Return Armageddon to its roots: Double all Movement Costs

Started by Clearsighted, November 25, 2008, 07:09:54 PM

I will keep this opening post concise and as others respond to it, lay out more detailed reasoning.

I think that Armageddon is suffering from the surplus of characters that know their way around by heart and how just about anyone these days can zip up and down the north road without a care in the world. I find it sad that there are a great many shaded nooks, natural rest points and other cool rooms that never get utilized. Or how a desert elf can run across the known world and rarely get tired except in certain areas.

What I propose, is the exact doubling of all movement costs. This would have the effect of not only making the Known World seem better and more dangerous, but would make it so people actually need to stop rest at some points on their journey and plan more carefully.

You were trying to kill someone today and you failed, didn't you?


Nah, I'm playing. I have to say, this idea does not sit badly with me. I can agree with it.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I don't, personally, like it. The regeneration time for stamina for nonrangers sucks badly enough already. I think that making the game world more difficult to get around in then it already is kind of sucks. I'm sorry that some people have been playing so long they have the map memorized. I don't see how making the game less appealing to new players by doubling the stamina drain is going to help.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

sounds great. While we are at it, let's also remove all magickers and leave only sorcs.

<--- is serious.

Wouldn't it be easier to decrease the stamina on mounts so they -have- to rest, for example, one time on the road between City of your Pick and Luir's.  I mean it takes longer to get to the Ghatti from the Sanct than it does from Tuluk to Luir's if you're just cruising along with no regard for the world.

I shudder to think what movement cost through mud/sludge/shit would be at 2x.

As for elves, psht.  No comment.

Quote from: Furious George on November 25, 2008, 07:36:23 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to decrease the stamina on mounts so they -have- to rest, for example, one time on the road between City of your Pick and Luir's.  I mean it takes longer to get to the Ghatti from the Sanct than it does from Tuluk to Luir's if you're just cruising along with no regard for the world.

I shudder to think what movement cost through mud/sludge/shit would be at 2x.

As for elves, psht.  No comment.

This is true, and I could totally get behind the idea of decreased stamina on mounts.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

November 25, 2008, 07:42:05 PM #6 Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 07:59:29 PM by Clearsighted
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on November 25, 2008, 07:26:03 PM
I don't, personally, like it. The regeneration time for stamina for nonrangers sucks badly enough already. I think that making the game world more difficult to get around in then it already is kind of sucks. I'm sorry that some people have been playing so long they have the map memorized. I don't see how making the game less appealing to new players by doubling the stamina drain is going to help.

1) Some guilds have better regeneration than others already. Strangely, those meant to travel outside might even get bonuses in this. You'll have to test it for yourself. Those that aren't meant to be roaming the wastes not. Mounts regen fairly fast as well.

2) It is already DEATH for new players to go outside without being in a party. If anything, this will help them live longer by staying closer to the walls and being forced to learn safe areas...not zip out of the gate like they were riding their own personal Millenium Falcon.

3) It would give some clans more to do. Whether their clan suffices by raiding, or if their clan suffices by protecting others from raiding. Right now, the game world is at a state where the North Road is as safe as a baby quirri.

Overall however, it would heighten the gritty realism, but not to a game crippling sense. Even if movement costs were doubled, you could still get to where you can now before you're too far out to return. This would just mean you actually have to briefly rest.

And hell...Frankly...I think some types of characters and newer players SHOULD have a teensy bit more difficulty traversing the wastes then riding from Tuluk to Allanak in a morning with their mount only very tired.

Then increase it in the Wastes. I'm not going to agree. Sorry. Like I said, I think it's already hard enough. And as for getting people hired, let them get hired by people that aren't supposed to be dirt poor. Not everyone has the sid too. And, without going out after the rescources to get the sid, they wouldn't need to anyhow. I respectfully withdraw from the discussion. I know I won't be moved in my opinion, so I'm not going to argue it with someone else who obviously feels the same. You made your points, I made mine.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on November 25, 2008, 07:59:12 PM
Then increase it in the Wastes. I'm not going to agree. Sorry. Like I said, I think it's already hard enough. And as for getting people hired, let them get hired by people that aren't supposed to be dirt poor. Not everyone has the sid too. And, without going out after the rescources to get the sid, they wouldn't need to anyhow. I respectfully withdraw from the discussion. I know I won't be moved in my opinion, so I'm not going to argue it with someone else who obviously feels the same. You made your points, I made mine.

I'm not entirely inconsolable. Your willingness to increase it in the wastes (which is fine, since there is no stamina cost to movement at all inside the city...hence doubling it meaning nothing) and your support of mounts having less stamina is plenty close enough to my position to be perfectly content. Indeed, I'm not entirely sure where we disagree except in implementation.

Meh. I'd rather not have to spend more time in the game just sitting around and rp'ing being tired, etc. I'd much rather just have more coded hazards in the wilds, more dangerous npcs near travelled areas, (like it used to be) and other additions.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Every step in the wastes should trigger a random encounter roll.  

1-99 = Nothing happens
100 = Something happens, proceed to random encounter chart

Random encounter chart:
1-10: Gith
11-20: NPC raiders!
21-30: Chubacabra!
31-50: Flying Bahamets
51-60: A pech grass
61-70: Sarlac
71-80: Giant Erdlus
81-100: Hungry Hungry Tribals

The more people you have in the room OR the more sneakily you're moving OR the more d-elfy you are, the rarer the encounter chance.

Ok, so this isn't a serious suggestion entirely, but still ...

Also, it would have never occurred to me (being a bit of a new in regards to some aspects of the game) that it would be possible to zip from Tuluk to Nak.  Making the trip long and dangerous sounds perfectly reasonable to me because it's what I already thought it was.
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

Quote from: Clearsighted on November 25, 2008, 08:01:47 PM
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on November 25, 2008, 07:59:12 PM
Then increase it in the Wastes. I'm not going to agree. Sorry. Like I said, I think it's already hard enough. And as for getting people hired, let them get hired by people that aren't supposed to be dirt poor. Not everyone has the sid too. And, without going out after the rescources to get the sid, they wouldn't need to anyhow. I respectfully withdraw from the discussion. I know I won't be moved in my opinion, so I'm not going to argue it with someone else who obviously feels the same. You made your points, I made mine.

I'm not entirely inconsolable. Your willingness to increase it in the wastes (which is fine, since there is no stamina cost to movement at all inside the city...hence doubling it meaning nothing) and your support of mounts having less stamina is plenty close enough to my position to be perfectly content. Indeed, I'm not entirely sure where we disagree except in implementation.

See, it's just in places like the plains and the forests, I have to disagree. I can completely understand it in areas like the Salt Flats, and the canyon of the wastes, and so forth. I still favor giving mounts less stamina. I've made it across the known world on an erdlu once without having to rest it once. I wouldn't do it again, but that was my first time travelling, and I just wanted to see if it could be done. I could understand it on, maybe, a really hardy inix, but on an erdlu, that's ridiculous.

Quote from: jhunter on November 25, 2008, 08:07:57 PM
Meh. I'd rather not have to spend more time in the game just sitting around and rp'ing being tired, etc. I'd much rather just have more coded hazards in the wilds, more dangerous npcs near travelled areas, (like it used to be) and other additions.

Now this I could get behind. I have yet to be accosted on the North Road itself. I'm not in favor of always having trouble, but I agree that, overall, travelling the north road is too safe. I also like the idea of Thunkkin's suggestion. Even if the encounters might need fine-tuning and locallizing.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.

I often tell my friends, in an almost non-joking way that, if you can get past critter X near Tuluk, then you're pretty much safe all the way down to Allanak.

Most mounts will take you easily from Tuluk to Allanak in one trip, anyway.

Then the Byn wonders why nobody needs them anymore.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

November 25, 2008, 09:09:51 PM #13 Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 09:12:01 PM by Sephiroto
I'm not all about increasing stamina drain so much as I am about increasing the amount of obstacles one encounters when traveling.

The world is so small and easy to travel through.  I'd like to see more gith, raptors, and all the nasty critters that used to eat everyone back in the day.  Respawn time on NPC's is crazy slow right now.  I'd like them to be quicker on the aggro things.  I want to see more aggro things.  I know it might take a way a little realism to have 15 gith spawn along the sides of the North Road in random locations every ten minutes, but I would have a lot more fun traveling if that were the case.

Oh, and we'd need to run a script in the area before the bad guys repopulated otherwise there would be 100 obsidian longswords, raptor bladders, and whatever else scattered all over the place between reboots.

Yeah, travel was alot more dangerous and alot more fun when there were more dangerous things near the main travel routes.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: jhunter on November 25, 2008, 09:17:25 PM
Yeah, travel was alot more dangerous and alot more fun when there were more dangerous things near the main travel routes.

It would probably drop the number active magickers too. Even a day one krathi wouldn't last long against a gith attack. But if dangerous critters spawn more often then all of the less dangerous critters should spawn more often too.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Impractical from a playability standpoint unless everyone gets outdoor quit.
Amor Fati

I think reducing mount stamina would be the best change if any.
Otherwise STOP along the way rather you need to codely or not.

Make it take more than an IG hour to get all the way across the world yourself, instead if spam riding just because the code doesn't say you can't.
That way, if RL gets in the way you CAN still spam ride to the city if you have to.

Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

It seems like it's either full invisible and powerful spiders all over the place and group of giths with poisoned spears or.. One carru in the middle of nowhere and nothing else.

I think a few giths here and there would be fine, then you add some random dangerous critters as well, as opposed to the same carru spawning in the same spot for nearly five years now.

I also agree that you absolutely would need to at least make a stop mid-way, no matter what you travel in, or on.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Quote from: Fnord on November 25, 2008, 09:31:31 PM
Impractical from a playability standpoint unless everyone gets outdoor quit.

there's plenty of easily accessible, one or two room off the road, areas to outdoor quit for any guild.

Quote from: Malken on November 25, 2008, 09:39:05 PM
I think a few giths here and there would be fine, then you add some random dangerous critters as well, as opposed to the same carru spawning in the same spot for nearly five years now.

I also agree that you absolutely would need to at least make a stop mid-way, no matter what you travel in, or on.

The carru is so sad, it is probably the worst IC joke ever.

Is it possible to make a room generate random NPCs from a list instead of the same one over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Quote from: FantasyWriter on November 25, 2008, 09:36:43 PM
Make it take more than an IG hour to get all the way across the world yourself, instead if spam riding just because the code doesn't say you can't.
That way, if RL gets in the way you CAN still spam ride to the city if you have to.

For the moment, I think this is the best thing people can do. If we all make an RP event out of travelling rather than spam walking all the way from safe point A to safe point B the world will start to seem a little more dangerous, and we'll open ourselves up to the most important form of danger in the wastes: Other PC's.  8)

I'm in favor of the less stamina for mounts idea with a little condition attached. I've never played a delf, so I don't know personally, but other people seem to think they get to travel way too easily as it stands so, if mounts were nerfed, I'd hope staff would nerf delf running as well to keep them comparable to the mounts, instead of just widening that gap.

But more so than nerfing anyone's stamina ... I'd like to see some NPC raiders (be they humans, delves, gith, whatever) hanging around the main roads waiting for easy prey.

I would not like to see random NPC raiders hanging around the middle of vast expanses of wilderness though. I feel like they should stick to the roads since that's the most logical place to find people to raid. If your PC knows a way to get from city A to city B without going near the main roads, they should be able to do it and avoid the hazards (or at least swap the hazards of the road for hazards of the wilds) and also ... if your PC is not using the main roads, I think that you'll have to rest a few times before getting where you're going, since the movement drain off-road is more substancial.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Hell, why don't we just make another PC raider group, make it like a real clan. So long as they don't go around insta-ganking everyone, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Better yet. Make gith playable as secondary characters. Who wouldn't want a disposable character to dash against the rocks during downtime?
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

A good Byn Sgt. can make a "quick ride" into an adventure.

Also, you can also wish up for a little "fun" along the way.
I have had some great staff interaction on trips before that were awesome.
(the USUALLY don't kill PCs, thankfully.  But don't bet your life on it. ;))
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.


Make me OOCly afraid to leave the gates, so I have an easier time plugging that into my character.

Personally, I treat travel as travel, not just getting from Point A to Point B. I take my time, moving 2-3 rooms at a time, pausing 10-20 seconds, tossing out a few emotes, then moving on.

I've made the trip from Allanak to Tuluk hundreds of times (both routes), and I've only encountered baddies a handful of times.

Fuck with me. Seriously. I play this game for death, gore, and violence. Give me a gruesome torture scene at the hands of a sadistic, starving gith in the middle of the Red.

I will love you for it.