Your downtime assignment, should you choose to accept it

Started by Vanth, February 25, 2006, 11:16:47 AM

I'm an explorer by nature. One thing I'd love to see added to Zalanthas is a truly navigatable Sea of Silt.

Not a room by room extension the way the rest of the world works, but more a room that each silt skimmer (or skimmers purposely sailing as a fleet) can be placed within. As the silt skimmer catches the wind and moves, its coordinates change.

The room's desc would change to represent weather conditions, the visibility of the sun and sky, whether any masts are visible above the airborne silt, etc.

The winds would vary back and forth. Sometimes silt skimmers would be becalmed. Very good idea to bring a Vivaduan or Rukkian along for sustenance. Or maybe a Whiran to fill the sails.

The coordinates would be checked for landfall. Naturally there would be a lot of interesting places (not necessary that large room-wise) scattered about to be explored (and perhaps pillaged).

Silt skimmers themselves would have a deck and a few rooms below to store cargo, sleep and so forth. Certain players may even be able to own one (like wagons). There could be several sailing skills, including using the stars to navigate.

A whole new range of bizarre, wondrous and of course toothsome nasty horrors in the depths of the Sea.  :D

Darn it could be great to go out with a few people in one of those and just adventure, never knowing what to expect over the horizon.

That's one of my dreams for Arm.

A couple of addendums:

Quote from: "The Anonymous Kank"As the silt skimmer catches the wind and moves, its coordinates change.

I.e. the room stores the coordinates in some way, so you don't need to implement a gazillion rooms to make the Sea large.

QuoteSilt skimmers themselves would have a deck and a few rooms below to store cargo, sleep and so forth. Certain players may even be able to own one (like wagons).

Items placed in the rooms below deck would be saved, just as within wagons.

- Alteration to the walking-into-Nak-with-spice problem. Just have them be instantly jailed by a script if that's what it takes.
Having found spice in your bags, the guards beat you unconscious.
stun drops to 0
Someone hoists you up, hauling you into the city.
teleport to jail
Or something. Anything is better than being vaporized by swords because someone slipped you a grain of spice or you forgot about the brick in your pocket.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

It's been discussed before but I'd really like the nosave command expanded.  Instead of being a catch-all which leaves you at a serious disadvantage if you forget to turn it on or off, give it options.

nosave  clan | city | on | off

Clan - Do not resist anything by those in your own clan.
City - Do not resist anything by those flagged as part of the militia/guards/templarate/noble houses in Allanak, Tuluk, Red Storm and Luir's.
On - Everything.
Off - Try to save against everything.

EDIT: It would default to nosave city being on for all new characters so poor newbies don't get the allanaki guard gang rape introduction to Armageddon.

:arrow: change hallucination messages so that they aren't so silly and that trips depending on the active agent are either euphoric, enlightening, terrifying, paranoid, delusional etc. letting the hallucinator go through widely different brands of overall experience.

Take the weapon skills and form them into distinct styles in terms of the combat echos.  

Revamp the combat system into something that is more robust - styles and stances.  Open combat styles into more advanced styles.  For example, assassins would gain access to a couple very aggressive styles.  

Add in an ability to hook or trip someone as they try and run away.  Different styles would get advantages (or penalties) to running (say, an advanced burglar form).  

Charge ability from the adjacent room to attack those people who are trying to walk away from someone who is running.  Ie, check relative movement rates and if the charger is moving faster than the charged - let them enter the room and enter combat before the other guy can just walk away.

Craft log into low wooden wall - to block an exit with a constructed barricade.  Kill barricade removes it.


Also, Reverse for High skill subdue like disarm.

5day warrior byn runner tries to subdue wily battle hardened 30 warrior byn trooper. Instead of tries and so and so evades grasp.

Runner tries to grab Trooper but the trooper grabs offending arm and subdues runner despite his struggles!
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I want to see a code that allows for wearable bird objects to deficate.  It would be a simple echo followed up by adding the "smelly" tag to whatever is worn on the body or arms.

This would be on a long time delay that could be reset by removing the bird from your shoulder and idealy RPing letting the bird have a life outside of being a static shoulder ornament.  Also maybe the bird could come to life with other really annoying emotes if left alone too long.


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

-This may be a shitty idea.  In fact I hate it.  But what about competing currencies?  I don't want to deal with two, but why are they using Allanaki Obsidian Coins in Tuluk?

-"Display" command for PCs that would give the target the same echo as if they had typed "view" in a store.  IE "display sword figure" would return "You display your baobab sword to the short figure in a dustcloak."
And to them "The lively merchant displays his baobab sword for you: Crafted of baobab wood...You test its weight and decide that you could use it...etc"  And to the room "The lively merchant displays his baobab shortsword to the short figure in a dustcloak."

-A "carve" skill that would allow you to add a dropdesc like line to the end of an item's mdesc.  (skill failure) "Someone has carved something onto it, but you cannot tell what." (skill success) "Someone has carved [the crude initials M.U.] onto [] it."  (if they can "carve" maybe they know enough writing to use initials, no more?)  "Someone has carved [a seal of a scorpion] onto [the top of] it."  Perhaps you could carve on people as well?  Perhaps a scarlet "A"?

-beggars that ask you for money!

-PC beggars that ask you for money!

-Perhaps the city-states could have a beggars office for broke PCs where they could register to become official beggars for a time and get a special begging cup that can be held while others put things in it.  This would encourage outright begging, which I do not think there is enough of.  Think of the noble interactions!  Also, anyone becoming crimflagged could be disallowed to become a registered beggar.

-tdescs!  (lets others get the feel of your character -right now- broken nose, drunk, stoned, tired, red-eyed, pissed, etc.)  Because your hangover doesn't go away just because you're walking down the road (or stand up). =)

-Lances!  And cavalry!  (especially NPC militia sitting their mounts in the street looking down at the passerby, I love that feel)  :D

Alright, my brain's fuzzy.  I'll write the rest when it comes to me.
Quote from: Lizzie on February 10, 2016, 09:37:57 PM
You know I think if James simply retitled his thread "Cheese" and apologized for his first post being off-topic, all problems would be solved.

Stop stealing my ideas, Marko

A cool idea would have little one room wagon to buy for 10k, that wouldn't have a quit safe room, and would be limited in storage space.  You would have to buy the mount and hitch it up using the new wagon code.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

-> PC merchants from Merchant Houses more effective.
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

Give Rukkians skills and/or spells to do the alchemy type things mentioned in the help file about them.

Edited to add:  Add some danger to the Tuluki warrens.  I'm not talking Rinth dangerous, but make it seem less friendly than it does now.

Also, add another place to Tuluk where people can buy soap.  It doesn't make sense that something like that is only sold in the worst part of town.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

:idea: Delerak.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Vanth"Brainstorm ideas for ways to make Armageddon even better.  They can be brilliant, they can be silly, they can be downright wacky.  They can be things you're sure the staff would never implement...because you never know, we're a crazy bunch of mo-fos.

You cannot reply to anyone else's idea, whether to agree, disagree,  make minor changes, etc.  No commenting on on others ideas.  You can propose your own different idea, without referring to the other idea.

More Minigames within the game.

A gambling skill.

An observation skill.

More Delerak.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

A dance skill that acts a little like combat - basic steps included in the skill that get better over time.  To get the echos hold a few dance competitions and capture the best of the emotes from them.

Redone and limited Kruth decks.

My idea:

'Play card' (alt: 'play card <table/pillow/surface>) plays your card (takes it out of your inventory) with the echo:

The man plays his Kruth Card: Wind of Death to the pile (alt: The man plays his Kruth Card: Wind of Death to the pile on a rounded agafari table.)

This creates a 'pile' of cards.  The computer keeps track of which cards are in the pile.  If you want to get a card from the pile you 'deal pile <target>'.  The pile is gettable, so you can move your card game if you want, and also so that you can shuffle it back into the deck.

'Deal deck' works the same as it does now, except when it deals multiples of cards, it shows:

The dealer deals five cards to the girl.
The dealer deals five cards to himself.
The dealer deals five cards to the mul.

(instead of listing it card by card)

and 'shuffle pile deck' shuffles the pile back into the deck. (you have to be holding the deck)

'shuffle card deck' puts the cards in your inventory back into the deck.

'Shuffle deck' re-randomizes the card order in the deck.

'Stack pile deck' or 'stack card deck' takes the pile or card and adds it to the top of the deck without shuffling.

Great for potential cheaters. :)

.. Oh, the kruth games we could play then!

Not to derail too much, but redoing Kruth decks to work like actual decks of cards is an idea that's been batted around a bit. It's on my list of things to look at, at some point.
Welcome all to curtain call
At the opera
Raging voices in my mind
Rise above the orchestra
Like a crescendo of gratitude

:arrow: Blindfold objects that get worn on face and maybe also make a person blind. Useful for following people to secret camps or hideouts, or playing a blind beggar or whatever.
:arrow: Blindfold objects that are just for show, and people can RP being blindfolded/blind
:arrow: Items that can be worn on forearms to act as a subdue, or even a paralyze.  
:arrow: Allow in addition to left/right empty eyesockets, two empty eyesockets. Allow people to roleplay their blindness, or have the option to actually be coded blind.

:idea: give blind people a skill at being blind which acts as a mediator to penalties on other skills..? Could also be used for fighting or navigating in the dark or through sandstorms.
:!: Fighting Blind/Fighting the Blind :!: Theiving blind or thieving from the blind :!: surpise attacking blind persons or attacking while blind (also used for mugging people in Darkness without giving them a crim-flag?)
:arrow: this kind of being-blind-related opportunity would keep people off dangerous streets during dark nights, because criminals would have certain advantages. people with a high blind skill would detect marks by voice, noise of feet, higher-trained night-vision, smell or other things.

:idea: Allow blind people to identify people by voice, after a time.

The voice of the strangled, throaty man says, in sirihish:
   "Would you like some crumpets?"
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Thieves Cant Language.

Warcry skill for warrior nobles only.  (forces everybody in your clan or following you to flee to one room, specified by noble)

Magickal spell:
"Banana Phone"
-> Cast on an item, and give the item to someone.  You can now talk to someone -through- that item.  Like a cell phone.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

If they have the banana phone object (usually something with buttons), then the should get the banana phone message echoed to them forever and ever until they get fed up and die.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

the ability to use whisper or tell to objects.

whisper ring my preciousssss
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one


Whisper self implemented:

And give it the same chance to be overheard as any other whisper.
Set up a certain NPC in the 'rith to -buy- spice.  Never sell, just buy.  That way, when a smuggler can't find any PCs to purchase (which can really be a challenge most of the time), he can still make chump change.
How about a tavern shared by gemmers and low-lifes.... kinda a hole-in-the-wall shady place on the border of the elementalist's quarter and the 'rinth?
Once a RL week, an autoscript that would let an idiot enter the Arena and fight whatever random baddie got spat out?  If he wins, he gets a small cash prize, otherwise everyone else gets free entertainment, and the Templarate gets his gear.  I'd probably stop by a couple of Tuesdays at 9 p.m. for that.  Might even sell refreshments and coordinate bets.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

:arrow: "Dude, add a little parasite thing that eats your brain."
-a mudding buddy of mine who insists on sticking with H/S and WoW

So here's my idea for little parasite things that eat your brain:
Have a very high-hide, minisculely powerful creature that lurks about in certain parts of the desert.  For this example, we will use the famed psionic mosquito of the Grey Forest, or, in common parlance, the splendiferous flying Naiona.

It will fly around, innocently enough, until a something enters the room.  At which point it will (while hiding) attempt either a special or a normal attack.  If it is a normal attack, then there is a low probability of infection.  If it is a special attack (kind of a magickal backstab), then there is a spell-like effect added to the character that slowly drains wisdom for a number of days, as well as giving amusing emotes/echos to the affected PC.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.