Engaging in IC romance based on player gender

Started by Gimfalisette, June 26, 2006, 01:32:58 PM

I didn't acctually make a pretty pc, but the lack of negative aspects in the description
made people think she was entirely unblemished, rather than just a slightly
mutated character that I brought over from my Dark Sun tabletop group.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Akaramu"Is it me, or is every female player's first (or first few) character(s) based on the concept of being pretty / cute and getting lots of attention?

For the record, this is not my first character on this MUD, and my first character was not pretty or engaging at all. I also have a long string of well-planned / -developed characters elsewhere. I am actually far more prone to creating female characters who are unattractive, or cold bitches, or both. However, for a lot of reasons I didn't want to play that this time. It does get tiring playing the same types of characters always, for one thing, and this is a big change from my usual trend. Also, since I OOCly don't know my way around the MUD or the code, it's much easier to ICly play a character who makes friends easily and can ask a lot of questions.

Quote from: "Larrath"In a way, I think it's just part of the natural development of the roleplaying mindset.

I've been roleplaying for ten years. Granted, not in environments as intense as this, or where the overall quality of roleplay is so high. However, I have a lot of experience with character creation, background, long-term development, running plots, etc. and have regularly been called an "RP snob" in other places. Although I'm new here, I'm not a noob to RP.

Part of the genesis of this character was reading over a whole lot of the threads on so-called "F-me" characters and dealing with my own bias about those types of characters and my disinclination to play them. (Them meaning pretty, flirtatious characters--the type that often get labeled "F-me.") It's actually very interesting to explore what is the "underneath" of the psychology of a character that is so pretty and flirtatious. Why are they that way? How will they end up changing? How are other characters reacting? Unfortunately, to reflect back to my original point--if other players are ICly reacting based on OOC knowledge or lack thereof--then playing out this character's development becomes less true.

I knew going in that my character -probably- would -initially- get OOCly labeled an "F-me" by some players. I don't care about that, if it happens--although I haven't actually seen any evidence of that, ICly. (The vast majority of characters respond very positively to my character in terms of willingness to engage generally.) The cool and ironic thing is that--for IC and OOC reasons my character -can't- move up in her line of work by sleeping around. It doesn't matter who she mudsexes, it won't gain her any upgrade in rank. I planned that part of it too, and I have the application email to prove it :D
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

My first character was a sexy redheaded.... half-elf.   :oops:

p.s.  For the record, I don't care if it's a girl or guy behind whoever I'm interacting with.

Hell, one of my characters once had a crush on a guy played by a girl.. and I have genderbended.  So ladies, watch out, that guy might be me.

One of my MALE characters had crushes on: guys played by girls, girls played by guys, girls played by girls, and guys played by guys.


Are we turning this thread into a "what makes an f-me" discussion?  If so, I move we reconsider.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Quote from: "LauraMars"One of my MALE characters had crushes on: guys played by girls, girls played by guys, girls played by girls, and guys played by guys.


Are we turning this thread into a "what makes an f-me" discussion?  If so, I move we reconsider.

I completely agree with this. There have been too many threads on that subject already. And it's a complete tangent from my original point.

However, I do have to say that I just got a really sad PM from someone who says she doesn't play ARM anymore because she kept getting flak for playing the kinds of characters she likes to play--which happen to be pretty and flirtatious.

Now back to the actual topic, if anyone has anything left to say on that. All of y'all's replies have been interesting.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

That's too bad about the person who like to play pretty characters.  S/he should just go ahead and do it - regardless of what others thinks.

Currently I play a character who would _love_ to get their hands on someone pretty.

If only the young ones would stop dying so quickly!

quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"Currently I play a character who would _love_ to get their hands on someone pretty.

If only the young ones would stop dying so quickly!


And that didn't sound sinister -at all-  :P

On another note, I am feeling more comfortable about the situation that I previously mentioned, after reading over my logs extensively. I think it's likely that the other character was actually working it all out IC, and the player wasn't influenced by OOC knowledge. At least, I'm giving the player the benefit of the doubt on it.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

I know that in the past I've made bad calls, trying to second-guess other people's motives.  Most folks are really doing their best to RP properly and keep that IC / OOC thing in check.

On the occasions that folks have a problem with that - well - we have permadeath.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

There are many forms of manipulation.  Some physical, some mental, some with threats, others with gifts.  Flirting is just another tool.  You use it when it fits the job at hand.  When a character flirts with mine, I oocly get paranoid and cautious, wondering what con is being pulled or what the other service/item/sid/request is for which they are truly aiming.

Quote from: "Gimfalisette"
Quote from: "Larrath"In a way, I think it's just part of the natural development of the roleplaying mindset.

I've been roleplaying for ten years. Granted, not in environments as intense as this, or where the overall quality of roleplay is so high. However, I have a lot of experience with character creation, background, long-term development, running plots, etc. and have regularly been called an "RP snob" in other places. Although I'm new here, I'm not a noob to RP.
In case it wasn't clear, I just want to point out that my statement posted above is general and relates to what I see as the process of maturing by a roleplayer in MUDs.  It's an estimation, and I only brought it up in response to Akaramu's post.  It has nothing to do with any specific player in Arm in any kinky way, curvy shape or naked form.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Cuusardo"My first PC was a shy wallflower that was a virgin until she was 30 years old.
(snort) ...and I made that character for you.  :P
Quote from: "Delirium"My first character was a sexy redheaded.... half-elf.   :oops:
Read any Dark Sun books lately? ;)

Me, my first character was a young, average attractiveness, human female burglar/acrobat that got a job cleaning up Oash's barracks.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I have to agree with Venomz 110%. Though my PCs sometimes do get in romatical relationships,
I am not one to typically do them. The Maybe it is me OOCLY, and not being able to fully grasp the
RP Concept, but if I did find out a PC which mine was romatically involved with was a male, I
do think it would make a difference.  

I think though, that PCs that have a problem with this, like myself, would be better off just making
an IC background family, or stick to the whores and such. It is easier to deal with and you know
what you do not want to get into could have a chance at happening.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Quote from: "spawnloser"
Quote from: "Delirium"My first character was a sexy redheaded.... half-elf.   :oops:

Read any Dark Sun books lately? ;)

Do you mean Sadira by chance?  She was a half-elf preserver enchantress with
amber hair and ice blue eyes.  She had a human noble and a mul ex-gladiator
as her lovers too.

Before the revolt, she was a concubine slave to the head templar no less. :P  I
loved that character.  She was greedy on multiple levels, and it bit her in the ass
each time.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Could have sworn she was a red-head...but yes, I was referring to Sadira.

...and yes, she was an awesome character, but I was still dissappointed when she was able to use the staff to kill the halfling psi/preserver.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "spawnloser"Could have sworn she was a red-head...but yes, I was referring to Sadira.

...and yes, she was an awesome character, but I was still dissappointed when she was able to use the staff to kill the halfling psi/preserver.

Yeah, that whole situation with Nok and the gang was a bit anti-climactic, but it did
serve to show that she was definitely not a hero in the sense that Agis and Rikus
were in the series; she basically a greedy bitch who had every bad thing coming to
her that happened later.  It was only after she showed even less regard for life
than a sorceror king that she even starts to get her act together, and even then she
realizes only after losing Agis that she threw away her relationship with him because
she didn't want to make Rikus jealous.

I'd say the only selfless thing she ever did in that whole series was encourage Rikus
to go back to Neeva in the end.  Everything else was pure damage control due to her
fuckups.  I loved it.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

This is a complete derail (not like we're not derailing already anyway) and this may be better off in Odd Urges...but I'd love to see a group get together that was like that group...Rikus, Neeva, Agis, Sadira...in Arm.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "spawnloser"This is a complete derail (not like we're not derailing already anyway) and this may be better off in Odd Urges...but I'd love to see a group get together that was like that group...Rikus, Neeva, Agis, Sadira...in Arm.

There's just one (read: several) problems with this:

- Someone would complain that a noble was out adventuring.
- Someone would complain that people were treating a half-elf well.
- Someone would complain that a noble was not trying to reslave the slaves.
- Someone would complain that a mul was talking to people rather than killing them.
- Someone would complain that a noble understood druidism.
- Someone would complain that a preserver was accepted by a group of pcs outside
a tribe.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

derail #1: I've been accused of making numerous borderline (or completely over the line) fme PC's. And no, not necessarily female.
derail #2:
Quote from: "moab"Currently I play a character who would _love_ to get their hands on someone pretty.
Likewise. My current character adores a pretty face/nice bod, male or female. So long as they're pretty, the same race, and 'normal', woohoo!
derail #3: I think I may have to visit the local library. I've never read the books, but I might now.

And as to the origional topic, waaaay back there behind all the fun derailment. I couldn't give a sh** less as to the gender behind the PC's I'm interacting with, when we're in the game. I, unlike many who say "No OOC contact for me EVER!", do have a somewhat large list of Arm contacts on my AIM (though not as many as some of the arm-whores I know, who seem to know everybody), and talk to many of them regularly. And even then, were I to run into one of their characters, I'm quite content to simply factor out the gender of the player, and concider the gender of the character.
Quote from: jhunterI'm gonna show up at your home and violate you with a weedeater.  :twisted:

My first character was not by any means 'beautiful'. Mildly cute if you dressed her up real nice, but over all, not in my opinion was she attractive. But oddly, my perspective didn't count, as it really shouldn't ingame because I had -alot- of interested PCs, male and female, played by both genders for all I know. I would not say they all were aggressive, a couple were, but I think that if a relationship fits the situation it all falls into place. That could be the romantic in me, but seriously, you cannot and should -not- force it. If you get into a situation with your PC and another one and it is -you- who wants the relationship for whatever reason and not necessarily your character then you are discounting not only your character but the other PC and likely the game.

Relationships do make the world more indepth and do make your characters interesting to you and to some others, but it is not the most important aspect of the game and I never much fancied the people that go into roleplaying looking for a relationship for their character or themselves, not that I am saying anyone is doing this. I am just rambling.

Edit: I have also never had any different treatment from other players when and if they realize my gender as a player. I think that to complain that your character isn't getting enough demands by males is just rather unnecessary. I -really- don't think any of that situation was about you being a female player.

And the Nonman King cried words that sting:
"Now to me you must confess,
For death above you hovers!"
And the Emissary answered ever wary:
"We are the race of flesh,
We are the race of lovers."
     -"Ballad of the Inchoroi"

My OOC discomfort in playing with the mix of genders and sexuality in game makes me, persoanlly, far more likely to enter into a relationship IG with someone I'm certain is a guy.

It bleeds over. What can I say? The last time I got mixed up in a IC relationship with another chick I quit playing almost entirely for several months because I just couldn't dig on it. My character could, but not me.
Quote from: Riev on June 12, 2019, 02:20:04 PM
Do you kill your sparring partners once they are useless to you, so that you are king?