What's new ?!

Started by mansa, October 05, 2005, 01:38:03 AM

Wow!  There's a lot of new additions to the game lately.  I'm curious what you players think should be done next.

I would like to see gambling as a coded skill, where I can cheat at dice, at the kruth decks, and at the dart games (where as, purposely throw at a specific area to scam people.)

I would like to see a special skill, called 'flee_warcry' where it forces everybody in your clan to flee in a specific direction.  This skill should be one -given- at low levels to people who reach a specific 'rank' in their clans, and be able to work their way up to a useable level with time and energy put into the skill.

I would like to see the rooftops of Allanak filled out more so that thieves can be more sneaky about their business.

I would like to see Tuluk shrunk even more, so that the Bardic Circles are combined with the 'Red Sun Commons', along with the whole 'tribal market' aswell, so that the Red Sun Commons are really the most happening place to hang out and visit, instead of it being a 6 X 6 square of nothingness.

I would like to see more farm lands filled out, places where the Merchant Houses gather their gear.  Where are those Belshun trees?  The Ginka vines?  The Silk Worm Farms?  How is sandcloth made and what factories are they made in?

I would like to see little clan houses pop up, as per the suggestion of LoD.

I would like to see the NPC leaders of clans to be online all the time, and interacting with the clanmates often with goals and quests.

What would you like to see?
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I wouldn't like to see a gambling skill because it's already far too easy for a commoner to make more money than a noble!  Once you perfect this gambling skill, you have nothing to lose and you're financial status will continue to climb.  Achieving 100,000 coins in your bank account would be as possible for a 10 day gambler as defeating a single gith is for a 10 day ranger.

I wouldn't like to see a group flee command because it controls the actions of the group.  I don't want anyone controlling when I jump into the next room just because I'm following him.

I would like to see the rooftops fleshed out as well.  Not just with Allanak, but all over.

I would like to see Tuluk left alone for once.  It's already stretched realism beyond belief.  The Sun King's Sanctuary once sat 2 rooms away from the ruins, now it's more than 20 rooms away.  How did it magically move like that!  Relocating the Bard's Circle -- realistically -- would be a costly venture for the city, one which, economically, might prove disastrous.

It might be interesting to see additional farm lands added in but, as it is, what can a player actually DO with the current farms outside Allanak?  Not a whole heck of a lot.  I'd rather see more useful rooms added to the grid.  Something I can interact with.

I, too, would like to see smaller, PC-controlled clans available.

I wouldn't like to see NPC leaders on non-stop and interacting more.  As it is, I only prefer clans whose staff take a hands off approach.  Nothing makes me more nauseous than micromanagers.

QuoteI would like to see the rooftops fleshed out as well. Not just with Allanak, but all over.
"Dumbass." - Red Foreman

Gambling already is a coded skill. Spice Run is a coded gambling game in red storm.

QuoteI would like to see the NPC leaders of clans to be online all the time, and interacting with the clanmates often with goals and quests.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

I would like to see wildlife dealt with in a meaningful and constructive way. It really ruins the experience for me when I can walk/ride for real-life hours in any given environment and not see anything but emptiness. I really liked the direction things were going ?a year ago? maybe, when things were REALLY scary in the south (tarantulas, fire ants, snakes, etc.).
- it was frightening, I had a genuine fear for my 20 day old characters when travelling, not the mock fear I have to create in response to the occassional scrab.
- it inspired Templars to actually do things with their PCs about it. Templar Shome anyone? Her protection runs were some of the funnest any random PC with a sword could have in an evening :).
- it seemed more realistic with what the desert should be. Things interacted with each other, people didn't wander alone, without a kank, 5-10 rooms outside the gate to forage stones. People travelled in groups, and still occassionally returned with riderless kanks ;).
- it encouraged people to use the Byn more.

And this is the just the Southlands. I always avoid talking about altering wildlife in the Northlands, because for the most part they have a diversity and range that really has never been available in the south, and saying to fix theirs would be like trying to change something that is a little less broken. Not saying there isn't room for improvement there (especially with the hunter boom), but I'd like to see the South dealt with first.

Next, the economy needs to be dealt with a similarly meaningful way. When the majority of the wealth PC crafters (and sellers in general) accrue can be traced to less then 5 NPC shops, it seems a little off balanced. Things are far too easy for some, and far too hard for others "naturally". This is not to say that creative players cannot surpass other, but eh... nevermind, some people will understand, and others will just argue.

More of a change aimed at old players, but it would be neat if things that have been the same for several years, changed in a less then significant way. Yeah its kinda a tedious, semi-pointless change, but it would be neat if if after so many years, there was a different variety of food or drink at various places, or if the stock changed at certain shops. Or if the shopkeepers changed. Or something. Alot of "boredom" in my opinion, is created through the lack of 'newness'. Yes people are supposed to role-play, but there is a distinct difference in genuinely (as a player and a character) experiencing something new/altered in the gameworld. Remember exploring Allanak for the first time?

Thats my list for now.

I'd like to see all the stock high profile NPCs replaced.  They all have to be several hundred years old by now, and it's getting ridiculous.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "mansa"I would like to see gambling as a coded skill, where I can cheat at dice, at the kruth decks, and at the dart games (where as, purposely throw at a specific area to scam people.)

Palm and slip are great for cheating at cards.

I would like to see more alleyways in Allanak, and a mundane way to quickly grab people into them without always getting crim-flagged.  Aide pisses off the elf?  Tomorrow aide walks around, gets pulled into an alley and is beat up black and blue.

Also, an easily available and non-magickal way to stop people from being able to use Contact (or just Psi) while in the same room with them.  We really, really need this.  I think something like special incense could do the trick - it would also affect the entire room so things would be more difficult for kidnappers, make those spiral-carved burners useful, and just be nice.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I would like to see the incense code fixed in general :) I miss that.

Incense burners worked the last time I had a character use one (months ago.)

I'd love to see mind-inhibiting poisons, or smoke, or anything. I'd also love a way to force-feed people, if you had them subdued.

And I know this is cosmetic, but I'd love a way for you to be able to wear a cloak so that it -doesn't- cover up your torso, belt, and waist locations. That way you won't need to remove your cloak for people to look at your pretty dress or whatever you're wearing underneath.

Quote from: "ale six"And I know this is cosmetic, but I'd love a way for you to be able to wear a cloak so that it -doesn't- cover up your torso, belt, and waist locations. That way you won't need to remove your cloak for people to look at your pretty dress or whatever you're wearing underneath.

Some cloaks, and mostly capes, can be worn around the neck, leaving your other slots visible.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I'd also like to see the brew skill working with the crafting system.  I want to brew my own alcohol.

I'd also like to see automated wagon transfers going north and south by the merchant houses, but automated.  Maybe in a wagon with a max population of pcs to about 3.  I'd like to see Gith mount a raid on it, or other such raider groups.

I'd also like to see the wagon code changed, so that we can stop wagons in the middle of the road with a baracade of some sorts... or light it on fire, or damage it.

I'd also like to be able to light alcoholic drinks on fire and burn people with it.

I'd also like to be able to damage people for small ammounts of damage when they are subdued by a clanmate.  "bitchslap" as buzz the punman calls it.

I'd also like it if I could nosave to a specific city.  Like Nosave_Allanak or Nosave_Tuluk, and have it only be affected by the soldiers of that city.

I'd also like to see a new skill that allows to use their enviroments and toss 'garbage' in the way of people persuing them, slowing them down a few game ticks to get away better.  Like dipping into crowds or throwing garbage at them.  That might be interesting use of a branch off of 'sneak'.

I'd also like to see a way to trap people using items, to hold them, rather than with a guard.  Like with ropes or whatnot.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

QuoteI'd like to see all the stock high profile NPCs replaced. They all have to be several hundred years old by now, and it's getting ridiculous.

QuoteI'd also like to see the brew skill working with the crafting system. I want to brew my own alcohol.

I'd still love to see a "noresist" feature that works separately from nosave.

Also, I'd like to see the wilds flushed out more all over and all using the "sim desert" code.
"Dumbass." - Red Foreman

I'd like to be able to test the pull of crossbows with the view command in shops, and be able to load them while they are still held.

Right now, you have to rem crossbow, get bolt quiver, load crossbow bolt and es crossbow.  Maybe even make the crossbow loading like pull, so you pull a bolt from a container and it automatically loads your crossbow with it, but with a delay to show the time it takes compared to just nocking an arrow when using a bow.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

I'd also like to see a 'noresist' command.

I'd like to see newbie-bazaars off the Hall of Kings made for clothing, caste/tribal tattoos, and magicker gems.

I'd like to see the "tdesc" idea implemented.

Id just like to see the game in anouther ten years, myself.

Quote from: "Delirium"h/semote.

I agree.

It doesn't even need to be a separate command, just make it so if you can't see a person you can't see their emotes.

I'd like to see sneak work on hostile npc's. As far as I know, it doesn't. That way, I would imagine we would have less complaints about the auto-nab crim code as well.

I doubt most will agree with this one, but I would like to see a message and a delay when somone is rushing over to attack you. At least in the wilderness, becuase you should have time to react when someone attacks somewhere out in the plainsland or salt flats etc. This would allow mages (those guys that should be able to turn most lone warriors into soup) to shoot off a spell before combat starts as well. Though, maybe a penalty to flee and mount should help this to remain balanced.

The way it is now:
the 50-day warrior arrives from the east
the fifty-day warrior sporks you doing supercadjafradulistic damage on your middle toe

The way I would like to see it:
The well-roleplayed byn sergeant arrives from the west
The well-roleplayed byn sergeant rushes you
-2 second delay-
You turn the well-roleplayed byn sergeant into soup

Quote from: "Anonymous"I'd like to see sneak work on hostile npc's. As far as I know, it doesn't. That way, I would imagine we would have less complaints about the auto-nab crim code as well.

I doubt most will agree with this one, but I would like to see a message and a delay when somone is rushing over to attack you. At least in the wilderness, becuase you should have time to react when someone attacks somewhere out in the plainsland or salt flats etc. This would allow mages (those guys that should be able to turn most lone warriors into soup) to shoot off a spell before combat starts as well. Though, maybe a penalty to flee and mount should help this to remain balanced.

The way it is now:
the 50-day warrior arrives from the east
the fifty-day warrior sporks you doing supercadjafradulistic damage on your middle toe

The way I would like to see it:
The well-roleplayed byn sergeant arrives from the west
The well-roleplayed byn sergeant rushes you
-2 second delay-
You turn the well-roleplayed byn sergeant into soup

And why, may I ask should your mage's spell go off faster than him swinging a blade at you? Maybe your incantation is long-winded along with several intricate gestures and such? I see no reason to see why it shouldn't be: Whoever acts first...get's their action first.

Besides the fact that most of the time, it's rather poor rp for a non-mage to be solo attacking a magicker period.

There are rare exceptions of course.
"Dumbass." - Red Foreman

I'd like to be able to have a silt skimmer.  And to have my silt skimmer colide with other silt skimmers and to be able to board them and raid them.  Arrrr.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "Arabian Nights"And why, may I ask should your mage's spell go off faster than him swinging a blade at you? Maybe your incantation is long-winded along with several intricate gestures and such? I see no reason to see why it shouldn't be: Whoever acts first...get's their action first.

Besides the fact that most of the time, it's rather poor rp for a non-mage to be solo attacking a magicker period.

There are rare exceptions of course.

I think the issue has more to due with distance then it does with what is faster.  Yeah, a sword swing might be faster then a spell, but is a spring across a desert room to get to the mage faster then him nuking you?  I personally like the idea that when you attack in a wilderness room there is SOME time delay.  Then again, I think Armageddon has most of its time delays backwards.  I would prefer movement time delay to be a delay when you leave, not when you arrive.  Harshlands did this.  While I like Armageddon's code over the Harshland code in almost all things, how Harshlands handled movement was one way where I think their code does a much better job.

The problem with this of course is that screwing with the movement delay and tacking it on the front instead of the back is likely no small code change.  I am sure it would break a few thousand things.  That said, if a very ambitious coder was to tackle it, they would be my new hero.

QuoteI personally like the idea that when you attack in a wilderness room there is SOME time delay.

Yeah, but some spells I would think should have different ranges within a wilderness room as well. Some I would think would take long enough that a warrior could close the distance and attack before they could get it off. Also, (afaik) the code doesn't take into account the disruption of spells mid-cast either.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm just using magickers as one example here. My problem is that warriors can get the drop on me without any warning at all. Ther is the 'so andso arrives from the west but that still doesnt account for it. If I was typing an emote at this time, I would be screwed for it.

I think that if you are being attacked by a warrior, you should see it coming, and that you should have the reflexes to react to it. I also happen to think that this should be reflected in the code with a few seconds of delay time.

(another pro I just thought of) This would also give archers a fighting chance at closer ranges. At least enough time to get one shot off and/or  switch weapons. And IMHO it would take less time to aim at a target if it was with than 10 meters of you.

Oooooh! I have another!

