new ideas?

Started by adrien, January 27, 2006, 02:03:27 AM

I say some break threws should be made in the game where something is invented..... i mean just becuase its a harsh world where there is rare amounts of metal dosn't mean things arn't learnt and discovered.
who knows maby a large stock pile of metal is found amd the bronze age is born in arma now that would be cool...

also i think the sorc kings should die someday......... shouldn't they be dying of old age?

here is an idea for a new discovery. greek fire is invented all it needs is a bag of mixed oils and a light now that would cause alot of intresting events in battles
dd my msn if you want,

Perhaps break throughs of this sort have occured, and we have been thefted from the knowledge. It is entirely possible, that any at any one time in the history of the Known World, that one of the city states came across a massive stock pile of metals, and are simply waiting for the proper time to release their brutal wave of crimson spilling domination. Or, perhaps not.
 I believe, though, that if any massive break throughs, dealing with anything that would massivly benefit the entire population of the Known World, would be swiftly, and silently snuffed. The inventor killed, the knowledge stolen, and used to the advantage of the templarate, or forgotton altogether.
  The reason this is, in my opinion, the templarate of both cities cannot deal with a social uprising, or any sort of advancement leading to less control on their city-state. If an individual were to discover a way to derive water from stone, the templarate would lose it's strangle-hold on water sales, and would ultimately suffer a massive drop in power.

As for the sorcerors dying of old age, for all anyone knows, save a select few, you have hit the target right where it counts, maybe they have died, maybe they never existed. Were you ever afraid of the boogey man when you were a child? He was invented to manipulate children in way or another to the advantage of the power-hungry population. The same may apply for the sorceror kings. They may very well be a simple invention, a tale whispered by a dying bard that spread and was used by a few individuals to amount and amass more and more power. Or, perhaps not, watch your back.

-Moofassa the Ponderer.
your mother is an elf.

I don't really think making a bronze age in Arm would make the game better on any level at all.  All it would really mean is that some of the weapons and armor would be a little better.
In fact, I'd like to see Zalanthan equipment more prone to cracking and breaking.  If you fight a carru, there should be tears in your armored shield and some major cracks on your breastplate.

And actually, even if a large stockpile of metal was found, it's most likely that a tribe, a Great Merchant House or a city-state would take all of it, stash it and use it for their own benefit.  Remember, Allanak has a gigantic dragon statue made of steel.  That statue probably has enough metal to make fifty full sets of steel equipment and weapons, if not more.

The sorcerer-kings have been alive, as far as anyone can tell, for more than a couple of centuries, and they're supposedly humans.  Even if not, just about anything in Zalanthas would probably find a natural death by this time.  What does this mean?  Either the sorcerer-kings are dead and this is being covered up, or they're still alive by some magickal means.
How would the game benefit from the sorcerer-kings dying, though?  All it would do in terms of playing, really, is turn all of Allanak and all of Tuluk into 'rinths.  We've already got a 'rinth.

Greek Fire, if I remember correctly, is basically oil that could be set to flame on water and wouldn't get extinguished by the waves, which was highly devastating for boats.  Zalanthans don't use boats, though, nor do they use water to put out a fire.  Zalanthans can either ride around it, or cover it with sand, or use just about any elementalist to extinguish it.  And really, as awesome as the Greek Fire may have been, it's probably not as fearsome as a good Fireball.

This isn't to say that breakthroughs don't really fit in the game.  The right breakthroughs do fit - one tribe of Tablelands elves becoming extremely powerful and taking over the Desert-Elf Outpost.  A Merchant getting enough favor with the Templarate to be able to buy a slave and a stand in the Bazaar and owning the stall and eventually even a Merchant House.
A group of hunters considerably thinning down the gortok population around Tuluk, making the area just a little safer.
Someone somehow arranging a temporary peace with the gith and uniting against a common enemy (Kurac and the gith vs. Blackwing).
Discovering a new region and constructing a small outpost to make it as important as Luir's or Red Storm.

There are many things that can happen, but they probably shouldn't alter the true feel and 'rules' of the game too much.  If Tektolnes suddenly went away and took all of the Templarate's powers with it, leaving them forever powerless to wield any magick in His name, well, that would probably mean a Tuluki representative could waltz into Allanak and burn the whole city to the ground within minutes.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

just like in our history things get out sooner or later at least

even if the idea is keeped secret
dd my msn if you want,

i think, OOCly, the point is moot.

I think, ICly, you should believe whatever you want your character to believe.

Is he a free thinker? Go ahead, say Muk Utep doesn't exist, and the templarate are just using it for a cover to hold on to power. See if anyone listens.*

*Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for your character's health after suggesting such.

Also, read this thread, it deals with the god-king question:

QuoteYou know that big dragon out in front of Allanak? They built that after Tektolnes morphed into a dragon and breathed on a besieging dwarven army, VAPORIZING them all.

I believe in Tektolnes.

Quotejust like in our history things get out sooner or later at least

even if the idea is keeped secret

But magic didn't exist in our history, nor did two immensely powerful sorcerer-king people.  Knowledge is power and they hold just about all of it.

Besides, it wouldn't be a harsh, desert-world environment anymore if things started progressing.  And I dunno about you but I like harsh.
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

Lets not forget the fact that if said breakthrough came from a commoner, it would never be recorded in writing.  Once he and his family dies, the knowledge goes with them.

Quote from: "adrien"i mean just becuase its a harsh world where there is rare amounts of metal dosn't mean things arn't learnt and discovered.
who knows maby a large stock pile of metal is found amd the bronze age is born in arma now that would be cool...

There are things discovered in the game. I think the majority of the discoveries are kept secrect from the commoners by the templars. Also, it might result in the death of the PC that discovered it, and the discovery kept a secrect.

[quote name="Larrath"]I don't really think making a bronze age in Arm would make the game better on any level at all. All it would really mean is that some of the weapons and armor would be a little better.

I agree. If metal items could become obtained easily, it'd take a lot from the game. It wouldn't be Armageddon anymore.

[quote name="Marauder Moe"]
Lets not forget the fact that if said breakthrough came from a commoner, it would never be recorded in writing. Once he and his family dies, the knowledge goes with them.[/quote]

Breakthroughs are sometimes recorded. It will not be recorded by a commoner, but if someone who have the right to write is interested, they will more than likely record the event and add it to some sort of library.

Quote from: "adrien"i mean just becuase its a harsh world where there is rare amounts of metal dosn't mean things arn't learnt and discovered.
who knows maby a large stock pile of metal is found amd the bronze age is born in arma now that would be cool...

There are things discovered in the game. I think the majority of the discoveries are kept secrect from the commoners by the templars. Also, it might result in the death of the PC that discovered it, and the discovery kept a secrect.

Quote from: "Larrath"I don't really think making a bronze age in Arm would make the game better on any level at all. All it would really mean is that some of the weapons and armor would be a little better.

I agree. If metal items could become obtained easily, it'd take a lot from the game. It wouldn't be Armageddon anymore.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"
Lets not forget the fact that if said breakthrough came from a commoner, it would never be recorded in writing. Once he and his family dies, the knowledge goes with them.

Breakthroughs are sometimes recorded. It will not be recorded by a commoner, but if someone who have the right to write is interested, they will more than likely record the event and add it to some sort of library.[/quote]

That was my post.

Oopsie! :oops:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

In addition to illiteracy, and the fact that most commoners are too busy looking for water to make (or care about) any research, there are also mindbenders.

And about the comment that things always get out in the real world -- says who?  In the end of the day, you only know what the press says, what the schools teach you, what the books say and what you see on television or gets passed down your family.  Even with us people being able to write...let's say aliens.
Suppose that there were advanced aliens out there that communicated with the Earth, and the governments didn't want anyone to know that.  It's even plausible that this is the case today.  It's not hard for the governments to decide that anyone who insists that he interacted with aliens is insane and have him committed or killed.

Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Awesome idea, Adrien.

The rulers of Allanak and Tuluk probably already known what is 'next' in terms of technology.  Remember, Zalanthas is a post-apocalyptic world.  It once had great powerful and advanced societies.  While we don't know how much of the knowledge from that old society was persevered, we can assume that some was.  Allanak in particular has a great library where one would presume ancient knowledge is persevered.  So if they know what is 'next' why don't they just go out and achieved it?  There are two reasons in my mind.

First, they lack the materials.  If the only things you had to work with was bone, rock, and a little bit of wood, there would be some pretty halting limits on what you could achieve.  Without metal, a lot of the most basic inventions become damn near impossible.  The stuff and the knowledge to make a gun is all pretty common with the singular exception that there is no way to make a barrel that won't catch fire or explode without metal.

Second, the leaders of the "civilized" world simply don't want to advance.  Today we live with the paradigm that technological advancement is inevitable.  This is a very new and modern paradigm.  Up until the last few hundred years, technology moved at a snails pace.  Most societies thought of history as a circular cycle, and not a path forward as we do today.

Throw on top of already slow advancement with the fact that old Tek and Muk don't want the world to advance, and things come to a grinding halt.  In the dawn of the colonial age, China was actually a great deal more advanced then Europe.  What separated two was that China's rulers intentionally suppressed knowledge and advancement.  If the relatively small bureaucracy of China was able to suppress advancement on such a massive area of land, imagine how easy it is for Tek to suppress advancement in a single city with a massive police force.  If Muk and Tek don't want to advance, they don't have to.  They have more then enough power to grind things to a halt.

Rindan, that was probably the best post I've seen in a while that really helped me take another look at this.  I forgot the origins of Zalanthas. Thanks for the refresher!
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

So, wait...everything always makes it out in the real world?  Does anyone here know why there were three bullets from different angles that killed Kennedy?  Does anyone know who the other two shooters were?

Yeah, not everything makes it out in the real world.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Historical information is released on a need to know basis on Zalanthas.  Those in power tell you what they feel you need to know.  Chances are if something they want kept a secret gets out, the people who know will vanish.  Either that, or they'll be killed flat out for blasphemy.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

as far as i know nothing new has been made in the game for the 5 years i played and the game has been around for say.....15ish?  how many years is one real life year?
dd my msn if you want,

Was there always flashpowder?

Oh, undoubtedly there are innovations and new things that occur, but not the technological or philosophical ones that are implied by some of the previous posts.  A few things that have undoubtedly changed how the world works:

Luir's Outpost, both being overrun and retaken and rebuilt.
Tuluk.  That whole invasion thing.
Steinal.  If only briefly.
Flashpowder?  I'm not sure on this one.  Tomorrow during downtime and when I have some free time, I will probably revisit the history files and see what I can scrounge up.

Things like civil rights movements, overthrowing sorcerer kings, and stuff like that won't happen.  Magick goes a long way in the game, and two immensely powerful beings that want things their way WILL keep them that way barring the demise of one of them.

Something else to consider:  read up on the Dark Ages (commonly known as the Middle Ages).  You'll find some striking similarities (at least among Western cultures):

Educational deficiency.
People are dependent on powerful rulers to protect them and manage them.
These powerful rulers could read, write, and just KNEW more.

See any similarities?  I hope so.  The Middle Ages had advances, undoubtedly--but not many noticeable ones.  I hope you do take a look at that, it will help you understand the period that Zalanthas is probably going to remain in indefinitely.  (In my opinion.)
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

Despite having Tek and Muk, there is always the enviroment. I am, after looking into what sort of consitions Zalanthas has, suprised with that the society is just this advanced.

Humans have been driven near extinction in the real world because of natural conditions - on Earth, those were ice and ridicculously big predators, but I do think sand combined with insufficent means (non-metal weapons and tools) and mean critters would work as well.

The thing that propably keeps Zalanthas as advanced is just the magic that keeps it from advancing further. And if magic is the thing that keeps city-states and society up, I don't think mages in general would like to give up this power by letting the mundane man advance with mechanics.

Yes, there have been things invented.

However, there's not much call for invention in a world where there is magick and psionics running rampant.

The inventions have been small and not too terribly visible.  Only a few people know that some things were invented in game...usually the people involved in the inventing.  Others just take it for granted.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "Rindan"First, they lack the materials.  If the only things you had to work with was bone, rock, and a little bit of wood, there would be some pretty halting limits on what you could achieve.  Without metal, a lot of the most basic inventions become damn near impossible.  The stuff and the knowledge to make a gun is all pretty common with the singular exception that there is no way to make a barrel that won't catch fire or explode without metal.

Okay, I am sorry, but being a gun enthusiast and seeing you say that...... A red flag went up in my head. First of all, It would be a simple task to make gunpowder (or the cruder blackpowder) in Zalanthas. Black powder is Salt,-easily found in all deserts, Charcoal-easily made, sulfur-could find some in just about any desert cave, and potassium nitrate/saltpeter- can be found on any animal's decomposing feces. After some people started playing with ratios of the ingredients, they would discover that it is 74% saltpeter, 10% sulfur, 15%salt, and 1% charcoal.

Next, the first cannon in Colonial America was made of wood. Although the wood broke after several shots(and killed the people shooting it), It worked nonetheless. Next, they could use either slate, obsidian, or crystaline salt for the slug(bullet). Even if Zalanthians did not want to use a wooden gun, there are other options. Metal is not the only material used in the barrels or stocks of guns. You may have heared of a pistol called a glock. It is a highly effective weapon that can shoot underwater or filled with sand. The reason is that it is made of.............Porcelain. Yes porcelain. The same material your toiletbowl and your plates are made of.
That is why glocks are favored among criminals. If you have a porcelain slug in your bullet, no metal detector can even tell. With a small bullet, you could even use the femur(hip bone) of one of the bigger creatures on Zalanthas. The only probalem would be the barrel expanding, but that is an easy fix. Wrap the barrel (bone) in wet rawhide and then leave it to dry. Rawhide shrinks an incredible amount after drying, making sufficient reinforcement for the barrel.

All I am saying it that it is quite plausable that Zalanthians would make a cannon next. From whatever material.

:D I love guns

All the plans for wooden cannons I've seen have had bands of metal around them for strength.  I don't think wood by itself is strong enough to contain the explosion, unless you used a HUGE tree.

But anyway... why the hell would you go through all that trouble to make a cannon that shoots a little rock when you have magickers that can easily toss around huge balls of fire?  Or if you're Tuluki... why would you go through that effort when you know the enemy already has access to weapons far superior?  It'd be like modern-day terrorists trying to develop aircraft from scratch to compete with the US Air Force (please don't interpret this statement as a political analogy, that simile is meant purely in terms of technological levels  :roll: ).

Things that could be invented...

Fused diamond. Or ruby equipment.... Created by an earth/fire weapon smith.  ((Julian May's books))
Medical tools (Arrow drills sutures (we have a lot of gut))
Siege weapons (ballistia catapults)  for wagons etc.
Windproof lanterns or at least wind resistant.
Windmills (for grinding flour perhaps bone)
Trained war beasties
Staff slings
Atalai (the throwing stick)

Quote from: "Rindan"The rulers of Allanak and Tuluk probably already known what is
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Quote from: "HardCarbon"Things that could be invented...

Fused diamond. Or ruby equipment.... Created by an earth/fire weapon smith.  ((Julian May's books))
Medical tools (Arrow drills sutures (we have a lot of gut))
Siege weapons (ballistia catapults)  for wagons etc.
Windproof lanterns or at least wind resistant.
Windmills (for grinding flour perhaps bone)
Trained war beasties
Staff slings
Atalai (the throwing stick)

There are already windmills and war beasties.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Who needs a windproof lantern when we have glow crystals?
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes