Question on gender for staff and players

Started by Comrade Canadia, January 30, 2004, 06:12:00 AM

I don't find the lack of female combat PCs to be any more of a problem than the lack of male non-combat PCs.

Yeah there's a fair amount of female PCs that fall into certain overdone roles, but that's true with male PCs too.  How many male gruff hunters who don't take no shit from no one types are there?  I don't think we're lacking there either.   Sure, it would be nice if there were a bit more balance, and people chose to take roles that were off the beaten path.  I just don't understand why the blame for lack of balance always is placed on the delicate Krath-splashed shoulders of these particular PCs.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "Comrade Canadia"
Now.  Ideally, armag is a sort of gender-neutral place from what I've gathered.  Men and women are equal statistically and socially, and as such, nasty issues like sexual discrimination aren't an issue.  

Of course, this is not the case.  
A great example is the way that powerful, self-made female PCs are treated.  They're HATED - way more than powerful, self-made male PCs.  Has anybody ever accused a powerful male PC of sleeping his way to the top?

Yeah, I agree with you.   Though I haven't seen that too much in game.  I remember when someone brought up how female PCs are often trashed on IRC and their sex-lives speculated about.   I just found this very sad, and indicative of some of the attitudes people need to get past to roleplay things in this area realistically.  Although it definitely made me glad to not have witnessed it personally, because I like the community here and I don't want that affected by a few sexist mouth-breathers.

Going beyond that, if the genders were truly equal.. wouldn't the idea of gender as we know it actually not even -exist-?!  If people don't differentiate between man and woman, then ascribing certain gender roles to them would never have happened in the first place.  And then, concepts like marriage, sexuality (if there's no social difference between a man and a woman, how can you be gay?), even monogamy.  

I guess I think of the genders in Zalanthas as just balanced stats-wise, but  still different beyond anatomy.   Just not as different as on Earth, in terms of gender roles.  

I remember with a previous character, seeing another PC bemoan the fact that he'd been beaten in the sparring circle by a woman.   That, I think, doesn't make sense in Zalanthas.  

If someone is gay, the reaction is 'I'm okay with that' most of the time.  Being okay with it shouldn't be an ISSUE if there was true gender equality.

I agree completely.   I've said this before, but I think the reaction would be more like the reaction to someone telling you they're left-handed.

SO - my behind this long winded blathering is... what do you think about this?  Am I full of it or is this actually something worth discussing?  What should armag's conception of gender ACTUALLY be?  Or is how it works right now alright?  Can it even be changed?

Honestly right now I'd say it's mostly okay, but definitely worth discussing.   I say mostly because it's only occasionally that I see some gender stereotyping/attitudes from our world spill through, but it definitely happens.  

And I do think it can be changed, but also we have to be mindful that we're always getting new players, and it takes them a little while to adjust.  I think that's part of the reason we sometimes see new players with PCs that fall into certain stereotypes.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I find the lack of hermaphrodites, cross-dressers and other folk who are slightly more than noticeably different from the be disturbing.   :(

Where is that meaty muscled male warrior, lopping heads off with a sharp bone scimitar while wearing an elegant silk evening gown, stockings and high-heeled shoes?

Where is that dapper-looking, short-haired woman in silk frock-coat and trousers commanding a company of rough and tumble mercenaries who are, for the most part, deathly afraid of pissing her off?

Of course, these are...ah...meant to be radical extremes.  I understand it is difficult or impossible to wear a lovely evening gown (or silk frock coat...especially one with tails) over a full set of armor.

I know this post sounds frivilous, but within it is a kernel of real, naughty chimp concern.
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

Quote from: "naatok"
Where is that dapper-looking, short-haired woman in silk frock-coat and trousers commanding a company of rough and tumble mercenaries who are, for the most part, deathly afraid of pissing her off?

I'll do that one!
on't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


"I have more hit points that you can possible imagine." - Tek, Muk and my current PC.

*mumbles something incoherrent about a warrior bardess in silks*