Please Roleplay in PK.

Started by Gaare, February 20, 2004, 08:47:39 PM

I personally think it's unrealistic that disarming someone only gives you a free attack when they go to pick it up.
Your not, (most likely) just going to stand there and let them pick it up are you?

Seriously...their weapon is lying on the ground...your swinging weapons at them trying to fucking kill them and they bend down and take their eyes off of you and pick up the weapon?
If it was real you'd better believe that I'm going to take their fucking head off if they do that.
If anything something should be changed so there's a chance that they can't get to the weapon while in combat or that noone can pick things up during combat.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Again, EMOTE is NOT Roleplay, staying true to your char IS roleplay and only the staff and the player know it.

How can we say that EMOTE is not ROLEPLAY. Emote is the main command for roleplay isn't it? Am I missing something here? If so, please warn me. I can change my style to a non-emoter so I can keep my roleplay well just staying in character without emotes.

So, if emote isn't the main tool of roleplay why we keep using it at all even in our daily sparrings? I am sure that all of us using "emote" to visualize our combat actions against other PC's, your partners. I guess during those sparring sessions we are learning how to deal with serious (can be deadly in some cases) combat with "emote". So, why don't use it while Pk'ing. We all trying to have fun here, nothing more. If you want to have fun and give fun to other Pc's, who you are about to kill, please use "emote" all the time. Don't spam (disarm;get sword) until you succed it. If you are willing to do that at least give a single line of emote, mentioning your action, that you are going to disarm or bash. Remember that you are not the only one out there and you are not figting with a mindless NPC, you are dealing with a PC and you are trying to kill him. Most of the time you can miss the lines while they are too fast, so give your opponent a chance to read that you are about to disarm. Also, at least, give another line of emote after you pick up that sword so that your oppenent might have a chance to see that.

I keep hearing that "what about the other side, will he emote accordingly?". Who cares that, we all supposed to emote and visualize things (Isn't the game about it?). So, do your best all the time even this is a case where your lovely PC is about to die.

Also, if you are not a sneaky assasin, don't expect to easily kill someother PC unless you setup a well organized trap.

Case1: Lets assume that you are not an assasin.
You draw your sword or whatever and move toward your victim and try to land a deadly blow. What happens next? Your victim can easily turn his back just because of the sound of your sword and armor, even your armored boots. Then your victim most probably have a chance to flee and just everyone of us, he tries to escape and flees. That is plain and simple. You are not a skilled assasin and don't know how to approach to your target, so don't expect to kill him, as I said unless you setup a trap. You are a warrior who are skilled in war. During wars, your opponent defends his ground untill he dies. This is something different.

Case2: Lets assume that you are an assasin.
First, you poison your sword. Then watch your victim and learn his life, where he goes and so on. Then find a good place to hide. And finally, stab your victim with your poisoned weapon. Again, assasins are for that, they can easily kill you if they are skilled enough, they are trained themself just for that reason.

If a person is not using EMOTE then, in my opinion, he/she is not trying to add a thing to the world, means to me = No fun at all.
"A few warriors dare to challange me, if so one fewer."
"Train yourself to let go everything you fear to lose." Master Yoda
"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." Lt. Worf

So from what your saying it's okay to flee without an emote but not attack without an emote?
I disagree completely, as someone else said emote does not equal roleplay it is a rp tool.
I do like to see emotes on both sides, in certain situations, like a surprise attack I don't see it as fitting to the situation.
Then again, I also disagree with people emoting while hidden, not because of the fact they are acting out what they are doing but because of the fact it gives players who's characters cannot see the hidden person OOC information they shouldn't have.
I personally, would rather -not- have any OOC info, if my character doesn't know it, I don't want to know.
I'd rather actually be just as surprised about an ambush as a player, as my character is, it gets me much more into the scenario and gets my blood pumping as well as putting me more in the state of mind that my character might be in.
In some situations I think emoting something is required to describe how something his happening, it others I think emoting can be excessive and ruin the mood of the scenario.

Oops, that last one was me. :oops:

Quote from: "Koala"I keep hearing that "what about the other side, will he emote accordingly?". Who cares that, we all supposed to emote and visualize things (Isn't the game about it?). So, do your best all the time even this is a case where your lovely PC is about to die.
For the same reason I'm not going to emote out running away from a mekillalot when it's in the same room, I won't emote out running away from a PC if I'm about to die.

If this makes a me a twink, too bad. But I'd rather live and be labelled a twink (even though I was roleplaying), then have my char killed because the PC isn't emoting and concentrating on killing me, while I'm concentrating on emoting instead of saving my skin.

NOTE: No mention of twinkish acts. Just talking about not emoting, which doesn't mean twinkish behaviour.

QuoteSeriously...their weapon is lying on the ground...your swinging weapons at them trying to fucking kill them and they bend down and take their eyes off of you and pick up the weapon?
If it was real you'd better believe that I'm going to take their fucking head off if they do that.
If anything something should be changed so there's a chance that they can't get to the weapon while in combat or that noone can pick things up during combat

Why can you pick your weapon back up and the opponent only gets one attack, simple, cause it is too damm easy to disarm somebody to begin with and only warriors have any defense against it, being able to pick up the weapon balances the pc disarm skill and specialy the npc disarm skill.
Careful or I'll start picking that skill apart, I mean, how in the hell do you disarm a cestus anyway? Hell, how does an elf disarm a mul who is holding his weapon with both, another thread someday maybe, back on track here. As far as there being a chance they can't get the weapon back in combat, there is, get disarmed by somebody with a very high skill sometime and you will find that out, specialy annoying if it goes up.

QuoteHow can we say that EMOTE is not ROLEPLAY. Emote is the main command for roleplay isn't it? Am I missing something here? If so, please warn me. I can change my style to a non-emoter so I can keep my roleplay well just staying in character without emotes.

It's not roleplay, don't make me dig up every staff post on the subject, There have been more emote/rp threads then probly any other type.

Now, why do we keep using it, many reasons, emotes are an RP Tool, they are not RP, just like every single command in the game is an RP tool.
Say is a RP tool, look is a RP tool, ETC ETC ETC. You emote for many reasons, to show things that your char is doing that code either does not say or does not say in an interesting enough manner, You emote to breath more LIFE into your char, other people's chars and the game world as a whole.

I've know chars that almost never emoted yet were dynamic in speech and deed, fun to be around, witty or depressed or angry they showed it through speech and dialoge, I've met others that said very little but emoted much, also adding much to the world, I've seen a very few that manage to combine both (Hackett) Most try for some combination and this variaty is what makes this game great. Me, I played a char that Never emoted or spoke in combat, to him this was a deadly serious business and he had no time for such things, some people might remember that dwarf. I had another more recent Who talked quite a bit in combat, I emoted with him quite a bit in combat, such was his charecter.

Neither type is wrong if that is who they are.

On a suprise attack, heh, with me, that is exactly what it is, I will not emote before hand, ever, hence the word SUPRISE attack, and I don't expect anybody else too, nor do I want them too.

I once had a dwarf who was attacked by an elf on the road, my only complaint on it was that the elf did not emote starting combat even though he was in full view on the road and knew it, anyway, the elf was pretty good, and so was my dwarf (the other char with me got owned quickly) But we had (IMO) A great battle nearly emote free all the way back to the city as the elf was running about fighting like an elf and the dwarf plodded along fighting like a dwarf, it was long, it was dusty, it was deadly, I loved it, it was realistic I could even see the dusty hard breathing battle in my head and only hope the elf's player had as much fun. Though I still don't understand why he attacked the inix.

Oh, and he was damm lucky that other elf ran in the path of that thrown knife.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

A few days ago X ambushed me.. It was real surprising that I couldn't react easily. then drew my weapons, emoted my a** out. In poor condition he escaped, then ran back to get his kank... He didn't emote so what? I'm a programmer for years and I type fast.. So is it illegal for him to run to my room, hitch, mount, run, n? No.. It's even realistic. I should be ready for his coming. (hit X readied) He was probably a slow typer, so in battle he could only throw a few fine emotes.
Sometimes the only problem is how fast you're typing. I can't say he RP'ed badly. He set a real good ambush. And noone would easily want to lose his/her kank just because he can't type that fast.
He may RP later.
I emote ONLY for my own amusement from now on. I will emote, because I can type fast. But please be respectful to the people who can't type fast, but still be the bad guy. You start emoting, don't flee before becoming 50% damaged and throwing a few emotes, he'll try to respond for sure.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Koala"
Again, EMOTE is NOT Roleplay, staying true to your char IS roleplay and only the staff and the player know it.

How can we say that EMOTE is not ROLEPLAY. Emote is the main command for roleplay isn't it? Am I missing something here? If so, please warn me. I can change my style to a non-emoter so I can keep my roleplay well just staying in character without emotes.

So, if emote isn't the main tool of roleplay why we keep using it at all even in our daily sparrings?

No one is implying that you needn't emote. However, emoting is not an acceptable substitute for staying in character. No matter how pretty your emotes are, it's not great rp unless the emotes are used to show the depth of character, not replace it.

Ask me if I'm a tree

What bothers me more than not emoting during PK is PKing without much of a reason. You walk outside, someone sees you, and thinks:

I'm a powerful warrior. He's outside the city. I am capable of killing him, therefore I should kill him.  :twisted:

Sometimes it's exciting, but I can remember being mobbed by guys who just sat outside the gates, waiting.

For a desert hunter, what is better prey? The scrab or beetle that you might get a hundred sid out of, and a nasty wound if your not lucky? Or is the desert hunter better served slaughtering the hapless wannabe hunter who rushes out throwing himself in harms way, who will likey have a nice stash of coins on him, as well as easily pawnable equipment. If you leave the safety of the city, you are meat. You are prey, for both the big nasties of the wild, and the PC hunters. On zalanthas, the most kindness from a stranger you should hope for is a quick death. So dont bitch when the big nasty warrior who can kill you, does kill you.

The world is savage.
amsara: Stop harassing the idiots on the GDB

Quote from: "Thanos"For a desert hunter, what is better prey? The scrab or beetle that you might get a hundred sid out of, and a nasty wound if your not lucky? Or is the desert hunter better served slaughtering the hapless wannabe hunter who rushes out throwing himself in harms way, who will likey have a nice stash of coins on him, as well as easily pawnable equipment. If you leave the safety of the city, you are meat. You are prey, for both the big nasties of the wild, and the PC hunters. On zalanthas, the most kindness from a stranger you should hope for is a quick death. So dont bitch when the big nasty warrior who can kill you, does kill you.

The world is savage.

The WORLD is savage, but the game is not about seeing how uber you can get your bank account from slaughtering PCs looking to get some rp going.

I've had quiet a few of my character's PKed by hack=n=slash mode PCs who offer nothing to your death; and I personally can't stand that.

I lost a PC to a raider a while back, and I finally had a raider death that left me smiling.

He came in and instead of hitting his f3 macro to dismount and attack, he struck up a conversation, talked about how the hunting was going, then asked if I needed water, He was kind enough to wait for me to emote turning my head to look before kicking my ass, and after a nice, lengthy battle that i was on the losing side of, I died with satisfaction.

So yes, the world is harsh, but that isn't an excuse for mindless slaughter of other PC's, ruining their experience, just because you wanted that glasshacker that could bring you a few ales worth in 'sid, and couldn't be assed to make it worth their while.

When you have a death that is satisfying, smile. When you do not, deal with it. So-called hack-n-slash PKers tend to last a very short amount of time in our enviroment. If the world does not end them, the Staff generally will.

I have said this before, and I will say it again. If I have time to emote, I will. If I do not, then I will not. If you need to die ICly for me to remain IC, then you will (or I'll die trying, at least), emotes or no emotes. But you better believe I've roleplayed it out at some point. For those on high, observation will inform them that it was IC.

No one is advocating not using emotes, by any stretch of the imagination. But for those of you who believe that emote is the end all of the game, you're dead wrong. Probably more than once, at that.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "Hicksville Hoochie"
The WORLD is savage, but the game is not about seeing how uber you can get your bank account from slaughtering PCs looking to get some rp going.

I've had quiet a few of my character's PKed by hack=n=slash mode PCs who offer nothing to your death; and I personally can't stand that.

When it is my characters purpose to see to your death, it is not my responsability to make sure you enjoy that death. I have felt bad about all the work you put into that character being destroyed. But simply because I feel bad about it does not mean that im going to have my character act in a manner contradictory to his persona.

Now, I am curious. What was the point of capping WORLD in your post? Are you trying to say that the world is savage, but the PC's are not? Im not understanding your meaning there. Further, you need to stop and think what the purpose of your pc leaving the city is. If it is to make a living, then preying on whatever you can is fully IC. In fact, I would put forth that it is for OOC reasons that most players do not prey on one another in the wilds.

Thats just my two sids anyway.
amsara: Stop harassing the idiots on the GDB

Making someone enjoy the game is a kind of responsibility, I believe.. And of course also courtesy.  If you don't do that, I have nothing to do, but hope you are just making sole-RP.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Quote from: "Thanos"
Quote from: "Hicksville Hoochie"
The WORLD is savage, but the game is not about seeing how uber you can get your bank account from slaughtering PCs looking to get some rp going.

I've had quiet a few of my character's PKed by hack=n=slash mode PCs who offer nothing to your death; and I personally can't stand that.

When it is my characters purpose to see to your death, it is not my responsability to make sure you enjoy that death. I have felt bad about all the work you put into that character being destroyed. But simply because I feel bad about it does not mean that im going to have my character act in a manner contradictory to his persona.

Now, I am curious. What was the point of capping WORLD in your post? Are you trying to say that the world is savage, but the PC's are not? Im not understanding your meaning there. Further, you need to stop and think what the purpose of your pc leaving the city is. If it is to make a living, then preying on whatever you can is fully IC. In fact, I would put forth that it is for OOC reasons that most players do not prey on one another in the wilds.

Thats just my two sids anyway.

I meant to caps game too, but I'm dumb like that.  :D

I believe I may have seen it somewhere on the site, but I know for sure Sanvean has posted it before, but the quote, "Do not try to win Armageddon." comes to mind.

I'm not a pking player, I've never had it in me to be able to PK someone without it being self defense, or part of an ongoing plot. Matter of factly, I've killed only one PC through offensive means in 2 years of playing.

And when I did, it was chock full of roleplaying, I made sure the character had the enjoyment they seek when they log into the game.

I dunno though, please don't criticize me, because I can't consider myself a physical conflict adept player between PCs, but wouldn't it be best, even if you do hafta just charge and attack, to find a way to make sure they enjoy that crushing defeat that's gonna delay their gameplay for at least a day?

Use mercy, and when they've crumpled to their last hits, do a good emote like jerking their hair back and laughing, before slitting their throat, or something along those lines. the whole >hits you, hits you, BEEP - Mantis head!< just really makes a huge turnoff to playing combat characters  IMO lol.

I dunno, I probably am wrong, but it's more of an opinion on what I prefer in the game than anything.  :)

Well. If someone attacks me without at least an indication of what they are going to do via speech or emote I can accept that. I hope they can accept when I flee just as fast.

But what I don't like is when for example I emote to someone, threatening them but not typing kill sissy. And they just spam e,e,e,e,e,e. I would at least appreciate them turning around and running. But then again they don't know me so I can see them not trusting me. Also if the combat is already been initiated and one is chasing the oher. I don't expect much in the way of emotes. If you can emote, great. If not, its alright. Rp your wounds later and plot my death.

QuoteI emote to someone, threatening them but not typing kill sissy. And they just spam e,e,e,e,e,e. I would at least appreciate them turning around and running. But then again they don't know me so I can see them not trusting me.

The fact that you emoted should be enough to extend a little trust, I do at least, and happily, have not been burned on it yet.

Also, I'd like to say, that over all, in the last year, I have seen much improvement on people trusting others to rp things out, and when extending that trust to others I've only been dissapointed in 2 of the last probly 50 instances. A great improvement over just 12 months ago when it was exactly the opposite. So, Kudos to all of you who work hard at it.

QuoteUse mercy, and when they've crumpled to their last hits, do a good emote like jerking their hair back and laughing, before slitting their throat, or something along those lines. the whole >hits you, hits you, BEEP - Mantis head!< just really makes a huge turnoff to playing combat characters IMO lol

I agree there, and almost never have mercy off, That final killing blow is just to great a chance for at least one last cool emote for you and the other player to remember to pass up.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

A couple of points.

Firstly, if you're delivering a surprise attack, you damn well ought to emote. Queuing a prepared emote with the command immediately after is trivial. You know you're going to attack, you've had plenty of time to think about your opening emote, and the extra time they have to react in on seeing the emote before the attack happens is in small fractions of a second. I knew a certain near-legendary d-elf who was a joy to see in combat, a veteran of more ambushes than any other PC I have ever met. He was not made less effective because he started each and every ambush with an emote.

When under attack, the time taken to type out an emote from scratch can mean the difference between life and death. Unless you knew the attack was coming, it's unlikely you can be prepared for it in advance. It's nice to emote, but I'm not overly upset if I attack someone and they don't emote.

Secondly, in an earlier post, someone spoke of having a character who never emoted or spoke in combat, because to him it was a deadly serious business. Not speaking is fine, but not emoting seems to me to be depriving yourself of the opportunity to present to others what a deadly serious business combat was to that character. From the grim determination of the character's face to the manner in which he fought, there would be a wide range of possible ways to bring the combat to life. I know when I find myself opposing someone who doesn't emote in combat, I don't think, "Gosh, he must take his fighting really seriously."

I am God's advocate with the Devil; he, however, is the Spirit of Gravity. How could I be enemy to divine dancing?

To clarify, I don't claim no emotes are needed in combat. I'm just saying that we may forgive if some new player panicked and just fled. He's going to learn. My two steel coins, I would say, but one stolen.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

QuoteFirstly, if you're delivering a surprise attack, you damn well ought to emote. Queuing a prepared emote with the command immediately after is trivial. You know you're going to attack, you've had plenty of time to think about your opening emote

None of those statements are always true, A suprise attack need not be well planned nor does it need to be from hiding, also, some of us do not que commands nor do all of us prepare them in advance, I don't, I don't have the e;kill elf^M set up ahead of time, I go the direction then type the command or emote, depending on if it is suprise or not, I'm perfectly willing to give that person the chance to out type me since I know he can't out type my client if I set things up ahead of time. And emoting a suprise attack ahead of time is silly (IMO) no matter how quickly it is done it still stops it from being a -suprise-. If I have time to see -anything- before the attack then I have time to react -before- the attack. Not that I would be able to codewise if you commands are queued, which tends to leave one feeling rather cheated since somebody stacked commands.

QuoteSecondly, in an earlier post, someone spoke of having a character who never emoted or spoke in combat, because to him it was a deadly serious business. Not speaking is fine, but not emoting seems to me to be depriving yourself of the opportunity to present to others what a deadly serious business combat was to that character. From the grim determination of the character's face to the manner in which he fought

I never said anything about emoting any other time, Emotes did happen in the setup and he never attempted a suprise attack, other then that the char was a machine in combat, I let the code speak for it during.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

QuoteNot that I would be able to codewise if you commands are queued, which tends to leave one feeling rather cheated since somebody stacked commands.

Okay... So, lets say your characters playing some dumb person out in the wastes in an effort to get alittle closer to someone who looks like he has some things that'd benefit you. You get to chatting what not, you decide that it's worth the risk to attack him.

So, if you want it to be a surprise ... You just quickly type:

>draw weapon

>k dude

And that's cool because it's so much better then,

>emote Snatching his longdagger from his belt, @ lunges at you.;draw weapon

>k dude

Am I understanding you right? I'm sorry, but even if you stack the commands, or stack the emote draw and kill all together. I'd prefer that sort of surprise to something that has no emote to it at all. Either way, it's still going to be a surprise. You would feel cheated because they stacked commands which prevented you from reacting? Well most people I'm sure can type out the first bit with about the same chance of you reacting. It's much more a surprise, but it's an OOC surprise, like, huh, where the fuck did that come from and how the fuck does this dude think he was able to do it? Specially with varying circumstances like there is distance kepted between the two characters, other people, who knows what. I hardly think describing what your character does can be considered a big no no because it some how makes it less of a surprise.

But then of course, I'm also the sort of person that prefers to emote something though. Especially if I have things slightly planned out, which allows me to not only know the situation thats going on, but be able to predict a few different things IC and have a plan set up for that, but even if somethings just came up, and it's just as much a surprise to me as it's a surprise to the person I'm after ... Well ... If I can arrange, which it's almost always possible, I'll prefer to emote things out.

Command stacking if your able to do it in terms of throwing an emote out there with a command... I don't think it's a bad thing. Specially if you couldn't do that you'd just send out the command. Emote;command is always better then just command.

21sters Unite!

Lets See, first, your example of what you prefer but what the person sees.

Snatching his dagger from his belt, the strange little man lunges for you.
The strange little man draws a dagger.

You easily dodge the strange little man's stab.

Now, the other way.

The strange little man draws a dagger

You easily dodge the strange little man's stab.

Now, on the second one, maybe a lunge emote between the draw and the attack, but the draw emot in the first one is redundant.

But even without the lunge emote it still works

Anyway, on this issue I find it is just personal pref, but that pref should be yours alone, don't complain when somebody has another perfectly legit way of doing something, I personaly dislike stacked commands, mostly because it has that stacked feeling to it, like an npc soldier is attacking you and also because it does confer a slight advantage in speed.
Plus, in combat though during I normaly throw out a few emotes, I'm a minimize combat spam and scroll kinda guy. The code handles most things just fine IMO.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Of course, this discussion offers light for the idea of imbedding commands.

e (moving swiftly over the rocky plains)

kill newbie (Moving low to the ground as he approachs you)

The killer has arrived from the east, moving swiftly over the rocky plains.

Moving low to the ground as he approachs you, the killer slashs you very hard on the foot.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "Quirk"Secondly, in an earlier post, someone spoke of having a character who never emoted or spoke in combat, because to him it was a deadly serious business. Not speaking is fine, but not emoting seems to me to be depriving yourself of the opportunity to present to others what a deadly serious business combat was to that character. From the grim determination of the character's face to the manner in which he fought, there would be a wide range of possible ways to bring the combat to life. I know when I find myself opposing someone who doesn't emote in combat, I don't think, "Gosh, he must take his fighting really seriously."

I just want to point out that when it comes to the emote command, there is no situation in which RP would dictate that you not use it.  Do you want to make a quick attack from suprise?  You can emote that.  Do you want your character to speak in a boring, flat, monotonous voice?  That can be emoted as well.

How much you emote is a matter of preference.  It doesn't have anything to do with role-play.
Back from a long retirement

QuoteDo you want to make a quick attack from suprise? You can emote that.
If that's someone's preference fine...for me personally it ruins the experience of it being a surprise attack against my pc.
No emote, just come out of hiding blades swinging...not only will my pc be surprised but so will I, further enhancing the experience for me.

Emote jumps out, all cool and evil and shit,weapons swinging.
k my pc
I'm like, "Oh look...they're surprise attacking me...*yawn* how nifty...blah...

It's like knowing what your getting for a gift beforehand...not as cool as being surprised by it.

Like I said, that's how I prefer to be on the recieving end of a surprise attack, for me it's more fun.

Other situations, when it's something slower and drawn out...sure I'm up for the fancy emoting and the tension buildup before the conclusion too.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D