Tell your first character's story...

Started by NoteworthyFellow, July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM

Quote from: Tisiphone on July 10, 2008, 12:01:01 AM
Quote from: Furious George on July 09, 2008, 01:51:04 PM
an elvish templar

Wait, what?

Yes, the old days.  This was 93, it was a different mud then.  I mean it was no BastardMud, but it was different.  :D

My first one was very boring... A 30-ish tired woman with greying hair... A ranger/linguist (the safe choice)... She got bored with her daily life and wandered outside the Allanaki gates thinking her long-lost brother is out there waiting to be found... and was eaten by a scrab... LOL

Quote from: Tulana on October 14, 2008, 12:54:16 PM
My first one was very boring... A 30-ish tired woman with greying hair... A ranger/linguist (the safe choice)... She got bored with her daily life and wandered outside the Allanaki gates thinking her long-lost brother is out there waiting to be found... and was eaten by a scrab... LOL

She wasn't the one who told a character of mine in the Gaj that she was "a ranger, and I speak many languages, so you could also say I'm a bit of a linguist," was she? And then just got up and tried to have a chill-out conversation with a Tor warlord?

No offense if it was, but that had me laughing pretty hard.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

First character ever was Attana (hense the GDB name).

Created with every intention to join the Byn, had a nice main description and nice short decription (little did I know it belonged to the bartender in Storm), the background story I would have to say was pretty generic.  Took the start up 'sid and walked around trying to find the bazaar for what seemed like FOREVER.  Finally found it, got her geared out in some cheapo shit, and then went back to the Gaj to sit and wait.  Waited for ... what seemed like years until I finally met up with Sergeant Rame.  Paid the fee and here starts the beginning of a VERY  interesting and entertaining two months.

Met up with Trooper Raja (I think is the spelling) and Trooper Oolda, though I do believe they were runners, until SHORTLY after I joined up.  Went on a bunch of contracts, nothing terribly exciting, but was definitely exciting to a newbie going out of the gates for the first time ever.  Eventually met up with Hawkeye, whom Oolda ended up leaving the Byn for.. and Attana being her best friend decided to leave to.  This was maybe right before she would have became Trooper.  Went around with Oolda and Hawkeye to see the world.  Luirs was quite an experience... we even went up into the Grey Forest, where Oolda and Attana were attacked by a halfling.  Somehow we both managed to live through that experience (thank you Oolda and your very badass warrior skills).  Though it was that experience, that fueled her wish to go back to the Byn and her old Sergeant, that and how she completely and utterly missed all her friends.

Went back to 'Nak, talked to Sergeant Rame and got sponsored back into the Byn.  This time around I brought my oocly best friend in with me, who happened to also be a newbie and made up my characters sister.  These two wrecked havoc on the Byn, as far as creating chaos on help the cook duty day went.  I can remember slipping along a piece of rotted food on the floor and sliding to a crash into shelves to knock the dishes to tumble to the floor.  Multiple times.  She then got into a relationship with Seroth, another runner, which was rocky.  That relationship ended and him and her sister ended up hooking up behind her back.  Then she ended up having sexual relations with multiple other people, back alley meetings and the like.  As I recall she ended up falling in love with a Trooper, whom she affectionately called Raja, I believe.

But... the good and happy times weren't to last.  Shortly before she would have made Trooper for the Byn, we got contracted to go out to "count gith heads in the flats" by a Templar and some Tor or Borsail.. or both.  After a long and grueling ride, with invisible flying people, we ended up north somewhere (I was a newbie, every excursion out of the gates at that time was.. 'somewhere in BFE').  Some Tuluki ended up riding in to stop us from doing something (us Bynners only knew we were supposed to count gith heads) and from there it was combat spam galore.  We got flung out of the room, I went charging back in to help out my fellow bynners, I didn't see much past the combat spam, but was just assisting my bynners, until  noticed no one on them.  Then.. with completely bravery, I decided to help out by attacking a northerner, someone who hadn't been in our group.  I remember having her shout out that she needed help, and pretty soon she was fighting Henna (I believe), and two half-giant soldiers (how that happened I don't know).  Then...

BEEEEEEEP *mantis head*

I cried for three real life hours before finally calming down, I'd been so attached to her, and through her I found a love for the game.  I created a new character that night, and went on to love her, and the game even MORE.  Though, I'm still not at liberty to discuss her, otherwise I would have post her up on here too.  Maybe in a couple months, I think it'd be fine.  - Through my second character I also got to learn that two people out of the Bynner group that had gone up on that mission had survived, Rajar being one, and Seroth the other.  I also learned that Rajar had been intending to ask my character to be his mate.  When I learned that, I started crying again.

All of you in that Bynner unit under Sergeant Rame, you made my newbie experience the BEST one ever, especially Rame, Rajar and Seroth.
After knocking back a mouthful of the contents of a full shot-glass, toking away on a rolled joint directly afterwards you say in desert-accented sirihish:
"They call me Tuber, and my son is Tuber-tot."

I had a pickpocket in Allanak who got hired by Sargax within 5 minutes of play, and taken up to Luirs to serve as a regular. Only lived 4 days though.
Quote from: BhagharvaWhat you don't know can kill you. What you do know, can kill others.

To the north
A lanky, brown-skinned gith is here, humping the rusty brown kank.
The rusty brown kank to the north bleats miserably.

Quote from: ale six on July 04, 2008, 09:05:56 PM
Like countless other female players my first PC wound up being an aide and having way too much mudsex. I think it's some kind of peculiar initiation ritual for this game.

Oh the memories...

My first character I hardly remember, but the second was an aide to a certain Borsail noble who everyone hated. He treated everyone horribly, being very good at playing the noble, and I was so new...

Prior to meeting this Borsail I had been wandering around in the bazaar and found this nice sword. One with a jade in the hilt. I promptly picked it up and went to try to sell it in the Salaar tent. The NPC of course started yelling 'thief thief' or some such thing and I was promptly subdued by soldiers and carried off to the jail. Later a Templar dragged me out into a room with some half-elf or elf magicker was. I watched as he put the magicker to death, and it frightened me, newb that I was. After some talk the templar let me go, though I had to come up with some money for him later.

After that I ran into the Borsail, and was very motivated to be hired. I was terrified of the templar. Well, miserable as she was, my character stayed with her noble. Occasionally he'd send her outside of the city, just a little way to forage for stones I think mostly because I was online more than he. One day while foraging a man on a yellow kank stopped me and we talked. It was the Sandman, and he wanted to pay me to spy on the Borsail for him. I told him no (hey, I was such a noob!) and when he made a move toward me, I ran for the city. I stopped just inside the gates thinking I was safe with the guards there. Didn't even see him before that crafty old Sandman shot me with a poisoned arrow.

I survived that, and told the Borsail about my little adventure and was promptly told off by my noble for being so stupid and saying no. :D Got to love that. I could have acted as a double agent, you see.

Later I did indeed wind up mudsexing the character. And in fact that was our downfall. We were in the process of disrobing and this noble was a very good roleplayer, so everything wound up on the floor after he locked the door. And suddenly, this cloaked man seemed to materialize out of nowhere and proceeded to kill my noble. I tried to rescue, but failed, if I remember right. In the end the noble was killed and there was a pause while the assassin waited to see what I'd do.

I screamed at the top of my lungs that there'd been a murder while attacking the assassin. I knew I had no chance against him. I think I thought at the time that I'd probably have been killed anyway by the Borsail for failing mine. Sometime later after I got the game I wonder if I couldn't have cut a deal with the assassin and run off. Probably not. Anyway my character died a short time after her Borsail.

Her adventure was the one that hooked me, right from the templar on. I was thinking "How harsh this place is!" but I was having fun.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on August 17, 2010, 07:55:28 PM
A glossy, black-shelled mantis says, in insectoid-accented sirihish,
  "You haven't picked enough cotton, friend."
Choose thy fate:

I want to hear more stories with Sandman in it.

I have some, as I later encountered the Sandman with another character. But that is a story for another day, in another thread I think.

Besides, I'm not sure enough about ic events (I've been away from Arm for nearly 4 years, I just came back today) to know what stories I can tell and which I cannot.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on August 17, 2010, 07:55:28 PM
A glossy, black-shelled mantis says, in insectoid-accented sirihish,
  "You haven't picked enough cotton, friend."
Choose thy fate:

Quote from: deviant storm on October 15, 2008, 10:54:10 PM
I have some, as I later encountered the Sandman with another character. But that is a story for another day, in another thread I think.

Besides, I'm not sure enough about ic events (I've been away from Arm for nearly 4 years, I just came back today) to know what stories I can tell and which I cannot.

I am pretty sure anything Sandman related is fair game by now. ;)

Most anything.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Quote from: Ender on July 03, 2008, 05:58:33 PM
Quote from: NoteworthyFellow on July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM
(As per usual, no characters that have been alive within the last year.)

My first character, back in 2001, was an elven assassin in Allanak.  He spent a fairly decent potion of his starting 'sid on armor from that elf in the Bazaar that sells chitin armor, and acquired for himself two obsidian daggers.  Almost immediately, he met a cloaked figure with whom he had a short conversation, casually mentioning that he was an assassin.  The cloaked figure (a character, by the way, who my elf never saw without his hood up) quickly informed the young elf never to just say that to people.  This figure, who happened to also be an elf, took our young assassin under his wing, taught him how to cook travel cakes, and lent him the coin to join the T'zai Byn.  The wannabe assassin also met a young human girl whom he befriended and often chatted with in the Gaj when he wasn't cleaning the latrines.

Soon, there came a Recommended Playing Time, and the elf's Byn unit was sent out to hunt some gith.  He helped kill several of the roaming gith raiders along the North Road until they came up near the Shield Wall, when he found himself the target of one of the gith they were fighting.  He was wounded and opted to flee--right over the Shield Wall.

So.  What was your first dose like?

I'm pretty certain I was your sarge, and was really callous to the other runners who were worried if you still alive or not.

newb runners - "We should go save him!"

grizzled sarge (me) "Shut up, probably dead anyway."

think "More sid for me!"

Haha, wow, I just noticed this, several months late.

I do hope you were his Sarge, because that's always one of my favorite stories to tell.  And I actually don't think he was quite dead yet--there might've been some sort of a creature at the bottom that finished him off.  Or maybe that was another of my characters that ran off the Shield Wall.

I mean, there's been so many.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."

--Alan Moore

Holy shit.

"The old, grey man."  No, wait, I didn't use a comma.  The old grey man.

I was a bynner, ex caravan guide, who got tired of the road and decided to settle down in Allanak.  Unfortunately, some wicked, evil, horriblific sharpears stole all my cashes, and I had to turn to selling my body to survive.  After some honest, John McCain straight-talk-express shit to the Sargeant known as Slim, I talked my way into giving 85 coins and a promise of paying back the remaining 215 within the next two years of service.

I got picked up, they strapped some armor on me, and then I began to get piss pounded by runner after runner after runner until the troopers set in.  Lost conciousness a few times, but after a while, I became a hardass.  Aint that the story of the Byn?

There was this kid Pepper, and a skinny guy named... shit, something.  Rominus?  That's not it, but it was close.  Remembered that name for years, and now I can't, heh.  Anyway.  Pepper, Brekkin, the skinny dude, Daenin, and good old Sujaal.  We were a force.  Eventually Pepper croaked, as Bynners do, and my PC freaked out for a few days because he'd grown close.

Eventually my character got a very lucrative offer from the Rominus... damn I wish I could remember his name!  Guy.  He said he was part of "House Serpens" and he wanted me to take a bodyguarding offer for this rich merchant woman he knew.  He said he'd pay my contract out with the Byn, as well as hook me up with the job, which would pay almost a large a month, and on top of all that, he'd give me five small a month to keep him 'in the know' on what is happening with her.  Could you refuse that?  I think not.

So I didn't.

Sujaal, well, he was kinda pissed, but he understood.  I mean, afterall, this merchant woman owned her own restaurant.  Sujaal wanted me as Sargeant, and told me so, said I could have the Broken Swords as my unit, but it still wasn't enough riches.  I didn't want to galavant and risk doom, I wanted to be rich and comfortable and risk doom.  So I took the bodyguarding job.

I had my first official run in with a noble with that character, a noble who I still haven't seen topped for style and authenticity.  Maybe you've heard of him, his name was Vedelarin.  He was apparently some big shot.  Had about thirty pleasure slaves all writhing around this large meeting area as we discussed business, me, this merchant, and some dude with scars all over who's name as well escapes me, but he was one of the most baddest ass killers I've run into.  Oh yeah, Kento.

At one point, my PC overheard someone trash talking his merchant in the Arena.  He gave a fair warning to the guy to shut up.  Guy didn't shut up.  Stood up and said "What are you gonna do about it, old man?"  I stood up, I told him what I was going to do about it.  I told him I was going to throw him over the edge of the Arena.

So I did.  Sadiv cut his finger off, then his eye out, then killed him for being offensive in the eyes of the HighLord.

Eventually, as all good stories end, I got drunk in a bar with my friend Locklo, and started trash talking this elf.  I was going to teach the elf a lesson, so I took my axes off of my belt, handed them to Locklo, and laid into the guy with a right hook.  Did I mention this was before brawl code?

I actually didn't die.  Got hauled off.  As I was being dragged down the street, the elf caught up to me, and since I was held, it wasn't too hard for him to slit my throat for about 40 damage.  DING.

Working for Pearl was one of the best experiences I've ever had in Zalanthas.  Took me about two RL years to figure out what the fuck "House Serpens" actually was.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.


Pearl created her own HOUSE??!!! Really? I played with her when he was first made. I mean... Seriously. She worked for my Fale... I think. My mind has been blown. I need to hear more stories of the last four years.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

You may be thinking of a different Pearl, there have been a few, but the one I am thinking of actually did primarily found her own House, known as House Terash.  The skinny guy, who's name I remembered last night during a stupor, and then promptly forgot again in the hangover haze of the morning, was from a different organization.

There was a lot of politicking and maneuvering and Templary Jockeying that took place to get House Terash up and rolling, but if you ever want to hang out at the place where more deals than you can shake a stick at were formed and broken, hit the Silver Ginka.  That's Pearl's old restaurant.  The shit that went down there... wow.  To be a kankfly on those walls.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Quote from: Fathi on July 07, 2008, 09:18:44 PM
Quote from: ZoltanStrapped onto his back was a backpack with a cool gortok mask in it. I think that it had belonged to Fathi, so it was one of Bernard's treasures.

That mask has more history than you'd think, Zolt.

Originally produced for Chosen Lord Cammul's Copper War-era play "Man and Dog," the mask somehow found its way into the hands of a Guild archon some years later.

When my Bynner played a part in preventing the execution of a certain Guild member by informing certain parties that an execution was about to take place, the mask was gifted to her by a pair of Guild fellows that later became fairly notorious.

Um, no, from my understanding that is NOT the same mask. There are several of those. Kadius sells them. :-p
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

Quote from: Malifaxis on October 18, 2008, 09:51:44 AM
You may be thinking of a different Pearl, there have been a few, but the one I am thinking of actually did primarily found her own House, known as House Terash.  The skinny guy, who's name I remembered last night during a stupor, and then promptly forgot again in the hangover haze of the morning, was from a different organization.

There was a lot of politicking and maneuvering and Templary Jockeying that took place to get House Terash up and rolling, but if you ever want to hang out at the place where more deals than you can shake a stick at were formed and broken, hit the Silver Ginka.  That's Pearl's old restaurant.  The shit that went down there... wow.  To be a kankfly on those walls.

I'm pretty sure it's the ame Pearl. I remember watching her with later chars. I quit playing before she got really powerful.

Pearl: The petite, honey-haired young woman

That one?
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

My first character was a pickpocket named Dreel.

I had no idea what I was doing. I met a certain Kadian named Sharlo at the bar and talked. He offered me a job as a hunter. I was still new. I remember being told to do 100 push-ups and emoting them out one at a time.

I then remember being transfered north and on a wagon. There was a half-giant on there and while we were riding he emoted pissing out of the back.

I remember buying spice and being all excited about it. And wasted all my noob money on it. Going out on my first hunt and bagging a hawk.

And then I stored because I got bored and no one was around to play.

October 19, 2008, 07:50:41 PM #92 Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 07:55:07 PM by Gunnerblaster
First character started off in 'Nak. Was too scared to leave the bar for a few RL hours. Just hung around, listening to people talk. Reading up on the commands and teaching myself on another screen.

But, yeah. First character's name is beyond my memory - But I'm pretty sure he was a thief/thug - Just because it seemed like the "cool" thing and from what I read up on Zalanthas, I figured a pickpocket would be a good starting class. Oh was I wrong.

I didn't even know about stats - Which is funny. Lol.

Well, I ended up joining the Byn because I was sweet-talked into the not-so-humble life of a down'n dirty mercenary. Went through training as the sparring dummy. Got my ass handled to me and I was just so amazed at how awesome it was to be a loser. Kind've depressing, too, but I got over it. Character was one of those village boys from around 'Nak who had come to the city hoping to hit it big. Something non-descript because I wasn't familiar with the life-style, etc., so I could always just play ignorance at something I didn't know.

Said-character ended up getting on his first kank for a mission. Kank wouldn't move so I decided to >kick kank. Wow was that a bad idea. Suddenly, I'm tossed off it's back -- Going from nice master to tasty treat. The other Bynners are just 'wtf?' as a soldier runs in and begins to lay waste to the kank while it munches down on my character's face. I spam fled (after looking it up in the help files, lol) and returned, giving some half-ass story that the kank just went wild on me.

Went out obsidian mining. Got hopelessly lost. I feel stupid, looking back, because if I had just used common sense and stayed calm - I could've just walked back. :P

But, yeah. Got all dramatic and 'Way'd all the Bynners giving some heart-felt apology about my demise. They find me come dawn and I feel like the dumbest guy in the world.

Get back to the Byn - Do some training - Come night, I want to explore. Accidentally find myself in the 'rinth. A certain welcoming committe NPC greets me with a sound knock on the nogging, which then provokes me to spam flee - Right down a certain hole.

I Way all my superiors, again, giving ANOTHER heart-felt apology for my demise. I suddenly realize I can climb, and head back AFTER I've already sent out my "i'm gonna die" Way to everyone.

I get back - They ask me if I want to stay in the Byn - I say yes and promptly recieve my punshiment whippings. Was hardcore. We train some. I'm feeling really good about Arm. Go to the mess, the prompt comes up "Your thirsty" and I'm, like, 'Hay, guys! ahm thirsty!'. I look at one of the tables. See a bottle. Get the bottle. Spam drink the bottle. Commence vomiting.

My sarge looks at me and everyone's just watching me saying, 'Are you okay?' and I'm saying, "Sure, sure - Fine fi-" *vomits* Then begins the process of everyone running around, screaming for me to follow them. I'm seriously saying, "No, don't worry - I'll be fine". I go sit in the latrines. Throw up a few times and realize it's not ending. So then I start following my sarge around and as we're running down the road, I start dry-heaving.

<Mantis Head>

Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

*laugh*  On the whole "kick" error....

I first played and didn't have any idea that kick was a command that started battle.

I was in a pit, (Blackwing encampment) and I think my character was drunk out of her mind... another character was there, I think he was just as drunk (we both -fell- into the pit)... he had emoted being a little to fresh with me, I can't remember what he did exactly, but I typed "kick" him...  and killed him!  I thought it was a social!

Luckily our imms new I was totally new to the mud and took mercy on me.
I felt pretty stupid. ;)
"This is ourselves.... under pressure."

I wonder how many people have tried to kiss someone, and ended up killing them instead...

Quote from: Clearsighted on October 20, 2008, 12:23:35 AM
I wonder how many people have tried to kiss someone, and ended up killing them instead...

QuoteI wonder how many people have tried to kill someone, and ended up kissing them instead...
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Foolishly played as an elf as my first character, wondering why I was disliked. He was a pickpocket physician. Rolled exceptional agility and poor everything else. Met some people in the Gaj who were quite friendly to an elf. They were trying to set up a multi-race guild. Kallie was the woman there, and some big fella who lent me his cloak. Fumbled around with emotes and conversation. He was the unluckiest character ever, and kept falling and getting knocked out every time. He wandered around in the 'rinth and got attacked by a vampire or something who made me work for him, spying on southerners. I fell down the well then, and my torch died. I died of hunger and thirst. Krathdamnit.
Carpe Diem - Fish of the day

I chose pickpocket for some reason, and was hanging around the Gaj for a while trying to figure out the emote system. A militia man came in and my gal gave him a stink of trouble (for whatever reason) and me, not quite understanding the social implications of telling a militia man to basically screw off--got into some trouble. Thankfully, as I tactically noticed even while still a novice, he had to leave and couldn't go about arresting my gal. So then after that I hung around, then got bored and decided to see what was outside the gates. I wandered down the road for a while until my poor stupid gal came across a cloaked figure riding a sunback (or something like that I think.) I need codedly "looked" at him. He asked why my gal was out in the desert with no mount, and then asked (very politely) for her sid. She shook her head at him, knowing that she couldn't really outrun him. He threatened her, then came across an "idea". He subdued her and threw her across his sunback and then brought her to the shield wall, and threatened to push her off if she didn't give up the goods.

After denying him still (I have no idea why I was doing this,) he came across another "good idea" and knocked him gal out with a club. I felt the tug of all of my gal's belongings being stripped of her, and woke up sometime later after being dumped at the city gates carelessly. I had to beg people in the Gaj for some food/water before she died--some lady eventually ended up offering my gal a servanting job cleaning up some rooms with a broom in her apartment or estate, (I can't rightly remember, and couldn't tell the difference at the time anyway.) Using my awesome pickpocketing skrills, I showed off my ability to sneakily nab some sid from my new employer. I think I didn't play for a really long time after this, for whatever reason, and ended up forgetting the account information completely and changing e-mails so that I couldn't even access it if I wanted to. This was like... 3-4 years ago.

I spent 2 years off then came back last year.

p.s. cloaked highway robber guy, thanks. That story was why I came back!
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

The first few characters didn't get me hooked, but my sixth, Halus, did. The slim, dark-haired man of the Kuraci Fist. He did things with his supremely-cool superiors, and got to ride on a silt skimmer and even got to try to stab a silt horror. IIRC he was going to probably get promoted to the second rank after the trip was over, or something, but alas, he never made it back to shore. Damn silt horror.

I actually don't remember my first character's name! It was a few years back. I'd been a MUSHer/MUXer for a long time prior, but because I was a big Dark Sun fan, I decided to give Armageddon a try.

I recall that he was a Gemmed Vivaduan. As I was new to the game, I picked a fairly bland concept and personality, which was ultimately my reason for storing him. He was eventually employed by Oash to provide water. Though the character wasn't exactly my best work, I learned a lot about the game and had the pleasure of acquainting myself with a number of wonderful players.