Zalanthan attractiveness

Started by SMuz, April 14, 2009, 05:31:59 AM

What's considered attractive to Zalanthans?

I've always RPed an ability to fight as being attractive for both sexes - i.e. a muscular redhead would be more attractive to my char than a skinny, catwalk blonde. Bonus points if she can lift a big-ass sword. And magick would be downright disgusting, something along the lines of a hot female with leprosy. Fatness seems kinda iffy - in ancient world civs, fat people were considered attractive for being rich, but in Zalanthas, it seems like they'd sweat themselves to death and won't be able to outrun a gortok.. but they'd survive longer without food.

Also, how much are Zalanthans willing to accept ugliness, like rotten teeth, multiple scab wounds, flaky skin, bald patches?

What about non-humans? Male humans regardless of culture seem to like curvaceous. And breasts for some strange reason (apparently other animals don't care that much about mammaries). Female humans tend to be more attracted to strength or cuddliness.

Elves? Maybe the ability to run? Skinny bodies and strong legs? Would masses of muscle actually be unattractive to an elf? Do elves have like a fetish for long ears, necks, or feet, the way humans like tits? I'd certainly assume that they'd respect thieving ability more - elves who could steal well are the equivalent of celebrities.

Half-elves would have something of the type of both humans and elves?

Dwarves? I'd assume they go for thickness and shortness. Being short would probably give them better balance or something. So would a male dwarf consider a woman made of muscle (ew) as highly attractive, regardless of race? Maybe they'd even develop crushes on more focused, more ambitious types?

Do halflings go for cuteness and big eyes? Chibi types?

Half-giants would probably be something like dwarves I suppose, but with a preference for muscle and height. And kindhearted, family types, I'd assume.

Finally - muls. Since they're sterile, are they attracted to anything at all? If they were, it'd probably be something of a mix between human and dwarf fetishes, then? Big breasted warrior females or something. Heh, probably half-giants.

Sometimes I think too much :P
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

I find that in Zalanthas, with a lack of celebrity obsession, forms of 'beauty' take many shapes.

I think depending on the culture -- Strength, physical prowess, ability in battle, might be considered attractive traits. In Tuluk, being an intellectual, or smarmy, or awkward might be attractive.

I think that the 'outside' matters less to a planet of sand and heat, blood, sweat, and tears. I think in a land as destitute as Zalanthas, in whatever form it comes, people would just want to fuck like crazy and not think about tomorrow. I don't think they would care if you were missing a few teeth, had a horn sticking out of your ass, or whatever else you can think of. Physical beauty would be looked past, for what is apparent on the surface just beneath. The way people talk, what they say, what they like, what they don't like.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

I second Reiloth. Pretty much what I was going to say. Though there is a touch of 'celebrity obsession' in noble culture, which can be seen in commoners wearing silks, make-up etc.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

I think in Allanak, gladiators should be sex icons.

In Tuluk.... maybe skilled criminals or bards?

Just a thought.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

All of these are good ideas. In the end it comes down to what a specific character would like (just like IRL there are normal people, and there are the weird ones).

Quote from: SMuz on April 14, 2009, 05:31:59 AM
Finally - muls. Since they're sterile, are they attracted to anything at all? If they were, it'd probably be something of a mix between human and dwarf fetishes, then? Big breasted warrior females or something. Heh, probably half-giants.

I believe muls, if free, would be attracted to whatever their bond mate was in captivity.  And you have to think, some championship
gladiators would have luxuries granted by their owners, including bond mates that might be some of the healthiest, sturdiest female/male
humans or dwarves in Allanak/Tuluk.

The really fucked up thing for free muls is that, naturally, these advances, if a freed slave ever managed to get his shit together long
enough to even make them, would typically be rejected on account of the aura of fear and danger surrounding these sometimes
monstrous (in most's eyes) and horribly mangled (because of gladitorial bouts) people.  This might serve to further drive a freed mul
into anguish and rage, for what he once had is no longer available to him unless he takes it or buys it.

It would be like losing the same girlfriend from the time you're five until freedom, and undoubtably the mul would have a hard time
getting over this.  I'd speculate that many cases of mulish rages and escape attempts would be the result of something happening
to their bond mate or them being separated from them for whatever reason.

They would definitely feel attraction, though, because sterility doesn't equate to a decreased libido (does it?).  Also, you have to
remember that they are half human and would possess emotions and deserves natural in both dwarves and humans.  Now, if the
mul was a eunuch for some reason, like the Unsulllied Ones from George R R Martin's books, then physical attraction might not be
as big of a deal.

Grin, I don't think muls would be anywhere closely attracted to half-giants.

Fact: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Dwarves won't find some hairy human or scrawny elf attractive.  Humans wouldn't (or shouldn't!) be attracted to stumpy dwarves, mudblood halfbreeds, or elves-- they call them skinnies for a reason.  Among races ass far as for hair and eye color, body shape, and the like go, it's all a matter of personal preference.  This is why we ask that people not use subjective descriptors (like pretty, ugly, handsome, homely, comely, etc) in descriptions or emotes.  What one person finds attractive isn't necessarily attractive to the next.

Opinion: Regionwise, fair hair and skin would be much more attractive in Tuluk than in Allanak, IMO.  Lighter coloration is much more prevalent in the north tan the south, so I think at best in Allanak it would be considered somewhat exotic.  (Or heathenistic, perhaps.)  Among the high society, a well-fed physique would be more attractive than a malnourished one, I would imagine.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

Quote from: Niamh on April 14, 2009, 11:18:48 AM
Fact: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Dwarves won't find some hairy human or scrawny elf attractive.  Humans wouldn't (or shouldn't!) be attracted to stumpy dwarves, mudblood halfbreeds, or elves-- they call them skinnies for a reason.  Among races ass far as for hair and eye color, body shape, and the like go, it's all a matter of personal preference.  This is why we ask that people not use subjective descriptors (like pretty, ugly, handsome, homely, comely, etc) in descriptions or emotes.  What one person finds attractive isn't necessarily attractive to the next.

Opinion: Regionwise, fair hair and skin would be much more attractive in Tuluk than in Allanak, IMO.  Lighter coloration is much more prevalent in the north tan the south, so I think at best in Allanak it would be considered somewhat exotic.  (Or heathenistic, perhaps.)  Among the high society, a well-fed physique would be more attractive than a malnourished one, I would imagine.

Is it alright to play PCs with strange, fetishistic attractions to those of other races? I've considered doing this with a few of my PCs, though I'm well aware its nowhere near the norm on Zalanthas.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

I feel this way:

The average Zalanthan, by American standards, is underfed, malnourished, unwashed, uneducated, and living in a world without indoor plumbing or electricity, or body lotion, or shampoo. That's "average." Anything better than that, would be attractive. However...

if you make an "average commoner character" exceptional by those standards, then expect to be treated as an anomaly. There's lots of room for deviation from the norm. But when you get into the anime perfectly round perky big-titted shapely flawlessly pale skinned shiny luxurious tressed manicured fingernailed, perfect except for a tiny dot on your chin..then you sort of have to expect people to assume you're a concubine, or raised in luxury. If you aren't a concubine and weren't raised in luxury, then expect people to be suspicious.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on April 14, 2009, 04:28:04 PMA bunch of stuff I agree with.

In response to jcljules:
Yes, it is okay to play someone with freaky disgusting fetishes.  But fully expect your character to be shunned, ridiculed, berated, abused, beaten etc etc etc by everyone else that finds out about your dirty secret.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

So, when a human does it with an elf and makes a half-elf baby, it was a result of a disgusting fetish?
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: SMuz on April 14, 2009, 11:44:47 PM
So, when a human does it with an elf and makes a half-elf baby, it was a result of a disgusting fetish?

If you consider rape a disgusting fetish.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Quote from: Reiloth on April 14, 2009, 11:45:41 PM
Quote from: SMuz on April 14, 2009, 11:44:47 PM
So, when a human does it with an elf and makes a half-elf baby, it was a result of a disgusting fetish?

If you consider rape a disgusting fetish.

It probably is, yes. :x
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

No, I mean, the human wouldn't rape the elf at all if there wasn't some kind of attraction. It's like.. raping an ostrich. Ew, that is disgusting.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: Maso on April 14, 2009, 11:59:25 PM
Quote from: Reiloth on April 14, 2009, 11:45:41 PM
Quote from: SMuz on April 14, 2009, 11:44:47 PM
So, when a human does it with an elf and makes a half-elf baby, it was a result of a disgusting fetish?

If you consider rape a disgusting fetish.

It probably is, yes. :x

Its a twoofer. You're a rapist -and- you rape disgusting elves.

Quote from: Niamh on April 14, 2009, 07:18:00 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on April 14, 2009, 04:28:04 PMA bunch of stuff I agree with.

In response to jcljules:
Yes, it is okay to play someone with freaky disgusting fetishes.  But fully expect your character to be shunned, ridiculed, berated, abused, beaten etc etc etc by everyone else that finds out about your dirty secret.

Of course, that's the fun in playing out the freaky disgusting fetish. Well... for those of us who don't actually want to RP the mudsex.
I swear.  :-[
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.


Oddly enough the characters I find least attractive are those designed to be "most attractive" in-game.

There was a craze awhile back for pale-skinned and honey-haired, short and skinny. Which at the time the joke was made that they were sun-fearing, green-haired midgets that were too weak to live. This was an OOC joke of course, playing on the concept that in-game honey is green.

I dont find the waifish, slender, ritzy-high-class girls attractive, or fun to be around in real-life, or in the game.

One of my favorite PCs in the game, I think was played by Tortall in the Byn some time ago. She would get drunk and dance on the bar, was fairly strong, could hang with the guys, but was also distinctly feminine.

Rugged beauty, like some of the gypsies I've seen is attractive.

There is more, I just can't think right now.

Quote from: Ramblingman on April 15, 2009, 12:23:18 AM
Oddly enough the characters I find least attractive are those designed to be "most attractive" in-game.
Quote from: manonfire on November 04, 2013, 08:11:36 AM
The secret to great RP is having the balls to be weird and the brains to make it eloquent.

Quote from: jcljules on April 15, 2009, 12:05:26 AM
Its a twoofer. You're a rapist -and- you rape disgusting elves.

I hate to be the one to say this, but, culturally, the former subject of disapprobation is probably considered rather less important in the specific context of the latter.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

I think some realism is sacrificed for the sake of playability. The fact that some people have "perfectly straight, bright-white teeth" is unrealistic... yet some people do it. I just make a habit of avoiding certain areas. I don't talk about my character's smell, teeth, etc. Just like I don't roleplay going to the bathroom.

Everything played realistically, the average person would have rotten teeth, smell really bad, have dirty hair, and any of a number of other problems. They would be generally tan with calloused hands and feet. Likely be malnourished. Scrawny. If they didn't wear protective clothing they'd be blistered and sun-burned.

The fact that the actual game doesn't stick to the documentation has people creating different character concepts.

I've never had a character worry about food or water. Not even have it enter his mind as a concern. Yet food and water are supposed to be extremely scare. Diseases would be more prevalent with the lack of proper sanitation, food storage/preparation, etc. The sun is blistering hot... with temperatures more than in the deserts of our world... yet people are frequently outside in nothing more than a loincloth.

QuoteThe life of an Allanaki citizen is one of strife--expensive and degenerate living conditions, a nearly omnipotent ruler and His Templars watching your every move, and no place to hide except the burning wastelands outside the city gates.

These types of things should be considered when discussing attractiveness. If -survivability- is one of the key driving factors behind society, than those things will be considered attractive by the people. Strength, ability to bear children, provide/defend, etc.  For females, large breasts and hips are a sign of a healthy mother on an instinctual basis.   If one does not have surviving, or their progeny surviving, as a main concern, then they can lapse into the lust-attractions.

April 15, 2009, 01:19:34 PM #19 Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 01:29:56 PM by Armaddict
QuoteFact: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Dwarves won't find some hairy human or scrawny elf attractive.  Humans wouldn't (or shouldn't!) be attracted to stumpy dwarves, mudblood halfbreeds, or elves-- they call them skinnies for a reason.  Among races ass far as for hair and eye color, body shape, and the like go, it's all a matter of personal preference.

Statements conflicting.  Though you could say it as a general rule, like documentation is meant to be.  In which case we'll have some muls and half-elves everywhere in no time!

Edited to add:  And the latter part of that, by the way, is supposed to be very tongue-in-cheek, not serious.  XD
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I do like the insightful comments in this thread :)

I don't think being good looking is all that unlikely. People have an ability to adapt very well to their environment.

True story.. I'm born in the hot, humid climate of seaside Borneo. I'm used to living at a minimum of 32 C with plenty of humidity. When I came to Sydney, it was 12 C and the air was so dry that I coughed and wheezed for 2 weeks. My skin got all flaky and I'd spend half an hour in the shower just to get the humidity back. But after a few months, I think my skin started producing more oil or something, and it's no longer as ugly as it used to be. Heck, it's back to normal. And I have plenty of time in the sun without protection; but I took enough time to adapt to it that it doesn't affect my appearance at all anymore. I don't use beauty products either. And even with a lot of exposure to the sun, I still maintain quite a fair complexion.

And I have met a lot of tribals and poor people in my life, some who are so destitute that toothbrushes and showers are a luxury, and I find quite a lot of them quite attractive. Except maybe teeth. Tooth quality seems consistent with living quality.

But yeah, there is something about the ritzy girls which I don't like. The most attractive character I felt as a player was this rather boyish ranger who would cover herself a lot with a thick cloak. Hot sdesc, but I really liked how she was a real character who could handle herself in a fight and actually took a great deal of effort to clean herself up and look pretty after bashing a gortok's head in. Actually, as a player, I seem to be more attracted to well-developed characters.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: SMuz on April 15, 2009, 01:40:59 PM

And I have met a lot of tribals and poor people in my life, some who are so destitute that toothbrushes and showers are a luxury, and I find quite a lot of them quite attractive. Except maybe teeth. Tooth quality seems consistent with living quality.

I would argue that your average Nakki commoner should look like hell. Tribals are another matter. Extreme poverty in a repressive, urban state is going to leave a much different mark on someone than the challenges of survival in a more egalitarian society, even one pressed for resources. Tribals are theoretically going to be adapted to their environment, it's the cities that have cesspools and rampant diseases.

Furthermore, the tooth decay issue:  Through studies of recovered jaw fragments and teeth it's been established that the shift to agrarian lifestyles corresponded with a dramatic decline in the health of teeth.  Basically as societies move to more homogeneous diets dominated by complex sugars and well pounded grains, people consume more natural sugars that erode tooth enamel and less gritty, tough things that would clean teeth.

It's not unlike domesticated dogs... in the wild they eat all kinds of crap that scrape their teeth free, in captivity they live off of kibbles and their teeth fall out.

In short?  I've always played my poor city dwellers as filthy, uncultured and disgusting. I play my tribals as alien, but much healthier and cleaner. (Unless the docs demand otherwise.)

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Attractiveness in this game at least seems directly related to the player of that pc :)

You can be the ugliest bastard around and people will clamor to get in your pants. A certain "charred steak" of a diminutive female comes to mind.
<Morgenes> Dunno if it's ever been advertised, but we use Runequest as a lot of our inspiration, and that will be continued in Arm 2
<H&H> I can't take that seriously.
<Morgenes> sorry HnH, can't take what seriously?
<H&H>Oh, I read Runescape. Nevermin

Really depends on the PC I'm playing how they judge beauty.  One looked to prowess as attractive, primarily physical, but even mental prowess caught his attention, especially since he was in Tuluk.  One looked for how 'maintained' the other person was in appearance, reflecting his pampered childhood.  But yeah, basics covered here I agree with.  Race, background, and living place all likely have a fairly large impact on qualities people use for attractiveness.

Quote from: BuNutzCola on April 15, 2009, 03:20:54 PM
Attractiveness in this game at least seems directly related to the player of that pc :)

You can be the ugliest bastard around and people will clamor to get in your pants. A certain "charred steak" of a diminutive female comes to mind.

charred steak is a little aggressive. she was a good example of zalanthas attractiveness. Powerful, not fugly, and meaty enough to breed. Burn scars are JUST the sort of thing a zalanthan couldn't give a fuck about.

Usually I play PCs with strong personalities and definitive talents who rise to power and influence. Usually other PCs find this very, very attractive. This seems quite Zalanthan to me.

Beyond that, I don't think looks matter much to Zalanthans as a whole, as long as the bare minimum standards of race, heritage, mundanity, and lack of mutation have been met.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Quote from: Gimfalisette on April 15, 2009, 05:58:21 PM
Beyond that, I don't think looks matter much to Zalanthans as a whole, as long as the bare minimum standards of race, heritage, mundanity, and lack of mutation have been met.

This is pretty much how I've always looked at it.

One thing I have most of my characters do is over-react to a gorgeous "f-me" PC. Like a "she's so beautiful, it ain't even rational!" kind of thing. One time I had a character that ran into an insanely hawt female PC in the desert, and he was a little worried that she was some sort of supernatural being that'd lure him to his doom or whatever. And -my- character was a mage!
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

First, many people argue that rape isn't about sex, it's about power.  What better way to defile a member of another species that you don't consider to be a real person than by sexually defiling them with a bastard spawn?  Second, you don't have to trust a person (or even LIKE them) to lust after them, so against your better judgement, hormones can take over, resulting in a half breed.  Especially if there is something enchanting about them.  Third, people in the real world get off with goats, children, piss, and power tools.  Is doing some chick with pointy ears REALLY that weird?  Hell, I was gonna wish up for an Imm to animate that tentacle mouthed guy in Tuluk and see if he wanted to make some extra money...
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.  Except for maybe Allanak."


yea but elves are so skinny and gross. regardless, as long as you know it will be treated as a freakish kink your character has, go ahead. it's still explicitly against the docs for it to be common. (but obviously it does happen, considering all the fecking breeds around.)

Most of my characters have been attracted to big, fat, well-fed and well-watered people.

I think that severe sexual deviance reasons be means to have someone tortured in Allanak and disappeared in Tuluk.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Opposites.  Two people very good at the same thing are a very powerful pair at that one thing, but two characters who are very good at what they do in different areas allows for a broader social impact - not that they all think of it that way, but I think it appeals in this world to look for something that you're not.  And want it.
Quote from: saquartey
Rairen, what would we do without you?

Quote from: Jingo on April 16, 2009, 09:10:32 PM
I think that severe sexual deviance reasons be means to have someone tortured in Allanak and disappeared in Tuluk.

I don't think thats necessary. But extreme mockery and derision, I think that's in order.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Sexual deviance can occur just like it does in real life. Molestation, famiy issues, genetic problems, etc. If I was a human raised in the rinth that saw my father fuck elves out of rape like tendencies, I still might develop a preference towards elves, just because its what I know the strongest male figure in my family to do.

Its already stated in the docs that homosexuality is NOT a rarity, or an absurdity, so for a child to witness homosexuality is not an oddball chance, its likely been observed on a number of occassions. So to develop quasi-homosexual attractions is also not unworldly. If you witnessed a fair number of homosexual relationships in your life, an affinity towards masucline-females/feminine-males, might be normal.

Being a mul, who is sterile - yes, but still the product of a dwarf/human, might produce many mixxed feelings of attraction, ranging from height to body hair to lifestyle.

An elf, desert born, might have an exotic attraction to the unkempt and totally different lifestyle of an Allanaki commoner. Just like people from the heartland of america, join the army, and are taken off-guard by the exotic asian women of korea (first person experience, no need to challenge).

Zalanthan attraction is subject to character. I think this topic does a good job of addressing things people may not have thought of when creating  a character, but it -will not- reach a decisive opinion of what amounts to attraction in an alien, fictional world.

New things will be added regularly, and not even documentation could sum up a phenomenon not even concrete in the real world.

Quote from: Zoltan on April 16, 2009, 10:26:01 AM
One time I had a character that ran into an insanely hawt female PC in the desert, and he was a little worried that she was some sort of supernatural being that'd lure him to his doom or whatever. And -my- character was a mage!

Seems like the "hawtest" f-me women are always played by men.  I would have loved to have seen that, Zoltan.  That's awesome.
Quote from: manonfire on November 04, 2013, 08:11:36 AM
The secret to great RP is having the balls to be weird and the brains to make it eloquent.

Quote from: Ourla on April 17, 2009, 10:25:46 AM
Quote from: Zoltan on April 16, 2009, 10:26:01 AM
One time I had a character that ran into an insanely hawt female PC in the desert, and he was a little worried that she was some sort of supernatural being that'd lure him to his doom or whatever. And -my- character was a mage!

Seems like the "hawtest" f-me women are always played by men.  I would have loved to have seen that, Zoltan.  That's awesome.

It was a fun little story that my character would ramble on about IC a lot. The other player was obviously new and handled the ensuing strange situation really well. Alas, too recent to go into any more detail.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

I don't see why it would be much different then us.

Zalanthans would be attracted to healthy partners whom have good genes and would bear good children.

QuoteZalanthans would be attracted to healthy partners whom have good genes and would bear good children.

I think most american men, at least, are attracted to unhealthily skinny partners who are dumb as rocks and think children are abominations because they ruin their figure.

Not pointing that at this community in particular, but just saying...I -hope- it's not similar on Zalanthas, or the human race is doomed to turn into half-elves.  :D
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: 5 day lifespan on April 16, 2009, 03:31:52 PM
 Hell, I was gonna wish up for an Imm to animate that tentacle mouthed guy in Tuluk and see if he wanted to make some extra money...
LOL I damn near choked on my cheese burger reading that....thats frcking funny!

Quote from: Armaddict on April 21, 2009, 07:57:40 PM
QuoteZalanthans would be attracted to healthy partners whom have good genes and would bear good children.

I think most american men, at least, are attracted to unhealthily skinny partners who are dumb as rocks and think children are abominations because they ruin their figure.

Not pointing that at this community in particular, but just saying...I -hope- it's not similar on Zalanthas, or the human race is doomed to turn into half-elves.  :D

Unlike the real world, Zalanthas is not suffering from a gross overpopulation problem, and people are actively seeking to breed and reproduce.  In the real world, we have the luxury of choosing not to breed, for various reasons.  (Not just vanity, thank you.)  So yes, suitable breeding partners on Zalanthas would be considered quite attractive IMO.  Most folks would look at a scrawny woman with no hips on Zalanthas and think that she'd probably die during childbirth.  A weak, emaciated man might be viewed as unsuitable because he looks like any children he sires would be equally weak.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

Quote from: Niamh on April 23, 2009, 06:25:16 AM
Unlike the real world, Zalanthas is not suffering from a gross overpopulation problem, and people are actively seeking to breed and reproduce.  In the real world, we have the luxury of choosing not to breed, for various reasons.  (Not just vanity, thank you.)  So yes, suitable breeding partners on Zalanthas would be considered quite attractive IMO.  Most folks would look at a scrawny woman with no hips on Zalanthas and think that she'd probably die during childbirth.  A weak, emaciated man might be viewed as unsuitable because he looks like any children he sires would be equally weak.

But note that the parts of the real world with low reproduction rates are mostly those that aren't overpopulated.  (Barring China as a rather large-sized anomaly.)

Maybe a better comparison would be rich/poor and urban/rural.  The rural poor badly need lots of children, both as a work force and to care for them when they're old.  They're likely to be food-rich, if they can get the crops in, but unable to afford city-made goods.  In rural Zalanthas, I'd expect to see a lot of emphasis on selecting a partner who will "breed well," and, for anybody who actually owns property (land or animals), some (community-enforced but extralegal) contractual arrangements.

The urban poor do need a few children to look out for them in their dotage, but they're paying money for all their food and water, so the short-term costs of having kids are higher.  Too, they'll have much less control over their teenage and adult children in the city than their rural counterparts, so the long-term rewards are less certain.  With kids having a lower present-value, we might see people delaying children until they have a stable income, and a lot more casual sex and birth control.

The urban rich--nobles, family members of merchant houses, and life-sworn employees--don't personally need kids, but neither is the cost of raising them so very high.  They have children when their house tells them to, or out of personal inclination, and nobles' standards of beauty are likely to be the most disconnected from breeding considerations.

All of which was a long-winded way of stating this opinion:
- Rural folks: like big muscles and hips.
- City folks: delay breeding, but, when it comes to it, prefer people of steady disposition who aren't too waifish.
- Rich folks: generally indifferent to breeding considerations.  Go for persons of good personality, wealth, political connection, or appearance when wearing close-fitting silks.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

You people and your biological determinism.
Armageddon is full of many different cultures, each with their own culture, expectation and values. Maybe attractiveness would vary from culture to culture, and be dependent on all kinds of socio-cultural factors. Like the real world?
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Quote from: anotherhippie on April 23, 2009, 05:32:08 AM
Quote from: 5 day lifespan on April 16, 2009, 03:31:52 PM
 Hell, I was gonna wish up for an Imm to animate that tentacle mouthed guy in Tuluk and see if he wanted to make some extra money...
LOL I damn near choked on my cheese burger reading that....thats frcking funny!

I just spit up some soda on the screen. Thanks.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Lol, brytta, that seems a bit overcomplicated. Reminds me of what they teach in psychology. And personally, I find that applying psychology to rp never works naturally, especially under different situations.

Breeding doesn't have anything to do with overpopulation. It's all about whether you can feed your damn kids and passing down more genes than your neighbor. If your descendants have a higher chance of survival with less children (money, loyal partners, etc). In reality, women have evolved to 'testing' their partner's loyalty and commitment by playing hard to get, getting the guy to ask her out first. Men would expect a gesture of subservience from the women. That worked well in the olde days, one person brings the food, the other maintains the household. And it was fine for simply men to be trained in science and war, because it was too expensive to train both sexes. As Dwarf Fortress shows, it doesn't work out so well when women go to battle :P These days, both are capable of bringing back the food and maintaining the households, so there's much less sexism.

Actually, considering the high PC death rate in Zalanthas, I think one night stands are more attractive than anywhere. You're more likely to have spawn who survive by simply breeding with anything on two legs - including those of other races. An elf or dwarf might seem attractive to a human simply because they could breed. A dwarf on the other hand, might see an elf as attractive as, like a jozhal or something.
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Niamh the wise said:
QuoteMost folks would look at a scrawny woman with no hips on Zalanthas and think that she'd probably die during childbirth.

Unfortunately, if that scrawny woman with no hips is written well, the *player* of that male PC will arbitrarily decide that the scrawny woman with no hips is perfect mate-bait and make many, consistent, illogical attempts to woo her and convince her to fuck his brains out.

Try it some time. Create a female PC with some of the freakiest physical traits, but write them really nicely. Be sure to use flowery emotes to describe the exact shade of persimmon that oozes from the sores in your face, and the rich aroma of fetid meat wafting up from your crotch as you shift on your chair and cross your legs. See for yourself how many people try to mudsex you. You might be surprised at the results.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on April 23, 2009, 01:57:21 PM
Niamh the wise said:
QuoteMost folks would look at a scrawny woman with no hips on Zalanthas and think that she'd probably die during childbirth.

Unfortunately, if that scrawny woman with no hips is written well, the *player* of that male PC will arbitrarily decide that the scrawny woman with no hips is perfect mate-bait and make many, consistent, illogical attempts to woo her and convince her to fuck his brains out.

Try it some time. Create a female PC with some of the freakiest physical traits, but write them really nicely. Be sure to use flowery emotes to describe the exact shade of persimmon that oozes from the sores in your face, and the rich aroma of fetid meat wafting up from your crotch as you shift on your chair and cross your legs. See for yourself how many people try to mudsex you. You might be surprised at the results.

True - and invariably amusing when it happens - but there's no harm in analyzing how it could and/or should be.  Someone can always come up with an RP reason for why an unattractive person could still be desirable to a PC, but why not think about the 80% rules of society?

I say this, but I've taken great pleasure in writing average-looking women with prettily worded descriptions, as well as by desc'ing an f-me who doesn't have sex, just for the pleasure of messing with the pbase's OOC inclinations.  I love you all.
Quote from: saquartey
Rairen, what would we do without you?

That's why you're awesome, Rairen.

Lizzie made me retch. :(
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

It's Rairen's small text comment that I liked the best.

Remember folks - "honey-haired" in Zalanthas means your hair is GREEN.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on April 23, 2009, 01:57:21 PM
Niamh the wise said:
QuoteMost folks would look at a scrawny woman with no hips on Zalanthas and think that she'd probably die during childbirth.

Unfortunately, if that scrawny woman with no hips is written well, the *player* of that male PC will arbitrarily decide that the scrawny woman with no hips is perfect mate-bait and make many, consistent, illogical attempts to woo her and convince her to fuck his brains out.

but if the PC isn't interested in  childbirth, and she's clean and friendly and has another nice feature or too... huh! sounds a little like RL too! I bet scrawny but interesting chicks still get laid all the time in your country!! How about that!!??

illogical my ass. All the scrawny chicks in here should kick you in your curves.

Quote from: Agent_137 on April 23, 2009, 04:30:26 PM
illogical my ass. All the scrawny chicks in here should kick you in your curves.


I stopped reading after the first few posts.

I just have one thing to say... all of those supermodel PCs look like courtesans to my characters.  You are ridiculous.  You should all be slapped for trying to be pretty in game because you don't think you're pretty in real life.  I'll let you in on a secret, most of you are prettier than you think you are... so STOP MAKING BEAUTIFUL PCS!!!  This goes for a few people that I know play nothing but bombshells.

That is all.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

April 24, 2009, 12:49:12 PM #53 Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 02:05:55 PM by Ampere
say (as a contorted limb gesticulates awkwardly, his distorted voice passing through a drooling grin) Gahhhhh doi, the only consistently desirable trait is symmetry, anything beyond that is obviously cultural.
Quote from: scienceAn early study by Plaut and Kohn-Speyer (1947)[11] found that horse smegma had a carcinogenic effect on mice. Heins et al.(1958)

Within the bounds of reasonable expectation, people can play what they want on Armageddon.  This does mean that there are some beautiful people.  Is there an overwhelming amount of beautiful people?  I certainly don't think so.  Would it improve a player to reach out to an uglier role as opposed to the smoking hot norm that they play?  Absolutely.  Would it be enjoyable for them?  Can't say, but I'd like to think the challenge would be nice for them.

I seduced the daughters of men
And made the death of them.
I demanded human sacrifices
From the rest of them.
I became the spirit that haunted
And protected them.
And I lived in the tower of flame
But death collected them.
-War is my Destiny, Ill Bill

In vampire I used to play Nosferatu alot.  Then creep out the other players with my ability to pull more tail than them.

Girls love a hunchback.
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany.  Except for maybe Allanak."


Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 12:46:13 PM
It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
Because the men make big buff dudes that aren't necessarily attractive... they're all Arnold with varying descriptions.  Some men think that that's all they need to be attractive, instead of looking like Zack Efron, someone that is actually attractive instead of just big and buff.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

April 24, 2009, 10:47:09 PM #57 Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 10:49:06 PM by SMuz
Dude, it's a fantasy game. I can make my PCs attractive if that's what I want. I don't always do so.. and I bet some people play nothing but uglies, and nobody ever criticizes them. I do find most bombshells pretty boring and my character didn't even bother to grope one which he knocked out.

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 12:46:13 PM
It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
Well, since I am male and tend to play male characters, it's natural that I'd write about what I find attractive in women. Would be interesting to have some comments from the female side about what type of men they find attractive :P
[Personally, I think it's because women (claim to) not care about looks, they're attracted to personality]
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

Quote from: SMuz on April 24, 2009, 10:47:09 PM
Dude, it's a fantasy game. I can make my PCs attractive if that's what I want. I don't always do so.. and I bet some people play nothing but uglies, and nobody ever criticizes them.

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 12:46:13 PM
It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
Well, since I am male and tend to play male characters, it's natural that I'd write about what I find attractive in women. Would be interesting to have some comments from the female side about what type of men they find attractive :P
[Personally, I think it's because women (claim to) not care about looks, they're attracted to personality]

*cough* Of course women care about looks. And I'd expect men to be able to  recognize what's attractive in another man as well.
I think it's more like a demographic problem...  to be coy about it.

To stay more on topic... I have an idea of what attractive men and women should look like. They should be fashionable!  Fashion docs are fun, I strongly advise people use them.  And some of us do notice if you're horribly out of fashion, or worse yet, wearing the wrong fashion.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 10:51:43 PM
I think it's more like a demographic problem...  to be coy about it.

Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 10:51:43 PM
Quote from: SMuz on April 24, 2009, 10:47:09 PM
Dude, it's a fantasy game. I can make my PCs attractive if that's what I want. I don't always do so.. and I bet some people play nothing but uglies, and nobody ever criticizes them.

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 12:46:13 PM
It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
Well, since I am male and tend to play male characters, it's natural that I'd write about what I find attractive in women. Would be interesting to have some comments from the female side about what type of men they find attractive :P
[Personally, I think it's because women (claim to) not care about looks, they're attracted to personality]

*cough* Of course women care about looks. And I'd expect men to be able to  recognize what's attractive in another man as well.

And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

Quote from: Fathi on April 24, 2009, 11:16:23 PM
Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 10:51:43 PM
Quote from: SMuz on April 24, 2009, 10:47:09 PM
Dude, it's a fantasy game. I can make my PCs attractive if that's what I want. I don't always do so.. and I bet some people play nothing but uglies, and nobody ever criticizes them.

Quote from: staggerlee on April 24, 2009, 12:46:13 PM
It strikes me as odd that the focus in this thread is overwhelmingly on what makes women attractive, and not men.
Well, since I am male and tend to play male characters, it's natural that I'd write about what I find attractive in women. Would be interesting to have some comments from the female side about what type of men they find attractive :P
[Personally, I think it's because women (claim to) not care about looks, they're attracted to personality]

*cough* Of course women care about looks. And I'd expect men to be able to  recognize what's attractive in another man as well.


The larger the better.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Regarding fashion:

Just because your value skill shows that it's made in the north..doesn't mean it's a northern design. There are certain materials that are only available in the north, and *politically neutral merchant houses* who make these items..will typically make them in whichever city those raw materials are most easily acquired. Regardless of the actual design.

So there are things that are perfect for southerners to wear, that are made in Tuluk. And things that are absolutely appropriate for northerners to wear, that are made in Allanak. And some things..are actually *intended* for tribals..or for *anyone* who wants to be like the Urban Cowboy and pretend to look like a tribal..that are made in north or south but suitable for either.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

It's sometimes sad when the IC documentation regarding clothing is rarely used.

It'd be interesting to include sexual attractiveness in clothing as well. Consider Allanak, less skin but tighter around the body-showing the frame better. I imagine a man from Allanak in this regard would be completely boggled and/or turned off by a Tuluki girl, just due to her clothes.

For an example, would many American/Western men be attracted to Arabic women in nations such as Saudia Arabia, where very conservative clothes are required? No. They look at it as repression. Same with a arabic man and a western women.

I'd like to see maybe a fraction of this IG. The clothing one wears is a very important aspect of attractiveness.

vessol, if more "stylish" clothes were more affordable for commoners of both city states .... you might. I personally have tried to find such clothes at an affordable prince in nak but the tightest fitting thing I found in sandcloth was a tribal outfit!!!

maybe i'm just not looking at the kadian stock close enough?

Why are you limiting yourself to checking an NPC in a single shop, when there are several shops, and PCs you can refer to for assistance? If your RP choices are limiting you, then there really isn't any complaint. The opportunities exist, whether it's IC for your character to take advantage of them or not.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I would probably buy "fashion" clothes if I could keep them somewhere safe, and keep my "work" clothes somewhere safe.  As it is, trying to collect anything remotely valuable is futile, unless you can lock it up in an estate somewhere.  Eventually, -someone- will come around and loot everything you own.

So, you know...I'll just keep on living out of my pack like a hobo.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

April 25, 2009, 02:27:38 PM #67 Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 02:31:40 PM by staggerlee
Quote from: Synthesis on April 25, 2009, 02:11:40 PM
I would probably buy "fashion" clothes if I could keep them somewhere safe, and keep my "work" clothes somewhere safe.  As it is, trying to collect anything remotely valuable is futile, unless you can lock it up in an estate somewhere.  Eventually, -someone- will come around and loot everything you own.

So, you know...I'll just keep on living out of my pack like a hobo.

I kept three suits of clothing and a suit of armor and switched steadily between then for 6 months to a year on a character, variously using apartments and clan compounds for storage. Robbery was not much of an issue.

I'm sure people have the other kind of anecdotal evidence too, but it can work.

Edit to add: This is however the number one reason I want to see more accessible housing/storage. Everyone should be able to afford somewhere to put a change of clothes, and then maybe people would stop wearing backpacks to the bar. 
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Quote from: Agent_137 on April 25, 2009, 01:32:53 PMmaybe i'm just not looking at the kadian stock close enough?

Totally look at Kadius, not just shops but their agents, crafters, etc. There are so many clothes and styles available through them for commoners that adhere to the fashion trends of both the north and the south at affordable prices. Also look to indy tailors.

That said, looking like a tribal could be fashionable. Start a new trend!

And the Nonman King cried words that sting:
"Now to me you must confess,
For death above you hovers!"
And the Emissary answered ever wary:
"We are the race of flesh,
We are the race of lovers."
     -"Ballad of the Inchoroi"

Quote from: staggerlee on April 25, 2009, 02:27:38 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on April 25, 2009, 02:11:40 PM
I would probably buy "fashion" clothes if I could keep them somewhere safe, and keep my "work" clothes somewhere safe.  As it is, trying to collect anything remotely valuable is futile, unless you can lock it up in an estate somewhere.  Eventually, -someone- will come around and loot everything you own.

So, you know...I'll just keep on living out of my pack like a hobo.

I kept three suits of clothing and a suit of armor and switched steadily between then for 6 months to a year on a character, variously using apartments and clan compounds for storage. Robbery was not much of an issue.

I'm sure people have the other kind of anecdotal evidence too, but it can work.

Edit to add: This is however the number one reason I want to see more accessible housing/storage. Everyone should be able to afford somewhere to put a change of clothes, and then maybe people would stop wearing backpacks to the bar. 

I've only had one apartment, ever, that was never burglarized to death, and that was only because a) it was 1800 'sid a month and b) there were like 5 'gickers living up in it.

The last place I had? They even took my crafting tools and raw materials.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on April 25, 2009, 03:39:08 PM
Quote from: staggerlee on April 25, 2009, 02:27:38 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on April 25, 2009, 02:11:40 PM
I would probably buy "fashion" clothes if I could keep them somewhere safe, and keep my "work" clothes somewhere safe.  As it is, trying to collect anything remotely valuable is futile, unless you can lock it up in an estate somewhere.  Eventually, -someone- will come around and loot everything you own.

So, you know...I'll just keep on living out of my pack like a hobo.

I kept three suits of clothing and a suit of armor and switched steadily between then for 6 months to a year on a character, variously using apartments and clan compounds for storage. Robbery was not much of an issue.

I'm sure people have the other kind of anecdotal evidence too, but it can work.

Edit to add: This is however the number one reason I want to see more accessible housing/storage. Everyone should be able to afford somewhere to put a change of clothes, and then maybe people would stop wearing backpacks to the bar. 

I've only had one apartment, ever, that was never burglarized to death, and that was only because a) it was 1800 'sid a month and b) there were like 5 'gickers living up in it.

The last place I had? They even took my crafting tools and raw materials.

Never been robbed, and I've had apartments for RL weeks at a time.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

The only time I ever played someone that was burgled (that's the correct word, by the way), I walked in on the person burgling me and fun times commenced.  I always wonder why you people complain about burglars so much.  I guess I'm lucky.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: spawnloser on April 25, 2009, 09:29:29 PM
...burgled (that's the correct word, by the way)...

burglarize - 4 dictionary results
   /ˈbɜrgləˌraɪz/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bur-gluh-rahyz] Show IPA verb, -ized, -iz⋅ing.
–verb (used with object)
1.    to break into and steal from: Thieves burglarized the warehouse.
–verb (used without object)
2.    to commit burglary.
Also, especially British, bur⋅glar⋅ise.

I don't see what the point of the "burglarly denial" is.  It happens, and a lot of people live out of their packs or their clan footlockers because of it.

Having broken into quite a few apartments myself, I can see the first-hand results of it:  nowadays, there is almost nothing worth stealing in the average apartment.  People apparently use them only for mudsex and assassinations.  Also, being on the other end of it, as I've stated before, as soon as I -leave- something worthwhile in my apartment, it disappears within a week or two, without fail.  (Don't ask me how the -fuck- you sneak past the guard with an armful of poles and a fucking halberd, btw.)

As this pertains to fashion:  I only have one set of gear--the shit I'm currently wearing. As soon as it's feasible to own more than that, I'll buy more than that and keep it.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Locking this thread because it is seems to be done, given how far it is straying off topic.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!