
Started by flaran, March 22, 2006, 10:37:14 PM

Quote from: "marko"The 'rinth needs a supply of cheap, sand-laced spice that is sold in the alleys - not npcs that buy more of the damned stuff.  You can sell "easily" enough already.  There just needs to be a cheaper source - so that is feasible to maintain a habit on a 'rinther's average income.

I see this laced spice being instantly addictive and powerfully so.

I saw this idea in a thread and I love it--

I would also like to see ALL spice be more addicting.  A person should have a chance of being addicted each time he/she does the spice, IMO, but gradually a higher chance as they consume more.

Is this how it currently is?

Sounds like a good idea, although I've never played in the rinth.

As far as addiction goes, different people are more prone to it than others.  It's better left to rp in my opinion.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I agree with FightClub.  I'm playing a spice addict, presently, and I would much prefer to have the choice how my character responds to withdrawl symptoms than some robotic code!  The downside to this is that you may find less "addicts" in game, but I'm not so certain that even if some code did exist to enforce addiction you would necessarily find more PC addicts as a result.

There is spice addiction code in place.

Armageddon Staff

I like this idea.  *gives the thumbs up on the cheap spice*
, / ^ \ ,                   
|| --- || L D I E L

I'd like to see an option to bribe a templar npc at the gate when none of the militia and templar pcs are around.  Then, you can smuggle items in
without being auto-searched by the npcs: poisons, spell components,
spice, black powder and thieving tools all suddenly become a possibility
and the cities become that much more corrupt. ;)
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Morgenes"There is spice addiction code in place.

And as a player, I can verify this.  Ooo the mystery!
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "mansa"
Quote from: "Morgenes"There is spice addiction code in place.

And as a player, I can verify this.  Ooo the mystery!

I just wish it was more pronouced for different spices. I'd like to see spice have greater effects and side effects.

I like to see basic addiction - (just echos to start..no idea?) after just a few uses. But physical effects that make the risk worthwhile.

Especially to twinks.

Heh. I want to accidently get addicted to spice. Thinking, Like, "if I blow a few of these lines, I'll be able to do x,y,z....hmmm but there's that addiction thing...well...just this one time..."
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


I'd like to see easier addiction.  It'd be nice to see a few users find themselves blowing a few lines then a couple of hours after the comedown start getting cravings.

Permanent addiction, however, should be a bit farther off.  A middleground of cravings (echos and perhaps slight stat decreases, a minor variant of what I assume real addiction code is) that will fade if the PC resists.  Just annoying enough to make it worth blowing a line to feel better (and therefore risk a heavier addiction) but temporary enough that someone on a bender one night in Storm isn't permanently addicted for the rest of their PCs life.

I don't know how any of this really works though so this may already be in place but just less visible than I'd like to see it.  And I admire folks who've played serious addicts, I look forward to meeting the addiction code one day.

I'd like to see people getting hurt in a fight and saying, "I'll take some spice to make it hurt less..."

Quote from: "Morgenes"There is spice addiction code in place.

The problem with this is it neither takes into consideration a) the fact that your character may have been a spice addict prior to character creation nor b) the amount of spice your character is smoking or snorting while offline.

Quote from: "flaran not logged"I'd like to see people getting hurt in a fight and saying, "I'll take some spice to make it hurt less..."

I had a character who did exactly that.

Quote from: "Pantoufle"
Quote from: "Morgenes"There is spice addiction code in place.

The problem with this is it neither takes into consideration a) the fact that your character may have been a spice addict prior to character creation nor b) the amount of spice your character is smoking or snorting while offline.

But Pantoufle, neither does your other skills get taken into consideration, whether you're a weapon designer or if you are always fighting in the Byn.

Are you asking for a check half-way through character application to ask:
Has your character done spice:
A) Never
B) A few times
C) Once a week
D) Addicted

I don't think that this should be implemented into the game.  I -know- the addiction code, and I think that the "Zalanthas Addiction to SPICE" should remain ZALANTHAN.  I mean, Spice isn't like any drug that we know on EARTH.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

You smoke the spice.
Your eyes turn a bit more blue.

draw crysknife
You draw the milky-white crysknife.

shout (lifting ~crysknife over %me head) Long live the fighters of Maud'Dib!
Lifting the milky-white crysknife over your head, you shout, in tribal-accented sirihish:
          "Long live the fighters of Muad'Dib!"

Seriously, though...greater and greater levels of addiction that start much earlier could lead to some strong RP, or to a response Nancy Reagan would be proud of.
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

I'm sorry... maybe I didn't read this whole thread thoroughly enough, but why again is everyone so concerned with coded addiction? If you want your character to be addicted, just make them addicted. I don't know the addiction code, but I would bet you a large chunk of sid that the symptoms of coded addiction as not nearly as good as the ones you can make yourself.

Edit: Just like pregnancy, you can come up with a system to decide if you get addicted after using spice. Flip a coin every time and if you get three or four heads in a row, you become addicted.
Fear not death, for it is your destiny.

The original post in thread isn't about addiction that was just an evolution of the thread.

I still believe there should be a cheap version of spice available in the 'rinth.

I can verify that there is spice addiction code.

Quote from: "Delirium"I can verify that there is spice addiction code.

This thread is starting to sound like an AA or NA meeting ;)

Quote from: "sihirli"
Quote from: "Delirium"I can verify that there is spice addiction code.

This thread is starting to sound like an AA or NA meeting ;)

Well.  The spice addiction code is a secret of the game.  It does some very cool stuff.  We don't want to spoil it for you.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

The spice must flow (in Allanak)!

Mmm... just watched Dune.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

I like what Sholdyn just said.

Quote from: "mansa"Are you asking for a check half-way through character application to ask:
Has your character done spice:
A) Never
B) A few times
C) Once a week
D) Addicted

No, I'm asking for the players to decide how addicted they are or not, rather than some stock Diku-like code deciding everything in a very black and white format for you.

Quote from: "mansa"But Pantoufle, neither does your other skills get taken into consideration, whether you're a weapon designer or if you are always fighting in the Byn.

That's totally different.  If you make a character who's background says 'he's a master swordsman and has been using a sword since he was 4 years old nonstop', you'd better send in a special app for boosted skills or come up with a different concept.  Making a character like a spice addict (someone who was addicted to and consuming spice long before character generation) should be no different than making a character with some sort of disease: neither need any coded alterations (or at least they shouldn't).  This is where roleplay should take precedence over some robotic, automated code which lacks the creativity of a human mind.

I'm of the opinion that everything needs to be backed up by code, so respectfully, I do disagree. I would like to see much more detailed info on just what spice does what to you, but I think it would be cool if a help-file became available to you upon addiction.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I'm with V for Venomzza.  Spice addiction should be backed by code, as it is.  I don't think it should be 'open to roleplay' but the exact affects, within a range, would be acceptable...like, how it affects your character's thoughts.  How it physically acts on the brain and body, though, that should be code.  I just would love for the code to give you a better idea how strong your addiction is...so you can properly react to it.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

As the player of a frequent spice-user, I'd like to see the spice echos a bit more.. intense.  I can take four hits of something that makes me feel 'flushed and invulnerable'.. and I never get any other message than that.  I can take six hits of something that leaves me 'peaceful, and euphoric' and never get any other echo.  It makes it very hard to gauge how far the affects have gone.

And, the 'coming down' code is a bit boring 'you feel weak'.. 'your eyes hurt'..  Ok..  I want to know more... I need more input, so that I can play it better.  I'd be willing to write up echos and such, I'd love to submit them..  The question is.. Would it be implemented?

QuoteI'm of the opinion that everything needs to be backed up by code, so respectfully, I do disagree.

That's a bit extreme, don't you think?  Everything?  Should we code the need for our characters to take a whizz?  How about when they get a headache?  Should we code pregnancy, as a previous player pointed out?  If everything in game must be imprisoned by a cold, inanimate, black and white code, as you suggest, then we should not be allowed to roleplay using any virtual items whatsoever.  Don't emote vNPCs either, please, they're not coded.  Cantrips should be coded rather than roleplayed via emotes.  And, according to the very same school of thought, we basically should not commit any act at all unless it's coded.  What next?  Shall we get rid of emotes altogether?  

If you're in favor of coding spice addiction (or developing the already existing code), hey, that's great and all.  A diversity of opinions is welcome.  But if you HONESTLY think that everystinkingthing needs to be coded (from when our characters need to go potty to tooth decay), well, that's just silly.  It's fascist, it's extremist, it's fundamentalist.  It basically says that you don't want players to have any free will over the environment.  In short, you don't want the game to be an outlet for storytelling but, rather, a Diku infested with NPCs called Fido the Dog.