Avoiding PCs in favor of survival?

Started by Creslin, June 21, 2012, 06:18:51 PM

June 21, 2012, 06:18:51 PM Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 06:21:34 PM by Creslin
I've had some instances where I've been in a lawless place, either out in the wild or otherwise, and I'm "watch"ing the most common entry point to my location.

Then I see one of the following:

  • A PC moves in a straight line to my location, stops one room before me, draws their weapons and then moves into the room I'm in.
  • A group of 2 or 3 mounted PCs move in a straight line to my location, stop one room before me, draw their weapons and then move into the room I'm in.
  • A PC moves into the room I'm in and without a word/emote/action draws their weapons.
  • A PC moves in a straight line to my location, "shout"s telling me to stay where I am, then draws their weapon and moves into the room I'm in.

My character, like most in Zalanthas, places survival above all else. I find myself running into situations like this ALL the time. You have 3 options. Draw your weapons and prepare to fight, stick around and wait in the unlikely event they just want to "talk", or run.

I'm new to the game and my character is fairly new. As such, I usually choose option 3: Run.

Here's a good real world comparison. You're walking down an empty street in a bad neighborhood in the middle of the night. Suddenly you see a stranger across the street. He pulls out a knife and starts walking towards you. Do you really stick around and see if he wants to talk?

What are your opinions on these types of situations? As I prioritize my survival, I don't take chances when people draw weapons and approach me when I'm all alone out in the desert.

Is this bad RP? Am I really expected to stick around and see if these strangers brandishing weapons and heading straight for me want to talk?

How do you guys handle these types of situations?

No it's not bad RP if it's something your character would do.

In these sorts of situations I always stick around though. Because they are either awesome scenes about to happen, or boring scenes. Very few times have they turned into someone insta-raping you before you can draw a weapon. If you play along you probably aren't going to die. Unless if you're doing something you shouldn't be.

I always freeze, because if they're in the room with me, I assume that means they are close enough to initiate violence upon my person. And if someone is confident enough, or bluffing that they're confident enough, to tell you to freeze, it can be assumed that they'll whomp you pretty hard in the event that you try to resist. Think of it like you deciding that running away from that mugger when he's about a step away from you, and instead of a pen-knife he has a 3 foot long sword and he can cleave you in two with a couple of good swings of it.

Also, there's always having to account for roleplay. This might be one of their only scarce opportunities to roleplay. About 85% of the time, when a raided PC goes along with their raider's wishes and doesn't do twink stuff (running off without an emote, looking at them, contacting their friends to come help them, getting buck and thinking they're tough shit), then it's a pretty good indication that you're going to survive. And a lot of the time, the raiders will leave you with enough to at least not die on the way back to civilization.

I depends on my character. Some may stay some may bolt. I think it's kind of weak to make all of your characters either one way or the other. It should depend on the character.

Hrmm... maybe I'll start sticking around during some of these situations. But to be honest, with my current character if there are 3+ people drawing weapons and approaching he would not stick around.  :-[

I'll take a try at sticking around if it's just one character approaching to see how it pans out... I never really thought about it until now, but those single PCs drawing a weapon and approaching me are probably just as concerned about me as I am them, hence drawing a weapon to protect themselves in case shit goes south...  

Quote from: Creslin on June 21, 2012, 06:35:54 PM
I never really thought about it until now, but those single PCs drawing a weapon and approaching me are probably just as concerned about me as I am them, hence drawing a weapon to protect themselves in case shit goes south...


Why aren't their weapons already drawn if they're in a lawless area? Newbs.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Quote from: Majikal on June 21, 2012, 07:34:45 PM
Why aren't their weapons already drawn if they're in a lawless area? Newbs.

Could be badasses.

"hey that guy doesn't have his weapons out he MUST be a magicker."


On a more serious note, avoiding people is totally fine, as long as it's in line with your PC concept.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
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Quote from: Majikal on June 21, 2012, 07:34:45 PM
Why aren't their weapons already drawn if they're in a lawless area? Newbs.

I'm going to admit, this was something that I thought while reading the op.

I think that not sticking around if my character wouldn't is perfectly valid RP.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

No one wants to die...Unless they personally know your character, and KNOW they can kill, beat, rob etc etc...Then there bringing there weapons out anyways due to self preservation..They don't know you , you don't know them..I would think weapons would be drawn on both sides.

Dislike it when people flee when my characters approach because it's great to RP with folks and there is a lot of fun tension in not knowing what comes next.
That said - some of my characters avoid others, some don't.
Rarely have I been nailed for hanging out and waiting.  Once they see you are up for some RP, they give it to you.  Even if they rob you after.

Depends how tall they are ...

... what your character would do ...

... and how much fun you want to have.

Most people will get their weapons out for self-defense regardless of intent.  However not everyone is good enough to have them drawn everywhere they go, or they might need their hands for other things. ;)

If you want to cut and run from a PC I'd advise taking off before they reach your room, or making sure to interaction out the taking off - once they reach your room they might be setting up an emote/talk/etc and get a bit more irritated at someone immediately scampering. Still probably better than waiting 4 seconds then taking off. Just musing on it.

Why are we assuming all the PCs that are finding him out in the middle of nowhere (or wherever) are raiders? The OP likely hasn't realized that visible regalia/clothing/livery might make a difference... Though there is still the question of why people have to draw weapons if they're already out in a dangerous area... I know my hunter/byn pcs always had weapon(s)/shield out when they were riding outside a city. Usually we would announce our presence before coming upon another group with a shout, but sometimes not, as we rode through....
Like a lithium flower, about to bloom.

June 22, 2012, 11:04:10 AM #14 Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 04:38:14 PM by Creslin
Quote from: Creslin on June 21, 2012, 06:35:54 PM
Hrmm... maybe I'll start sticking around during some of these situations. But to be honest, with my current character if there are 3+ people drawing weapons and approaching he would not stick around.  :-[

I  had some interesting interactions last night. Now that I'm making an effort to stick around more often than not I'm getting some more RP opportunities...  ;)

Even with PC's I've played in the past that are more aggressor oppurtunists, I've -always- roleplayed out before taking any action. If they ran...well, then they got the heavy end of my whompin' stick....if they stayed. I'd pick something shiny and say "Here's your choice, that or the hard way?"

On the other side of it, if I have a PC who isn't able to handle himself in the wastes. I generally do not just hang around areas of heavy traffic or places where rumors have been heard that raiders are present. If I have a chance to book it without them seeing me book it, I will. Otherwise they very well could just track your ass down and make your life hell.

*Being in a House or a specific peaceful unit I will announce who I am and also say, "Just passin' through!" if its a wide open room or "Coming in!" if it's a cave or building.
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

For me to seems more to be a decision of the atmosphere produced when the two are aware of each other. I usually follow that. The usual reaction of my pc plays in but to a lesser degree.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

It is an unfortunate part of the game. And it gets worse the more taboo your role is.

Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Because the game world is harsh.  But what, losing is fun, right?
i love being a nobles health points

Also remember, if they are raiders, most raiders are in it for the RP...people that insta run or always run annoy them...odds are, if you saw them coming they WANTED you to see them coming.

People who insta-run eventually will not see them coming, just a "Something hard strikes you on the head...your vision goes black"
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: X-D on June 22, 2012, 10:04:06 PM
Also remember, if they are raiders, most raiders are in it for the RP...

You know, that is a truth.

Most of the times where I've been in the position described above, the "raiders" turned out to be the same thing my character was: just some grebber trying to make some 'sid.  Half the time we'd just exchange information.  The other half I'd give up something valuable or share some water and that was that.  It was a rare thing actualy having someone run in and start attacking without an emote or word.

The last time I had that happen to me, my raider found out I had a 30+ days played elkran.  It wasn't pleasant for them.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

Quote from: DustMight on June 22, 2012, 10:14:29 PM
Quote from: X-D on June 22, 2012, 10:04:06 PM
Also remember, if they are raiders, most raiders are in it for the RP...

You know, that is a truth.
Czar of City Elves.

I haven't been in too many super dangerous PC situations.. any thing I have encountered, I try and play it out a bit, depending on character of course, I mean, They don't know if I'm stacked with AI's and master of weapons or not  ;) Also, depends if I've got enough stamina to flee..

..Always run if it's IC or if you know IC that this is not a fight you want to be in, I suppose.

Me, blinks, looking at your drawn weapons
Me says to you, scowling, Get the fuck out of here, what are you going to do with that?
Me glares at you, my hand brushing against (whatever weapon I'm holding)
Me says ..Is there a problem here?
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

I try to give most people the benefit of the doubt, not everyone is out to kill me.
Though there be no squids to slay,
My spear will taste blood today!