Tell your first character's story...

Started by NoteworthyFellow, July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM

My first Armageddon character was a level 20 Mage named Magius.  He was the leader of the Archmagi, the rival clan to the Doomsbringer clan.  I remember having Quadyana's necklace, Balzed Star weapons, and defeating the Paladin that stood guard at the Lich's gate by ordering the lizard drawing our wagon to tank the paladin and heal itself, since I discovered it had been given a cleric class.

The first character that I can distinctly recall playing after the changes to names, sdescs, tells, etc...was a dwarven spice merchant named Grymm.  He had a wagon with a secret cargo room that he used to smuggle spice into Allanak to sell.  He would then go to the potion merchant, buy 75 healing potions for about 50,000 'sid and then kill the shop keeper and take his coins back.  There were a few cohorts that palled around with me at the time, but one of them, a Vivaduan named Monsoon, was logged in one day guarding my wagon in Luir's when a Kuraci showed up named Daedheldin.

Daedheldin attacked him, to which Monsoon responded, "Why are you attacking me!?"  Deadheldin responded, "Because I'm taking your wagon."  Monsoon shouted, "It's not my wagon!" and then was summarily dispatched.  The Kuraci then broke into the wagon and piloted it south out of Luir's and then ran it straight into the gulch, where it sat for many RL years home to gith, halflings, wayward mounts, fallen Byn parties, and, hopefully, countless fun adventures.


Snarf, you win. Best one ever.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Once upon a time, about a year ago, I had just gotten into the groove of Armageddon and decided to play yet another ranger/house servant, as was my trend back then. I mostly sat in the Bard's Barrel when it was the place to be, and I very quickly came onto some serious rumors. Being the good citizen I was, I offered my services to a certain Lady Tor and she quickly picked me up as her spy in the city, which of course had me all excited. So, I continued about my business, picking up rumors about House Tor, which were very numerous back then (back when rumors were actually spread as liberally), and becoming the idolized young spy for this noblewoman.

One day, some man begins to whine about hating Lady Tor and called her a bully. I discreetly got his name and found my employer's mind. She later reprimanded him in private, I assume, and made him a laughing stock. Obviously, I wasn't discreet enough because he found out it was me who did it, and so then he stared me down whenever he could. I would instead sit at a different table with my nice listen skill and eavesdrop on him, knowing more juicy rumors were to come because he was upset.

So, out of all things, he pays this Tuluki assassin right there at the bar to kill me. I was obviously shocked, but surprised I was hated enough for that. Being a ranger, I was able to fight off this newbie assassin with ease when he finally attacked me in an alley that night (a position I purposefully placed myself in to make his job a bit more fun while it lasted). This dude is obviously really, really upset now that all of this has happened, so I have Lady Tor come down and she really begins to chew him out. Then, all of a sudden, he lashed out at her and was made into mincemeat by her guards within seconds.

Now, I'll admit that Lady Tor was a bit skimpy about paying me, so I quickly took all the food off his body because I was famished, and she had her guards haul his corpse away so she could have it beheaded outside, I guess.

My next mission was to find a certain fort of certain creatures that Lady Tor suspected was in or near the city. Within a few RL days, I had located the source of the creatures and was able to relay it to Lady Tor. However, while down there, I caught the plague, and so she didn't want to get near me until I was better. So then I had to go beg a local Vivaduan to heal me so that I could get paid and get food so I wouldn't die. It took a lot of begging, and I got healed, but sadly I withered away from starvation before I was able to next meet her.

To the players of this certain Lady Tor and the man at the Bard's Barrel: thanks for getting me hooked (I think)! ;)
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

October 22, 2008, 07:21:25 PM #103 Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 07:23:02 PM by Clearsighted
If this was only a year ago, I assume your ranger could've foraged for food...?

EDIT: I ask because your guy seemed code savvy enough in other ways, such as toying with and dispatching a newbie assassin, etc.

Quote from: Clearsighted on October 22, 2008, 07:21:25 PM
If this was only a year ago, I assume your ranger could've foraged for food...?

EDIT: I ask because your guy seemed code savvy enough in other ways, such as toying with and dispatching a newbie assassin, etc.
At this point in my Arming career, I hadn't yet left the city. :)
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

Quote from: Archbaron on October 22, 2008, 07:24:00 PM
Quote from: Clearsighted on October 22, 2008, 07:21:25 PM
If this was only a year ago, I assume your ranger could've foraged for food...?

EDIT: I ask because your guy seemed code savvy enough in other ways, such as toying with and dispatching a newbie assassin, etc.
At this point in my Arming career, I hadn't yet left the city. :)

Heh. City ranger ;)

Quote from: Clearsighted on October 22, 2008, 07:25:15 PM
Quote from: Archbaron on October 22, 2008, 07:24:00 PM
Quote from: Clearsighted on October 22, 2008, 07:21:25 PM
If this was only a year ago, I assume your ranger could've foraged for food...?

EDIT: I ask because your guy seemed code savvy enough in other ways, such as toying with and dispatching a newbie assassin, etc.
At this point in my Arming career, I hadn't yet left the city. :)

Heh. City ranger ;)
Yeah, heh, all my characters before this were minor spies or thieves, too. I had a soft spot for them in my early career.
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

This wasn't my first character, my memory isn't that good, but this is the one that got me hooked on the game.

He was a ranger, a long time before subguilds were in Armageddon, and was created after responding to an announcement from a player that they would like to find an apprentice for their experienced ranger in Red Storm. I wandered around the village for awhile after creation, got myself a kank to ride and some supplies and a weapon but the shopping options were limited. Then I met my new master, the flower-tattooed mul, and after a drink in the tavern he took me out for my first lesson in the wilderness. That lesson was awesome, a few tips on desert survival, pointing to a plant and explaining that you could sometimes find one in this area and here is how you can use it, this creature is good to hunt and eat, that creature over there thinks you are good to hunt and eat. Most importantly, never touch and dead bodies you find (I'm sure those old enough and had wilderness characters back then will remember why!)

We had a few good lessons like that, and it is why I picked the name I did when the account system was introduced to Armageddon and why I picked Bushranger as my GDB name. I think it is always why Red Storm is my favourite settlement in game, and why various rangers or wilderness characters are my most common. It was also the only time I tried to contact flower and got in contact with a plant!

And the end? Well shopping wasn't great in Red Storm then, quite limited options, so I went to Allanak to sell some things we had gathered and purchase some supplies. Flower couldn't come because he was a Mul, so it was just me and what do you know, I just had to touch that dead body I found, didn't I!

Quote from: MorgenesYa..what Bushranger said...that's the ticket.

The pliant youth heading out into the wilderness with a flower-tattooed mul has a certain Deliverance feel to it.

Okay, so I've had like, six accounts, because I keep hating armageddon, and coming back without a clue as to what my SN/PW was. But, I still remember my first char.

The black-haired, elven youth.
Seraphina, the assassin/scavenger

She was raised in the 'rinth, and was orphaned at a young age. She made her living killing sleeping, or sick, people, and selling their things, often going back to kill the people she stole from. When I started playing her, I read little on the elven roleplay docs, and I decided, feck it, I'm leaving the rinth to explore. I quickly learned it was easier to stay alive, if I just sat in the Gaj all day. (shame) After talking to many, many pcs, and learning most of the syntax, I wandered off again, to see if I could find a magicker to make me a magic item that would let me disappear. Well, I happened across an Oash noble (heh, didn't even notice the silks) and they decided to take me to their compound. I was quickly met with a blow to the head, in which I began running around the compound screaming, and then was subdued and dragged into the back, where a magicker, and a pscionisct, and some noble's aide, or something, began interrogating me, and mind-raping me. I eventually told them everything I know, and then I was sucked dry.
Mantis head, then I was hooked.

I hope I've gotten a lot better, though she was one of my favorite chars. I'll always remember a well-dressed human Kadian who suggested I come with her, who I bitterly shrugged off. (thank you for trying)
Quote from: Scarecrow on February 21, 2014, 04:45:46 PMIn Zalanthas, people don't dig graves with shovels, they dig them with their own tongues.

First Charactor: was your classic warrior, merc who joined the Byn.

Unfortunately oober noob AJM thought since he trained everyday with the 'kill' command, he should use it in the local tavern as well ...... I know now.

Nothing like 3 half giant guard beating down on you to tell you, you used the wrong syntax.
Quote from: AJM
Only noobs quote themselves.

Quote from: Clearsighted on October 22, 2008, 07:25:15 PM
Heh. City ranger ;)

What's wrong with city rangers?!!!  You wound me, sir.

Anyhow, my "first" character was a half-giant back before Karma. I wandered around, found my way into a house, started looting it, got caught by a templar, and led him on a merry chase around the outer road of Allanak. I had a few more disaster characters after that and then didn't play again until last summer.
Quote from: Synthesis
Quote from: lordcooper
You go south and one of the other directions that isn't north.  That is seriously the limit of my geographical knowledge of Arm.

The one that got me hooked... well there was a couple. But the FIRST character I played was a ranger/archer and I was tooling around Tuluk not really understanding MUDs and such.
I was also trying to learn the syntax, so I noched an arrow and fired one off at a kadian merchant in a shop - you know, for practice and learning. IMMEDIATELY the guard there was screaming and I was quite shocked... thinking "Holy cow, this is a PLAYER!"
After a little bit of a talkin-to I learned a little about the game and I was on my merry way.

My first character, was around atleast...... 3-4 years ago. He was Delcarion, a city elf warrior. Who at first glimpse of game play, was shouting at a merchant in human slang for not selling something to him at what he deemed, was a fair price. I believe "mother fucker, and pig, and water" were all involved in the verbal assassination.

Anyways, he somehow got involved with this awesome elven character, named Mektok, who I must thank for hooking me on the game. One day, mektok disappeared, and never resurfaced, so, me a newbie, who had been with this wickedly badass outlaw, wandered over to Luirs, and got a job as a member of the Kuraci Fist under Segeant Pendeh. I couldn't have asked for two better people to learn the game under, Mektok and Pendeh, fuck yeah. Anyways, Pendeh retired, and then the fist got boring, so, being a newbie, i retired my uber 15 day elf warrior.
your mother is an elf.

Pretty sure the player still plays and will remember this, but way back when with my first character who was a human ranger went wondering after my buddy IG begged me to not go exploring outside Tuluk without him. Of course, my little PC said yes and then got bored not too long after(bad OOC moment because I had come from a PK hack-n-slash, bad things and thank Arm Gods most of that is gone) down the North Road which he promptly met some half-giant. Now, in my experience with previous MUDs, them never having been roleplay intensive, race met nothing so my seemingly crazed fearless of this half-giant decides to enact justice because the half-giant kept blabbering that he had killed his best friend. Eye for an eye, right? It was going great, wounds, solids all over the place UNTIL he drew this massive club; yes, that was the true pimp stick and that first PC was that half-giant's bitch.

Majikal Quote:
"I  came in a girls hair products when she was too drunk to finish blowing me... she still doesn't know. We're still friends."

December 08, 2008, 02:42:46 PM #115 Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 02:46:02 PM by Incognito
Started out somewhere in 1998 or 1999? - first character was an independant merchant - the tall, dark, handsome man - I was later told by a staff member that that was the lamest sdesc they had seen in a while ;)

Anyways, life was exciting during those times. My first hour into the game, I politely asked another player in both IC and OOC - to show me around the city. The person showed me around Allanak, and then dropped me back to the Gaj. The other PCs in the gaj enlightened me that I had just asked a nobleman to give me a tour of the city, as if he was a commoner! I think he was Lord Rendias Borsail if I'm not too mistaken, or Lord Miedyan Oash possibly.

Got recruited by Kurac, and stationed in Allanak, with a kick-ass courier wagon. Of course, needless to mention that the Highlord had banned all spice in Allanak - so my PC was soon subjected to routine strip searches courtesy of the warm and friendly (and bald) Lady Templar Tarian Tor. That was fun!

Worked the spice compacting machine in Red Storm, smuggled spice into the Mantis, made tons of cash in the contraband trade. Basically lived his life out as a front-man for Kurac in Allanak, engaged in none of the uber-sneaky stuff! Times were good in Allanak, Tuluk had just been destroyed, and the Trader's Inn was THE place to be in!

Later on, he went on to have the Golden Nugget built atop the Bard's Barrel - and since he didnt have the funds to cover the costs himself, he ended up borrowing sid from Kurac, some more from Lord Kojiro No Fale, and also had some side-deal with Dorilys and Taravin in the Barrel itself. At some point, all the entities involved, were pissed off at him, for making them think they were the sole investors in the venture :)

Died an ignoble death soon afterwards - but hells yeah, it was fun while it lasted!

Edited to add : I was also told I used too many exclamation marks in my speech.....
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

My first memorable Arm character was Illanar - the ash-haired young man, or something to that effect.

I made Illanar after discovering the Atrium, and so naturally I made a beeline and had him join there.  He didn't manage to learn a whole lot, but eventually Lady Kavinny Borsail (*hugs!*) decided to take him under her wing, and he became her painfully stupid and oversexed aide.
Illanar used to hang around Lord Templar Kishime, pester him constantly without any point, and then run to Kavinny whining when Kishime would tell him off.
In fact, one time Illanar saw Kishime daydreaming at a table in the Barrel.  Illanar approached Kishime (just to say hello for politeness' sake), and Kishime just waved his hand and told Illanar to go away.  Illanar told this to Kavinny as a possible turn-around in his relationship with the notorious Templar.  Or in Illanar's own words - "He wasn't nasty to me this time!".
Illanar had some strange adventures.  I don't quite remembered what happened, but I think someone in the Atrium wanted Illanar killed, so they had an assassin follow Illanar around.  Illanar took a detour through a dark alley, and the assassin attacked.  Illanar managed to run away, though, and then confront the assassin about this.  The assassin actually managed to convince Illanar that he was SAVING him from another assassin going after his life.  Illanar actually bought that bullshit.  (Kudos, whoever that was).

Eventually, some Whiran decided to take on Borsail, and kidnapped Illanar telling him to steal some Borsail keys or be killed.  Illanar thought this over and decided on the most logical course of action.  That course of action being, of course, running to Tuluk for asylum.  While still wearing his Borsail garb.
He was also pretty open about how he ran away because of that vicious Whiran, and would contact Kavinny regularly to check up on her and generally let her know how he was doing.
After a few weeks where he made a living cooking meat for hunters or baking travel cakes, Eunoli showed up and gave Illanar a choice - he can either willingly become her slave, or he can keep trying his luck as a freelance cook, except she'd publicly make it outlawed for anyone to deal with him.
So yeah, he took the slavery.  Now, Illanar's only true speciality was his knowledge of cooking.  He was an excellent cook.  Eunoli, however, would drink ONLY water and eat ONLY stale bread.  They weren't a very good match, and Illanar made sure to tell this to Kavinny over the Way at least five times a week.
Eventually Illanar ended up in the Tuluki prisons, being taught a very interesting lesson about Eunoli and having a Jihaen break his neck with a staff.  It was a really awesome death really; he begged like a little bitch.

Also - Landra, I'm really sorry your first PC was so lame.  I should have done things differently. :(
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I'm so jealous of some of you guys' memorable stories. I think my first character was a woodsman that cut logs for Tuluk.

From what I remember, though, those logs were eventually used during the Copper War. Not entirely sure on that, but it made me fee a -lot- better when I heard that, because I realized "Hey, I may have died to a halfling in a sandstorm, but damnit. I helped Tuluk win the war."

Tuluk did win. You 'Nakki's better recognize.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Man, my first character was a southern hunter/ranger type named Kyree ... I got into the game, bought some gear, went out hunting ... found a scrab ... ... beep.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Ditto, except in Tuluk, to a halfling.  ::)
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Riev on December 08, 2008, 04:52:03 PM
Tuluk did win. You 'Nakki's better recognize.

Wait, wait.

Who controls the mines now?
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

As a Zalanthan history major, I must point something out here.

Quote1567 (Year 27 Age 21)
Tuluki forces capture a source of copper - an extremely rare and valuable resource - deep within the Red Desert. Very soon an army is sent from Allanak, led by Templar Malenthis Jal the Red, to try and wrestle control of the mine from them, and a two-month long conflict erupts, known as the Copper War. The war ends with both sides claiming victory as the Tuluki force, led by Templars Radic Lyksae, Eunoli Winrothol and Felysia Kassigarh, withdraws from the desert after having mostly spent the vein. The Allanaki army quickly seizes control over what is left and establishes a small camp at the location.

QuoteThe 159th day of the Descending Sun, Year 28 of the 21st Age

After almost two months of fighting, the Red Desert War has apparently come to an end. Both sides have claimed victory, the reasons and particulars dependent on which city they're told in.

In Allanak a tired, dirty army arrived late in the morning and Lord Malenthis Jal was heard giving a victory speech on Melenth's Circle. Only those who attended know what was said for certain, but the word spreading through the city is that the Tuluki army finally lost morale and broke rank, fleeing like cowards back to their city.

A different tale is told in Tuluk. Bards sings ballads about His Gloriousness' Army marching proudly back to Tuluk with Knigh Templar Radic, accompanied by High Templar Eunoli and Faithful Lady Felysia, at the head. Eunoli supposedly gave a speech in front of the Sanctuary, but only those who attended know what was said for certain. The common story told throughout the city, though, was that the Tuluki army soundly defeated the barbarians from the south, routing them on the field and sending them home with their tails between their legs.

In both cities, celebrations are being held and countless soldiers - veterans of the Red Desert War - get drunk and spin their stories in taverns for anyone who will listen.
- Halaster

Sounds a bit more ambiguous than anyone lets on.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Valanus the  Byn Trooper.

This guy was the sheeeit. He was offered sergeant's stripes but turned them down. He rode with Brok and Brekkin and loved both their dwarven asses like no one else. It was wonderful fun and I still remember the crushing heartache I felt when he died to lag+elves in the grasslands. His death also spawned the old 'Immz wantz to eatz my brainz' thread, though the email in question was not my own.

-WP smiles.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: Nyr on December 09, 2008, 10:08:33 AM
Some stuff

Right. As any 'nakki patriot knows, 'nak won. Those northies are just deluding themselves. Do we need another war over who won the last war?
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Quote from: Tisiphone on December 09, 2008, 10:12:20 AM
Quote from: Nyr on December 09, 2008, 10:08:33 AM
Some stuff

Right. As any 'nakki patriot knows, 'nak won. Those northies are just deluding themselves. Do we need another war over who won the last war?

The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.