Power Emoting! Rawr!

Started by kayza, September 18, 2012, 02:44:05 PM

September 18, 2012, 02:44:05 PM Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 02:48:24 PM by kayza
Such power!

Whoops hold on while I finish this.. I meant to actually have something in here..

.... Okay actual meaningful part.

Obviously things like picking people up and tossing them is bad.. Unless it's a dwarf and half-giants since that's all they are good for.

But I hesitate before I even do things like puts my arms around someone, or tap their shoulder.

What is the protocol on things that are just casual like this.  I have seen people add things like "if willing" or "if allowed" whatever.
Is that the acceptable way to do something that involves any physical contact.

What if you are hidden, can I now emote I touch your shoulder.
Or what if I am in the room you are busy talking to someone - to never emote acknowledge me or whatever.

Basically what times is it acceptable to emote touching someone?

I touch who I want, as long as it physically makes sense. I give friendly thumps even(non injury). Anything that does not involve their dodge rolll. They can respond as they like.  :)

I've always been cautious of it. Personally, I don't have a single problem if it's something non-aggressive being done to me. Like a hug, shoulder tap, or something that happened recently for me - someone guiding you around drunk. And I don't mind people just typing in "give boots amos" either. Most of the time, I usually leave it open-ended. Unless it's something trivial like tapping someone's shoulder.

I like Solera's way of thinking, though. If they don't want their character to get a tap on the shoulder just emote that you pushed them away.
Light RP is like light beer: It fucking sucks and makes me fall asleep.

I miss Tuluk....

Is emoting that you affect someone in a certain way, say pushing their hat over their eyes, acceptable if you're hidden?

Quote from: MeTekillot on September 18, 2012, 03:30:35 PM
Is emoting that you affect someone in a certain way, say pushing their hat over their eyes, acceptable if you're hidden?

Only if you immediately un-hide?

I tend to do stuff like....

em aims a playful flick of the brim of %amos hat


em directs a gentle thump to %talia shoulder

Which gives them to chance to jerk away from it or whatever.

But it also depends on who it is and what the dynamic it is between the characters. Some stuff I will just take for granted that my character can do...so long as it leaves a little room for the other player to counter it if they wish to.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on September 18, 2012, 03:32:37 PM
Quote from: MeTekillot on September 18, 2012, 03:30:35 PM
Is emoting that you affect someone in a certain way, say pushing their hat over their eyes, acceptable if you're hidden?

Only if you immediately un-hide?

Well yeah obviously.

I leave it open ended....

em with a friendly grin, @ moves to fling ^me arms around ~amos


em with a friendly grin, @ flings ^me arms around ~amos


em reaches out to tap ~amos on ^amos shoulder.


em reaches out and taps ~amos on ^amos shoulder.

Delirium, I hate to disagree, but it's this kind've pussyfooting around that I think cramps style and elongates otherwise brief and rad little encounters to the detriment of the scene.

If I emote touching Dig and he has AI agility and a loathing for physical contact, he can modify the scene with his next emote. I much prefer that. Honestly, there's a grey area between flicking someone's hat and grabbing their crotch. Personally I prefer a little more assured, hands on approach.
Quote from: Riev on June 12, 2019, 02:20:04 PM
Do you kill your sparring partners once they are useless to you, so that you are king?

If it's someone your character knows well... then I agree, mostly. If you're trying to hug Joe Amos at the bar... well.

I see you'll points and like it.

Basically I think I"ll go with the idea of my first emote attempt at touching them will be open ended but if they they don't emote against it..future encounters I"ll just hug them and make out with them and stuff without permission.

makeout Templar

Sounds good.

Quote from: kayza on September 18, 2012, 02:44:05 PM

Basically what times is it acceptable to emote touching someone?

When Mudsexing.

Oh, What bugs me is seeing " Dipshit stabs his knife into his hand, his face showing no pain as he triple back flips over the bar, throwing a beer mug into your face" "Dipshit licks the beer off your face as it soaks into your shirt"
I've not seen it that bad but close a few times.

I see no problem touching or attempting to touch other characters. Just be prepared for them to react accordingly, or even bring code into play if you rub them the wrong way.

I think it varies.  I'm one of those ask forgiveness later types, so I fully expect people to alter what I do.  When I get the vibe someone doesn't like that, I leave it more open ended.  Just remember that, outside of the code, or obvious circumstances, people have a right to decide how to -absorb- contact.

Quote from: path on September 18, 2012, 04:32:32 PM
Delirium, I hate to disagree, but it's this kind've pussyfooting around that I think cramps style and elongates otherwise brief and rad little encounters to the detriment of the scene.

If I emote touching Dig and he has AI agility and a loathing for physical contact, he can modify the scene with his next emote. I much prefer that. Honestly, there's a grey area between flicking someone's hat and grabbing their crotch. Personally I prefer a little more assured, hands on approach.

This would be my preferred method, but unfortunately it relies on the other player knowing it's allright to alter your emotes. You can't really assume that someone you've just met is playing with the same internal ruleset, so I play it safe with a given person until I see my target modify an emote.

No one can prevent phyiscal contact from landing on them at all times. If they aren't looking then my hug, slap, punch, whatever will always make contact since they can't do anything about it. They can react afterwards with disgust, surprise, laughter, etc.

If I emote taps ~amos on the shoulder. Amos can tell black-haired (knocking %black-haired hand away with hatred in his eyes) Get your dirty hand off me you filthy breed!

If I see someone really dancing around contact, I might tune in and play by their rules. I've done it. Those are the compromises we all make to jive. I'll like them less, though.
Quote from: Riev on June 12, 2019, 02:20:04 PM
Do you kill your sparring partners once they are useless to you, so that you are king?

I tend to go with a 'moves' or 'tries' first, to establish proximity and allow for a response. If it's allowed, I tend to be more liberal with touch after that for that scene.

Yeah, it's largely a case by case thing.. Sometimes, you want to make things awkward.. Lol. I just try and play it as it seems appropriate.
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

You can touch people? #personalbubble

I have a bit of natural inclination to do it like Maso and Delirium but it really just feels like style, something to play by ear.

@ touches ~kalai, awkwardly, snickering.  ::)
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

em power emotes all over everyone. Boom. Headshot.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

The gigantic-muscled, knuckle-headed half-giant hits you with his titantic-sized white-steel greathammer so hard, you shit your own organs before exploding into a thousand gibblets.

A good guideline is what I am going to refer to as the Comfort Rule.

If you are in a situation with someone who is comfortable with you and around you, you have a lot more freedom to do things than you would around a stranger.  If someone is used to, or comfortable with, you touching them, then go ahead and pat them on the shoulder, or the face, or tackle them playfully (or even use it to begin an assassination attempt if you're wanting to.) 

If you are in a situation with someone who is neutral to you, then keep it to casual contact.  Pat them on the shoulder?  Sure.  Reach out and tweak a nipple or pinch a cheek?  No, turn that into an 'attempt' to or a 'tries to' and let the other player react to it as they wish to.  If they're a superhyperninjafoo then they'll most likely let you know.  If they think their character clumsy, or if they think the character wouldn't notice the attempt until it is too late, then they'll most likely be a better judge of whatever it is landing than you are.

If you are in a situation with someone who is uncomfortable, aggressive, or angry towards you, do not power emote.  Do not touch, tickle, taunt, tackle, or toesmash.  Do not apply yourself physically to them in any way without waiting for a response after an attempt UNLESS there is a coded way to prove you would land whatever it is first.  They would resist you if there is an attempt.  Use an attempt-style emote for these kinds of things.  Do not just automatically assume that whatever you try to do will have the result you desire.

If you are in a barfight and you land a blow, feel free to follow it up with a more descriptive emote of whatever it was that just happened.  Barfight results can give you a coded descriptor that says you hurl someone into a table, or against a wall, or bash them over the head with a chair or a bottle or something.  Feel free to follow that up with a more embellished emote to describe exactly what you just did.

Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

However, don't be that guy who gets a successful hit message in a barfight, and then rips out a long emote about picking up your opponent, smashing him through a table, slowly breaking his fingers, and then attempting to cut his throat with a knife.

I've seen it, and I've experienced it, and it's really frustrating because your choices are... ignore someone else's RP and the game world, or accept it and file (or don't file) a player complaint later.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.