Half-Elf Roleplay

Started by DustMight, May 08, 2013, 08:43:32 AM

Quote from: Zoan on May 23, 2013, 08:45:12 PM
All my half-elves are now forever going to be one variation or another of Thomas Raith.


Uh... shit... I think I might be playing my humans wrong. ;)
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

Quote from: The Silence of the Erdlus on May 23, 2013, 03:56:02 PM
Okay, so.

I haven't done it yet because I'm not sure, but is it logical to play an Aragorn type of breed?

Many breeds in the game seem to take on a sort of 'LAME' label, in capital letters, in terms of how they perceive themselves. Aragorn doesn't have this. He knows he does not belong anywhere, he doesn't want any part of human or elven society, at least he acts like he doesn't, yet you get glimpses of what that kind of life is like for him, night after night of sleeping alone in the wilderness, and it seems unbelievably lonely and it must affect him somehow. Yet in my mind I can't separate being a breed from being a mentally broken individual, as well as a social outsider. Thoughts?

Breeds don't see themselves as lame. When they want to fit in with humans/elves, it's because they think they're either the same or better and that they deserve it and that people should accept them already. When they want to be independent, it's because they think they're too badass for this world and that everyone's too bastardly for them to put up with even more. Whether they are annoyed at people for not accepting them or annoyed at people for 'mocking' their independence, they'll be angry at human/elven society, not at themselves.
You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Every half-elf I make from now on is going to have awful acne.
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

Like in that grease manga? That would be sweet, squeeze your whole face out on people to torture them with popped zit grease.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

Stop it Fuji, you're getting me hot and bothered.
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

This thread went so wrong, so fast.
Someone says, out of character:
     "Sorry, was a wolf outside, had to warn someone."

Quote from: Wastrel on July 05, 2013, 04:51:17 AMBUT NEERRRR IM A STEALTHY ASSASSIN HEMOTING. BUTBUTBUTBUTBUT. Shut. Up.

Quote from: Vwest on May 24, 2013, 07:37:24 AM
This thread went so wrong, so fast.
Seems rather appropriate in a thread regarding the bastard children of humans with a fetish.  :D
Whatever happens, happens.

Quote from: Morrolan on May 23, 2013, 12:09:16 PM
Okay, I'm going to try to >rescue this thread from "how bad can we treat the breeds"/"GDB hate-cycle."

Here are some things to think about when it comes to halfbreeds:

  • Half-elves have a fundamental instability in their "character."*
  • Additionally, half-elves can (almost) never call on even the most general kinship links with humans or elves. They lack the basic racial/tribal support network.
  • For the two reasons above, as well as others, half-elves automatically have terribly low social status. This makes it impossible for them to attain certain positions.
  • Half-elves are uncommon.

Just playing those four things should be enough to flesh out any half-elf.

* Note - This use of the word "character" takes more explanation, as we mostly have stopped using the word this way in English.

Half-elves present with symptoms similar to emotional/spiritual trauma, especially those associated with a lowered/fragile sense of self. What makes them different from other trauma victims is that theirs doesn't come from experience, even thought though such experiences can heighten their symptoms.

The half-elf's fundamentally fragile sense of self gives him or her neither the ability to trust (connect) nor to maintain an independent identity (not connect).

I would be careful and refer to this: http://ginka.armageddon.org/help/view/Half-Elf%20Roleplay

I think you make a lot of generalizations that are not always true or, when they are true, don't have to be obvious.

Quote from: DustMight on May 24, 2013, 08:11:00 PM

I would be careful and refer to this: http://ginka.armageddon.org/help/view/Half-Elf%20Roleplay

I think you make a lot of generalizations that are not always true or, when they are true, don't have to be obvious.

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

I wanna heeeeeeeeeeeal

I wanna feeeeeeeeeeeel

Like I'm close to something reeeeeeeeal
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

Quote from: Zoan on May 28, 2013, 04:58:17 AM
I wanna heeeeeeeeeeeal

I wanna feeeeeeeeeeeel

Like I'm close to something reeeeeeeeal

Someone says, out of character:
     "Sorry, was a wolf outside, had to warn someone."

Quote from: Wastrel on July 05, 2013, 04:51:17 AMBUT NEERRRR IM A STEALTHY ASSASSIN HEMOTING. BUTBUTBUTBUTBUT. Shut. Up.

Erase all the pain, 'till it's gone!

Quote from: The Silence of the Erdlus on May 23, 2013, 03:56:02 PM
Okay, so.

I haven't done it yet because I'm not sure, but is it logical to play an Aragorn type of breed?

Many breeds in the game seem to take on a sort of 'LAME' label, in capital letters, in terms of how they perceive themselves. Aragorn doesn't have this. He knows he does not belong anywhere, he doesn't want any part of human or elven society, at least he acts like he doesn't, yet you get glimpses of what that kind of life is like for him, night after night of sleeping alone in the wilderness, and it seems unbelievably lonely and it must affect him somehow. Yet in my mind I can't separate being a breed from being a mentally broken individual, as well as a social outsider. Thoughts?

My only issue with this is that Aragorn is part of an inherently superior Aryan superman bloodline that traces back directly to ancient kings and the golden age of man.  The guy even lives twice/three times as long as a normal human.

Whereas half-elves don't have any of that sense of history or purpose.

I would prefer to see a more realistic range of archetypes for half-elves though instead of just mentally broken people.  Someone who's aloof and self-confident could work just fine as far as I'm concerned.

I think the first thing any new player should do, or one attempting a new race than they've experience before, is to forget every single stereotype on the GDB and read over the documentation carefully. More often than not, there's a huge gap between the docs and the stereotypes. I understand the stereotypes exist for a reason, but even if there are such personalities IG from time to time, they should constitute the exception. Half-breed's are not emotional wrecks that keep a shaving razor handy at all times in case the suicidal mood takes over. Dwarves aren't one-dimensional half-pint's that can't speak properly. Half-giants aren't mentally retarded, drooling hulks that are incapable of a single intelligent thought. And so forth. Yet all these stereotypes exist, either because enough players have played these races against the docs, or because it amuses us to think of them as such in our discussion.

Personally my experience with both pure and partial elven blood is severely limited, because neither mindset meshes well with my own RL personality. While I'm confident I could act the part if needed, I also know the effort it would take would detract from my enjoyment. In contrast, playing a racial profile that better meshes with my own results in a more enjoyable and realistic experience for both myself and others. Every non-human race in the game has it's own peculiarities and there are players that excel in those roles, and players that sadly don't. For example, many find the dwarven mindset difficult to maintain or portray, while personally it's ideally suited to my own. I'm patient, task-oriented, and can be obsessively focused on a project for long periods at a time, so for me the dwarven focus comes natural. By the same token I've seen players do an amazing job of portraying other races that I myself find difficult to grasp.

Some years back I had the pleasure of rp'ing with a human-sided half-elf that hid their heritage, and the player did an amazing job of it. After months of rp with the character, when I finally learned their secret, it all clicked together beautifully. Throughout our interactions the player had set in place numerous aspects of his psychological profile, but had done this so subtly that it worked perfectly. Instead of being a stereotypical drama queen that cuts themselves to sleep, the character was complex and three-dimensional.

My point in all this is to say... it takes all kinds, and not everyone is suited for every race. While I don't suggest anyone restrict themselves in any way, or play the same race exclusively (even if many of us do), it would serve everyone best if each of us takes a bit of time to analyze their strengths and weakness and play to the former. And when we do decide to take on roles outside our comfort zone, as we all should, it's best to ignore the stereotypes and interpret the documentation ourselves first-hand or if in doubt, talk to helpers and staff members who can shed more light with less bias.
Quote from: Nyr on September 30, 2013, 11:33:28 AMYes, killing them is possible, but leaving someone alive can create interesting roleplay.

I'd think it's easier to play a human looking half-elf as not such a drama queen wrist slasher (I did this once, not sure how believably) because it's conceivable they were not stomped all over by society in general from the day they were born, and thus, while still retaining the natural half-elf personality characteristics, would have much less to be bent out of shape over... But still I think it's cool when yeah, it's subtle, then one day it all clicks because the character was being played properly.

As far as breeds which are obviously breeds, you can say they're emotionally hardened as much as you want, but if you've been emotionally, physically and/or verbally abused most of your life you'll have an interesting perspective on how it has affected you, particularly if you're already prone to certain behavioral "issues". Sure, some will turn out all quiet, Josey Wales style badasses, I see no problem with that, but not ALL of them will be that way.

Some will be loudmouths, braggarts, to cover up their own insecurities. Some will be whiny, annoying passive/aggressive douchebags too. Keep in mind there's some human in there, plenty of room for variation. There's no one way to play anything. Just because a particular behavior will lead to death does not mean it would have already killed the individual in question. Plenty of humans, elves and dwarves pick some suicidal career paths or goals (wink wink try the Byn sometime, get a close look at the shield wall or a *insert nasties here* swarm) but this does not mean it's against the docs to do so. No risk, no reward.

In a desperate environment, people will risk all for small gain, and many will die, but those that push through will survive and perpetuate the life of their race. Barring a few characteristics that threaten extinction, I think that which is not entirely optimal, especially in social animals, can survive depending upon the threats posed by the environment and the advantages conveyed by other traits.

This includes depression, I've never had the urge to knife someone who was depressed (although someone who was a pompous ass, yeah). Someone I didn't know well (looked like a downright hard motherfucker) who was at an apartment I used to rent once pointed a pistol in my face while I was drunk and demanded my wallet, I told him to just pull the trigger, he'd be doing me a favor, then laughed hysterically. Should have seen the look on his face, he got the fuck out of there quickly without further demands.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

That's a valid perspective, definitely. And the point that should be impressed is that characters are as complex as we are. A half-breed is no more an emo than most all of us would be labeled as nerds. The mistake is to use a blanket stereotype as the sole foundation of a character's personality, and that's one of the points I was trying to get across.

That said, suicidal tendencies and thoughts are very different from suicidal career paths. The main difference being, few enter those career's thinking it's suicide. They generally think they can rise above the dangers and live, often even as they're slowly falling down the Shield Wall. Even feeling like you have nothing to lose doesn't equate suicidal thoughts, it just means you're willing to risk more in life. But you're still risking something to gain something better than what you have, or die trying, which is different than wanting to end it all.
Quote from: Nyr on September 30, 2013, 11:33:28 AMYes, killing them is possible, but leaving someone alive can create interesting roleplay.

Quote from: Ouroboros on June 12, 2013, 03:50:19 PM
A half-breed is no more an emo than most all of us would be labeled as nerds.

Quote from: Half Elf Help File
Accepted by neither humans nor elves, half-elves tend to be extremely self-reliant, and they pride themselves on this trait. Half-elves try to do everything for themselves, such as hunting for their own meals and camping well apart from others they are with. Despite this, half-elves typically try to gain acceptance by elves or humans and will go out of their way toward that end. In many ways, half-elves are on a continual journey to establish their personal identity.
I feel like the above should have "and will likely never achieve acceptance by either race" tacked on to the end of that bolded sentence.

Stereotypes aside, I feel like breeds would be more emotional, if only for the loathing they have to put up with their whole lives above not fitting anywhere and being a product of rape. Being able to trust no one. Being used by everyone. I would think that would create some sort of self loathing that would be really hard to get out of. Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings kind of emo.

This thread has opened up my eyes a little more. Thank ya'll.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: ShaLeah on June 12, 2013, 04:28:37 PM...being a product of rape. Being able to trust no one. Being used by everyone.

Thing is, you just described a large chunk of the commoner class in Zalanthas. I think part of the reason we tend to view half-elves as the emotional wrecks we do, is because we draw parallels to our own culture. Being the product of rape I would imagine to be common in Zalanthas, as much as it is to be the product of a whore. Trusting no one? That's a pretty common condition as well, to just about every commoner (and most nobles actually). The moment you trust someone, you lose your boots. Being used? Heh. Ask a slave how they feel about it, of which there are plenty and most of them I imagine comfortable in their own skin. If being used led directly to being an emotional wreck, dwarves (with a history of being slaves) would have never had the fight in them to rebel or even function in society.

I think the key aspect to focus in on with regards to half-elven rp is their duality, their inner conflict, their need for personal identity. Whether or not this depresses them is entirely up to the individual, just like IRL we all deal with the same stress factors in different ways. I think it's a mistake to focus too much on how we perceive a half-elf would react to external influences, when their conflict is at it's core internal. They might not give a rat's ass that they were the product of rape, hell half the people they know might be too, but they do care about the fact they don't belong and want to belong... but don't want to belong... but do.. and so forth.
Quote from: Nyr on September 30, 2013, 11:33:28 AMYes, killing them is possible, but leaving someone alive can create interesting roleplay.

Quote from: Ouroboros on June 12, 2013, 04:53:05 PM
I think the key aspect to focus in on with regards to half-elven rp is their duality, their inner conflict, their need for personal identity.

I think this is an excellent point.
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Having never played a breed I am going to come from the perspective of how my PCs react to them.  I have interacted with a lot of breeds IC, from slimy nasty ones, to those with some level of respectability IC. My knee jerk response is always to have my PCs be -really- mean, to the level of their abilities and to what the situation allows. I know that my PC is supposed to dislike, if not outright hate breeds.

My question is why.   "Because the docs say so" is not a good enough answer. I need more motivation than that to play it consistently.

Usually I start out with my PC being mean, but the Breed ends up having a pleasant personality and is played by a talented player who rps well. It's fun to be around them. So my PCs initial meanness is not played out.  I often see IG that the way people actually treat breeds is different from the way they say they feel about them. Like sex between the races.

The official line of distaste or disgust for mating between the two races is only skin deep in Zalanthas. The number of breeds around means that there are a lot of people who say they are disgusted in public, but make other choices in private, even if the choice is imposed by force.

I find that I need to fix a level of intolerance of breeds for each of my PCs. This level needs to be there because of something that has happened in my PCs life. Why does -my- PC hate, loath, or just mildly dislike breeds? This helps me to play consistent.

I reckon it would be the same way with playing a breed. Why does your PC feel the way she does? What is the motivation for their behavior? Trying to consistently play a severely emotionally tweeked character would be  very difficult and few players could pull it off for a substantial time. Breeds don't "have" to be emotional basket cases, and if they are there should be IC consequences. Consistency before stereotype.
At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

June 27, 2013, 02:08:51 PM #71 Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 02:11:12 PM by Qzzrbl
Quote from: Norcal on June 26, 2013, 07:31:51 AM
My question is why.   "Because the docs say so" is not a good enough answer. I need more motivation than that to play it consistently.

Found this little gem.

Quote from: Wolfsong on October 07, 2010, 12:16:27 PM
At the risk of ... You know what, fuck it.

Here's how I see half-elves, this week:

Half-elves are hated more than elves not because of what they are but what they represent - it's the same reason that (oh fuck am I really going to go there? yes, yes I am) Henry has to kill Charles Bon in Absalom! Absalom! - half-elves are, unequivocally, the "nigger that's going to sleep with your sister" - and why in Light in August Joe Christmas is not just killed but castrated, too. In layman's terms - half-elves are hated because they represent the mixing of races, not because they are worse than either race in and of themselves. In fact, the fact that they're more employable than elves proves this - that, anyway, it's a different sort of racism entirely. Half-elves are mulattoes, and provided they look more human than elvish, that's okay - until, of course, the truth comes out. Hate them, yes, but you wouldn't necessarily shun them as you would an elf, either - not in the same way, anyway. Let them work in your kitchens and on your estates, because it is - I guess - an inclusive hate. You shun elves and they're dirty outsiders, but they have their own culture and society and they're basically alien to you, anyway. They don't care, they have their tribe. But half-elves? It's worse for them because they're under the illusion that they can be accepted by a culture or race and they cannot be - they're drawn in, treated better than most elves at first blush, but it's skin deep. Beneath that, there's vicious racism - even worse than with elves, but much more subtle, too. It's the difference between attacking someone on the street and beating them unconscious and taking someone back to your home, employing them in your household, and burning them with cigarette butts, telling them they're dirt, and dehumanizing them utterly under the guise of kindness.

Why are there no famous half-elves?

If a half-elf achieves fame, they are absorbed into the culture they most resemble - or, at least, the fact that they're a breed is typically glossed over: they become either elf or not elf - look at Langston Hughes, Nicolas Guillen, Barack Obama. They're all breeds, but at the same time they're not described as breeds at all, with the possible exception of Guillen (Cuba has a disproportionate population of breeds, so the race division there is less distinct) - they're elves, because they most resemble elves. In fact, they are what every elf should aspire to - they are the most intelligent, artistic, well-known and articulate elves around... and that's because they're half human. And they're still shunned by the humans who call them good elves.

Take a long, hard look at racism in recent history, and ask yourself "why?". Then inject that reasoning into your character's brain and replace skin color with sharpears and breeds.

And then dial it up a little bit.