...
you got the sword.

What the hell is this? both unrealistic, and does not make sense.

Why is this unrealistic and does not make sense?

Because...they have to have emotes to make it feel fair.  This is just a replay of a post about a month ago.  Read that one.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Armaddict"Because...they have to have emotes to make it feel fair.  This is just a replay of a post about a month ago.  Read that one.

Nothing is "fair". I don't think it's fair when I get bitched, but hell, it happens and -will- happen. Emoting in the death is not a requirement, it is a courtesy, afaik. A courtesy that should be more widely practiced, indeed, but a courtesy nonetheless...And also, it goes for the one being killed as well. Rp your slaughter, don't spam flee like a tregil with it's head cut off. That sours the death even worse.

I've been involved in the setup of an pc at the time and a f
ew others talked another pc and emoted out our laying the trap, the plan being to jump out and attack...(the point of an ambush is to catch the victim completely off guard, for those that can't seem to understand that)

The attackers played out the setup of the ambush, one was to jump out first and the others to follow.
IMHO, Any excess emotes would be unrealistic as it gives the victim OOC info and it is supposed to be a complete surprise.
They jumped out, attacked and the victim just fled immediately and escaped.
Shortly after the player of the victim was posting on the GDB crying no rp on the attack...

The point never really know whether or not it was rp'd out before hand, just because -you- weren't in on it and it very presumptious to jump on the board and begin complaining about others rp when the fact of the matter don't know.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Eh, I would consider disarming someone and grabbing the weapons fairly cheap play, even though the code gives you penalties when picking up weapons. Especially when it's immediately after disarm it's lame. Constantly entering commands and doing nothing else is also fairly bad in my opinion. Even with the coded delays that are implemented, I still think it's quite easy to be spammy with the commands. It really is annoying when a character disarms time and time again ussually one right after the another as soon as possible. Same with bash, kick, or any combination of commands.

Emotes are at least partially necessary in my opinion. Not long emotes, not flowery emotes or anything. Just something that at least helps describe whats going on, and gives more then constant commands. No emotes? Well thats not alright, but it's certainly better if things are decently spaced out and not constantly spammed.

21sters Unite!

I don't see anything wrong with disarming someone and picking up the weapon before they can grab long as you emote some realistic representation of why they cannot get to their weapon...

Like kicking it across the ground away from them or stepping over the weapon and pressing your attacks to keep them away from it, something like that.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

And who are you to say whats realistic for everything involved? If the other person RPs working to the sword are you going to drop it so they can get it or just give it to them? Most likely not.

Doing that and other things just leads to more spamming of commands and a degradation of RP. Like when sparring. If someone is constantly disarming, the other person is then forced to constantly get their weapon. It really ends up with alot of realistic cluttered crap.

Disarm their weapon, work around it with RP, pick it up later? No problem, but if you just disarm;get sword, most likely they are going to do the same thing in return. They are far more likely to do what ever they do to keep things equal.

I feel spamming, and various cheesy use of things is cheap, and is unfair on an OOC level, over all is bullshit. Leads to more bullshit. More complaining. May not be considered twinkery but it's certainly right on the line, and can very well create some unproper conduct. Over all it's pretty fucked up. Even if you don't emote or anything. Play realistically. It's hard to judge where the line is sometimes yes, but I think going on the side of screwing yourself over alittle bit to going all out and just using the code as much as possible is the better idea.

Get disarmed? Acctually RP getting your weapon back instead of just instantly sending 'get weapon'. Get bashed? Be realistic, take your time getting up. Same goes true for disarming, bash, kick when you are doing it yourself. Don't always just think that since there is a coded delay typing in a few commands at a time is good RP or anything.

Creeper is sure there are plenty of people that disagree, what does he say to them? "Who cares?"
21sters Unite!

Quote from: "jhunter"
QuoteAnd who are you to say whats realistic for everything involved?

And who are you to say it's not...hrmmm?

Hmm... Can I say... Hmm... Well... That's exactly my fucking point!

Quote from: "Myself"Disarm their weapon, work around it with RP, pick it up later? No problem ...

I would think it's obvious I'm not against picking up another weapon, if it's feasable, but just instantly doing things with no regard for what the fuck is going on is bullshit. Which is the same if you are disarm;get weapon or you are constantly just spamming commands.

Creeper is already done now.
21sters Unite!

Quote from: "jhunter"I don't see anything wrong with disarming someone and picking up the weapon before they can grab long as you emote some realistic representation of why they cannot get to their weapon...

Like kicking it across the ground away from them or stepping over the weapon and pressing your attacks to keep them away from it, something like that.

I don't think you should emote doing something that the code can't rule on.

You want to kick a weapon away?  If you want to emote doing that, fine, but don't pick the weapon up.  Why can't they get the weapon later in the fight?  Why are you so certain that you automatically succeeded at what you're trying to do?

The "get" command cannot fail.  If you're a crappy warrior, or a skilled warrior, it will work the same for you.  Therefore the get command shouldn't be used to represent your actions in combat.
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "creeper386"And who are you to say whats realistic for everything involved?
Who are you to say what's realistic?

The problem is, everyone saying non-emoting kills is bad, is simply that not all victims are going to emote. Some are going to spam flee. Others are going to use every trick they can to avoid you killing them, and rightly so. But if the victim spams commands, how can you expect the killer to spam commands?

Now your going to say "but I'm not going to spam commands" prove it to the killer who has never tried to kill you before. And won't you? What if the killer is spamming commands? Are you still going to emote? Now as a victim, how do you know the killer is going to emote? So you too, automatically spam commands.

The staff have said that it's stupid to emote running away from a mekillalot when it's in the same room. I also think the same applies to PCs you can't trust. And basically, you don't know if you can trust a PC. That's why you put don't sleep in the Gaj anymore.

Right but IMO it should be much harder for an unarmed person to get past an armed opponent to get their weapon, it's not, by that same token it's too easy for them to just pick it right back up.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"Right but IMO it should be much harder for an unarmed person to get past an armed opponent to get their weapon, it's not, by that same token it's too easy for them to just pick it right back up.

We all know that there is a penalty to picking up an object while in combat.  And if you are unarmed, its going to hurt.

Is the issue here that people are spamming disarm and bash mindlessly without any sort of regard for RP?  This may be been discussed already, but it seems to me that this is a big no-no.  The following is taken from the karma helpfile:

   (i.e., repeat commands over and over again, with the intention
   of trying to raise your character's skill levels). Certainly, everyone
   practices skills to some degree, but how many people (even on a harsh
   world such as Zalanthas) blindly repeat things to the exclusion of sleep,
   food, and social interaction?
According to this, spamming battle commands without emotes is in direct breach of Armageddon policy.  It is horridly unrealistic that even a decently skilled fighter can constantly get himself in a position whereby he is able to take a swipe at his opponent's weapon.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

QuoteI also think the same applies to PCs you can't trust. And basically, you don't know if you can trust a PC.

And what does this do, but create more distrust. Destroy RP. Create a bunch of crap. It's a huge cycle. I know unless I'm in a huge RPT where everything is lagging that my commands ussually come in late, I can find time to emote, or at least think and act alittle more realistically then spam commands, and it's still plenty possible not to lose that edge, or it doesn't always get you killed.

QuoteRight but IMO it should be much harder for an unarmed person to get past an armed opponent to get their weapon, it's not, by that same token it's too easy for them to just pick it right back up.

Well, lets see. So to make sure another person can't play unrealistically. You play unrealistically. It makes absolutely no fucking since. Oh, I think this dude might twink his way out of the death I'm going to give him so I'm going to twink out first to make it fair. No. It's still wrong, and shouldn't be done. It does nothing to help the situation, to help the RP, to help player trust, if anything, all it does is continue to hurt all of the above, as well as the MUD as a whole.

21sters Unite!

Ok, let's put it this way. In all the time I've played, I've -never- seen anyone drop their weapon or be disarmed and -not- pick it up...some npc's are even coded to automaticallly pick a dropped weapon up.

(i.e., repeat commands over and over again, with the intention
of trying to raise your character's skill levels). Certainly, everyone
practices skills to some degree, but how many people (even on a harsh
world such as Zalanthas) blindly repeat things to the exclusion of sleep,
food, and social interaction?

According to this, spamming battle commands without emotes is in direct breach of Armageddon policy. It is horridly unrealistic that even a decently skilled fighter can constantly get himself in a position whereby he is able to take a swipe at his opponent's weapon.

It does specifically say with the intent of trying to raise you character's skill levels.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

QuoteOk, then I must figure out who will PK next without any roleplay.

Blah blah blah, Gilvar already answered that.

QuoteJust to clarify, roleplaying doesn't equal emoting

End quote, end thread, the only other comment that I think had any value here was whoever said, "If you had a problem with it, mail the mud"

Emotes are nice, they are the icing not the RP, period.
Rp is, Did the char attacking have a reason that was IC for doing so, Yes, great, then they roleplayed.

For the record, I emote during combat -when I have Time-, something that I don't always have the luxory of having, and if it is true life or death, I'm probly not going to just because at anytime somebody can flee (without emote normaly) And I might have to react to that, or other things.

Again, EMOTE is NOT Roleplay, staying true to your char IS roleplay and only the staff and the player know it.

The long-haired leather clad man gets off his soapbox and walks off with a gruff grunt.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "jhunter"Ok, let's put it this way. In all the time I've played, I've -never- seen anyone drop their weapon or be disarmed and -not- pick it up...some npc's are even coded to automaticallly pick a dropped weapon up.

So?  When they pick your weapon up, you usually get a free attack against them, and you usually hit because they're one weapon short.  That's the point of the disarm skill.  Not picking up their weapon so they lose unless they have a spare.
Back from a long retirement

I personally have been through all sorts of battles where weapons have been disarmed and have stayed on the ground for awhile, if not for the whole fight. Sometimes being replaced with a drawn weapon, sometimes not. It's how things work.

NPCs, are NPCs. They are coded to do alot of things automatically. They are also fairly restricted and unintelligent. We are talking about PCs here.

And I just want to make sure that you(jhunter) and other people, seem firm on the beleive that since it's done already, has been done in the past, meaning poor RP, spamming commands, just over all bullshit that could be done with, it makes it proper to continue doing it? Okay good. Just making sure you know that. Good thinking by the way.

21sters Unite!

In a real fight -that- would be the point of disarming someone.
It's life or death.
Not just to get a free attack on them.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

emote uses ^me elite combo street fighter skills and deflty knocks your elite weapon from your hands, grabbing it effortlessly from the air.
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

Quote from: "jhunter"In a real fight -that- would be the point of disarming someone.
It's life or death.
Not just to get a free attack on them.

That still doesn't address the inherent problems of picking up something while both your hands are full and you're busy parrying attacks.  Unless you're a psionicist who's using telekenesis to get the weapon from the ground, to your backpack, you can't pick it up.
Back from a long retirement

QuoteThat still doesn't address the inherent problems of picking up something while both your hands are full and you're busy parrying attacks.

I agree. It'd be really nice if there was some code backing that up.

I agree someone fighting with two swords, can't emote picking it up with their hand unless they happen to have a third hand ;) They can however emote kicking it out of the way, but I personally don't think "get" should be used to show this.

So I agree. Someone who is fighting, and is wielding two swords, shouldn't be able to pick up something. People not fighting, on the other hand, should be able to, mainly because of the ability to emote out a variety of acceptable situations.