Amusing moments

Started by JollyGreenGiant, June 22, 2003, 01:06:13 AM

Quote from: "The Lonely Hunter"
QuoteThe uber-newbie dwarf ninja-flips over you, landing with the grace and elegance of a ballet-dancer.

A similar situation happoned to me.
I was a templar and had cornered this guy and was tryen to RP it out when he suddenly jumps onto a wall, runs part of the way up it, and flips over mine and my soldiers heads, slapping them as he goes, and runs away.

Hey! That was my old whiran/acrobat dwarf!

. . .

Ok. I'm lying.

Once, a long while ago, my friends and I were playing during one of those major RPTs. By major I mean I've never seen as many people on before or since. The events that transpired on that day left a mark on the timeline if you look at the history page.

This is not a story about those events. They just happened to occur while important things were happening. Elsewhere.

So my friends and I had just made 4 elves, and had decided to only play together. Our own little desert tribe. We were real pleased with ourselves. With all of our funds, we had a tent right off. All of us together, we felt we could take anything. But we'd only played maybe 5 hours.

So we're out in the desert, hunting. Other hunters left us alone. I wouldn't mess with 4 tall figures in sandcloth cloaks. Not without knowing more about them. We hunt some scrab. We get attacked by gith. We do pretty well for ourselves. We move along, exploring the desert.

So we get tired, and camp. Everyone else goes to sleep, and I stay awake just in case. Everythings going great.

All of a sudden, the tent collapses. A pair of braxat are ripping into my companions. They are all asleep and prone, so one or two hits is all it takes. I'm awake, so I manage to stand, get pummeled, and flee like a madman accross the dunes. I run until I can't anymore. Then I stop and rest, and try to figure out where I am.

I made it, they hadn't followed me. Whether they were too busy mauling my friends or what, I don't know. I figure, wow, that was close. But I can make it back to town from here. Look, there's the north road.

So after I finish resting, I start heading down the road. Guess what? I run into a carru. It mauls me. Hard. I manage to run past, but I'm at less than 10 health, and bleeding. I run past a pair of elves, and a few rooms later, I'm at the gates to the outpost. I think, yeah, I'm safe.

The gates are closed. I collapse into unconciousness.

A few minutes pass. I watch my hit points fall down into the negative. I watch them crawl back up to positive. I watch them climb to about half life. I still can't wake up. Then, I see my hit points drop. Just a little. They go back up. They drop a little. They drop a little more. I finally wake up, and these two elves are there. They're just lazily kicking me. In no hurry to finish me off, they hadn't even drawn weapons.

I jump up, and run. I still don't have a lot of stamina, so I make it only as far as the other gate. Still closed. I try to hide. I wait. Elf strolls up, and finally draws a dagger, and sticks it in me. I die.

I want to say it was the most humorous death I've ever had. To survive through all that, to be kicked to death right in front of the gates.

I've got a better one. To go through a 8v8 PC bloodbath involving magick and weird stuff with a 2day warrior, racking up 3 kills and only losing 2 hp, to running around the center of the city, fighting off guards to finally work off the crimtimer, to get killed in a bar in an NPC instakill.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

These aren't as good as some of those...

This one's from the logs, a PC I played loooong ago:

> :glances to his left, picking up ~red before returning his attention back to ~kroz.

The hunch-backed, bald man glances to his left, picking up the dark-red tanned, robust
man before returning his attention back to the rangy, ashen-skinned man.

> :blinks, then releases his grasp on ~red.

The hunch-backed, bald man blinks, then releases his grasp on the dark-red tanned, robust man.

Same PC (And I know the newb who did this always hates it when I bring it up):

The disgruntled newbie warrior walks into the Gaj and craps on the hunch-backed, bald man.

I took the typos, they made it better.  Also, he didn't even take off his pants!

This one is second-hand from an ex-immortal, but my same PC was involved in the events afterward:

Everyone was gearing up for a small skirmish near Tuluk, when...

Imm-controlled NPC tries to remove his pants, but his inventory is full.

Imm-controlled NPC says, in sirihish "I can't take off my pants!  Abort mission!"

I bugged an NPC that wasn't wearing pants and I got a send from someone:

"Adios Pantalones!"


I had bought an erdlu in one city to ride out for fear of my safety.  I bought it from the templar and was forced to hop on it, as always happens.  From there I galloped north until the erdlu got pooped.  I hopped off and let it rest for a bit.  Imagine my surprise when it said I was too heavy for the erdlu when I tried to hop on again.  I wished up about it, hoping for at least a temporary boost in carrying weight for the erdlu and then I would sort it out when I arrived at my destination.

Imagine my surprise when:

An erdlu gets up and rises to its feet.

An erdlu looks at you.

An erdlu says to you, in sirhish:
    "This would be a lot easier if you weren't so fat."


The anonymous staff member tries to get some water.
The knobby, grey-tufted man says, in sirihish:
    "It requires 82 coins to fill that up, which you do not have.  You are too poor to drink.  Go away."

After a couple of hidden emotes in the tavern:

>The long-haired, middle-aged bartender intently scans the area.

>A human Tuluki soldier intently scans the area.

>A human Tuluki soldier peers at someone.

>The anonymous patron says, out of character:
    "Oh my god, the imms are twinking."

>You say, out of character:
some of my posts are serious stuff

At your table, you say in sirihish, shaking her head:
    "Nope.. guards got her down and knocked her out.. the dude gave her a good hit to the head, she was done for.."

Oh my goodness! I said 'DUDE' IG! *smack*  :roll:
he love that you have found is the love that you can never find, because it's the love that is never able to be found.

holy SHIT CRW that's hilarious!  whatever staffer did that..   :lol:
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

A staff member sends:
    "Do you want to get a scar?"

You send this message to the staff:
    "Yes, please!"

A staff member sends:
    "Hold still"

The Mar-shaped person sits down, waiting while the anonymous staffmember picks a big, BIG sword.