Tell your first character's story...

Started by NoteworthyFellow, July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM

Quote from: Fathi on July 04, 2008, 09:32:08 PM
Quote from: ale six on July 04, 2008, 09:05:56 PM
as Vedralius' punishment, Reneli, his concubine, was sentenced to bear a mul for the House (mul mommies don't survive the birth.) At the time I thought this was soooooooooooo unfair. Now, looking back, I think it's soooooooooooo Zalanthan and awesome and not a very bad way to die.

Most amazing story in this thread.

Wow.... that is... amazing.

I also have some good stories, but I'm still a newb :p

So wait a year ok?
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.

Like many of you, my first character was one that died one day after creation (if that).

It was a half-elf.
I got bored and tried to kill a soldier.  Or something equally stupid.


No, this didn't hook me on the game. 
Neither did the next character that died similarly.

Having my 3rd character trip over Lord...Quaelus?...Lord something Borsail...and having Pearl quickly cover for my character being an overambitious new aide-wanna-be was what hooked me on the game.

Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

My first character (that I can remember) from back in the mid to late 90's was a Blackwing elf.  I hunted with another Blackwing for a while, then he had to go because he had class or was in the computer lab or something... so I walked all the way to Tuluk and I remember talking to a couple of folks (humans I think) and one of them thought it was kinda impressive that I walked all the way from the Blackwing camp.  Heh.  I don't remember what happened from there... there was always some sort of action taking place in Old Tuluk... I think I raided some estates and killed house guards or somesuch.  Wee. 

The lean, shadowy man.
Brace wandered around Allanak trying to find water, asking for jobs, and sleeping in the streets. At the time I thought it was totally inappropriate, and now of course I know just how perfect it was. He was from out of town - a story I slapped together after a brief skim of the world docs, having something to do with slavery and near-death. Whatever.
Even though peak was only 20 people or so at the time, and I couldn't seem to 'get it,' I was having such an awesome time I kept coming back for more, until finally Lord Commander Therlias Borsail decided to hire him as a Wyvern recruit. Thus began months of logging in at the wrong time, and since nobody remembered to add me to the very primitive clan board we had at the time, I had no idea what to do for many of my logged hours, except spar the few other players half-active.
While Brace was missing the clan action, instead spending his time hanging out in Allanak supporting himself, Therlias was made Lord Governor of the silverwood estate in the north, and REALLY NEEDED SOME MUSCLE. Skip to when I finally get a successful contact on the Lord and he promptly hires the Byn to escort Brace north, knowing perfectly well how newbish I am and that I don't know the way to save my life.
Simply by outliving everyone else, Brace advanced through the ranks to Sergeant, where he really shined and I finally started to get it. You automatically become a badass by living that long. When Therlias took the unit to **** to **** and got **** by a ****, my power was out for the night and I couldn't log on. Brace outlived a slew of nobles and survived the real heat of the north/south conflict.
I don't remember the exact order of events in his life, and now that I try, I'm remembering so much, but some key events include: the rebels kidnapping Lady somebody's baby, Brace toying with the idea of leaving the unit, then saying 'fuck it' and maybe betraying the lot of 'em when whats-his-name was in charge, becoming Lieutenant of the White company, and performing executions for... I think it was Ihsahn, but only because I don't remember who else was around back then. Brace is in the Borsail docs somewhere.

For a first character, I really saw a lot of the world with that dude, and it was all so new and fresh I still get excited about what parts I can remember. Died to a blackmoon mul subdue on the north road. 'DROP PACK!'

I loved my 1st PC -- he lasted over a RL year.   I couldn't have created a more interesting background for him than what happened ICly between the ages of 14 and 23.

With in the first week of play my PC had insulted Borsail noble and Templar so much my poor PC was tortured (had his tongue split open like a snake's for "lying") and enslaved  -- someone wrote up a wonderful post about this taking place in the tavern.

During his slavery he got to listen in on some great plots, interact with a lot of political figures, and (just once) chew out and yell at a templar :D   (how many PCs can say that?)

My PC then became a slave of Oash.  He spent most of his days playing games with a bright-spirited Oash Lady (I think I learned to play every game known in Arm).  An Oash Lord bought my PC's first whore (a real PC whore) experience.  And my slave was eventually granted his name back; sent to the Tor Academy; and even freed so he could take a life-time oath as an Oashi guard.

And that is the story of

Jaytarn ~ The red-haired boy
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

Axe wielding dwarf bynner named Grumm.  Got pissed off and attacked a templar outside of the Traders.

My first character was very lame.  I thought Arm was mostly a big PvP arena with a few taverns.  I made my character, bought some stuff, then waited in an Allanaki alley for like 2 hours hoping someone would come by so I could mug them and take their loot.  It never happened, so I decided to take a walk to Tuluk and hope there were more people to fight there.  A band of gith intercepted me en route.

After reading the docs and forums, I kinda figured out more of what was going on and that it is not, in fact, a PvP combat game, and that it would probably be a good idea to join a clan.  My second character was named Orjek, "the burly, crooked-nosed human".  He managed to get a Borsail officer to sponsor his entry into the Byn, where he served under Sergeant Cirdon (until the elven sergeant's tragic death).  After he finished his time as a runner, the Borsail officer apparently defected to the north, and thus he was freed of his obligation to become a Wyvern.  Alas, after running around for a bit trying to figure out what to do with Orjek's life, I got a little bored and left for several months.  Upon my return I retired him to make a new character (it was a shame too, since he had AI agility and a year of Byn combat training under his belt).

Well, the first that lived any kind of long and I had any sort of idea was my third I believe.

Trystan, the lean, platinum-haired man I think, ranger/scavenger.

Anyways his background was that he was a tribal grebber from outside the city who had come to improve his life. He joined up with Tenneshi (the first in a long line of Tenneshi guards I made, each getting vaguely better at the game than the last. I had a coupla other chars in between, of course, though. ) Anyways he trains and does this stuff, and makes a friend with another guy. I had also been exploring the ruins of tuluk to scavenge stuff there and because I thought it was cool. Anyways I start yelling at this npc on the road to Tenneshi who won't go away and I kill her (my guy had decided he didn't really care for human life and wanted to make coins on his own.) His friend was like...dude we could make a living like this. So we end up exploring undertuluk and finding some cool stuff down there and were muggers by night, guardsman by day for a while.

Anyways, a soldier NPC saw my char leaving the gates and reported it, so he was kicked out of Tenneshi. He had also pissed off Sabin, a Lieutenant of Winrothol, who was a beast, and got invited into an apartment to make things up. KAH-WHACK.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: mansa on July 03, 2008, 12:10:09 PM
I had a burglar in Red Storm.  I tried to pick the lock of the only locked door in red storm with my fingers, and spent 20 minutes before it popped back, 'Pick with what?'

I walked to Allanak, and met up with another boy, and he said we should go exploring.  We went into the 'rinth, and I fell down the well and got hurt.  He told me to sleep it off so I did.  He killed me.

Bwahah...Glorious. Everyone should get introduced to ARM this way. If they did, we wouldnt have so many..."Thats too harsh" whiners moping about.
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Quote from: manonfire on July 03, 2008, 02:14:51 PM
Raleth - the portly, bearded man

Joined the Byn with his IG brother, Rame.

Was sparring with his sergeant, Henna, when she cracked his skull open with a mercy-on chop to the head, killing him.

So it goes.

Hehe, I remember this.
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

How many runners did Henna do that to?
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: Bogre on July 07, 2008, 03:04:54 PM
How many runners did Henna do that to?

She kept trying to do it to mine, she never would arm wrestle me, (I would have lost, but I still challenged her constantly) and I kept trying to steal that fork she insisted on eating with.

Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Quote from: Winterless on July 03, 2008, 06:00:02 PM
Adara was a dwarf...

My first PC, Sergeant Bernard AKA Beard the bearded young man (later one-eyed, bearded man) knew Adara. Those were some fun times!

Most of Bernard's good stories are still pretty IC, I think, but I think I'll delve a little here...

Bernard was a warrior/merc who grew up living and working with his dad, a small-time tailor. One day, daddy up and disappeared and after fruitlessly searching the corpse pile in Allanak for a while, Bernard figured he was on his own for good. Ended up getting recruited into the Byn by Fathi and played with a really, really good group of players. Now that I sit down to think about it, there's just too many fun stories with this character to bother going over in any detail. He was pretty long-lived, especially for a first character. I think about eight months RL time. And like I said before, the real good stories for this guy are still a little too sensitive to bring up on the GDB. But here's some fun ones...

I remember my first experience with the brawl code. Accidently used kick during a four-person brawl and the militia NPCs went apeshit! I just remember everyone yelling "Run, you fecking idiot!" or whatever and fleeing across 'Nak to the compound. That was all right after Bernard got dragged along by a fellow runner to murder some dude. Pretty intense night of play! I still smile when I think of Fatty trying to extort 'sid from Bernard in exchange for not telling the Sergeants that he'd pissed off the militia.

The time a drunk Kazi tried crossbowing a tiny scorpion was funny. He ended up getting stung and started tripping balls.

One time the Byn crew got stuck out in a fucking -huge- sandstorm. We emoted digging makeshift trenches and taking cover... Next thing I know my kank, Peart, goes flying up into the air! Strapped onto his back was a backpack with a cool gortok mask in it. I think that it had belonged to Fathi, so it was one of Bernard's treasures. Just when Beard was flipping out about losing that bit of memorabilia, Peart came falling out of the sky and landed nearby, knocked out cold. A had a good chuckle over that.

There was this one time the Byn crew was up in Tuluk. We had just gotten done with a big ass, successful hunt and Axel was treating us all to booze and spice at the Tooth. It wasn't long before he and Adara eloped to a side room, leaving the extremely drunk Kazi and Bernard with Lara. Well, the two shitcloaks were in a singing mood and Kazi sang something like "Dwarf lovin'!" to which I crooned "Short an' sweeeet!" Man, I could not stop laughing IRL. My roommate thought I was insane. (He still does.)

Mostly, it was just funny little stories like that. But he had some ridiculously intense times, too. Meh, can't go into those yet... He -was- a pretty much hopeless alcoholic, though, and budding spice addict. A constantly broke Byn Sarge. Lots of fun.

Bernard died a pretty mundane death to a beetle, and in my horrible noobishness, I had dragged a Byn Trooper down with me too (at least I'm pretty sure). So, sorry to that player!

Beard's definitely the character that got me hooked to this game. The Byn was just such a fun place to be at that time.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

Quote from: Zoltan on July 07, 2008, 07:10:41 PM
Quote from: Winterless on July 03, 2008, 06:00:02 PM
Adara was a dwarf...

My first PC, Sergeant Bernard AKA Beard the bearded young man (later one-eyed, bearded man) knew Adara. Those were some fun times!

Most of Bernard's good stories are still pretty IC, I think, but I think I'll delve a little here...

Bernard was a warrior/merc who grew up living and working with his dad, a small-time tailor. One day, daddy up and disappeared and after fruitlessly searching the corpse pile in Allanak for a while, Bernard figured he was on his own for good. Ended up getting recruited into the Byn by Fathi and played with a really, really good group of players. Now that I sit down to think about it, there's just too many fun stories with this character to bother going over in any detail. He was pretty long-lived, especially for a first character. I think about eight months RL time. And like I said before, the real good stories for this guy are still a little too sensitive to bring up on the GDB. But here's some fun ones...

I remember my first experience with the brawl code. Accidently used kick during a four-person brawl and the militia NPCs went apeshit! I just remember everyone yelling "Run, you fecking idiot!" or whatever and fleeing across 'Nak to the compound. That was all right after Bernard got dragged along by a fellow runner to murder some dude. Pretty intense night of play! I still smile when I think of Fatty trying to extort 'sid from Bernard in exchange for not telling the Sergeants that he'd pissed off the militia.

The time a drunk Kazi tried crossbowing a tiny scorpion was funny. He ended up getting stung and started tripping balls.

One time the Byn crew got stuck out in a fucking -huge- sandstorm. We emoted digging makeshift trenches and taking cover... Next thing I know my kank, Peart, goes flying up into the air! Strapped onto his back was a backpack with a cool gortok mask in it. I think that it had belonged to Fathi, so it was one of Bernard's treasures. Just when Beard was flipping out about losing that bit of memorabilia, Peart came falling out of the sky and landed nearby, knocked out cold. A had a good chuckle over that.

There was this one time the Byn crew was up in Tuluk. We had just gotten done with a big ass, successful hunt and Axel was treating us all to booze and spice at the Tooth. It wasn't long before he and Adara eloped to a side room, leaving the extremely drunk Kazi and Bernard with Lara. Well, the two shitcloaks were in a singing mood and Kazi sang something like "Dwarf lovin'!" to which I crooned "Short an' sweeeet!" Man, I could not stop laughing IRL. My roommate thought I was insane. (He still does.)

Mostly, it was just funny little stories like that. But he had some ridiculously intense times, too. Meh, can't go into those yet... He -was- a pretty much hopeless alcoholic, though, and budding spice addict. A constantly broke Byn Sarge. Lots of fun.

Bernard died a pretty mundane death to a beetle, and in my horrible noobishness, I had dragged a Byn Trooper down with me too (at least I'm pretty sure). So, sorry to that player!

Beard's definitely the character that got me hooked to this game. The Byn was just such a fun place to be at that time.


Those were some great times. Wish I would have had listen to hear that song! I remember that night though, what a fun one.

Beard along with Lara were the ones that really slapped some shit into Adara and stopped her from taking her life. Beard was a great character. And Fatty... loved that guy. zomg! His player is great too.  ;D

Quote from: Winterless on July 07, 2008, 08:57:02 PM
Beard along with Lara were the ones that really slapped some shit into Adara and stopped her from taking her life.

I just remember OOCly thinking around that time "Shit! Axel's dead and I'm a total noob what am I gonna doooooo?" Adara was fun, we didn't want to see her go!
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

Quote from: ZoltanStrapped onto his back was a backpack with a cool gortok mask in it. I think that it had belonged to Fathi, so it was one of Bernard's treasures.

That mask has more history than you'd think, Zolt.

Originally produced for Chosen Lord Cammul's Copper War-era play "Man and Dog," the mask somehow found its way into the hands of a Guild archon some years later.

When my Bynner played a part in preventing the execution of a certain Guild member by informing certain parties that an execution was about to take place, the mask was gifted to her by a pair of Guild fellows that later became fairly notorious.
And I vanish into the dark
And rise above my station

Quote from: Fathi on July 07, 2008, 09:18:44 PM
Quote from: ZoltanStrapped onto his back was a backpack with a cool gortok mask in it. I think that it had belonged to Fathi, so it was one of Bernard's treasures.

That mask has more history than you'd think, Zolt.

Originally produced for Chosen Lord Cammul's Copper War-era play "Man and Dog," the mask somehow found its way into the hands of a Guild archon some years later.

When my Bynner played a part in preventing the execution of a certain Guild member by informing certain parties that an execution was about to take place, the mask was gifted to her by a pair of Guild fellows that later became fairly notorious.

Holy crap, I had -no- clue of its history. I just thought it was pretty bad ass. It was actually passed off to Bernard by a gemmer he knew. And it got me a lot of "friendly fire" in gortok territory, heh. I remember I was on a trip with Axel once, right before Bernard got promoted to Sergeant. We were at some remote outpost. There was a gortok there that took a particular liking to the masked Bynner...

I love it when items get some good IG history, even if it's only for a brief time and known to only a few people. Thanks for the story, Fathi.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

I know I've told this before.

My first character was this nothing pickpocket named Isooru.  She only lasted a RL week, but I remember two things.  One was her death, at the hands of a templar experimenting on her with a lethal substance.

The other was this encounter with Cross at the Gaj. He leered at her and asked "How much?"  She took offense and snapped "You don't have enough."  Then he offered her three small.  This, apparently, was enough.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: flurry on July 08, 2008, 08:47:17 AM
The other was this encounter with Cross at the Gaj. He leered at her and asked "How much?"  She took offense and snapped "You don't have enough."  Then he offered her three small.  This, apparently, was enough.

HAH! Classic.

July 08, 2008, 10:30:03 AM #69 Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 10:36:34 AM by wildhalfling
 My first memorable character went by the name of Kalos back in 1996, or maybe 97..anyway he was a ranger. ( I have no idea what my desc was since I've had many since then and no logs.) There were no other subguilds and I still think you could pick any class to play since there was no karma then.

He used to go outside of Tuluk and hunt creatures, sell hides and stuff for coins. Ran into a young fellow by the name of Raknar who wanted to learn the ways of the blade. Kalos became his mentor and would practice with him and take him out hunting. Well Kalos was travelling the north road, coming back from Luir's (The old Luir's with the corral right outside the tavern). He was attacked by some NPC Blackmoon. Killed one and got a bone broadsword before running from the rest. ( For some reason I OOC thought that this was an uber weapon cause it came from badass NPC's...too many hack-n-slash muds before arm hehe) Anyway I went to the tavern in Tuluk, was having a drink at the bar when I felt a tugging. I found that my new sword was now gone and the thief ran out into the streets. She actually made herself known to me before doing so.

Some how, some time later I got into an arguement with a Ember-eyed Mul. I will never forget this guy. I have no idea what the arguement was about, but he threatened me with violence so I told him if he didnt get away from me I would make a great looking sword with one of his eyes set into the base of my hilt. This set him into a rage, along with his other friends he had with him. Kalos shrugged it off and left them, heading out the gate to the north road. A female who Kalos had met some time before came along and started talking to him. He told her the story about the arguement and she told him to get off the road and go just south one room. So now we were both one west and one south of the gate talking. She was trying to make Kalos feel better, then all of a sudden attacks him. Then from out of nowhere that Ember-eyed Mul attacks him and some others come along to help him. Kalos gets away and runs south and and east around Tuluk. I believe there was an interior section between the outer wall and the inner wall then( Was Old Tuluk before the attack ). Anyway he runs and runs. Has to rest. Is getting contacted and wayed by the Mul about how he is tracking him down by the blood splatter and will find him. Kalos got away some how and left for Luir's when he got the chance.

About a RL week later Raknar is looking for him so Kalos decides to go back to Tuluk and meet up with him. Along the north road at the long pass before the Dol-Takar road Kalos runs into a dwarf that is friends with the Mul. This dwarf tries to raid Kalos and tells him to drop his weapons and other items. Kalos, knowing he will just be killed anyway, tells this dwarf to drop his instead. Of course the dwarf gets angry and attacks Kalos. Well, from all the hunting, Kalos had truly become a good fighter because he put a huge ass whooping on this dwarf and he had to flee. I believe Kalos went after him and the dwarf was exhausted and asked to be spared. Being the nice guy he was, he told the dwarf never to attack him again or he would be killed.

So Kalos meets up with Raknar. Now Raknar had become a good fighter as well. The both of them travel to Allanak with Raknar leading the way since Kalos had never been there. We fought gith along the way and finally come to the city. During his travels Kalos meet a woman who he kinda liked. ( Think her desc was the emerald-eyed woman) Well there was some big celebration in Allanak, no idea what for. Raknar and Kalos and the emerald-eyed chick all get drunk right in Meleths circle with all the rest of the PC's. There were casks all over and people telling stories and stuff happening. Then some templar had to show off how great he was and cast some spell that made the emerald-eyed woman disappear from right beside me. The templar thought it was funny and all those with him all had a good laugh. Kalos did not find this funny. He wayed the woman and found she was somewhere in the tablelands. She told him what she saw around her. Kalos and Raknar left the city and went into the tablelands to search for her. Kalos had only been there once before. We spent an hour or so looking until we finally found her. Dont remember what happened after that, but we didnt goto 'Nak.

Some time went on and Raknar was in talks with some fellows with white cloaks with blood stains on them. We were going to join up with them, but Kalos went hunting back up near Tuluk one day in the Grey Forest. He was off his Inix fighting a vestric when a wild halfling hunter came along. He got attacked and had to flee. Then he tried to see where the Inix was, but got followed and attacked again..had to flee again. Finally he could not see the Inix and had a halfling hunter npc tracking him down. Kalos walked around in a large circle trying to find the Inix...then he saw it. It was two rooms away, but now he was exhausted. In came the halfling and that was the end of Kalos...with his Inix two rooms away and no movement points left. :( Was a good ride though.l

Heh, ironic that your name is "wildhalfling"...

I remember playing with that crazy ember-eyed mul with a few characters... I think one of my characters was a friend of his and another was an enemy.  Heck, one of my characters may have even been friends with Kalos... too long ago to remember, but that name and Raknar sounds familiar.  Good times.

Quote from: Desertman on July 07, 2008, 03:17:25 PM
Quote from: Bogre on July 07, 2008, 03:04:54 PM
How many runners did Henna do that to?

She kept trying to do it to mine, she never would arm wrestle me, (I would have lost, but I still challenged her constantly) and I kept trying to steal that fork she insisted on eating with.

I cant tell my first PC, but if I did, everyone would be like "What? That was you? Dude you PK'd like three of my characters, you didn't seem like a noob at all."

That's simply because I'm cunning.

A blackwing warrior, who was in on the hunt for Vis and Wolf in the far western Tablelands...his first day out, he left the camp (you could just go a direction to leave, but had to enter to get back in) and I, being new, had no idea how to get back in.  I wandered until I found a road, then followed the road, very thirsty and having some issues.  I made it to Tuluk and was helped in getting some water and figured out I was -really- lost.  Because of who c, one of my family found my mind, tracked me down and basically kicked me in the ass over and over until I made it home.  So I figured out some what I was doing, got to help hunt for the previously mentioned pair, and eventually made my way back to Tuluk...where an elvish templar had her giants subdue me so she could test out her very awesome new crossbow.  Blam.

Not exactly what hooked me, but it made me annoyed enough to want to try again.

There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot