Tell your first character's story...

Started by NoteworthyFellow, July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM

Quote from: Tisiphone on December 09, 2008, 10:12:20 AM
Quote from: Nyr on December 09, 2008, 10:08:33 AM
Some stuff

Right. As any 'nakki patriot knows, 'nak won. Those northies are just deluding themselves. Do we need another war over who won the last war?
Yes plz!!!

I'm in.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on August 17, 2010, 07:55:28 PM
A glossy, black-shelled mantis says, in insectoid-accented sirihish,
  "You haven't picked enough cotton, friend."
Choose thy fate:

My first character description actually had metal in it, and was promptly rejected.

I was such a newb.  :-[

Quote from: Larrath on December 08, 2008, 04:41:49 PM
My first memorable Arm character was Illanar - the ash-haired young man, or something to that effect.

I made Illanar after discovering the Atrium, and so naturally I made a beeline and had him join there.  He didn't manage to learn a whole lot, but eventually Lady Kavinny Borsail (*hugs!*) decided to take him under her wing, and he became her painfully stupid and oversexed aide....

What vivid memories your whole account brings back for me! I was playing my first memorable character too, a Borsail aide named Yzbella. By the time Illanar was on the scene she was a senior aide and I remember Lady Kavinny making Yzbella fire Illanar. It was, at that time, one of the hardest things I'd ever done IG because while it was perfectly IC and Yzbella thought Illanar was an idiot, OOC'ly I knew you were a newb and ... yeah, it was just hard.  But darned if Kavinny didn't change her mind and re-hire him.

QuoteAfter a few weeks where he made a living cooking meat for hunters or baking travel cakes, Eunoli showed up and gave Illanar a choice - he can either willingly become her slave, or he can keep trying his luck as a freelance cook, except she'd publicly make it outlawed for anyone to deal with him.

Your whole account of the Tuluki stuff brings back memories too.  By that time, I was on to my second character, Darian the bard.  I remember meeting Illanar at the fire pit and him trying to sell Darian his wares.   And I remember having conversations with Faithful Lady Eunoli along the lines of what a hideous lout of a barbarian the southron was.  I never knew what happened to Illanar, of course, but you know... just guessed.

Oh the memories!
Quote from: J S BachIf it ain't baroque, don't fix it.

Hmm... I forget my first PCs, but I do know that Ysania got me sucked into the game. I vaguely remember Kojiro and Pearl too.

The people who really did it for me were the Tuluki bardic crew with Gwenno, Holten and the rest of the gang. For those who care, I was Kiyin.

Quote from: mansa on July 03, 2008, 12:10:09 PM
I had a burglar in Red Storm.  I tried to pick the lock of the only locked door in red storm with my fingers, and spent 20 minutes before it popped back, 'Pick with what?'

I walked to Allanak, and met up with another boy, and he said we should go exploring.  We went into the 'rinth, and I fell down the well and got hurt.  He told me to sleep it off so I did.  He killed me.

Oh my god xD

Been a few years, but my first character that really sucked me in was a Scorpion Cadet by the name of Faold. Never intended him to join Tor, I thought he'd by more of a Bynner. Anyways I joined up and remember meeting a a lot of really awesome people who had great plots going on that to be honest got me into making my future characters more dynamic. It was great fun, I remember all the delays for the Copper War HRPT and how excited I was when it finally got started. It saddens me a bit he died so early on in fighting, but I'm glad playing him dragged me into the game more and made me excited for more, definitely hooked me.

The first character that really drew me in was this three-eyed dwarf Bynner I had many years ago.

I was sitting in the Gaj one day, and I overheard some Borsail noble's concubine talking shit about me, so I Wayed her to tell her to knock it off.  She Wayed me back insulting me even more, and threatening to do nasty things to me, etc.

So I put a barrier up, and completely forgot about it afterward.  About 3 minutes later, I try to contact my Sergeant for some unrelated reason, and I get the message "You can't seem to get in touch with your psionics."  Now, this was the old message you got when you tried to use the Way when you had your barrier up, but I had no idea what was going on.

I was -certain- this bitch who was talking all this mad shit about me was a mindbender, and was fucking with my head, so I did the only irrational thing:  I jumped out of my seat, drew swords, and started hacking her up.  About this time, old Berlian walks in, rescues her, and proceeds to hammer me silly.  I think I ended up getting tortured and executed in prison shortly thereafter.

But man, I look back on that and just have to laugh at my newbish stupidity.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Those concubines usually are mindbenders, aren't they? I think you did the only logical Zalanthan thing.
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Quote from: LoD on October 20, 2008, 01:50:50 PM
My first Armageddon character was a level 20 Mage named Magius.

Kinda puts it all in perspective, eh?
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you

Quote from: LoDDaedheldin.

Okay, just because you mentioned him.

So, my first character was a spice-hunter, sorta. I mean, he was told that people live by gathering spice around Red Storm, but he thought that you gather spice off the bodies of NPC sifters and giths. At some point passing cleric tried to explain other ways of getting spice to me, but I was largely unimpressed.

Anyway, once upon returning from carnage, I find Kuraci shopkeeper dead and Daedheldin standing there. And he is all like "whodunit?" And I am all like "muldunit". Said mul was the only PC whom I've seen around the scene that day, so it was very logical to accuse him. And Daedheldin is all like "whatever, come to my wagon, I wanna show you something". He lures me inside wagon, closes the door, drops a couple of menacing emotes, draws his weapons and then...

It is important to mention that I was 12 years old, knew about 200 words in English at that point and had a habit of ignoring whatever people emote and a habit of half-guessing whatever they say.

So, he draws his weapons and then I go all helpful-like, scanning the area and asking, "Are we in danger?"
No idea what was going behind the screen there. Anyway, after proving his innocence that way, my character was allowed to live, until being utterly annihilated by grandmother of all mantises.

Quote from: Doppelganger on December 23, 2008, 10:52:13 AM
And he is all like "whodunit?" And I am all like "muldunit".

I'm nominating this as "Most hilarious post of the day".
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

That is pretty damn good.

I also quite liked:

Quote from: Doppelganger on December 23, 2008, 10:52:13 AM
So, he draws his weapons and then I go all helpful-like, scanning the area and asking, "Are we in danger?"
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

There was a long conversation at the Houston APM over who won the Copper War ;).

I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

I think I told this one. I came from a hack n slash background, but I heard about this really cool game called Armageddon on ISCA (I'm probably dating myself here). This was pre-hack n crash, but here goes.

I app'ed an assassin, who's name escapes me right now. I wander around for a while, manage to find the bazaar and some gear, and eventually wander into Trader's.....with my weapons out. Which caused an uproar because then I said "Hey, can anybody tell me where the assassin's guild is so I can train?" Luckily, there were no templars there at the time. Two guys take pity on me, show me the ropes a little and have me join an org. My cover was a seamstress.... ::) which I think became a running joke for female assassins. Anyway, I learned those sneaky assassin skills well enough to actually kill someone and had to flee the city. I found a half giant who carried me all the way to Tuluk. I'm in Tuluk for a while, lost the half-giant and got a new cover....a hunter. I get with a group of hunters and we run across an erdlu. Which proceeded to stomp me and every other hunter in the group, except I was smart enough not run  :'(

Can't remember my second character at all.
Just like the white winged dove,
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oooo,ooo, ooo

Lunette was my first character.

I was so noobie, I made the character first and /then/ read up all the document. In my background, my character taught herself to read and write. By the way, she got accepted with that background, too.

She was very beautiful, all pale and porcelain and f-me. I had no concept Arm is a desert world. She got snapped up into Atrium, there was a bug with the npc guard, I got stuck and got so bored I wrote a newbie diary on this forum.
She spent the majority of her time as Ceylara's aide in training.
Was given 5000 sids to buy wine for Atrium, but after Atrium closed down, ahem, kept all the sids. Did spent like 100 to say hey I brought some wine!
Annoy the proprietor of Atrium by flirting with him repeatedly. I used to get some kind of ooc kick out of it.
Upset some luvly Fale noble, who had a templar beat the shit out of her in Bard's. Got a sexy scar.
Had another Borsail noble wanting to steal her from Ceylara and paid another templar 2000 just to rescue her.
Got ripped off by some Guildee.
Got apprenticed under the ultra assassin Yellow Belly without ever learning codes from him. Or used backstab.
Had a tearful goodbye to see a Tor Scorpion off the Copper War with his brother (Faold?) guarding the Bard's Barrel balcony.
Consorted with an ungemmed drovian.
Had two drovian shadows fought for her lap space in Ceylara's room. I didn't know what to do or how to react when I saw pages of spam involving Someone hits someone.....
The first time she tried to steal out of Allanak to visit the drovian in Red Storm, she got found out by the npc concubine. So...
Promptly got kidnapped by her own allies into Tuluk so she'd avoid Borsail retribution.
Schemed with her drovian lover to join Plainsman's camp and become a sorcerer (had no idea wtf a sorcerer is at the time).
Stirred some kind of rescue team back in Nak.
Got thoroughly fed up with Tuluk and begged to go back to Nak, death or not....
... and died on the north road to a halfling backstab.

That is all I can remember! She lived for 6 months, seen lots of pcs coming and going due to the Copper War. Damn wasn't the sids sweet at the time. People would ask her to buy stuffs and then die off the next day. I pocketed all the sids. I remember being bored out of mind when two nobles were chatting so I'd scoff at them using thinks and feels. Then got baffled (WTF, my char is alive!) when some psi made her think back at herself. I thought it was a script...

Edit: She was an assassin/physician.  Damn didn't I branch all the non combat skills... that was when I got addicted to listen skill.
Don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.

Quote from: Melody on January 04, 2009, 12:57:29 AM
that was when I got addicted to listen skill.
Amen. My favorite skill as a newbie.
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

Quote from: Melody on January 04, 2009, 12:57:29 AM
Lunette was my first character.
Upset some luvly Fale noble, who had a templar beat the shit out of her in Bard's. Got a sexy scar.
Had a tearful goodbye to see a Tor Scorpion off the Copper War with his brother (Faold?) guarding the Bard's Barrel balcony.

You played my character's brother's girlfriend!!  'Twas shortly after the beating incident ("he let out almost all her blood") that I believe I walked him down West Dragon's Path, trying to convince him not to think rash thoughts.

Which sibling thing was kinda ill-conceived and hacked together, but it made for an interlude.

Quote from: Bogre on December 24, 2008, 06:04:49 AM
There was a long conversation at the Houston APM over who won the Copper War ;).

You set them straight, I hope?
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

Quote from: brytta.leofa on January 04, 2009, 01:19:34 AM

You played my character's brother's girlfriend!!  'Twas shortly after the beating incident ("he let out almost all her blood") that I believe I walked him down West Dragon's Path, trying to convince him not to think rash thoughts.

Which sibling thing was kinda ill-conceived and hacked together, but it made for an interlude.

Haha. It wasn't all that bad. She was so low on stun, around 10 stun? And she passed out after the first one or two hits. I re-read the log afterwards, and found out that the templar attacked her because I misread his emotes and says. Hey, I was a noobie, I was nervous!

I was so noobie, I passed out while Waying her noble, so a Borsail Lieutenant came to revive me in Atrium. I was so grateful, I immediately tried to thank the noble through the Way, and.... yeah...
Don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.

Quote from: Melody on January 04, 2009, 01:31:25 AM
I was so noobie, I passed out while Waying her noble, so a Borsail Lieutenant came to revive me in Atrium. I was so grateful, I immediately tried to thank the noble through the Way, and.... yeah...
I've done that before! It's so embarrassing. :P
"Never was anything great achieved without danger."
     -Niccolo Machiavelli

First character that got me hooked... Was my Human, Ranger/Nomad uber badass.. Started in red storm went to Allanak made alot of friends while doing what I thought was a decent job of Roleplay... Was the first to join the Salarri expansion division.. Promptly was backstabbed by some other uber badass. The end.
Quote from: Cutthroat on August 22, 2009, 10:57:13 PMSo Eunoli Winrothol, Samos Rennik, and Thrain Ironsword walk into a bar. The Red Fang bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck out of my bar."

Quote from: Melody on January 04, 2009, 12:57:29 AM
Lunette was my first character.

I was so noobie, I made the character first and /then/ read up all the document. In my background, my character taught herself to read and write. By the way, she got accepted with that background, too.

She was very beautiful, all pale and porcelain and f-me. I had no concept Arm is a desert world. She got snapped up into Atrium, there was a bug with the npc guard, I got stuck and got so bored I wrote a newbie diary on this forum.
She spent the majority of her time as Ceylara's aide in training.
Was given 5000 sids to buy wine for Atrium, but after Atrium closed down, ahem, kept all the sids. Did spent like 100 to say hey I brought some wine!
Annoy the proprietor of Atrium by flirting with him repeatedly. I used to get some kind of ooc kick out of it.
Upset some luvly Fale noble, who had a templar beat the shit out of her in Bard's. Got a sexy scar.
Had another Borsail noble wanting to steal her from Ceylara and paid another templar 2000 just to rescue her.
Got ripped off by some Guildee.
Got apprenticed under the ultra assassin Yellow Belly without ever learning codes from him. Or used backstab.
Had a tearful goodbye to see a Tor Scorpion off the Copper War with his brother (Faold?) guarding the Bard's Barrel balcony.
Consorted with an ungemmed drovian.
Had two drovian shadows fought for her lap space in Ceylara's room. I didn't know what to do or how to react when I saw pages of spam involving Someone hits someone.....
The first time she tried to steal out of Allanak to visit the drovian in Red Storm, she got found out by the npc concubine. So...
Promptly got kidnapped by her own allies into Tuluk so she'd avoid Borsail retribution.
Schemed with her drovian lover to join Plainsman's camp and become a sorcerer (had no idea wtf a sorcerer is at the time).
Stirred some kind of rescue team back in Nak.
Got thoroughly fed up with Tuluk and begged to go back to Nak, death or not....
... and died on the north road to a halfling backstab.

That is all I can remember! She lived for 6 months, seen lots of pcs coming and going due to the Copper War. Damn wasn't the sids sweet at the time. People would ask her to buy stuffs and then die off the next day. I pocketed all the sids. I remember being bored out of mind when two nobles were chatting so I'd scoff at them using thinks and feels. Then got baffled (WTF, my char is alive!) when some psi made her think back at herself. I thought it was a script...

Edit: She was an assassin/physician.  Damn didn't I branch all the non combat skills... that was when I got addicted to listen skill.
I envy you. My first character was a boring noob. My second one seems much more interesting, though. Can't comment on either, because it's not yet past the 1 RL year mark :P
Quote from: Rahnevyn on March 09, 2009, 03:39:45 PM
Clans can give stat bonuses and penalties, too. The Byn drop in wisdom is particularly notorious.

My first character joined up with Kadius under a certain baddassmotherfuckinrapeyourface mul when he was first starting his division. Said character died quickly in the southern wilderness.

To the player of Murk. You rock man. Got me hooked, and taught me a -lot- about the game in a very small amount of time we played.

My first character was a whiran in Tuluk, whose first spell landed him in jail.  Learning, he cast his second spell outside the city, which amazingly worked and caused him to be eaten by halflings about 10 seconds later.

My second character was a half-giant warrior, in Tuluk.  I was learning though, and went outside to spar with a whole lot of people.  When it was finally my turn, I got to spar a human (who was ooc-ly complaining about the implementation of a component to the most powerful Krathi spell...should have clued me in).  I missed, he fireballed me.  End of spar, but at least I lived.  After healing, I went down the road, trying to get to Luirs.  And ran into another half-giant.  An NPC.  A Blackmoon one.

So, third character was a tuluki elven whiran.  I joined up with Khomar and twinked out in their garden, mostly, but did manage to learn a lot more about the game.  Never died, just left the game for awhile and he was gone when I got back.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Quote from: Melody on January 04, 2009, 12:57:29 AM... and died on the north road to a halfling backstab.

This was all my fault. :(

Yellow Belly was furious with me.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."