Amusing moments

Started by JollyGreenGiant, June 22, 2003, 01:06:13 AM

I thought I'd start a thread where people could post things they found amusing in the game... a funny conversation, a bit of code that came out funny, humorous typos, that sort of thing.  I was inspired by this...

> sit at 1

>You sit down on several log benches.

...riiiight.  And when I sit around the house, I sit around the house...
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

I don't remember the NPCs sdesc, but there's a "morbidly obese" human NPC in one of the taverns.   One time for kicks I assessed him with my (petite) human PC, and got "He is about the same weight as you."    :shock:
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Well... There was this one time... Wait no... Ooh... But this one time at ... No that didn't happen either... Hmmm...

My favorite things are where other players have just screwed up... Or I screw up. Rather with mixing commands, ldesc screw ups... Doubling up comands with emote blah blah blah kick fatlardass;flee and it shows up that way or something. Hmm... Yeah... Never mind.

21sters Unite!

My favorite amusing moments are emote direction screwups.

Trying to sniff the contents of a bottle and sniffing the contents of a character instead.. going to stick your hands in your cloak's pockets and sticking your hands in the figure in a hooded cloak instead.. :P

I remember one time I was out with a group and the leader emoting shifting in her saddle.  At least that's what I think she meant, she left the "f" out of "shift".  :twisted:

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Trying to emote circling a tembo your fighting and end up having it come out like this:
The crazy-eyed, fat-assed dwarf circles his tembo skull helmet attacking it.

Heh, something like that.

Oops, that was me.  :oops:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

It was the first time I saw someone 'wield' a baby item.

(So and so) brandishes a (something-eyed something) baby in both hands.

It was a hilarious moment... though all the OOC agreeance at its hilarity was a bit extreme. It was like OOC: ROFL, then another person OOC: that was funny, etc etc.

but yeah, it was fun :)

I recall a scenario that saw a character constantly attacking mine by mistake while a group of us were out hunting.  The character and mine ended up running out of endurance in the same room just as she attacked me again by mistake.  

However, nobody knew the two characters were both out of endurance, and neither of us knew it about the other, so everybody started yelling.  Our leader started yelling at the both of us, my character started yelling at the other, and the other started yelling at mine.  All the while, we were fighting with combat weapons and my character was slaughtering the other, both of us completely unable to stop or flee.  Finally, I figured out the other character was out of endurance as well, and so did the leader, at which point he had to jump in for the other character just barely before it was killed, and then flee to put an end to the fighting.

That was one of the funnier moments.  That, and whenever a large slug would come out of the cesspool in one of the Byn Latrines and almost kill somebody in there doing their business, not to mention scare the crap out of them, irony of ironies.  Alfred Hitchcock once explained that he figured out how to kill anybody anywhere, except while on the toilet - it seems both Pulp Fiction, and Arm, have figured out what he could not.

QuoteFinally, I figured out the other character was out of endurance as well, and so did the leader, at which point he had to jump in for the other character just barely before it was killed, and then flee to put an end to the fighting.

Yes, that was very funny, but imagine being the leader who knew that the two fighting had some ic reason to be doing so then coming in and having both people ask him for help.

I really did think about seeing who was going to come out on top.

I saw someone emote "so-and-so sits at the bar idling". I know some people like emoting everything, but it was the first time I've seen someone emote idling  :lol:

The poor woman begins to carefully work with the startled man.
The poor woman OOCs: oops!
The startled man OOCs: OOooo!
The poor woman OOCs: Thank god no one else saw that emote. Imagine the jokes.
The startled man OOCs: *snicker*

Yeah, someone else saw it!

Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quoteskin body
You cut off a large hunk of meat from the headless body of an insect-like scrab.
You cut off a large hunk of meat from the headless body of an insect-like scrab.
You lop the head from the carcass.

How many heads did that scrab have?  :)

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Funniest thing?

The woman stops using the baby.

Now that was rather...odd.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Taken from the woman's point of view.  I led the man into a dark room...

Letting out a melodramatic, girlish screech as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, you exclaim to the man, in sirihish:

The man peers down at the floor.

One of the woman's hands flails toward a shadowy figure in the southeastern corner of the dark room.

The woman waits until the man is distracted and dips a hand to her pocket, secreting a small item to lob at his back.

You hold the spider.

You take aim at your target...

You throw a stone spider at the man.

The man leans into the dark room, lighting the area with his torch but jumps as his back is struck.

Squealing and hopping away from him to the corner of the room, you exclaim to the man, in sirihish:
    "It's on you!"

The man leans forward, squinting at a stone spider and lowering his burning large wooden torch to illuminate it.

The man picks up a stone spider.

The man chuckles, grinning to you as he holds up his stone spider.

Hesitantly creeping forward and glancing from the figurine to him with innocence, you say to the man, in sirihish:
    "Well, that doesn't look too terrifying..."

As he tosses his stone spider back towards you, the man says to you, in sirihish:
    "Very clever."

The ability to throw non-weapon items is so underused.

Okay, I've posted this one before, but it's the best typo I've ever seen something do.

This guy was emoting that he was ducking out of the building. Now imagine the substitution of f for d....

Heh heh. I still laugh about it.
laloc may be permadorked, but I am the Permadork!

The asskicking half-giant strips the unconsious wretch of his clothing.

The naked, unconsious wretch lies there, doing not so much.

The angry, constipated templar has arrived from the north, frowning.

The angry, constipated templar snarls and says, in sirihish:
       "What is going on here? And why is that man naked?"

You think to yourself: Holy shit....

Fidgeting, you bow to the templar and say, in sirihish:
       "I caught him with his hand in my pants..."

The asskicking half-giant looks startled, shaking his head and edging back from the angry, constipated templar.

(Some things were changed to protect IC sensitive info, but that was pretty much how it went. *shiver*)
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

more than once, I've hit k <keyword> instead of l <keyword> so instead of innocently looking someone over, I'm randomly kissing people... How frustrating...

THis was a mess up in and emote.
 emote grabbing both ends of ~facewrap, @ ties ~facewrap around the back of his head
You see... Grabbing both ends of you, the smelly old man ties you around the back of his head...It's kina funny to see yourself getting tied around someone's head :D
oy what the fonk you want? Big Worm

Confiding in people on Zalanthas is always dangerous, but one typo could have turned it deadly...Trying to whisper:

hi man They were lovers.
You're now wanted!
You nick the man's neck with your hit.
The man swiftly dodges your hit.

The human soldier slashes your foot, nicking you.
The human soldier pierces you, barely grazing your body.
The man hits at you, but you dodge out of the way.
The man hits at you, but you dodge out of the way.


The man hits at you, but you dodge out of the way.
The man hits at you, but you dodge out of the way.

The man backs up quickly.

You flee, heading west.

The human soldier has arrived from the east.
The human soldier hastily drops a jade-emblazoned, obsidian shortsword.
The human soldier hastily drops a jade-emblazoned, obsidian longsword.
The human soldier subdues you, despite your attempts to struggle away.
The human soldier shouts, in sirihish:
    "Militia! A criminal, here!"

The human soldier walks west, dragging you behind him.

It was far from amusing at the time, but afterwards it made a great memory. I sat in the jail for the alotted time, fearing for my character's life both ic and ooc.

Oh, did I forget to tell about the Templar? Good..that would be IC. ;)
f time conversions are giving you a head-ache, visit:

Changed for IC info ;)

The woman looks towards the window

:think perfect. Now I just slip the poison in while she isn't looking
The man think perfect. Now I just slip the poin in while she isn't looking.

A squinty-eyed half elf slouches here, watching pedestrians go by.
A squinty-eyed half giant stands idly among the crowds.

laloc Wrote
Trust, I think, is the most fundamental tool which allows us to play this game. Without trust, we may as well just be playing a Hack and Slash, and repopping in Midgaard after slaying a bunch of Smurfs.

So we were standing on some high place. There we were. Chatting away. And they were all following me. So, when I forgot we were standing on a high place, and walked off of it and fell, they all fell too. There were bodies everywhere. And I was laughing too hard to type.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

I once spent few minutes trying to steal a tattoo off a man's head.  He was knocked out, so I thought I'd help myself to what I thought was a fancy hat.  

After trying all the keywords on what I thought was an object, I finally just looked at it and couldn't stop laughing at myself.  Truely a classic moment I won't soon forget.