Im sorry..

Started by Gricker, September 26, 2006, 11:58:18 PM

Im sorry to act this way but... i really really dont like it how u cant flee, it dosnt make sense, you cant get away if just some guy attacks u and hits u hard, ive lost over three or five chars since that was added just past the three hour mark, im sorry but im in a very bad mood :x  So.. if you think we should get it removed so you can atleast "flee" it would prolly make others play alot more, because I know im getting tired of it.. so tell me what you think..
an people in Zalanthas get along? no, you know why? we all HATE EACHOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That should probably be posted in the 10-page thread concerning the topic :)
b]YB <3[/b]

Make a dwarf, Gricker.

They're the best.

Your focus can be: to overcome the effects of daze

make a merchant.

this also fixes the nerfed defense issue.

Also, possibly don't get into a fight with someone who can kill you before you can flee after only three hours of play...

May I suggest trying a non-combat role?  You might be surprised at the fun you can have in that kind of role.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Non combat roles only work so much, because then you just as screwed as a 3 hour character when some one decides to try to attack you, which usually doesn't take much
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

Quote from: "daedroug"Non combat roles only work so much, because then you just as screwed as a 3 hour character when some one decides to try to attack you, which usually doesn't take much

Why would someone try to attack you if you are playing, say, a Kadius crafter?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"May I suggest trying a non-combat role?  You might be surprised at the fun you can have in that kind of role.

Quoted for truth.

I'm currently playing my first non-combat character, and I'm loving every second.

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
Quote from: "daedroug"Non combat roles only work so much, because then you just as screwed as a 3 hour character when some one decides to try to attack you, which usually doesn't take much

Why would someone try to attack you if you are playing, say, a Kadius crafter?


If you gave them a reason to, they would!

Quote from: "Delirium":lol:

If you gave them a reason to, they would!

There's an easy solution for that, called MYOB.  (Mind Your Own Business)  :wink:   Or pretend to.

Edited to add a more serious response: When I call it a non-combat role, I mean just that.  Those types of roles rarely ever get into combat situations, and are usually city-based, so they don't have to worry about getting attacked by raiders and desert beasties.  You don't have to be an uber powerful fighter type with awesome physical prowess and fearsome combat skills to have a good time in this game.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
Quote from: "daedroug"Non combat roles only work so much, because then you just as screwed as a 3 hour character when some one decides to try to attack you, which usually doesn't take much

Why would someone try to attack you if you are playing, say, a Kadius crafter?

Who knows could be any number of reasons, Maybe he looks like an easy target when he is on a trip to Luirs maybe some one thinks he was cheated by him and therefore deserves a club in the face, Maybe he has a sword that some one wants but they can't afford it. I could list dozens of reasons. If there was no reason for crafters to get attacked then crafters would live forever
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams


Now I have an EXCUSE!

An EXCUSE for the naughty monkey to play a merchant man-whore!

Watch OUT!  Ladies and non-gentlemen!  Introducing......

Naatok Mangina!  Allanak's newest plier of the man-whore trade!

Yeah, that's right!  I've always DREAMED about playing a pimped out, supa-fly man-whore!  Oh, you's ALL in f' some shit now!  YEAH!

Have massage oil, mul mix, silk threads, a pimped-out apartment with silk sheets on the big, BIG-ASS bed, furry wrist and ankle restraints, and silk scarves, musk perfume out the ASS!  Oh HELL yeah!

Oh, it's ON!

-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

Oh yay, a non-combat oriented character.  I'll have to pass.  Heh, yeah, all you RP elitists feel free to bash me.  But unless you have tons of time to get involved in intricate relationships and layers of layers of hidden plots, those roles are extremely boring.  I've got enough problems dealing with real relationships in real-life, let alone make-believe ones.

I'm sorry, I just have to stick up for those of us that only have time to logon and hunt a few critters or get involved in a few exciting knife fights before having to settle down somewhere for an ale and maybe a brief chat if we are lucky before having to log off.  So I can see where the original poster is coming from with being frustrated when he makes a 40 yr old veteran guard and winds up dead to a kid with a sharp rock.  You have to understand his frustration to a certain extent.

Some of us prefer combat-oriented roles for very good reasons.  Not everyone wants to sit around and type emotes about how they smile or frown or the various ways one might sew a shawl.  Whoo-hoo!  Up with 3-hour character brawls and down with the chat/mudsex scene!

Let the bashing commence.

Combat oriented characters are for those who can't type one-handed

And, YES:  I'm KIDDING!   :twisted:

Naughty Monkey....remember?
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

I'll step up to the plate, Sokotra.

I can't tell if you're serious or not, to begin with -- calling some people "RP elitists" on a RPI mud seems pretty, well, obvious.

I don't think noncombat characters inherently require any more time to play than combat characters do. In either role, the more time you put in (whether that is time making relationships and tavern-sitting, or sparring) will give you a greater return on your investment (more social connections/influence, better combat sk1llz).

You can have a lot of fun logging in just a few times a week for an hour long roleplaying session and never once using a coded skill. If fun wasn't relative, I would argue you'd probably have MORE fun interacting with other PCs for an hour than hunting critters for an hour - but you may have different tastes.

You're vastly generalizing non-combat roles when you say they are all smiley, tavern-sitting 3-line emoters. Noncombat characters can include merchants, thieves, magickers, pimps, whores, bards... and none of those roles (yes, not even bards) limit you to just sitting around waiting for the next person to mudsex.

Combat roles are fun too, and few roles are strictly one or the other anyway, but I don't think playing a combat PC is a requirement to have fun on an RP MUD. Certainly it isn't on this one.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Quote from: "daedroug"Who knows could be any number of reasons, Maybe he looks like an easy target when he is on a trip to Luirs maybe some one thinks he was cheated by him and therefore deserves a club in the face, Maybe he has a sword that some one wants but they can't afford it. I could list dozens of reasons. If there was no reason for crafters to get attacked then crafters would live forever

Crafters tend to stay within the city, and when they do travel it's most often in a wagon with other people.  Crafters also tend to be longer lived PCs than hunters.

It's true that there are a lot of bad people on Zalanthas, but it is not true that there is always going to be someone looking for a reason to attack and/or kill your PC.  There are plenty of PCs who have never, ever been attacked by anyone or anything, and I don't just mean nobles with their guards.

I'd also like to say that non-combat PCs do not always have to be wrapped up deeply into layers and layers of plot and intrigue.  They are pefectly good roles for someone to get into that doesn't have a great deal of time to play.  They can lead very simple lives, and only worry about their own personal business, and don't require you to devote excessive amounts of time.

Or, you could stick solely with combat-oriented characters whose goals are to go out and kill stuff, and deal more often with PC deaths.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Jherlen"
I can't tell if you're serious or not, to begin with -- calling some people "RP elitists" on a RPI mud seems pretty, well, obvious..

Heh, well I was very short on time so I may have made things sound a little more extreme in order to get my point across quickly.  But yeah, I feel bad using 'RP elitists' to describe some non-combat oriented players, but I guess I'm trying to get certain folks to have some understanding for those of us that prefer combat-oriented roles.  I'm also, in no way, lumping together people who intensely RP to make their actions as realistic as possible with people who might be RP elitists that put down combat-oriented players that enjoy a fight breaking out for no apparent reason. ;)  

You are right, there are plenty of non-combat oriented roles that are out there where one may have fun playing for short periods of time without getting intricately involved in ridiculously time-consuming relationships.  You are also correct that my tastes may be different, and perhaps that is why I prefer combat roles.  Personally, I think these roles which you described minding your own business and not getting involved with others would be boring and that is part of my point.  I feel like in order to have fun with a non-combat role you would have to get involved in complicated relationships.  To each his own, I suppose... which is also part of my point as far as some of us sticking to combat-oriented roles and why others need to understand the frustrations that may come with those that choose those roles in order to get involved in as much action as possible when they have little time to do so.  I know this is an RPI mud and it may be time consuming, but I guess I just enjoy intensely role playing dangerous characters that yes... probably will have a high mortality rate.  My own problem, huh?  But still, there may be some things that can be done to relieve some of these frustrations in a RPI and realistic manner.  Again... I'm short on time, but there's my two 'sid...

I've never slammed players who prefer combat roles in game.

This monkey plays LOTS of combat roles.
He just enjoys an ale or two in a tavern after a brutal killing spree.

Oh, and patronizing the saucy Zalanthan prostitutes!

But I'm STILL gonna do a manwhore, dammit!
-Naatok the Naughty Monkey

My state of mind an inferno. This mind, which cannot comprehend. A torment to my conscience,
my objectives lost in frozen shades. Engraved, the scars of time, yet never healed.  But still, the spark of hope does never rest.

Please play a manwhore, naatok. I'll keep you in the black.

Frankly saying that if your annoyed losing characters then you should play a non combat oriented character is kind of beside the point, it doesn't deal with the problem that the thread is about, it just runs away from it with it's tail between it's legs.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

Quote from: "manonfire"
Quote from: "Cuusardo"May I suggest trying a non-combat role?  You might be surprised at the fun you can have in that kind of role.

Quoted for truth.

I'm currently playing my first non-combat character, and I'm loving every second.

No I feel these statements are both false.  The fact is that it happens every so often that someone who is new to the game or what have you decides they want to suicide and just attacks you, or someone who hated your char previousy is new to the game or just doesn't care about the rules.  Over the time I've played this game (and it's been over ten years) Just about every single one of my long lived non-combat role chars had has this happen to them at least once.

It's true they didn't die  to this and I don't think they ended up being the ones to flee either, but I think this is a very valid concern that daze code would make it easier for this sort of fluke that while rare, does happen, to happen.  I have known of long lived chars to die to this sort of thing and do you get a rez? No of course not, maybe they get punished, but who really cares if someone who doesn't care enough about this game to follow the rules, gets punished while you lose a char you maybe had for months or over a year?  

I'm not saying that I think this is a problem right now or needs attention, but I do think it is a very valid concern if anyone happens to feel that way.  At least I think it is.

Quote from: "naatok"

musk perfume out the ASS!

You shoot musk perfume out of your ass? Are you apping a man-whore or a skunk?

I think you're going to have to ask morg to code you musk shooting ass dude.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Sokotra, I'm not going to bash you at all.

But I will say that I, myself, strongly prefer combat-oriented roles.

However...between every couple of those, you really should try a non-combat oriented role out.  I'm not talking merchant and such.  You could try a noble if you like, but I get the feeling that's in your generic idea of a non-combat role, and therefore have already decided you don't want to try it.

Try being any rogue class in the game.  Steal.  Spy.  Observe.  Make your OWN plots by messing around with other people's plots.  If at any time combat looks imminent, take measures to not allow it to happen, and if it does happen, do nothing but run. Manipulate for retribution.

See how long it takes before someone actually gets you. I really -do- think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Armaddict"Try being any rogue class in the game.  Steal.  Spy.  Observe.  Make your OWN plots by messing around with other people's plots.  If at any time combat looks imminent, take measures to not allow it to happen, and if it does happen, do nothing but run. Manipulate for retribution.

See how long it takes before someone actually gets you. I really -do- think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Well, I was mainly sticking up for the original poster, but those are some good suggestions.  I actually do play rogue characters from time to time, but I also like to try out their knife-fighting skills and get into some street rumbles here and there.  My main concern is my sporadic and sometimes minimal amount of time I have to play which severely cuts down on chances of making reliable contacts, spying, etc.

But still, those are good suggestions which have given my some good ideas... thanks.

I've done a few non-combat roles as well. It's hard to keep them interesting when you don't have the time to invest in making contacts, creating plots...etc.
There is always use for some dumb soldier thug to get dragged briefly into a plot but remain only a sideline player. Perfect for those that like a little action and don't have much playing time.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I've acctually had alot more involved RP when I'm logging in just for a few hours every week with a non combat character then when I am playing a combat character. It's easy to find people to interact with ussually on a non-combat level, then it is to be a solo hunter, and ussually more entertaining.

I've played a tavern city bard in Allanak no less some way long time ago and wasn't playing too much at the time. I made alot of money, wasn't involved with many plots or not but had many friends and enemies and such, without anyone ever attacking me.

My current character, since I have so little time to play, would be completely boring in a combat role, as I wouldn't have time to be involved with any sort of trip that might take a few hours. Nor is soloing that easy for the most part.

With a combat oriented character in a clan, it's very hard when you play limited hours for above, plus you may not run into that many people when you are playing so you are ussually stuck inside a city anyways.

With my non-combat characters, when I log in, I can do alittle bit of crafting if I'm up for it, I can sit around chit chating with the guards or hunters and such. Sit around in a tavern and chat it up with other folks, spy on people, which I do all the time in non-combat rolls ... Eh, my characters have bad habits of being nosey, but they all ussually still stay out of trouble, and I have no issues keeping entertaining even without logging in for hours each day.

AND too boot, I acctually prefer combat roles. I just personally don't think they are suited for when you can't play very much, they just tend to be horribly short lived.

21sters Unite!

Quote from: "UnderSeven"No I feel these statements are both false.

My point was that as a non-combat oriented character, your PC will not go around looking specifically for THAT kind of trouble.  Non-combat PCs don't go outside in search of beasties to kill, or they don't go around looking for people to mug.  They don't actively seek out physical confrontations, which is what leads to a lot of PC deaths.  I am not saying that all combat-oriented PCs do these kinds of things, but ultimately a lot of them do.  

Furthermore, any PC who leaves the city and goes out into the wildnerness on a regular basis (ESPECIALLY alone!) has a much higher chance of getting splattered than a PC who doesn't leave the city at all.  It's a whole different sort of roleplay in a city versus in the wilderness, and I always suggest that people give it a try.  Don't knock it til you try it!
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".